GM Gen 3 Mass Airflow Tuning and Scaling, MAF Histrogram Setup, HP Tuners How-To Tutorial

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[Music] this video is intended for educational purposes only improper tuning can cause catastrophic mechanical damage and you should do your own research before attempting any changes like this to a vehicle attempt custom tuning at your own risk everybody welcome back to the garage and today we are going to be doing something that a lot of you have been waiting to do are waiting for us to do for a little while and that is dive into gen3 specific mass airflow tuning our math scaling as it were but first let's talk about a couple of reasons why you might want to do this even if you haven't really done anything to modify the intake track on your around your mass airflow meter you have to realize that the values that are in your tune are kind of a baseline factory value that is not going to be exactly dialed in for your setup regardless even if your vehicle is 100% stock you can still pick up some efficiency and possibly some power by adjusting the scaling to your mass airflow sensor based on your vehicle every vehicle is a little bit different every sensor is a little bit different because of that there is some potential to actually make things run a little bit better by making these adjustments and this is fairly easy to do so I suggest anybody that's still running the mass airflow sensor go ahead and do this now let's talk about when you have to do this you have to do this anytime you go forced-induction and you're blowing through the mass airflow sensor you have to do this anytime you adjust the intake tubing sizing up or down you know and that can also be the results of doing something like forced induction where you are exceeding your mass airflow lengths since there limits if you exceed your limits you can solve that by going to a larger air intake and our duct and that will actually change the scaling of your mass airflow sensor I've talked about this in linked in some other videos I'll put some links up in the corners throughout this video or you can check out the tuning section there will be a link down in the description there's a couple videos in there such as why we tune math math verses speed density stuff like that you have not watched those videos already I suggest before you get into the process of tuning your MAF sensor go ahead and watch those videos so you have a better understanding of how the math operates and why we tune the mass sensor that being said we are tuning on AP 59 ECU today but for the most part all generation 3s are going to be about the same so first things first let's dive into the tune you want to save a save as your existing tune that is in the vehicle make sure you save a copy of that save as and then save another copy as your first step to like we do on all of our other ones that way we have a baseline that we can refer back to really makes it easy whenever we need to go back and change some of these back to what they were beforehand specifically whenever we do mass airflow tuning we have to make sure that the mass airflow sensor is the only thing that's controlling fueling throughout the whole range and so there's a couple things that we change in here and you know so we'll also disable like the o2 sensors we won't so we can't go in the closed-loop so we don't have any of those things skewing off everything so that being said let's dive into we'll look into some of the things that we need to change on here and basically everything is going to be underneath air flow and fuel for this so underneath the engine button underneath the airflow let's look at general see if there's anything we need to adjust on here we're not worried about ve dynamic is where we have mass airflow and volumetric efficiency working together we want to make sure that we disable dynamic airflow and by doing that to do that we want to go ahead and drop this high rpm disable way down so it says above this use filtered air map filtered math air mass for the air mass prediction calculations so by lowering this below our idle setpoint this will always be using our mass airflow sensor for those calculations so we can set this thing to like a hundred rpms and we're good to go there okay now moving over to the fuel tab some of the things that we're going to want to change here is one is on the oxygen sensors we want to disable the long term fuel trims on the djinn 3ds the easiest way to do that is to adjust the engine coolant tip set points and it says below this set point LF l PFT is disabled so let's max this out I'm gonna go to 84 you never want these things to be the same especially on the gen 3s it can cause some wonkiness you never want to use the max value on any of these also so if it's 285 is your max value I always like to go at least one below that and then if you have something like this that's already set to 285 I like to go one below that in addition so by doing 284 we will say that below this temperature we will not have that LT FTS working we can also go into this closed loop enable we don't want to enable closed loop we want to state an open loop which keeps the o2 sensors out and we can also max this table out so basically if you look at this it will talk about look at your tool description down below it says this table says the coolant temperature required to enable closed loop we don't ever want to do that it maxes out at 285 so we're going to highlight this whole table set it to 284 and then hit the equal button now this table is maxed out at 284 these two things will guaranteed that we do not go into closed loop and that we do not enable LTF T fueling purses or maps and that is LT F T if you've already been driving this vehicle which you have I mean let's be honest you're not going to do this from the showroom floor there is a base map on top of the existing Maps base that looked at your o2 sensors and populated the long term fuel trims and then adds that to dial it in that's how they get away with putting kind of a stock version of the math curve in there and a stock version of the VE tables then they let the long term fuel trims dial it in specific to your vehicle we're disabling all that so your mass airflow sensors or your ve table is specific to your vehicle that is the most efficient way to operate let's go ahead and look underneath some of these other tabs you know open loop we're not worried about on that power enrichment we're going to lead punishment enabled because this affects your commanded AFR or your commanded EQ table and by doing so whenever it actually commands a different AFR we should see that on our air fuel wideband and it should match up the reason that people will tell you to disable power enrichment is because they're telling you how to do it through the long term fuel trim tuning which is not an effective way of doing tuning I've talked about this at length you really need to have a wideband on there because what a narrow bands cannot operate underneath power enrichment they narrow bands are required to switch 0 & 1 whenever they're around stoical and whenever you are in power arrangement you're very rich and so your narrow bands will just read one state not switching back and forth between 0 & 1 because of that you have to disable power and Richmond which makes it very dangerous because your engine cylinder temperature will get very high whenever you're doing wide-open throttle Poole is trying to tune that way but since we're using a wide band on this setup we can leave punishment enabled power and arrangement will then tell our commanded a FRR EQ ratio to adjust down to this number say 0.85 lamda and we will see that commanded and then it will match up to our AFR our wideband gage and because of that we get an accurate error ratio that we can use to tune on underneath the temperature control we always want to disable the catalysts / tip that just allows additional fuel to go into the exhaust to keep the cast from / temp we should never hit that really anyways but to be safe will disable that during the tuning process this is one of the things that we will turn back on also afterwards same with deceleration fuel cutoff the enable ECT is at 285 let's bump that up to 284 so we never enable that and then on some manuals it might be in a different location the easiest one would probably be the enable clutch transition this one is already at temp 285 because this is an automatic if this were manual this value here would be less and you would max this one out for the manual to keep the manual from going into DF CL so that's basically all we have to do to get the tune ready to go for mass airflow tuning a little bit simpler than speed density you can save this as I said a step one go ahead and load it in now let's go over to the scanner and build out our histogram okay now we're going to jump over the scanner the things that you need to be logging for the mass airflow is 4:1 the mass airflow sensor and it should be in Hertz there's going to be mass airflow then there's going to be mass airflow sensor mass Flo is going to be like your pounds per hour the actual mass reading we need the one that reads in Hertz which is generally called the mass airflow sensor because that's the one that ties directly to what the mass airflow sensor is outputting to the ECU on top of it we need to log our commanded AFR and then our wideband AFR or if you're tuning in lambda we need to do our commanded EQ and our wideband lambda readings first things first let's go over here let's create a go to grass layout and we're going to hit the add table and the parameter that we're gonna want to add in here is our AFR so let's go down all the way to the bottom under maths lambda AFR and choose AFR error then we want to bump the decimal out to two places I always like to use two places on the decimal and then the cell hits I like to do 10 to 15 to start out shading we will do 25 as the high and negative 25 is the low this is in percent remember that and then we will do red for the high to say that we're running lean and green to say that we're running rich now what we need to do is jump over to our editor and open up our mass airflow calibration which is under engine air flow in general you'll see it it's air flow versus frequency opens up this nice linear chart that's just a straight line we want to highlight it and grab the column axis copy those labels by right-clicking and then we'll jump back over to the scanner we're going to put that in the column axis here and then we want to change our parameter or to mass airflow sensor this is the one that I was talking about this shows it's this mass flow rate we're looking for this one down here that's in frequency that way it lines up it'll still say hey this is the generic sensor we're fine using that one and that's it there is no row axis on these so we can go ahead and pop out to that and look at it and if we start scrubbing through some of this data you can see this is what it looks like and so oh we go out we do this big long you know log we get all these data what we then want to do is whenever we're done come in here and just like everything else we're gonna copy this whole thing jump back over to our table highlight our table and then we are going to do pay special x 1/2 but watch the gray down below so not a whole lot of changes on there that's a good thing that means that you have a fairly smooth graph if you see any spike show up in here say you have something like this boom you see that spike that just popped in there whenever I put 120 in you need to find that and then smooth out so you can probably interpolate between those for now and then hit that later on but so what we're doing is just looking for any spikes do this two or three times to kind of get everything set up and dialed back in whenever you're done with that that's whenever you want to come back in open up your original one as a compare file I can't do it right now because I can't save this I don't have a you know I can't save one that's not my own tuned file but you open up your compare file that allows you to come back in and see where these values used to be so you can re-enable dynamic air flow you can come back in here and re-enable closed loop same or deal with your temperature control and cut off the SEO so all those steps that you did to force it over into mass air flow you can now go back and fix that so that's basically it pretty straightforward as I said this is just like doing speed density we're just disabling speed disti as opposed to disabling the map it's a little bit simpler and this is a lot quicker to get dialed in you can get the the math running honestly and probably about two or three decent runs decent logs and you can actually leave speed density locked out of this thing and run just off a map on a lot of these things and it'll run perfectly fine especially on normally aspirated vehicles the mass airflow sensor is great forced induction you can start causing issues and big cams will also start causing issues so but other than that if you have any questions make sure and hit the comments up down below if you haven't subscribed already why haven't you subscribe hit that button already there's a lot more coming out we'll dive into more specific generational videos to help you guys get on the right track for doing your tuning questions comments you know where to put them throw a thumbs up if you found this helpful if you didn't find it helpful throw a thumbs down but if you do that do me a favor in the comments below why you didn't find it helpful that way I can provide better content for you guys if you haven't checked out the patreon there will be a link down below I appreciate everybody's support that's already signed up you know you guys are helping out to make sure I can provide you this great content and I want to thank all the new subscribers man you guys are the best and I appreciate you guys tuning in watching these videos and as always thanks for stopping by the garage [Music]
Channel: Goat Rope Garage
Views: 37,000
Rating: 4.9599199 out of 5
Keywords: MAF histogram, MAF tuning, speed density vs maf, Mass airflow tuning hp tuners, histogram, graph, hptuners, hp tuners, MAP, MAF, MAP Sensor, Gen 3, Gen III, hp tuners tutorial, hptuners tutorial, hp tuners guide, hptuners guide, mass, airflow, goat rope garage, maf tuning hp tuners, hp tuners 101, hp tuners maf tuning, mass air flow tuning, hp tuners torque management, how to, hp tuners silverado, speed density, how to tune, speed density tuning, map sensor, how to tune a car
Id: xO_b8T6d_nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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