Madalyn Murray O'Hair/Donahue 1988 70

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here versus atheists Madalyn Murray O'Hair the Year 1970 here's the show ladies and gentlemen today's Phil Donahue show features two people of well opposed views I would guess that speaking in religious terms you could not find anyone more diametrically opposed than the people we will feature on this special program this morning on today there will be no phone calls accepted on this program rather the participants that you will see today will appear tomorrow and at that time we'll let you engage in dialogue with these two personalities they are the Reverend Bob Harrington the so-called chaplain of Bourbon Street he's a preacher he's proud of that handle he works out of New Orleans and as a matter of fact much of his work for the Lord takes place in what is thought to be a rather body location Bourbon Street you might say he brings the Bible to the b-girls Reverend Bob Harrington has seen the world he's seen sin corruption well he's seen it all in April of 1958 Reverend Bob Harrington was saved now he says that means that the Holy Spirit directly intervened in his life he was converted to Christ he uses phrases like being bathed in Christ knowing the Lord he is absolutely certain that the Lord made a direct intervention in his life and is using him as an instrument to convert others to Christianity he not only believes that God exists he's certain of it and he talks to him every day the other person on this program is Madalyn Murray O'Hair mrs. O'Hare is probably the world's most famous atheist she is certain that there is no God mrs. O'Hara as you probably know is singly responsible for one of the most controversial decisions in the history of the United States Supreme Court the banning of the official reading of prayer in public schools she has been alternately called the most hated woman in America and arrogant and a person who is seeking some ends known only to herself she probably is disliked by more people than perhaps any other single individual in the country today and it's my pleasure then to present both of them mrs. Madeline Murray Harrington would you kindly step forward please reven Arrington mrs. O'Hare we're pleased that you've - I don't believe you've ever met before I don't know if that was a I assume that was a genuine handshake I don't know what's gonna happen I'm gonna back off here and let you - well just sort of get to know each other and share what is that you have Reverend hearing what on earth is an atheist yeah mine's just simply called a chaplain of Bourbon Street are you familiar grafite a.m. Bourbon Street that's a pretty good spot for a preacher coast I never run out of prospects down there I'll tell you you'll have someone I'm wondering if you don't have any self confidence you know you should go to the spot where the job would be a little bit more difficult I've tried those what did you have in mind well anything but Bourbon Street what do you want to interfere with a good time for but you know I find it much easier maybe I shouldn't be easier to deal with folks that are having a good time that it is these self-righteous people these older than that folks you know the ones that think they've got it up here they have just enough tinder instead of enjoyed and you know they they've responded well to me on Bourbon Street because they see I'm trying to help instead of hurt when I first are you really trying to help anybody though when you try to bring them to your beliefs well I haven't seen too many gets hurt and that's the evidence you how would you be able to recognize whether or not they're hurt when you can see a hole made out of a house and a man made out of a mistake in purpose found in a person's life you know though I sometimes for the people in America it might be well to make some homes into some houses if you get the meaning of my terms I I'm sure I get the meaning of your terms and I'm hoping you get the meaning of mine because I have never met a person who was dissatisfied with a way of life and I recommend can you say that about atheism well the atheists aren't dissatisfied with their way of life but I think that we're dissatisfied when you we see what the Christians are doing to the human eye immunity cut I am - I'm very dissatisfied and this is why we have these wake up America Crusades and trying to get us to do more probably wake up it's just a little name that we have trying to get God's people to wake up and put the Lord first place because you know if America wakes up what America will do is kick Christianity out and all of you preachers the ones that I'm talking about waking up or the ones that would love the Lord and not kick him out because the crowd I'm talking to about waking up are the ones who should love the Lord and claim to do but they kind of been why should I love the Lord why should anybody else love the Lord why can't every man for any of us first I don't know what he's done for you I mean what he's done for me because he's changed my life he's given me direction in life hey why don't you say she I'd rather say he because he's the son of God that's not the daughter of God see he's the son of God see the basic you talking about somebody's specific then when you said talk about Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ he's precious he's wonderful twelve years ago what you don't even know him you don't know what you're talking about because he first off he isn't even an historical person actually be intervening him with you well it's wonderful how he changed my life is a wonderful way hi Mimi it's wonderful how you change oh I was looking for insurance prospects tonight I got saved I didn't go to church to get religion but I got they're reeling oh I really did beyond the grave in a place called heaven but you know most people today you really believe that there's such a thing as a heaven yes I do where do you think it's located it's opposite from hell and what do you think well I don't really know all what I will be doing but I know I'll be with the Lord and that's a pretty good rapport and pretty good format would you rather be with a nice healthy female angel up there I don't that sounds good that did huh yeah I'm sure beautiful I'm sure heaven might be even a little better than that because I've floated on a few that backfired on me here in America and this liner this side of heaven but you know what to know the Lord and what he's done for me personally is the greatest benefit I've ever had in my life yes why not somebody else I don't care what you think the Lord did for you at all that's immaterial because the only thing that you're using this for is for some sort of a healing of a see you using for Madeline what are you using your weight do you mind if I call you Madeline you think I should save miss O'Hare no no I don't doubt her Mary Magdalene you know yeah that's a good name she found the Lord I wish she had found the Lord you know if she had really found the Lord and they had had a violent love affair he might have been a little bit more human being I think he was fully human he was more human than any person that ever lived and he was more God than any person that ever lived you know he didn't even exist well anyway why are you hallucinate didn't exist I know he did because the greatest evidence that I have is not through history as to a personal experience I've had with you yeah you see you you've been on some sort of an LSD trip insurance you were buying something save the damn it I was damned until the Lord saved me so I'm glad I'm a boy I fell for that I got so caught up the other night a pastor Flying Nun going home and that's enjoyed my trip I told someone the other day if there's no having to go to hell the miss if just being right the Lord does nothing we get rid of a guilty conscience that makes it living well what do you got a guilty conscience for this would be really neat what do you think old animal even sin I don't even know what you're talking about I know you can citizen of course not adultery is fun it is sure it is to get caught uh-huh well no now that depends entirely on the circumstance how about the laws of God you base any wrongs on the fact that the Ten Commandments are there you won't change Commandments you know there are a couple of them yeah yeah which ones are you gonna take out just taking them all well pick out any one shall not commit adultery well now was that bad of a committed adultery no I haven't unfortunately I'm very unhappy about that because I am the prospect that is important because what when you're talking about it man when you're talking about the Ten Commandments what you're talking about are codes that have been developed by mankind over thousands of years this has not right let's get away from the enemies and come back so let's forget it okay let's just leave this over here just the personal heart before I even knew what the Ten Commandments were where they were located in the Bible I knew in my heart when I was involved with adulterous living that I was wrong committing adultery and this is why you're so steeped in guilt and sin because of that what the husband catch I guess maybe I had more lucky than you did maybe huh but this was before my conversion and of course since my conversion I've had the strength not to fall for this fleshly lust for thing that I had you know this is I'm not gonna that's God I enjoyed the Lord saved me he didn't ruin me you know put this head real quick because that's the joy of living sex is a great gift of God when you directed use it right well I'm glad that you at least yes I'm just sitting here just as blossom and just a full alive is it now why do you want to thrust this on anybody else because you're enjoying yourself finally and you got caught by that errant husband so your lord because of the guilt of being a wrongdoer the guilt of sin in mom I mean you actually had to get caught in something like this not necessary to get an intellectual realer I was not caught because I committed adultery I was caught because I was a sinner and the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins now there are no such thing as a holy school I know there is I wouldn't be on here locking horns with Madalyn Murray O'Hair everybody know the Holy Spirit one in me you I'd be scared of you would you please define the Holy Spirit for two ways 250 and I appreciate being filled with the Holy Spirit so that makes it wonderful and to have all that means it to be six foot two and 250 is that you're overeating oh I haven't quite a team perfection yet but I'm so much more like it than I used to be that is just what let me ask you something you know if you go ahead and you get this miraculous conversion you hallucinate then from this hallucination Kem's a complete change personality flicked it on anybody else because it's so late or oh hey it is not if it was contagious you could just sit back and relax don't you believe it's contagious 2,000 years since he came there more people following him than far on you really come on don't you believe his Christ don't you be here 325 at the council of knights that right I tell you what made that Ferren t I've come a real in me and become reality and me as when I had a personal experience with the Lord and the date is not oh it's wonderful I believe I don't I won't never get over it it's wonderful and I don't need to be treated from it and you know the Lord and my type of life and the type he wants us to have treated some much more contagious you just take this thing whatever it is that you're afflicted with and share it around no no gotta get you converted will that be one go back someplace and live in your nice little lesson by yourself because by myself religion should be a process there no he said private and personal he said Jesus said nobody everybody preacher and your creature aren't you Madeleine you are a creature created in God's moral and spiritual image and you were raised up I am created in whose image I am created in no image except other human beings that's all that is well all human I'm not quite sure that we want I want to be out subscribe to being an animal but not that you don't necessarily meet an animal it means a creature that representation of the life that God gave us see give us any lie thank God for that thank know that your mother and father had a good time one night sure this is what I thank for I I hope that I was conceived in a in an act of love and you have a good time Madeleine huh I have a good time in every direction I have a good time and really I'm had are you really happy sometimes I'm almost a static my husband tells me as a matter of fact that if he could just bottle up what's inside of me and we show it would make a fortune good question I have an answer to what motivates me what motivates you what keeps you turned on what keeps you going like on this television station we we're not gonna having about it write in and send us contributions and oh you can do that too hard every atheist can do that too I need you sure sure they can and listen what motivates you what keeps you turned on the same thing that keeps every other human being turned down the same thing that keeps a cow turned on that can want stew continue to live and wants to have the fullest richest kind of life they can the same thing that keeps a frog turned on the same thing that keeps a rosebush turned on just absolute nature and nothing else it has no divine intervention no nada nada nada there's nothing there [Music] I ain't dealin hate Tokyo - but I never ate anything as good as these brand new Klondike ice cream sandwiches the proper way d1 is to hold it like so with the pinky extended some start by nibbling the rich chocolate cookies while others enjoy licking around the side savoring that famous premium Klondike ice cream I myself prefer to toss down 10 to 20 in one city yummy new Klondike ice cream sandwiches how do you eat them right now during this limited time offer from the beatty Chevrolet discount Center you can take your choice of a sporty new Chevrolet Cavalier or splash EMU s10 pickup at the unbelievably low price of 69 69 or pay just 149 per month and at baiting you don't have to put up any of your own money down did you get lucky you are that's very simple I read read what the Bible and from that you get what a bunch of hogwash didn't aim to vaccination there there was nothing for me believe those absurd I can it's much easier to point them at it is not to believe them the results are not true oh yes it ain't cuz what you do then is lock yourself away from reality and go off on a great big old binge sampling all that you are is your just high on this kind of science I'm sure or later you'll come back down during years now how long's you've been going uh let me see I'm 50 years old this started when I was 13 37 years wonderful 97 I believe I'll be able to sit Steve I'll just wrapped you yeah you know one of these days that's gonna happen to the Lord's gonna come back and get all of his save children and take us up in the sky to be with the Lord won't that be something yeah wouldn't you go with me no siree but um all the first off do you really believe Christ is going to get down through a shaft alive leave but you have to be kidding no honestly you wanna honestly believe it and I thank God I do and nobody would you be in an in a nice little cozy jacket all of your own in an little padded room yeah my wife and her mother Lo and I got converted my wife and my mother-in-law when I got converted they took me to a psychiatrist to have me adjusted and I led him to the Lord and now he's worse not him you know what he said he said I need what is probably a Christian to start with well maybe so yeah now you know that we have a whole school of psychiatry it's called rational emotive psychotherapy does it work well as soon as the person comes like I address the very first thing that they say is are you religious and if they are they say lay down on this couch fella you're gonna lose that hang-up finish and then it works from there on it's never maybe not a cured or delivered to that kind of treatment sure we deliver you of and the thing that we help you going to liberate all right go ahead first off you know you are taking everything in your life and delivering it outside of yourself for somebody else to make judgments on when here you are you're a upstanding big old boy yeah and what you should be able to save your own judgments and go about your own life and make your life in the community along with the other hard pressed economic persons who are struggling for it is the head popping out and by the way I don't think you're talking to one of your usual interviewees here no but you just skim some money off of the surface in order to keep this thing rolls I'll make that money before I ever became a Christian I've known how to do that all my life I didn't have to get a kick to get greater intensity oh no Bob Osborne is a sinner do you believe your Center no of course not I don't believe that anybody's born as a sinner I think that people are just born period and they also are born without religion religion has to be programmed I mean to them like if I ran into a machine I wouldn't leave insane either if I was you I wouldn't leave the Bible either if I was you I wouldn't believe in hell but you see here's the difference the reason that you got caught up is that you've got caught in adultery I haven't had that even get caught in adultery I was just talking about no that's just how one of the byproducts of seeing you over name some more sure go ahead everybody has to know where to go for their bag bag I recommend the Lord to be a real life way to talk about a woman that not much of a bag oh what a way to talk about the Lord see and but you know the beauty part of knowing the Lord is your saviors he done heard she helps you he doesn't slow me down he turns me loose why the potential I was using before has been updated now too it's it's amazing yeah but the potential that you had before you were using in a in the ordinary course of society and now what you're doing is taking that potential and you're taking it and slopping it off into something that's absolutely right is go to any Bob I'm gonna tell you right now a lot of people watching this telecast right now who still have a home because God used me to help keep their marriage together now a lot of people listening to struggle through with that Mary Jenny Wow wouldn't you much rather have a rerun on life and let the Lord handle my husband wants to handle my do get married your last night on a clergyman Mary you the last time of course not I wouldn't go in for that bad you get a merit under holy matrimony I got married under civil law which I don't know I don't know anybody should get married under I don't believe in holy matrimony good nobody is going to tell do you let God join you together you and your husband how would he do that I don't know really how does he do that because really the only person that the only persons that can join together in mourning like this are the person nobody else intervenes so you're starting a new movement in marriage with your group on they just get in the mind no but I'm going to be burying people from here on and I have a kind marry ceremony I would say simply this I don't believe that you should even have a civil ceremony I think that the only thing that's necessary is to say three elements that you announced to everybody who is interested that from now on you have chosen this person as your mate for as long as the Union last then this is a union of the intellect a union of the physical a union of the Finance in our day and age two-spirit reunion at all in there huh why what's a spiritual union I don't know and your picture there you kind of left it out didn't you I haven't the faintest idea now in this marriage you just kind of go along while in if it doesn't work out you just kind of nullify it well I think that anybody who's intelligent will try to do something with a marriage and if the marriage is no good do I have what's what are you gonna do but yeah you have to get out of it this is what people are doing by the hundreds of thousand would you have them stay in it you know if it wasn't a good marriage I thank the Lord that my wife stayed with me for those first 11 years thank the Lord are you thank your wife I thank the Lord and I thank the wife now I listen to you now let me say about a minute here I thank the Lord for my wife staying with me during those 11 worst years that we did have and we did have we were enduring one another instead of enjoying one another but when I found myself in the eyes of the Lord now you can come back to this and tear in all the pieces if you want to assure is wonderful so let me go ahead and spread it on you here okay so when I found myself in the Lord that's a prodigal son did and asked the Lord to come into my heart this old piece of meat right in here no I asked him to come into my heart by faith forgive me of my sins and save my soul and he did and it not only saved my soul eternally forgave me of my sins leave my children a save daddy gave me a home to bring him up in instead of a house made my marriage holy instead of unholy and for the first time in my life twelve years ago I found out what living was really like and I've been enjoying it you know you could have turned on any time at all in any of these circumstances without going through this extra burden of putting the Lord on you you could have been decent to your wife at any time during that time you could have been decent to your children you could have had a hallelujah listen you don't have to hang this on to a label that's called is it easy to be decent to your husband now you know apparently you've had a little trouble there with husbands you know that yes I've had well who doesn't but then think of the making up yeah but sometimes that done work does it man sometimes it doesn't sometimes it doesn't but come on you have difficulty with your employer I'm using the word you generically everybody has trouble with their employer they have different difficulty with their carpools they have difficulty but they're schoolteachers they have a wife do you think for human behavior and this is what I'm talking about when you cop out and say ah I love God it's much more important for you to love your wife it's much more for you important for you to work on the relationship with your children this is the important thing let's talk about some of these people that believe in God all these people who's I mean like Billy Graham is he crazy I think that he's a little bit o Roberts you think he's Oral Roberts they tell me I can't take my records out there because the whole heals up in them I'm sure that he thinks that it does well that's gonna be fun anyway I'll go out and speedgame yeah tell him to come come on out tell him hello for Madeline this mirror reveals the whole truth this woman just washed with soap see the makeup and dirt soap leads I recommend ponds cold cream to lift away what's soap doesn't for cleaner beautiful skin well mrs. O'Hara said yesterday when I was watching the program the Christianity seemed to be going down the drain and I just wanted to make the comment that here in Dayton and all over the country the Christian schools are growing by leaps and bounds our Dayton Christian school started out with four children seven years ago and it's grown at the rate of 87 percent and through the directories and all these things you can find that it's all the schools have grown and grown know you've got two things going for you one segregation because many of these do you don't want the Negroes in your religious schools and this is a scandal of America today the second thing is that you want public tax money for it with the Roman Catholics leading this fight now if you had two things to support those schools and to integrate them 5050 you'd abandon them tomorrow and you know it and I know it I'm sorry that you're mistaken because Dayton Christian school is integrated very definitely as far as money goes we have dedicated Christian teachers and they work strictly practically for nothing you don't want public money then no well public money anyone that's interested in doing the Lord's work yes indeed but don't you believe that our problem today in America is not really skin but sin I don't even know what sin is and I get by I think sin is perhaps if we have to give it a degradation I mean a definition which is a degradation to that sin is the continuation of segregation or sin is the continuation of poverty or sin is the continuation of the war in Vietnam I've got five or six areas in which I think that we're engaged in massive sin promoted by our government and our people this is sin no yeah where's Forrest persons you and the wax in World War two your son how did he qualify in the military your son who's 25 now his head run arse he know right now he has just he was discharged Saturday of last week with a medical discharge and honorable discharge yes and when we're talking about the integration segregation problem do you believe that there's an integration problem in heaven or hell I just wondered about that wouldn't you all be surprised if you went up there and was half black God has no respect of a personal skin do you believe that I believe that that's the way that it should be that human beings should be like this but I'm not at all certain that your God projected that at all wasn't he talking really exclusively about the Jews in the Old Testament and then when he moved into the New Testament Jesus Christ says over and over and over again that he did not come to speak to the Gentile but to the Jew so ever will yes my questions for the Reverend a book on mathematics has intrinsic value regardless of the author the Bible the credence placed on a Bible is strictly from its authors because if the author didn't write it then it's invalid that's yet you're willing to base your entire ethic on the credibility of the authors of a book that are it's in some cases very I don't want to say vulgar I don't mean that but it has its nasty sections and over and above that it's loaded with pious platitudes that your very first call tonight indicated people take it from all sides and I've attacked each other constantly on it now we don't dig the Bible not as a religious book as a history of Jews by Jews about the Jews yes are you Jewish no I'm not are you saved or lost well I think I'm saying to me when he sang question I can answer it first when I know what ear he's hearing me with he's hearing me with the ear of the letter that's dead I was born he's hearing me with ear of the Spirit then he can listen to what I say because I met the author I know him by faith he lived within my heart this is his word I believe it because I want to now you have the privilege and so does Madeline you can bow out if you want to but can't say that you read or talk to go oh I can't say that to you I can you can say that you think that you know no now you say what Madeline thinks and I'll say what I know okay basically the question is he's assuming that that Matthew wrote Matthew Mike wrote Meyer the inspiration hole I didn't write mark then someone else did and either the guy was afraid to put his own name or in it or is a liar he just taken a long time to ask me if I believe the Bible yes I believe the Bible I believe who wrote it wrote it I believe God inspired it the Holy Spirit breathed upon these men and I believe it because I want to okay well that's taking the questions up we haven't got all day yes and this is our hair how do you think the Bible came about and how did life become about well I think the Bible came about through a collection of persons who were writing over a long period of time and certainly at the council night of an ICA it was defined at that time specific books were picked out at other books were thrown out and the thrown out books were called the Apocrypha and there was the Apocrypha the Old Testament and the New Testament you know the beginning of the era but life where I don't have the answer but I wouldn't cover it up with a nonsense word called God you know it has this really bugs me Madeleine I know it does see you say I don't know how this all began and I say fine I think that's a very humble and honest thing for you to say if you believe it I'm sure you do now I want to know why if you don't know how life began how you're so certain there is no God to be consistent I think you should say I don't know where life began and I don't know if there's a god all right let me finish it then because this is the thing if since we don't know about this since none of us know you don't know I don't know nobody knows we know what that what how it began or why or when or if it began at all what we have to do is take all of the evidence and if we pile the evidence something and all of the evidence of science and it's really massive is on one side and on the other side is about as a book that we know for the most part when it was written and how it was written etc and this goes flies in the face of all of the other evidence then you discard the book you said it's no carrying the book doesn't necessarily prove that there is no God no I we are talking about the god of Christianity to people in America today oh well now that's a different god idea when you're talking about this you could be talking about some sort of a physical or natural entity like a lecture you say then you are able to say let's forget about the God that we've created and then you could get you keep attack let's forget about God let's throw them out let's talk about a higher being no not a being somebody a higher entity you are saying you don't know if there is one or that's right as far as alright now that's it that's something that's not atheism that's agnosticism yeah you got your definition ostracism it's a mean without knowledge of God that means she's lost its course Babylon is concerned you don't know you make up your own definition no agnostic is without knowledge now you go and look up the you and I hear you talk and I'm around you and you lost you need Jesus real bad again real bad now Jesus doesn't need you I am so happy that I have been lost from all of this religious nonsense and that that has been lost to me that you wouldn't believe it I'm very very pleased that I am a human being functioning in an organized society that I deal with nature and nature's laws then you believe there's any power stronger than you good this is yes no because I can't say for instance we taught your husband we see cotton never we see constantly that the seas are greater than we are we see constantly that the winds are greater than we are being definitely absolutely down the line no you you are it your your God when you say you you use the word generically human being I'm told you memory well that of course nobody would say that they'd be on their rocker okay thanks for I thought that up for a while here [Music] [Music] you got one in your corner there yeah well this is thing of the persons have to take the consequence of their actions and they can't Palm off these consequences by turning to God and say you forgive me for what I did to that's not what the book says he says if we confess our sins to him he's faithful honest at reconciliation that's retribution you forgive me yes ma'am but you're right okay he's doing things for her own glory are you know I'm starting to accept this then if you want to define each individual human entity as a little God in their own corner I don't know that this is too bad but then you see what you're doing to your definition of God you know it everybody is their own God up to a point because my biggest problem in life was me like your biggest problem is you and you can verify that with your husband brother your husband your husband's verify you you a melon it's none of our business but you know they say no it isn't I do I do want to say something about it there have been a tremendous number of stories that my husband beat me to a pulp that we are separated and we are divorced there are two things here that are kind of funny first we have been seeking allies for a long long time and when this story came out which was completely erroneous I mine dad my husband was besieged with letters he won the hearts of 20 million Baptists 10 million Methodists and 40 million Catholics who said bitter again so he says Madeleine if you deny this whole thing don't you see we're gonna lose all those allies and I said well they aren't on our side anyway baby but the stories are not believe what your even do you have holy matrimony you and your husband hello we have the unholiest matrimony we can get that's part of the fight that's part and parcel why don't you have me out for a revival in your church do you before the show our church everybody is joining us so fast that our church is no longer big enough to contain us and we gotta find new grounds as soon as we do bring you out thanks for calling hi now you're on the air hello hi briefly we're waiting for you okay I'm gonna ask miss O'Hara Oh what is she going to do with to return birth yeah when Jesus comes back you mean I'm sorry but I think you're just as funny as can be now if a little research if a little green man with purple horns would knock on my door and say I'm from Mars and I just dissented I'd believe him but a shaft of life coming down in Jesus Christ digging up all these old dead bodies and resurrect then when we're overpopulated already this just leaves me cold you know what I first off I wouldn't do anything because it's never going to happen I never be faced with the problem that's a word of Matlin O'Hara compared to the Word of God and they're 318 verses in here that say that Jesus is coming back you've heard one verse from the book of O'Hare and hear 318 verses from the book of God go ahead you probably have more followers than this are there two colors on this line yeah I was raised from the dead twenty-three years ago no I don't believe you I'm sorry okay but Madeleine has people on her side yeah now if you want to go by the majority nowhere has Christ ever had the majority following him but thank God for the minority we'll be back in just a moment [Music] wtae-tv proudly presents conceal you wanted what was your question yeah I was just wanted to pull the audience here Gallup is always doing this I'd like to ask the audience a question do you believe that Madeleine has gone too far to be saved or do you believe last time one at a time all right let me ask you do you believe that Madalyn Murray O'Hair could be saved do you believe it how many ratio you believe it how many believe how many think it's too late how many think she's gone too far raise your hand what how many of you people really think that what I do or what I think is in your hands how many of you repudiate personal freedom and my individual choices we don't repeat that would you stand for justice whatsoever hold it you'll stand so they can see why do you think it's too late well just the thing she has said so many times against the word I guess the Holy Spirit what the Holy Spirit forgive him she isn't saved before she dies I would like to have it published of how she dies because I believe if she is I believe if she dies and if she isn't her sense is irrational I believe that she will die such miserable death it would convince all those that are following her that she was wrong no no how atheists have died because we have all kind of material on this atheists die like every other person in the world dies as human beings nothing L make her suffer poor she wants Bob Ingersoll is the one you have in mind Robert Ingersoll died of a heart attack at the foot of the stairs in his dining room and his granddaughter Eva Ingersoll belongs to my organization who causes them as many like I think that they do not me does God cause these painful deaths sure you done I think if a person's not saved when they die if they're rational they're going no but course yeah according to your dog I'm sorry yeah well okay you think she's gonna hell then I don't know I I would like to have faith to believe that she could be saved I say this if she is ever safe to be saved can I come in the audience and ask a question here sure oh let's not turn it into a revival meeting what do you have you don't have anything to revive I want to get you safe first see hey listen we're continuing to leave you live you see and as I said yesterday many of you people are dead up there so you've got a hard job trying to get something going to waken them up to anything what do you have against God well first off there isn't any and second off the idea which you invented has caused more misery to every human being in all ages of history than any other single in Medellin we're not a god you have got to get a new gimmick see there has to be a god for there be a Matlin Marie what do you mean cause you won create any attention at all if someone to be against really people invented the idea of God somewhere along the line and actually most of the invention has been to keep the common people happy so that you find the kings and the rulers when this God idea first came into existence saying to people suffer in poverty because the poor will always be with us and only the poor in spirit and the poor in finances will get into heaven take your lot now and let us live high off the hog and then what this was was a wedding of authority and religion in order to subjugate masses of people you can get a lot of support from people are breaking away you so you're what she has when you say what does she have against God really your bag is the God that people have created that have K not against the real God cause the really the organized church but your God is manifesting itself through organized churches and your organized movement yes and many times the organized movement fails and this is true but the organism of Christ and the body of Christ has not failed Christianity no every single one of them including you are always interested in money you go right down the line I'm not but I am NOT supporting your ideas of God yeah and when you go around did Jesus show me once where Jesus Christ passed out a collection plate yes but he taught us how to give okay and if we give right we can live here we go mrs. O'Hara in one of your weaker moments have you tempted oh we all have weak moments have you ever been tempted to turn to God and pray or pray to him but didn't because you are an atheist never never because the ordinary in the ordinary course of events people meet things like I have met death there has been death in my family I myself was supposed to have died on several occasions and etc but the last thing I always turned to a good doctor or I turned to something like this something that where assistance can be had really because prayer is only diluting of oneself thanks all nothing else yes I'd like to ask Reverend Harrington what he thinks have him define or describe heaven and hell to us well to define heaven I don't have the vernacular describe it it's just a place prepared by the Lord and I believe if he prepared it to be a good spot to go I can talk about the streets of golden gates a perimeter sounds kind of vague down here in this n6 society but to believe there are streets of pearl oh I believe no streets of golden gates of pearl and he is the architect and I'm sure to be a pretty good place to spend on eternity what's it going to be like up there as far as their human relations with thee I think we'll recognize one another the Bible teaches recognition in heaven the Bible teaches we will know him we'll know others and it'll be a holy celestial state to be in forever I'm looking forward to it and I want Madeleine to go so bad cuz where she's going it's gonna be a lake of fire gonna be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth she taught my trout it out there they don't have any teeth anymore or they just nasty gums I'm sure I'm sure the Lord won't suffer said he can put in a good don't you believe we make our heaven in hurt and our heaven in hell right here sure now there's a results of sin of righteousness in our lives as a result of what we saw and why we saw it you know you go on all the time about sin what's sin to miss the mark the transgression of the law and you should be enough Artyom when you say transgression of the law and missing the mark you're still not like the reason your first marriage didn't where it gives because of sin and the reason you have trouble in your second marriage is because of sin no this is because we're both in loose wolves and we like to be me when your wife never had a fighting you know that's a different question oh yeah boy do you see my husband and I fight that sin if your husband is raisins that kept us together oh thank the Lord for Jesus did you say old man hello yes hello there mr. Harrington I'd like to know you can believe so hardly in a book that teaches that one man is better than another just because he believes in one thing or another it's simple by faith that I believe the Bible to be the Word of God and you have the prerogative of deafness what bothers you about that color better though well not necessarily but God chose the fact that we who are saved are in a select let me answer this question what you mean by saying earlier in the show you said that you wished that Madeline and Phil could be safe no I don't see anything wrong with Phil or anything he's ever said well I'm just doing about what Fila said do you know Phil have you ever talked with him about his salvation no well then I have then see I'm the one on the show so I can answer the question see he says that he's not saved he told me that he was lost on one show by God have to understand your definition of turn well then - is there myself lost then my answer to that saved us when you realize your sinner and Christ died for your sins and you realize you need to be saved and you call upon the Lord as your Savior with all your heart and all your mind which is one of the first but Jesus is hello you're on the air hi what the Christians do is coercive they for the strength of government behind them and they ask for the strength of tax funds behind them and special privileges behind them we don't go into a courtroom and say you absolutely will say some sort of prayer to Madeline Murray before you testify or that you will testify on the book that's written by Madeline Murray and we don't do that however you coerce the persons when they go in with your domination of the culture to use your book as a criteria to say a pledge of allegiance with your God underneath it I got it I got it run let me sell something here we might as well all well let me I wanted to give that here now you hear Bourbon Street you hear what Phil just said he said let's all go to hell together we would not be going to hell together maybe he's just talked about he and Madeline yeah exactly I have an LP record - that's called why I am an atheist okay so I guess you can get these at any this is how I got saved Oh we'll be back in just a moment back in a moment trying to close the big sale with dirty dentures I just solve them soaking snot enough Thank You crane cleans almost twice as cleaners effort in than 90 seconds cleaner and faster brush with denture cream or minty dental gel into the land of heartburn comes the first liquid antacid without that liquid antacid tastes really good tasting liquid that puts out heart burns fire new tongues liquid it works it really tastes good good morning I'm at Devlin and coming up in just a few minutes on Pittsburgh's talking he's a rags to win yesterday's program and one thing I before it leave you I'd like a lot of people were concerned about who won and that discipline them that doesn't let's talk to each other and maybe we can both experienced some advancement as a role as a result of the relationship thanks very much to Madalyn Murray O'Hair whose address as Austin Texas and to Bob Harrington box - oh yeah chaplain Bourbon Street new all in okay thank you for joining us on this program [Music] service is provided and promotional fees paid by the following at Volvo we've been safety testing our cars almost as long as we've been building them because we want to make sure our customers keep coming back use quality true test easy care paint for easy does it painting in three finishes and many decorator colors from True Value Hardware stores and home centers I would guess that some listeners find me
Channel: Jerry Roberts
Views: 24,771
Rating: 4.6630034 out of 5
Keywords: Atheist, Atheists, Atheism
Id: QJ3cYR37dA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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