Madhab of Rasulullah Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - Dr. Bilal Philips

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having dr. abominable rlphillips with us in a few moments he will take the stage and address you on the topic mother hub of our school indeed all praises due to a law and as such we should praise Him seek his help and seek refuge in him from the evil which is within ourselves and the evil which results from our deeds for whomsoever Allah has guided none can misguide and whomsoever Allah has allowed to go astray none can guide hard worthy of worship but Allah and that Muhammad SAW along whatever seldom is the last Messenger of Allah the topic the mad hub of rasulullah sallallahu wasallam is a topic which addresses the dilemma faced by many Muslims today who have come to understand the importance of learning Islam from the sources from the Quran and the Sunnah while at the same time reconciling that with the tradition that we have inherited from earlier generations of the various math hubs whether it be the Hanafi the Maliki the shafa'ah or the humbly we recognize those scholars to whom those schools of law are attributed as being among the leading scholars of the Ummah of the past so when one says I want to follow the Quran and the Sunnah and at the same time he or she is questioned well what of the work of these great scholars of the past the scholars to whom these mud hubs are attributed do you understand the Quran and the Sunnah better than they did can you understand it better than they did and of course what can we say but no no so then what happens to following the Quran and the Sunnah so we're faced with this situation we know we should be following quadrants enough but at the same time we understand that those leading scholars of the mud hubs they were far greater in knowledge than we are they far understood the Quran and the Sunnah better than we do so how can we then abandon them and follow the Quran and Sunnah when they were superior to us in knowledge how can we so this is the dilemma that people are commonly faced with the solution in my view is the mother hub of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of understanding what was that math hub because we talked about the math hubs and when we talk about them we talk about them relative to the imams of the past and we know that there were other imams like a lathe even side from egypt whose mother hub nobody knows about anymore yet hey mom chef i said i'll lay through of a home in malik that lathe imam lathe was a greater jurist than Malik now you and I couldn't say this okay because who are we to judge but Imam Shafi he had the right to say this because he studied under imam malik for 20 years plus he was his top student he had memorized and WAPA and he then studied under the students of imam lace because imam lathe had already died so he was in a position to weigh the fit of both of these great Imams and he made that conclusion but today nobody knows about imam life so this this is telling us something and of course there are others Imam al azar a Sufi an authority we have a number of other imams whose names are lost in history most people don't know it only people who specialize in fictional Sunnah fit these are the people who come across these names know something of the history of these people etc etc so the solution is in my view to go back to the math hub of Rasul Allah some Allah Allah will send them why because allah subhanaw taala we all believe that the law is one this is the essence of the teachings of Islam Allah is one and unique and we believe that the human race is in fact one race though people have called some people in different parts of the world different races etcetera etcetera we know these are false categorizations they really don't exist there is only one race which is the human race just one race and Allah has left science amongst us to let us know in our times when this issue of race has you know reached its peak that there is only one race because he left it in our blood he left it in our blood meaning that if somebody from the Scandinavian countries who is whiter than white blond hair blue eyes needs a blood transfusion he is a positive the rest of his family are a negative or whatever oh the rest of his family his close family members their blood cannot save his life however somebody from Africa or India who happens to be blacker than black with black hair and black eyes he has the same blood type his blood can save him when the rest can't Allah Akbar is what Allah left he left it as a sign to us because obviously generation before where they weren't doing blood transfusions this had no meaning to them it has meaning to us in our times where we were involved in blood transfusion technology has taken us to another level Allah has left his science amongst us and this is the time when people are saying you know human beings have evolved and all these other kind of things but the signs are there that we are one race one human race and this is why we believe as muslims that allah subhana wa ta'ala only sent one religion he didn't send a bunch of religions for different races because they have different makeups and different backgrounds that no he sent one religion Islam from the time of Adam to the time of Muhammad SAW Allah Allah will send them all of the prophets Alima salam brought one religion this is our belief the multitude of religions out there are from human creation so we stress we call people to one religion we say one God one human race only needs one religion which addresses all of their needs which don't change from time to time from place to place because they are essentially one and the same so we don't need and a number of different messages one message suffices now the question is that one message are there many ways to follow this one message see because here we're coming with this Tauheed the oneness right oneness of Allah oneness of humankind oneness of religion and then what is there one way to follow that religion are there many ways now as we reject the claim of those who say as long as you believe in God it doesn't matter what religion you follow creepy booths there people who say this that all of the religions are like spokes on a wheel no wheel has spokes then it has a hub in the middle God is the hub all of the spokes are connected to God as long as you're sincere in your belief it doesn't matter we reject this we say no this is not how it is that is confusion because each of the religions have principles which contradict the other religions in their basic beliefs or they claim that they are the only true religion so how can they then be spokes on the same wheel no we reject that there is only one religion in Edina in the law he and Islam so Allah said capitulate on Islam adenine Phinehas cobalamin Oh anyone who desires a religion other than Islam as his religion it will not be accepted by Allah so now Islam the one true religion do we go back now to the spokes on the wheel that Islam is like the center and you have the spokes many many different ways to practice Islam as long as you're sincere in whatever way you follow you're on the target we have this is the question this is a question because in a sense when people say there are 4 madhabs all of them are correct you must follow on otherwise your Imam is Shaitaan right when people say this way if you don't follow under the math hubs then your Imam is Shaitaan so now this is like the spokes on the wheel again isn't it because they're all correct even though one mad hub says if you touch a woman accidentally you don't have to do and another map says if you touch woman accidentally you do have to do they said they're all right but how can that be how can you be in a state of wudu and not in a state of would do at the same time it's not possible this kind of difference cannot exist either you have will do or you don't have to do you can't say I have to do best the hanafi madhhab based on the the Maliki mother I don't have who do not doesn't work like this and you have people actually who I mean I've heard about people from the Shah famous hub right who this is a problem for right because when chakras you touch a woman accidentally no will do so what these scholars will tell them in their areas local scholars today they will tell them ok you're going for Hajj this is we're going to do go for Hajj it's all these people are going to be touching people know we're doing you if you hardly find a place to make would do when you know you're going around the copper you break what do we have to go ahead big problems so what do they say they say what you do is when you make your intention for Hajj you make the intention to be a Hanafy and when you come back from Hajj then you make your intention to come back to Shafie this is um it's not a joke actually this is actually going on I've been told this by many people from South India from Sri Lanka other areas where their chakra is you know who are going that this is what they've been told by their local scholars no is that what Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim left behind is that the legacy of rasool allah - la la la rasilla something went wrong somewhere down the line right this is what something went wrong so we need to go back to see really what did Rasool Allah saw Melania Selim leave behind and we have a number of Hadees among them the hadith in which partners assalam said the jewels before you divide it up into 71 different sects 70 of them were going to hell and one going to paradise the Christians were divided up into 72 different sets 71 of them going to hell and one going to paradise and you myoma will divide up into 73 different sects 72 of them going to hell and one going to paradise and when he was asked about it or what is that one some narrations he said aljahmeir the community the group and other narrations it's clarified he said mana I'll a helium was hobby what I am following today and my companions he identified that one group that is going to paradise so in that hadith we can see that whenever the prophets came alayhi wassalam whenever they came when they conveyed a message they conveyed it in one way though the people split up afterwards in two different groupings and sects etc they conveyed it in one way and only that one way was acceptable to Allah and this relates also back to the statements of the problem in a way in which he said man desafio ambreena male salmon who follow rod whoever brings anything new in this religion of ours which is not a part of it it is rejected by Allah that he left behind one way and anybody who adds to it to make out of it a multiplicity this multiplicity will not be accepted by Allah this is the legacy of rasool allah saw maulana was under naturally if you asked one of the Sahaba any of the Sahaba what was your mother what is this a hobby going to say I'm a Maliki Imam Malik wasn't born yet so it's not possible he would say I followed the mad hub of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because what is the mother hub mad hub comes from the arabic verb Sahaba mad hub is the way of going or the time of going so it's a path and they even use the term must have even for math hubs in philosophy you could have math hubs in a number of different other groups MATLAB is not limited just to fit though we tend to use the term mad hub today only to refer to fit but you can have multiple sin in anything I mean even in the Sufi for example system they use another term they use fatiha Turok plural Tarak Tahrir calm really there's no difference between tariqa and madam and there's another word which carries the same meaning which we all know and that's the one that we use all the time and that is what's the other word that means way another word another word which is everybody knows they so nah come on the Sun now it is soon demean Sunnah means path a way of going this was the way of rasool allah saw son l'm so rarely sunnah mad hub is one of the same it's one and the same so when we say we follow the magna hub of rasul allah saw Selim we really were saying we're following the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu seldom now understanding and implementation of that Sunnah may vary among the Companions you will find that the Companions differed there are issues on which they differed we know the famous example usually given in a soul fit about the case of Banu Qurayza you know where the Companions after the Battle of the undock Battle of the trench where the Prophet SAW Selim was told to go and punish the people of the citadel of paraíba of this tribe called Prather clan called Florida for their treachery in siding with the pagans were attacked Medina and he sent an advanced group of his companions ahead to go and lay siege to the Citadel or fortress of the karela tribe and he gave them instructions he said do not pray except at the fortress of Banu Qurayza so they set out don't pray ah sir don't pray ah sir except at the parada fortress so they set out on their way they noticed that the Sun was coming close to set they realized that they would not be a to reach that fortress before the setting of the Sun so some of the companions said we need to pray ah sir others said the parcel Salim said don't pray ah sir except at the fortress of Banu Qurayza as I said but what the Prophet SAW Salim meant by that instruction was to hurry up and get to the fortress but Allah has already said Nikita Bono puta a las ready said that the salah is for the believers at fixed and set times we know this you don't pray ah sir after Maghrib she's not appropriate so obviously problems on Selim was not telling us to do that he meant for us to hurry up the other companion said he said don't pray awesome except there and that's what we're gonna do so they differed those who said we're just going to go with what he said we're not gonna try to figure out what he meant is what he said we're not sure what he actually meant because maybe you're right maybe or not I was just going to stick with what he said so we're going ahead the other said okay fine we're going to pray so they prayed they joined up the place was sieged promised our solemn after the battle and the Companions came to the process and I'm talked to him about what happened and of course he prayed on the way right so he didn't say anything to either group saying this one's right that one's wrong why because what he said could have been understood in both ways he accepted the idea of trying to understand the intent and applying the law based on your understanding as well as those who apply it based on the literal statement he accepted both but his own practice demonstrated that the intent was what he of praying on the way really what was his intention that was his intention in practice but not in statement he didn't say either of you were wrong so it means then this is showing us this is the time of the Sahaba where they could differ in understanding yet both of them are following the math hub of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam so when we say as I said we need to get back to the math hub of rasul allah saw molarity wa salim it doesn't mean we are going to go back to something where there are no differences meaning we'll find something which everybody's agreed on every single point no this is not the nature of how allah has created us we have been created with different understandings and he has left in the quran and in this one now things which could be interpreted in more than one way and as long as people take a legitimate path in understanding that way then it is acceptable to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the one who is correct gets two rewards and the one who is incorrect gets one because they took the correct way in trying to understand trying to apply the law to the best of their understanding then Allah rewards them for that effort now there is a difference between that kind of difference and another kind of difference which happened for example even a bus after the time of rasool allah wa sallam he is teaching tabia in the next generation students he's teaching them about hajj umrah and so-and-so and he's teaching them that umbra can be done in the months of Hajj whilst he's teaching one of the Tabane or wa the son of asthma bint ABI bakr sister of aisha he said how can you be telling people to make Umrah in the months of Hajj when abu bakr and omar said you can't not allowed of the life in abbas said go ask your mother go ask your mother you'll get clarity there how can you raise a question I am Telling You what rasool allah sallallahu wasallam said and you are telling me what Omar and Abu Bakr said he was very upset your destruction is near once people reach that stage where they give more precedence to the opinions of other human beings when a clear statement of rasoolallah Salam is brought that is destruction and that's one of the things for example that all of the Imams were agreed upon that if a authentic hadith from a Sulha assalam comes to a person for him to leave that for the opinion of any of them if they said that this is not permissible that is a path to destruction so from that generation we can see differences certain types of differences some differences which had to do with giving precedents of opinions over authentic Sunna and differences which are roles from different interpretation of authentic Sunna one is tolerated is accepted and the other one was rejected the other one was rejected so now if we asked the Thai being the students of the Sahaba what was your mother patada we asked him for example what was your mother um what is he going to say he said I followed the Abasi mother hub because I used to study on the if not bus all the time or follow the a lousy mother because I study under AM original us of the live number of nos or I follow the different leading scholars amongst the sahaba none of them use these attributions they didn't do that they would all say we're following the mother hub of rasool allah o allah o allah we sell them as it was conveyed to us by the Sahaba as it was conveyed to us by the Sahaba as it was understood by the Sahaba not just the conveyance but also the understanding because we might accept the text as being authentic because it is authentically narrated but the interpretation and understanding of the text what does that depend on it depends on the understanding of the Sahaba their understanding has to take precedence we look back at the companions or the loved one whom and how they understood these verses these hadith it is not in the way that you have understood it so now if we asked the Thai being the students of the Sahaba what was your mother a pada we asked him for example what was your mum hub what is he going to say he said I followed the advice he mother hub because I used to study on the if not bus all the time or follow the Allah see mother because I study under am original us of the life number of law house or I followed the different leading scholars amongst the Sahaba none of them use these attributions they didn't do that they would all say we're following the math hub of Rasool Allah so Allah Allah was as it was conveyed to us by the Sahaba as it was conveyed to us by the Sahaba as it was understood by the Sahaba not just the conveyance but also the understanding because we might accept a text as being authentic because it is authentically narrated but the interpretation and understanding of the text what does that depend on it depends on the understanding of the Sahaba their understanding has to take precedence we look back at the Companions how they understood these verses these hadith it is not in the way that you have understood it that's why we need to go back to the way the understanding of the companions of the prophet Moses Allah and the ROVs are seldom as we said before when he said about the way the one way that was going to paradise he said man Allah he was happy that which I am on and my companions so he added the companions as being a part of that way and he also said Hydra nasi economy the best of people are my generation so he stressed this is the importance of the companions furthermore lost mono Thailand of Quran said Romania Shikoku Rasool member dmattia Bayon allahu la huerta barrera sevilla mu'minin no le himmatwala honestly Jahannam pasado Syrah and whoever contradicts and opposes the messenger after guidance has been made clear to him and he takes a path other than that of the believers we will leave him to himself and put him in hell a terrible end now it was sufficient for allah subhanaw taala to say whoever contradicts the messenger we will leave him and put him in help that's enough but he added and took a path other than the way of the believers and all of the scholars of tafseer palace are unanimous that when that verse was revealed the believers referred to the Sahaba those who take a path other than the path of the Sahaba they will be left to themselves and put in hell they'll go astray so the mouth of the Rasool Allah saw a solemn was conveyed by the Sahaba to the tellurian among them some scholars consider Abu Hanifah to be from among them that he didn't actually narrate from any of the Sahaba but that he did see the difference of opinion relative to whether he was or he wasn't anyway we had then abu hanifa leading scholar from the generation after really among the tabut a beam we asked him yeah ba hanifa or abu hanifa what is your math hub what is going to say the hanafi madhhab no he used to tell his companion see students don't write down what I tell you of my opinions they said why not because today I may hold an opinion tomorrow hold another opinion and the day after whole another pinion and they after that I have another opinion so don't write them down just take from where I took it take it from where I took it well hadith for my hobby and if you find the hadith which is authentic then that is really I'm a dad so what is Abu Hanifa saying here he's saying his mother hub is the mother hub of rasool allah saw the law and he will send them the mother hub of the sahih hadith sahih hadith is what conveys to us the suniverse who was our zalem so this is what he would have said similarly Imam Malik anybody asking him he is not going to say I follow the Maliki mother he had no intention of making a mad hub he just thought what the Sunnah he thought the Sunnah now if we look at the Imam Shafi Imam Shafi is a classical example of the way of the Companions the Tiberian tablet a beam in that the Companions were on different grades some of them were with the Prophet SAW Salam from the early days some of them accepted Islam just prior to the conquest of Mecca some of them after the conquest of Mecca so they came into Islam at different stages some had more knowledge of the Deen than others so those who had less knowledge they would study under those who had more those were younger study under those who were older sometimes the younger ones had more and people were always studied under them so they studied and were free to study under whoever was available they would never say I am only going to study under abdullah bin omar for example tabi in same thing they would not stick to one companion and only study under him no they studied under him and they would go and study under other companions of the problems as Allah freely nobody had a problem nobody complained nobody raised any issues you know that your fatwa shopping this is the common point that comes up later on right in our time you know this fact to our shopping right we go to this month hub you go here you go there you ask this one you ask that one in so the Companions of the process and they went they asked the Asus comparing they asked that one they asked the other one the Tribune that is the same thing tabi tabi ended the same thing and then Imam Shafi student of Imam Malik for 20 years we mentioned didn't begin teaching until after my Malik died teaching in Yemen is accused of Shiite leanings taken as a prisoner to birth dad he has to defend his position if argued he was not leaning towards she Azamat all he's released there in Baghdad he studied under mama - a banach student of Abu Hanifa Hanif was already dead so he studied under his students he gained knowledge there now when he was in Yemen teaching he was teaching based on the knowledge he had accumulated from my Malik after studying under the students of Abu Hanifah he changed the number of his opinions and he wrote a book called al Hajj on his book called al Hodja and there he outlined his positions his new positions where he changed from positions of Imam Malik etc then he went to Egypt in order to study under him on a lathe but Adam and Melissa died already so he studied on their mom lates students after studying under a marmalade students he changed a bunch of his opinions again he wrote a new book called a loom this was the classic and in which he changed those opinions he stayed in Egypt and he became the imam of that area now he changed his opinion he changed his position because some people have a problem you know they said ok I hear this for example in today where I am people come they say ok we're studying here in the Bay we're listening on this car here in Dube and they tell us one thing when we go back to India the scholars there tell us something else and then when we come back again those other scholars tell us something else you know isn't it better just to take one and just say that's it I'm just going to hang on to that one just so I'm not going here back and forth in here and there isn't it better this is the argument it sounds logical and also you have some stability in your opinions and you know how you can function but the reality is did Imam Shafi have just one opinion and stick with that one opinion no an ism he better than we are wasn't he more knowledgeable right because the idea most people have is a scholar he has his opinion he never changed his opinion people might change your pen but not the scholar is it comment the idea that a scholar says one opinion then somebody happens to bring some argument to him he has to change the finish aw man this is not the real scholar here he changed his opinion you know but it's well-known Imam Malik for example used to teach that when you make wood washing your feet you don't stick your fingers between your toes he was teaching that one class one of his students said ma Malik I heard a narration from Rasul assalam through the chain mentioned in the whole chain of course that the props are Selim II used to put his fingers between his toes when he was washing his feet Imam Malik next class corrected himself and thought it's no problem no problem nobody said all my Malik Oh change his opinion it doesn't really know everything now you know this is no they accepted that and if we can accept Imam Shafi changing these this is real scholarship that nobody knows everything you know as when Imam Malik was asked if we follow if a person follows they Sahabi in everything that he does will he be on the correct path right and remember there's a hadith that people quote as hobby' can do June my companions are like stars bie make the datum datum if any one of them you follow you'll be rightly guided so commonly quoted hadith in support of sticking to one person one group one month or whatever and just however it turns out it's fabricated and the Imam Alec says to the man who asked him that no you will not be on the right path unless that's a hobby was on the right path because the only one who is free from error is the one in that grave he pointed to the grave of Rasulullah sallallahu esenler that is the reality so everyone is capable of error and the defining principle is the mother hub of rasulullah saaw Malayali was Ellen
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 57,175
Rating: 4.5777349 out of 5
Keywords: one, god, religion, muslim, islam, allah, muhammad, quran, bible, torah, true, hadeeth, sunnah, hell, heaven, paradise
Id: iNcgdJg-pPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2008
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