Macon, GA City Confidential Anjette Lyles

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Macon Georgia and Old South Oasis in the modern metropolitan south a little shy of a hundred thousand people it isn't exactly small but it isn't Atlanta either a town where the pace is as slow as the accent the music is homegrown and the cooking is just like mother used to make only be careful cuz the secret recipe just might kill you the thing about it was like a young like a movie it's a very unique community the last place you'd expend from the civil war and the civil rights to Jim Crow and the boll weevil the town to Macon has lived through its share of hard times and the spring of 1958 was one of the toughest thanks to poor mysterious illnesses Oh a flood and she started getting safe nobody figure out what was wrong with the child which led to four agonizing deaths he just beg him well somebody kill him and the key to unlock the puzzle was right under Megan's nose I worked in a drugstore and we saw if not right off the ground with camera and the solution well that's when things really started to get weird accusations of Voodoo activity right here in Willow Megan Georgia I went up to the hospital and I told her I said country I believe you guilty's homemade sin and I just don't want to participate at all one thing was certain Megan's mystery had all the ingredients for a homestyle helping a pure southern gothic with a clean cluster of red brick storefronts a gulet courthouse and a Confederate monument on cotton Avenue Megan's a town was a street - why not for the sake of traffic but for the sake of trees and the folks still make the effort to say yes ma'am and no sir and try to know one another by name bacon is small enough to have that intimacy of an Old South community I like to walk into the dry cleaners and be greeted by my name or have the man at the meat market at the Kroger store I know what it is I'm looking for because it's a particular day of the week there's a lot of old money and makeup old family hits even today when you meet somebody and you know they're from making one of the first things they'll ask you is what did your daddy do so why are old times they're not forgotten look around and it's easy to see Megan's got more authentic Antebellum flavor than gone with the wind all the old homes and the buildings are still standing there and there are a lot of white column houses which people from the north seem to be looking for everybody's looking for tariffs and when it comes to white columns makers churches run a close second to its mansions constantly making Knights go to church with the fervor that's well but downright religious a lot of the people in make it like sweet Christian people and I think that's one thing this held making together in Savannah I think they said what do you drinking and Hester they say though you came to and making they say where you go to church they're more churches per capita than any place in the country I've never quite been able to get a handle on why there are so many churches but making his noni quaint homes and churches it's also home to the South's best hot dog I hadn't been in Macon Georgia two weeks when I had my first new way hot dog and I was sold in a minute nothing quite like one of those red red hot dogs smothered with chili and onions and coleslaw the sign that the store says I'd go a long way for a new way and I would with a six-inch wiener tasting is a little bit crunchy when it's fried properly in the red dye the chili sauce recipe was developed many years ago by our great uncle when it's a recipe that's been handed down through the years and then there's the annual cherry blossom festival held every March since 1982 it's Meghan's right to spray that imagine a celebration of all things pink we literally turn the town pink we wear pink we eat pink we think pink we dream in pink and we paint the traffic lines pink although for festival founder president and CEO Carolyn Creighton every day is a celebration of pink people have sort of dubbed me the pink lady once I was attending a business conference and our governor was there and he came off the podium came Bali and said I almost didn't recognize you you're not in pink it picks out your style check out Karla shoe boutique on Cherry Street stop with the latest Italian Footwear and all sorts of funky accessories Karla's is as cool as it comes in Macon we really try to make sure that we have unique and different merchandise that people just can't run to the mall and behind you may not find Carla's boots at the mall but you know dot buy the CDR to buy Carla's father the late R&B legend Otis Redding and Redding is only one of many musicians making can make claim to making is to R&B what Memphis is to rock and roll today the brand-new Georgia Music Hall of Fame is one of the town's top attractions they say they're very request is for where's the Otis Redding exhibit but then we also have the new and upcoming entertainers you know like Jermaine Dupri the b-52s you know all of the white bread panic all of those people who were from Georgia are featured in that Hall of Fame and that brings out all of Georgia's rich musical history Reagan's history is just as rich and I'm not just whistling Dixie there's been a town on the Ocmulgee River since way before there was a maken the Indian mounds just across the river from the Music Hall of Fame like 10,000 years old by comparison Megan's history goes back to just 200 years to the town's founding in 1823 by the war meaning of course the Civil War Megan was a prosperous plantation town one of the few in central Georgia that Sherman didn't burn all de Macon paid a high price nonetheless all of the fighting aged men in Macon walk north fighting for the Confederacy there was an old general here in Macon that mustard all the old men and the young boys and they marched out to Griswoldville where they met Sherman's troops and needless to say it was a massacre they were all just wiped out but the show of force was enough to turn Sherman's army eastward toward Savannah and the sea mehgan's Antebellum architecture was preserved along with his Antebellum economy as late as the 1950s cotton was still king the cotton mills was one of the major employers in those days there were seven cotton mills there was operating in Macon in the 50s and the pre Moll days the 1950s were downtown Macon's heyday make his tree lined streets where the shopping house was south central Georgia as busy and bustling as any modern mall it would be like a like ants yeah you just going and coming you just you got to wiggle your way through oh no to get to the stores you want to go to shopping wasn't the only thing that had things hopping back in the pictures why kids were beginning to like black music so we went to the city auditorium the white kids sat in the balcony and watched the big-name black entertainers come through all the old predominantly black rhythm and blues singers would come to Mikan uh they would have these rock shows three four five times a year and gosh anybody that was anybody came to Micha that is those who weren't already from making a local car hop named Richard Penniman started singing to customers at the big and whistled Ryman was an old man named Ingram that I ran the pig and whistle and supposedly the story has it that Richard would wait cars over there and he was saying to the customers and mr. Ingram supposedly told him one day either quit singing and start working or quit working start saying he chose the latter and as Little Richard it wasn't long before he had the whole country screaming good golly Miss Molly meanwhile an unknown kid named Otis was a wily search quiet and at the regular talent shows at poor Street the dentist eating first time I was always ready what sort of fraternity dance he had to pearl handle 22 pistols stuck in his belt and we we talked to him after the show and asking why care to pistol he said if you won't sing in front all these white folks you carry pistol too and while Memphis had the king of rock and roll make him to claim the Godfather Soul James Brown's annual homecoming concert was everybody's favorite feel-good event there's a teenager in the 50s I saw the emergence of rock and roll it was a great time to be growing up in the city but in the summer of 1958 it wouldn't be music that rocked Macon it'd be murder City confidential will return money we now return to city confidential on A&E that goes small cities in the south bacon is a town that likes to talk and there's no place that's more true than downtown it's a quaint old-time kind place where life still moves at a gracious Old South pace and a walk down Mulberry Street can take minutes or hours depending on who you I can walk downtown and speak to half the people I meet and that's hard to do you know there's many people as we have downtown and walking the street but I speak to everybody anyway but it's amazing how many that I know and that know me and what's true today was even more so back in 1958 in those days before malls DVD players and the Internet downtown was not only making the shopping center and home theater it was it's chat room - it was just an easygoing southern town where you walk by somebody and say hello how're you today and first thing you knew they was telling you their life story or you was relating some of your experiences and it's just it was just a friendly good place it still is but you just have to know where the people are back in the 50s everybody knew where the people were most any time of day they'd be down to Dan Jets restaurant right on Mulberry and jets was the place in Macon for luncher sent me to grab a cup of coffee and sit a spell she cooked homemade vegetables there and I've had good meats and things and they were very reasonably priced the people that didn't eat lunch would all get that for coffee and donuts or whatnot in the morning earlier but it wasn't really the coffee or the collard greens that made an jet so popular it was the restaurants by business proprietor and jet Lyle's she was a very charismatic woman she would would come out during the meals and go from table to table tell jokes greet people she had a personality run out then just grab you she was just real real real outgoing Oh real extroverts he just would talk if she met you one time she knew your name oh and she considered you a friend such a gracious person just as gracious and courteous and kind as she could be and everybody loved her how could they not after all everybody and making knew that behind an jet sunny disposition quick wit and considerable charm was the woman who bounced back from heartbreak and tragedy more than one and Jeff's story seemed to start off promising enough the youngest daughter of a Macon grocer in 1947 and yet married and Lyles a young man fresh out of the army Bin's family owned a restaurant in downtown Macon and when engine wasn't taking care of the couple's daughter Marsha Jews down at the restaurant helping take care of the family business early on she realized that she had a knack for this that she was very good with customers I think she enjoyed the the interchange it was a good thing because Ben's health wasn't the best he had had rheumatic fever real bad oh and they were hitting my ring he wouldn't go to work he wouldn't care the rest was just going downhill in January 1952 a few months after their second daughter Carla was born Ben's condition took a turn the person was admitted to Macon sparkvue hospital tormented by abdominal pain severe nosebleeds and swollen extremities no one could figure out what was wrong with Ben the doctors I think finally decided it was encephalitis but I think that was almost a compromise kind of diagnosis nobody ever knew for sure one thing was certain and Jed never left her husband aside she had family members care for the two children she would sit with him she would sleep in the room at night she would bring him food two days later Ben was dead and yet only 25 were suddenly a widow with two small children to raise and she rose to the challenge she just felt like that um she was somebody and that she was gonna make a name for herself renamed and jets in 1955 the restaurants new manager and namesake was a big hit with the one o'clock club courthouse regulars at 8:00 their most every day lawyers when I would meet they had frequent and yet she lawyers were crazy about NJ she was always accommodating you know and hey camera well I mean you just couldn't have a like and yet when you talked to her she was one of the most likable people I've ever met before long and Jeb was one of the most popular most recognizable people then make she had prematurely gray hair and she was very striking particularly in a 1950s Joan Crawford kind of way I thought angie was gorgeous she was so pretty and tall very picturesque person and she had beautiful hair in 1955 an jets glamorous silver haired looks attracted the attention of Buddy Gabbard an airline pilot when the pilots would come to town they often would eight at an jets restaurant again because it was a popular place to be and that's where she met buddy who I think must have fell in love with her almost immediately the first night they met and Jeff says that when he paid his bill he told her he was gonna marry her and after a whirlwind romance he did he lived in Texas and I think she even went out to Texas with him a couple of times to uh to meet the family because they had gotten married that was part of the honeymoon was going to Texas and just happiness was short-lived in November after a minor operation at Parkview Hospital but he became seriously ill he developed a horrible skin rash I think it was described as a red weeping rash over most of his body it itched furiously he talked one of the nurses into tying his arms at night so that he wouldn't scratch it in his sleep he just was absolutely miserable huh well had people tell me that he just beggin before somebody to kill him just as she had during Ben's illness and Jen stayed by but his bedside as he grew progressively worse on December 2nd he died the whole town's heart went out to the young widow everyone thought how tragic and Jen's life had become here she was a young woman in her early thirties she had been widowed twice she had two small children to rise and it was just a very sad story NJ wasn't totally alone Julia Lyles their former mother-in-law continued to lend a hand Julia miles had spent most of her adult life working in that restaurant so she still went to the restaurant almost every day the staff all knew her all loved her she'd sit in the kitchen helping the cooks when the grandchildren came by after school she'd entertained the children Julia was such a part of the fam that a 1957 and jet bought a house on Pinewood driving north making her former mother-in-law moved in however the bad luck that dogged and jet was never far behind in August 1957 Gillian Isles fell ill you told a woman oh sick poor file several doctors so they examine and try to figure out what the problem was and she was in terrible pain her hands and her arms became so swollen that they were completely immobile she couldn't even pick up a glass of water nurses had to come in and hold water a glass of water in front of her and let her drink from a straw Julie Lyles passed away at the end of September after more than a month of agony around town people shook their heads is that a prayer for poor inject she buried two husbands and a mother her two babies for all that she had left in the world for the time being at least city confidential will return any we now return to city confidential on A&E between drugstore sodas movie matinees and window shopping on 3rd Street downtown Megan was the place to hang out in the 1950s and was just as true for kids as adults in the days before mall rats many bands and soccer moms down down with children's playground on Saturday afternoons our parents would give us a bow on Saturday and we'd go to town you can ride the bus to town for a nickel go to the movie for a dime get a hamburger dinner for 50 Cent's and spend the day downtown go back home Charlie would sporting is that was a big deal we would always go to Charlie woods just to see what they had knew and see the new gloves and the footballs and the bats and all the other guns that they had and downstairs they had a toy department he had planes and different models hanging all over the ceiling and sometimes if we had money we'd buy something too Gaines has been nearly every afternoon downtown with the oona van gent miles the owner wanna make ins busiest restaurant it was a good thing because after Julia Lyles death and jet had her hands full suddenly her mother-in-law's estate Julia Lyles had left her estate jointly to her her youngest son Joseph and to her grandchildren Marsha and Carla Lyles and jet was named the executor Julia Lyles had many thousands of dollars in a savings account as matter-of-fact and jet had shown a bankbook to a local attorney that indicated she had somewhere between thirty and sixty thousand dollars by the time spring rolled around and jet had managed to sort through her mother-in-law's affairs as a reward she bought herself a new car I've seen a ride and let me down Jerry straightened around town in a convertible and her hair was blowing in the wind and I thought she was so beautiful decide was enough to make anyone in Macon smile despite all the tragedy in her life and jet seemed truly blessed with a friend of house car and a sizeable nest egg for her daughter's future Marsha the oldest was nine years old a spring of 1958 she sat behind me when I was in the fourth grade just Comus class and she was a dark-haired young lady nor kitty girl I remember she was a nice person friendly yet quiet it was about an hour before closing time on the evening of March 1st 1958 when Marsha fell ill one of the the waitresses felt really bad for the child and brought her cold cloth for her head and checked on her from time to time and and went to Angie a couple of times and said I think Marsha is really sick can you take her home injected Marsha home and summoned a doctor to the house on Pinewood Drive Marsha was running a fever of 106 a little while later they checked Marsha into Park View Hospital she wasn't good Hill huh and then all the sudden she started getting sick next thing you know she in the hospital while the doctor struggles a diagnosed Marshalls ailment and Jed settled into her by now for me sickbed routine she had a bed hospital veil even funny show the bed and she stayed in that hospital room her child day and night engine cared for her daughter as obsessively as she cared for her two husbands and mother-in-law she would fix a food at the restaurant and bring it up there she wouldn't eat though anything from the hospital yet despite her mother's round-the-clock worry Marcia's condition scarcely improved they brought in specialists nobody could figure out what was wrong with the child she would improve and then a couple of days later she'd be just as sick as she had been as a vigil stretched into a second week and then a third friends and family started to worry about engine as much as total Marsha after losing so many loved ones they were afraid the poor woman would come unhinged several times during her illness and jet would predict her death that started just days after she was admitted to the hospital she called someone and said you know Marsha is gonna die and people would say why do you think that of course she's not gonna die Marshall Isles died on Good Friday April 4th 1958 at the funeral the crowd of family friends and 1 o'clock club regulars did their best to comfort njet Marsha they told her was in a far far better place it was Easter Sunday now vividly remember obtaining her service and remember crying that someone in my class and died and passed away besides your classmates Marcia's little sister Carla was distraught to back her sister she was too young to recall the deaths of her father and stepfather but Marcia's death coming so soon after the loss of her grandmother was quite a shock pen and jet was obviously worried about she told a friend after Marcia's death that Carla who was the seven-year-old daughter told her that she wanted to go to heaven to be with Marsha in churches all over me and folks prayed for Carla Lyles and their mother misfortune clung to inject Lyles like a local version of the biblical joke but as far as an jets tribulations went the deaths of two husbands a mother-in-law and her eldest daughter were merely a warm-up in April 1958 she made one final trip to Macon sparkvue Hospital and she'd never come home again city confidential will return on A&E we now return to city confidential on A&E in April 1958 all of Megan knew that marshal Isles dear departed soul adjoin knows of bin Lyle's but a Gabbard and Julie Lyles but what Meghan didn't know just yet was that bits of marshes lungs liver and kidneys as well as the lock of her hair we're in the custody of the Georgia State Crime Lab back in March during the second week of Marshalls illness her paternal and received two mysterious letters both Prince Embry please come at once she's getting the same dose as the others there was no signature Marcia's anteater led us straight to the sheriff's office we said and talked with her and she told us uh what she suspicions would you feel like a gun this nice would be important and the authority said well we have no idea who sent these that doesn't make any sense it's just somebody trying to make trouble so nothing else was done that is until after Marcia's death the medical examiner remembered the letter and so he rather than just doing the the usual kind of visual postmortem he went to the funeral home where the body had already been taken and and conducted an autopsy there after midnight one night the sample sealed in pike mason jars were sent off to the crime lab in Atlanta the tests came back positive for arsenic r6 the easiest thing to find the portion they use arsenic does not dissipate it will end up in your hair and then your fingernails the medical examiner decided to ask and get some questions he knew and Jaya as did most people in town he liked the end yet he had no suspicions that she could be responsible so he called her and said you know there are some rumors about this I need to talk to you about this and when njet came to his office with Carla in tow it was a medical examiner that was in for a shock she brought Carla her seven-year-old daughter with her she she stood Carla up on the examining table and said now you tell the doctor what you told me Carla described how before Marsha got sick the two girls have read hospital with the Jones trans kids from the neighborhood the children had pretended to be doctors and patient and even gave one another medicine at that point an jet produced the medicine from her purse the bottle of taro and poison there's a young boy i watch in the drugstore and we sold it from the right off to the Royals of Canada oh yeah there's all like like oh the sheriff nation and all sick trioxide is what it was mixed with sugar and water oh very simple formula but they're paired bears very dangerous the authorities however weren't about to dismiss Marcia's death as child's play they got a court order to have their body a buddy gabart and ban and Jew girl Isles exhumed while a cop's headed for the cemetery and jet was at Parkview Hospital only this time she was a patient suffering from of painful swelling of the extremities oddly similar to Ben and Julia symptoms the next morning the courthouse was buzzing with rumors about the anonymous letters and jet and arsenic by lunchtime the whole town jets Taylor Phillips then a young lawyer I remember the one o'clock club decided to give his friend a little free advice I told her I said and yet you need to get a lawyer before you do anything just no making statements just get yourself a lawyer and she said well would you represent me in this and I said no I want she said why not I said well I'm afraid I believe you guilties homemade sin and I just don't want to participate in it at all the three new autopsies came back positive for arsenic the really amazing thing was that it took an anonymous tip before the authorities figured it out if you're looking for Arctic you can find it but if you're not looking for you'll find a lot of ill effect on May 6 1958 the Bibb County Sheriff's walked into Park View Hospital and arrested an jet on four counts of murder deputies searched a house on Pinewood Drive they found two bottles of taro and poison hidden in and Jet's closet they also found all sorts of voodoo paraffin candles and various colors powders oils and charms a lot of this voodoo type stuff she believed in that stuff she's like these candles a black candle mint death and different channels meant different things in the deep south town like makin voodoo wasn't unknown it wasn't ours something white women in the suburbs dabbled in except for njet she told investigators that for spiritual help she made regular trips to the shotgun shacks around the old cotton mill today they say spiritual advisors in the old days they said palm readers and then fortune tellers but she was going to a person for gothic miss Jesus letters accusations of murder and now black magic it sounded like the plotline of the Vincent Price double featured playing down at the Capitol Theater only this was real it was all over the news all over the newspaper I'm some really weird things here about voodoo accusations of Voodoo activity right here in little old Macon Georgia it was enough to fill a god-fearing southern town with mortal dread every mysterious death every unexplained illness was re-examined with the fervor of a fundamentalist poring over the book of Revelation we had a neighbor next door named Tom Johnson who was an attorney who drop dead in the courtroom one day I can remember my mom and dad telling me the speculation around town was that Tom Johnson may have been forced by a jet for half of making was sick with worry about hours thinking their coffee and yet recovered from her mysterious illness on May a she checked out a Park View Hospital and straight into the Bibb County Jail to Jay Leno says was part of the County Courthouse virus going as the jailers wife lived in the building and went out of her way to see the damn jet was well cared for my husband had to work the night shift and I'd be lonely sitting there and I'd bring her in let her watch television with me and we have coffee and she smoked and so she would have coughing a cigarette or cookie or something while I'm Jed enviros were watching and Sullivan a few floors below the prosecution had hit a snag half the town knew and jet and the other half was related picking a jury was well complicated one of the jurors that I spoke with said that he had gotten a summons for jury duty but he thought it was ridiculous when as he was getting dressed that morning he told his wife come get me at five o'clock in the afternoon because I've worked over the years with fan jets father there's no way they're gonna choose me he was the first juror selected it didn't read him and yet when it came to her guilt or innocence the town was divided straight down my husband he said well she just got the wool pulled over your eyes I saw well maybe she has but I've trials she is a human being and she's a mother and I'm a mother and I know that I could never do anything to harm any of my children and I laugh though I said but you know a lot of women feel I think it just killed her husband sometime he said we can feel like you could kill me I said no darling you haven't got that bad yet one thing was certain when the trial got started on October 6 making tactic courthouse like it was a revival meeting there was so many people that was just pressing you couldn't get out for the elevator because of people were saying that photographers and reporters was our this and that they just drive you up the wall but if they were expecting a Southern gothic tale of voodoo and murder they were bound to be disappointed what had that kind of eerie voodoo element to it but the state's prosecution had trialed steered away from that instead the state focused and the more worldly aspects of the case she wanted a good life and she's a good life to her were so for a flashy automobile splashy dress and parties at night she had insurance on her mother-in-law she had insurance on her child she had insurance on her on her husband that she killed and a first husband that she had also killed louse and what about Julia's will it was signed and dated while Julia was in the hospital but was the signature Julia's the prosecution brought in Mary Beckham an expert from Atlanta who swore the signature was a forgery she had big charts up by blown-up photographs where she showed what constituted the the fact that it was a forgery and what about the big mystery the person who sent two mysterious letters whose Marshall Isles guardian angel for an answer Macon had to wait for the prosecution's final witness a cook at the restaurant she had noticed and yet doing some strange things while Julia and Marsha were ill and it had to do with the food to the hospital before she left the restaurant she took a brown paper bag tucked it under her arm took a spoon walked into the bathroom closed the door behind her came out a few minutes later stirring the buttermilk so why didn't you go to the sheriff to cook like all the cooks at Anne Jets was black this was Macon and this was the 1950s and she knew that if she went to the sheriff that not only would she probably not be believed going to cast suspicion on a white employer but she also ran the risk of losing her job and jobs weren't that easy to come by motive opportunity and an attempt to cover her tracks when the prosecution rested on October 12th they felt that case was as unshakable as the gospel they hadn't over counted on the defense's trump card and jet Lyle's due to a quirk of Georgia law she was allowed to make an impassioned plea to the jury completely unsworn and with no cross-examination she could get up there and she did and give a real first-class cock-and-bull story about it wasn't me I love my children I love my husband she had been taking notes through the whole trial and one by one just by herself she turned to the jury and tried to refute every point and when the jury avenged as friends and neighbors recessed on the evening of October 13 to consider a verdict the whole case hinged on one thing was an jets ton as silver as her hair city confidential will return on A&E we now return to city confidential on A&E downtown Megan was hopping on the evening of October 13 1958 after weeks in the media spotlight the sensational murder trial of an Jett Lyles was drawing to a close while a jury was deciding her fate all of making buzz with speculation the city wouldn't have long to wait it was less than an hour when the jury came back with a verdict which was quite a surprise for the reporters holed up in the VFW Club they went over the hand began to bend the elbows well in 55 minutes I got the cold to get him out of there and bring him back and some of them weren't ready to come by by the time the members of the press stumbled back into the courtroom and Jett Lyons was already there and though she was on trial for murder she was as vivacious and high-spirited as ever cutting up with Jada virus goes somebody said well you better take some ammonia in case she faints it was a large bottle of ammonia and so we were sitting there and I was holding it in my lap like this and I forget what she said to me and I got tickled when I get tickled I just said after life and I was laughing and she said look there in that bottle of ammonia was just sloshing back and forth goes ahead Chris know my stomach knows laughing so hard but and jej wasn't laughing when the foreman read the verdict the jury found her guilty and jet was spelled and it'd take more than viruses ammonia to cut through the shock she thought she had enough friends and she thought all Tigers had to had done a job good enough that it would conviction was something that was absolutely fall fixed she didn't have any US value she could be convicted that wasn't all the judge based on the premeditated nature of the killings sentence and yet to death in the electric chair we went back upstairs and I put her in the cell and I went over to her and I put my arms around her and I said and Jed I'm so sorry darling Thanks so maybe things will work out and she broke down and cried and that was the first time that I had seen her cry she said I expect they're gonna fry my hide now that's exactly what she said only it wasn't exactly what happened sentencing and Jed to death and actually executed here were two very different things especially in 19th pitches Georgia they had been as I understand it one a woman executed in Georgia I don't know exactly when but some years earlier I'm sure I understood it was a black woman and so to put a woman particularly a white woman into the electric chair was tough so tested to governor back down mere weeks before njet was scheduled to die he appointed a special sanity Commission who rule and Jett was insane on October 17 1959 an Jett was admitted to central state mental hospital in Milledgeville until her death in 1977 she worked believe much in the ward I thought it would just strangest thing in the world and of course if they kept the Tarot and boys away from I guess it was alright for quite some time every cup of coffee I drank and it made it and it wasn't a frightening thing at all making has moved on since the sensational case of an jet miles and 40-plus years have made their mark adding performance like the Allman Brothers to make his long list of music greats but as the almonds were climbing the charts down down making like many other small towns hit rock bottom since in downtown has reinvented yourself building on Megan's rich antebellum heritage music history and cultural anchors like the Georgia Music Hall of Fame we've seen a resurgence the last three four five years where you know we've got more restaurants than ever downtown a lot of different ethnic restaurants sandwich shops and so forth so we're very optimistic about downtown and in a small way injured louse has earned your own place in the full floor that draws visitors to downtown for years the old restaurant since demolished was a stop on Megan's downtown to her I would say overall the right is the famous and yet loud restaurant it was a favorite place to eat until they discovered that murder was on the menu we heard a man was bitten half there's something big in Lake Placid thirty feet and it's tired of cow Dominic Bridget Fonda and Bill Pullman star in Lake Placid tonight at 9:00 on a
Channel: Marshal Law
Views: 702,945
Rating: 4.5385666 out of 5
Id: HDLkuI08uZs
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Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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