Loving Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) - Dr. Bilal Philips

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[Applause] indeed all praise is due to Allah and as such we should praise Him seek his help and seek His forgiveness and seek refuge in Allah from the evil which is within ourselves and the evil which results from our deeds for whomsoever Allah has guided none can misguide and whomsoever Allah has allowed to go astray none can guide and I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah who is alone and without partner and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi we sellem was the last Messenger of Allah a gnostic al-hadith akita bah wah wah hider had you had you sallallahu aleyhi we sellem vacherin Oh Marie Martha - ha whoa cool Ahmad effort in Buddha oh cool a bit attend illallah WA cool Nidal a Latin Phenom indeed the most truthful form of speech is the Book of Allah and the best source of guidance was the guidance brought by muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the worst of all affairs are the innovations in religion for every innovation in religion is a source of misguidance and all misguidance ultimately leads to the Hellfire brothers and sisters we all know that the love of prophet muhammad sallallaahu seldom is a vital part of the deen of islam it is so vital that prophet muhammad sallahu solemn had told his companions like manure hadouken hat hakuna aha ba la meanwhile ad he already he when a sewage mine none of you has truly believed until i mohammed salah salem become so beloved to him more beloved to him or her then your parents your children or people in general that the prophet's illallah wa salam should be most beloved to us of course when we try to translate that into action we have to do it according to the guidance which prophet muhammad sallallaahu seldom gave us how do we love the Prophet it's a lot of a center we know that he told us we should not be excessive in our love that we should not imitate that excessive love which the Christians developed for Jesus he told us not to true knee Camero tetanus hora is Abner Maryam don't praise me and exceed in your praise until you do as the people of the book the nasara' the christians as they did to prophet isa don't do as they did what did the Christians do they praised him until he became for them God he became Allah they elevated him to the point that he became Allah so he warned us not to do that instead he would insist we just call him Abdullah what a Zulu a slave of Allah and His Messenger so though we are obliged to love him more than anyone in this world that love should not exceed the bounds which were set by Allah we should not elevate him to the status of divinity of God and unfortunately we do have Muslims who have done that there are those who say prophet muhammad's allah wa sallam was created from the light of allah this branch of this light the light of Allah they call Norma Hammadi the light and it is from this light that creation came into being this is misguidance people may say what we love Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam but if you love him and you say that then you have exceeded the limits as Allah told them in the Quran yeah a little kitab lot of luffy dinickel do not go to excess in your religion or people of the book and Allah had prophet muhammad's allah wa sallam repeat statements which would confirm his humanity telling him cool innama ana Bashar oh miss legume you ha Alea anima innahu whom allah hoon why allah told him prophet muhammad saw him to say indeed i am a human being like you Bashar the only difference is that I received revelation from Allah that's what distinguishes me from the rest of you otherwise I am like you but we have people in the Muslim world we say no he was not like us you have millions who believe that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam is alive in his grave and if you say he died they say you are Catherine that is the extreme they've gone to this is not just a few people in India and Pakistan perhaps the majority of Muslims hold this belief it's serious it's misguidance because we ask them so what did the Prophet SAW Salam's companions do they pray it's a lot of janazah for him and they buried him so they were wrong even Omar himself omar IBN al khattab radhi'allahu anhu when he first heard word that problems assalam had died he his initial reaction was that same extreme he came out and pulled out his sword and he said anybody who says that Muhammad SAW salaam has died will face this he would kill them but it was abu bakr radiallahu anhu who came in went into the room of the prophet saw solemn Aisha's room lifted up the cloak saw him kissed him put the cloak back came out and pushed Omar aside and tell the people any of you who were worshipping Allah Allah is living but any of you who worship in mohammed salah salem he's dead so those people who say no he's still living there denying abu bakr who was the first khalifa the best of the ummah after prophet muhammad saw salaam the best of the ummah was abu bakr and he said prophet mohammed salim died but they say no you say that you're catholic very serious so this is an extreme an extreme which leads us to worshiping other than Allah this is a bada and we find those people praying to Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu salami instead of only praying to allah as allah told us order oniy as the jib Lacombe call on me in prayer and i will answer you they will call on prophet mohammed salah salem and they commonly will put in the masjids on equal level ya allah ya muhammad this is how you know that they have adopted this way of thinking they equate calling on Allah Ya Allah to calling on muhammad ya muhammad do this for me do that for me intercede for me that is a bada they say no no it's not a bother but the process element said at dois hue bada do are calling on someone in worship is worship it's the essence of worship to call on them so the promised wasallam said that we should love him above any other human being so how do we turn that now into the reality which prophet muhammad's allah assalam wanted for us the essence of loving prophet mohammed salah salem just like the essence of loving our parents is to obey them if you tell your parents I love you mother I Love You Father but every time they tell us to do something you say no I can't do it I'm too busy I can't find time I don't think so we have a million and one excuses never obeying them do you think they will believe that you truly love them no they were not because love fundamentally requires from us obedience if you love that person you will do whatever they ask you to do so that is the essence of loving the Prophet soul or assalam that we do whatever he asked us to do whether it is following his commands he told us to do this or avoiding his prohibitions he told us not to do that one or the other we should obey Him it also involves following his example but fundamentally love of Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn resides in obeying his commands and we can obey his commands only if we know him so there's something which proceed obeying him it is an obligation to obey Him but it's something which precedes it and that is knowledge of him because if we don't know who he was how can we obey Him we don't know what he said what he did how do we follow him so it is incumbent on each and every Muslim to know about Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam to know his life not just as a story okay as a child you teach the children the story of the life of the Prophet SAW Selim because that's their introduction their minds are not mature enough to understand obedience but once they mature then that's what we have to focus on that we know Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam's life for them guidance which is in it as Allah said la God can allow comfy rasul allah he was swattin husana there is in the messenger of allah for you the best example so when we study his serie his life his biography we should study it not as the children read the story we should now study it for the lessons of the serie what is it that Prophet SAW assalam was teaching us in each and every stage of his life he was the guide so we need to know those lessons and i ask allah SWA Allah to give us the reality of love of the Prophet SWA Jerusalem in following his guidance in knowing his life and I ask Allah to forgive us for whatever ignorance has led us to the state we are in today where we really don't know him we don't know about his life we only say we love him but we don't follow his commands I asked him last month Allah to forgive our parents those who have passed away from our relatives and friends for their negligence in this matter and that he helped us to be firm in our love of Rasulullah sallallahu Salam and obedience to him a cool look holy Hannah was stopped for a lolly willecombe police heirlooms the minimun cool Edom faster few in the who were for rahim Colin prophet : Allah's Mahalo to seek his forgiveness because he is the only one who can forgive it is said that the most effective way of doing any project running any business developing any program is to begin with the end in mind begin with the end in mind so as muslims where is the end the end of this life the one thing that we are certain of is death we're all going to die Kunlun ups in the air cottonmouth this is reality every soul will taste death that's the end so how should we then live our lives it should be living a life realizing that that end is to come and when that in comes Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah has informed us that in the grave when we are laid in the grave two angels will come to us munkar and nakir and they will ask us three questions these three questions we need to know we need to know them in this life before we reach that point the first question is man or a book who is your Lord the second question o medina and what was your religion and the third question oh man Dubuque and who was your prophet your messenger those are the three questions so preparing for these three and of course I'm sure you understand that simply knowing the answer now Mandurah book you can say Allah my Edenic Islam Magne be O Muhammad SAW Salaam if a kafir knows that now as we know it is that going to benefit him in the grave no because he will not be able to answer if we have not lived the answers to these three questions in this life then we have lost our arkarow the life to come is a tragedy for a calamity the worst possible calamity so Mandurah book we need to know who was our Lord who is our Lord how do we know that how do we know who he is we know it through the Quran and who received the quran muhammad sallah recently and who explained the quran muhammad sallahu we sent them so when we talk about knowing Mohamed Salah assalam which means we need to know what he told us about Allah because the only way to know who Allah actually is remembering you have 1 billion Hindus who believe that Eliza cow you have two billion Christians who believe that Allah is a man you have another billion Buddhists who believe that Allah is a man so this is a serious matter we know who Allah is based on what prophet muhammad sallahu wa sallam has taught us through the quran which he delivered from a last month ala to us and through the explanations of the quran so it's not only to know the quran but also to know the explanations of Rasool Allah Allah Allah - the Quran so it takes us back to Rasool Allah Allah Allah o my Edenic and what was your religion where do we know that from we know that from rasulullah saaw law in the selim in the quran do we have the five pillars of islam the six pillars of iman explain numbered no it is from the Sunnah that we know what are the five pillars of Islam and the six pillars of Eman so we have to go back to rasulullah sallallahu wasallam to know what Islam is and to practice Islam as was intended we need to know what is behind the pillars of Islam and the pillars of Eman again simply knowing its Shahada sheraton salah zakah so hatch we can run off these five but does that mean you know them have we understood what was the goal of salah the goal of Hajj or we just know its name we know the rules so Allah you have to have wudu salah you have to face the tabla you should cover your era similarly edge you have to wear a haram you have to go to Mecca etc these are the rules but what was behind those pillars what is behind those rules what is the goal that was to be achieved that most of us don't know and that's serious that's a serious problem because if we don't know what the actual goal is how can we achieve it so it is important for us to know it ourselves and to pass that knowledge on to our children to go back and find out what is the goal of the Shah what is the goal of Salah what is the goal of zakah and soul and hatch because Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim he summed up the goal of his whole message all of Islam that he brought to us he summed it all up saying in the mob race - Leo tell me mama Caramella flock I was only sent to perfect for you the highest of moral character traits it's about morality that was the essence of the message he said the essence of the message of Islam is morality good character Albert hosteen who look righteousness is good character so each of the pillars of Islam and Iman has at its root principles moral principles character examples that we should know we need to go back and find out what was the goal of the pillars of Islam and Eman so we can achieve that essence which the prophet sallahu wa sallam told us and that's why he said tarik to become a marine intima section Bahama land toodaloo Abaddon I've left with you two things if you hold on firmly to them you will never go astray it's our law book of allah or sunnah tea and my Sunnah we have to hold on firmly to the Book of Allah as understood by Rasul Allah so Allah is Allah as he taught it to us and to his Sunnah which is the guide explaining directing I ask Allah SWA Allah to bring us back to the reality of the Deen that reality which would guide us and make us better human beings the best possible human beings I ask Allah to make us sincere and striving for this goal because our life in this world and the life in the next depends on achieving it I ask Allah to make it easy for us make it easy for our families so that we as a society can be the best of Nations whom Allah has brought out for the rest of humankind to be guided to be their guide quantum high Roman origin in essence what Allah said we are the best nation taken out as a guide to humankind I ask Allah SWA Allah to make us that guide to give us his blessing his knowledge to give us wisdom in applying that knowledge and to forgive our deficiencies our neglect our ignorant and make Islam again real in our lives beyond the ritual a true understanding which will make a difference for our society seeking knowledge and obligation made easy thought about studying for a long time tuition fees keeping you from actually starting Islamic online university has led a revolution and online learn the world's first tuition-free degree ba and islamic studies access to the knowledge anyplace anytime anywhere it just doesn't get any easier than that classes text assignments completely online set your own schedule for the semester no overseas travel required for the exams subjects taught by qualified english-speaking scholars weekly live sessions and virtual classrooms with curricula based on those in el-medina University in Saudi Arabia well as har University in Cairo and other reputable institutions around the world why wait any longer he pages a symbolic registration fee and are ready to begin the adventure of higher education the most diverse student body of any University in the world a hundred and thirty thousand plus registered students from two hundred and seventeen countries login to the website for more details ww islamic online university com [Music]
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 1,295
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shafi'e, maliki, hanafi, hanbali, islamic online university, iou, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, islamic lecture bilal philips, student of knowledge, islamic education, fiqh, school of thought, madhab, mazhab, hadith, sunnah, jamaah, sunni, ahlusunnah, salaf, salafi, salafi talk, How Do We Love the Prophet Muhammad
Id: 0KUNlaYjj8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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