48 Hours Mystery 2019 - The Shape of a Killer - Dateline 2019 - 20/20 ABC 2019

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[Music] this investigation started off initially just like any other death investigation for the address of your emergency maple lake just came across the body they were called there about 7:15 in the morning by a turkey hunter he's going through the tree he's trying to find game he basically said I found young woman hanging from a tree there was a note present that's the note can you read it this is my name is Chandra Browne and I hated my life goodbye world watch the video it's on my phone I see this is the phone that contained the actual video in question the phone was dead at the time you picked it up yeah wouldn't charge wouldn't turn on [Music] genrih was my world she was my life when genrih died my heart shattered I didn't even know she had any like depression thoughts or anything like that couldn't believe that she wasn't fair with us she just never wanted to be such everyone had any of us to be sad so she'd make everyone to stay including hers in looking at the scene there was no vehicle there you know I was trying to figure out how this person got here and I noticed an individual walking towards our location that's wearing a bright orange shirt he introduces himself to me as Tyrell prohibition and he tells me goes I think you want to talk to me I need to tell you the whole story he's very emotional he's crying he's a stupid kid who made a very big mistake this goes far beyond making bad mistakes this was criminal behavior he's bragged about it he holed other people oh yeah I recorded her hanging in there for ten minutes Tyrell had been planning this he wanted this to happen in his mind I don't think that he was committing murder he was helping her do what she wanted to do he clouded her judgment he clouded her emotions he made her feel nothing but alone [Music] there is no doubt in my mind that Jandra does not die on may 5th 2017 if she had never met Tyrell [Music] 48 hours a death in Payson Canyon reported by David beg no continues in 90 seconds [Music] with six feet of snow on the ground getting up to Maple Lake in March calls for some pretty unique transportation fortunately the Utah County Sheriff's Office is well equipped and they agreed to take us there it's been almost two years since sergeant Quinn FAC role and sergeant Josh Chapel were called up here to Payson Canyon it's about 20 miles south of Provo Utah we cover the areas that people go to get away from people those are our areas it's a popular location with snowmobilers and backcountry skiers in the winter and hikers and hunters in the warmer months unfortunately this remote area attracts people for other reasons as well we get a lot of people that like to go to the mountains or to the areas outside of the city and cause harm from themselves so we see a fair amount of suicides that we investigate one of those investigations was the suicide of sixteen-year-old Jandra Brown which occurred on May 5th 2017 who's gonna company where you can stay in gender searcher sue Brian relishes the visits that she has with her son Dustin and her grandchildren but missing from this table and this family is Sue's daughter Chandra tell me about the blue color in your hair it's an honor of my daughter because she loved having her vibrant blue hair which matched her super vibrant and lovely personality her nickname when she's little was jelly bean jelly bean ease did you call her jelly or gender I called her both as a young girl growing up in Twin Falls Idaho sue says Jandra always seemed to be one of the happiest kids in the room if you met down Dre you just fell in love with her in sleep Thank You Dee she was very active and adventurous and she wanted to try and do anything so she would do the water slides which was in volleyball we went picnicking dancing she loves skiing and tubing she was a cheerleader she wants so many awards she was so good in 2016 Jan Drew's mother and stepfather moved her from Idaho to Spanish Fork Utah they wanted to be closer to jander's brother Dustin and his family how'd she get along with the kids great I mean they adored her oh just super excited with the move to a new town came a new school and of course new friends me grace and jelly usually called ourselves as a third Musketeers though they didn't know Jandra very long hannah ball grace Jackson and Ashton Wall say they were lucky to have known her at all she connected to me in a lot of ways that other people didn't she got you she got me I've never met anybody like her there was never a dull moment or a boring moment when I was with her we always found something to do we always had fun doing it she was always hopping around the place she was like jelly holding everyone together you know jano yeah she was out of this world she really was but after living in Utah for just a few months chandra seemed to need someone to hold her together i got the sense she was sad and having problems she just wasn't herself what was different she wasn't happy all the time and she was frustrated very easily she wasn't feeling good and I actually took her to a doctor [Music] Chandra was prescribed an antidepressant she had been treated for depression a year earlier back in Idaho depression really affects the way you think it affects the way you behave it affects the way you experience the world doctor held Kaplowitz is one of the leading innovators in the field of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry he never treated Jandra but we asked him to take a look at her case I think that what all young adults struggle with is impulse control and the intensity of their feelings they freeze or they're boiling or they hate you or they love you zero to sixty quickly right did you talk about that depression with her all the time I think in my heart what depressed Chandra was not being close to her friends and family in Idaho did she ever talk about life in Idaho missing it yes I think the move from Idaho to Utah was much more problematic for her than we would expect was there ever an indication that Chandra might harm her so I know that she's so turned by doing one cutting cutting has become much more frequent than it was 20 years ago and so very often when you do talk to cutters they will tell you I feel nothing and when I cut I feel something but that's a sign of depression that's a sign of someone's really reaching out for help and then came the events of May 5th 2017 which turned out to be the last day of jander's life she got in trouble for smoking pot having it not smoking it getting caught with it and this wasn't the first time she got caught it happened once before in Idaho this time though she got suspended from school she was so worried and freaking out about what her mom would do fish was so upset that you heard mom might be mad at her she shamed and she feels hopeless and now I'm caught with weed so these seemingly insignificant events for someone who's very vulnerable can mean something she came home from school that day and she goes alright aren't you gonna yell at me and I said no I'm not I figure you've been in trouble enough at school that there's no reason for me to yell and we can talk about it when we're calm and I said if you have homework you better get it done because you have work jander's punishment sue confiscated her cell phone later that afternoon she drove Jandra to her night job at a nearby Wendy's that is the last I seen her I don't know if she thought that was mad at her that I didn't love her I don't I don't know cuz I didn't get to talk to her again what time was she supposed to come home so she was supposed to get off around 1:30 in the morning yeah but Chandra never made it home and it's kind of weird I said straight up in bed and said Chandra and I freaked out and I can't call her cuz I took her phone away and so I called the police and I told them that I guess my daughter had ran away and so they put a report out and they went looking for but the police didn't find gender that morning someone else did the beer my duty for advice on recognizing depression in teens and how you can help them go to 48 hours calm [Music] getting up to the spot where Jandra brown's body was discovered was not an easy task it took to search and rescue vehicles three pairs of snow shoes and some pretty careful trekking well we wanted you to see just how far Janne room went to leave her life behind it was May 6th 2017 a turkey hunter was walking right through this area when he noticed the body of a young girl hanging from that tree branch he's the one who called 911 and to the detectives who first responded they thought it was a pretty clear-cut case of suicide when in fact it was anything but that he's about right here where the rope was hanging off of the tree what's it like to be back it brings back a lot of memories in my mind I can visualize chandra and hanging in that tree when sheriff's officials arrived early that morning there was no snow on the ground and this tree limb was ten feet in the air what was on the ground were the clues that jandreau did not die here alone there was two grocery bags just right over here on the ground when I went through everything that's when I discovered a crinkled up receipt for a purchase of rope and on that receipt was trails name it was a debit card receipt with the name Tyrell Pro bitching so this was the first thing you saw that said I got to talk to this guy right yeah when we saw that receipt we knew that we needed to contact Tyrell also in the bags note Chandru's note pointing them to a cellphone video this was a phone that was left out of the scene now her mom had taken away her phone this was a spare phone that she had the phone could be the answer to many of their questions but there was a problem I tried to power the phone on it wouldn't power on sergeant faculty sided to leave and charge the phone in his car while he drove back to Spanish Fork and when it finally powered up that's when I saw the video that was recorded at that time of the incident this is a ten minute video of Chandra dying I was shocked absolutely shocked what was so shocking given what you normally see on any given day I was shocked for the fact that somebody could sit by and let somebody lose their life and not do anything [Music] faculty did the person who bought the rope may have shot that video too he was obviously a person that we wanted to talk to well as it turned out Tyrell found them first I kind of look up the hill and I noticed that there's somebody walking to us so I actually walked back up the hill immediately he tells me who he is I recognized his name from the receipt why had he come back his initial statement to us was as he was going to make sure that Chandra was dead sergeant Chappell wanted to hear more so he suggested they ride together to the Utah County Sheriff's Department to continue the conversation at that moment were you thinking of him as a suspect no they certainly thought that there might have been a crime committed but what crime as we drove to the sheriff's office we just talked generally about who he was and what his interests were he was a quiet kid he always cared of others Tyrells mother Brittany says he always made her proud he's very smart very smart child was always ahead in his reading always ahead in his math love science he was very active did a lot of sports he tried soccer baseball basketball wrestling but as Tyrell got older Brittany started to see some changes in her son you just pulled quite a bit of negative thoughts and to everyday life it was shocking to me so I took him to the doctor I was thinking he was depressed you know something is not right the doctor told me that he just is a pessimist and that's hard to be told did you know anything about Jandra brown before she died I had never heard of her Tyrel never mentioned her no never saw him with her no actually I was the one who introduced her to Tyrell I told Tyrell hey I have a new friend and he said he wanted meet her Tyler Hughes Millman was good friends with both Chandra and Tyrell did you ever know Tyrell to be depressed but really he was a little bit depressed to seem like sometimes but he wasn't that bad Gendron hung out with him all the time what drew her to him I actually have no clue she liked hanging out with in a lot we're Tyrell and ginger of a romantic in any way no no she did not see him as a relationship kind of guy she wanted to try and help him she thought she could change him yes she thought that she could make him want to join other people and actually have fun instead of sitting by himself she knew when people were upset or sad she would go up to him talk to him and make him feel comfortable before ginger died had you ever heard of Tyrell Pro bitching no not from her or anybody else nope but the Utah County Sheriff's investigators we're about to get to know Tyrell very well [Music] today's 48 hours will continue on Saturday morning May 6 2017 hours after she reported her daughter Jan were missing sue Brian went to work not long after she got there her manager wanted to see her sergeant Farell was waiting too they had me sit down and he says Janice gone and she's not coming home I'm like where's she gone to what why where she gone to and then he said she's gone she's passed away we found her in Payson Canyon she was devastated as any parent would be obviously it's like dropping a bomb on the family and it's not easy for them to process what I said was I should have loved her more [Music] completed suicide I didn't know that's what went through my mind so suicide was the first thing you thought yeah because all I could think was she's at the bottom of a canyon [Music] just across town Tyrell Pro bitching was talking to sheriff's detectives too so what's your relationship with Jimmy I wouldn't say close friend for the next five hours Tyrell described just how Jan ray ended up in Payson Canyon the night before he described how he got the text from Chandra that said let's do this tonight investigators would later discover that Tyrell and Chandra had been texting each other for weeks about suicide once you get your hands on the text messages what do they tell you the Tyrell had been planning this from probably the first week that he'd met her had researched this he wanted this to happen and he carried it out [Music] she was at work with the Wendy's through and they left and went to Cal ranch and he bought the rope store security video and the receipt found at the scene both show Tyrell purchased 20 feet of nylon rope and then the two of them proceeded to drive towards Payson Canyon Tyrell says that's when he picked up her phone did he in any way try to paint this as a suicide pact he did but sergeant Farell says Tyrell also told him several times that he had no intention of completing suicide that night are you then thinking that he's a suspect in a crime yeah what's the crime well possibly murder possibly but that wasn't their decision so I told the officer I said keep digging keep learning about what happened in circumstances but if all we have is just him recording this and it's her act we might not have anything deputy Utah County attorneys Chad Grune and ER and Ryan McBride were assigned to evaluate the case for possible prosecution Ryan was the initial contact with the County Sheriff's Office I was a supervisor at that time from the start they faced a unique challenge in 2017 Utah had no law against assisted suicide now we were one of only a handful of states in the country they did not have an assisted suicide crime and so this was either going to be murder or potentially manslaughter or nothing at all and that's when another detective sends me a text message recovered from an acquaintance of Tyrells what would you do if you had a friend that wanted to kill themselves this friend said I would talk them out of it of course and he responds back I would help them do it it's like getting away with murder when we got that message it was very clear in our minds that he was acting intentional he was wanting to help caused her death we felt like we had enough that was the break for us a bizarre case out of Payson a 16 year old girl is dead and another teen is accused of helping her hang herself charges opens just five days after introducing himself to sergeant Chappell and Payson Canyon Tyrell Pro bitchin was charged with first-degree murder tell me he told us later part of his reasoning for going back to the scene was just want to make sure that she was dead and then he had plans to collect the noose the rope and save it and keep it like some kind of souvenirs like a souvenir or a trophy yelling and there was something else Tyrel wanted the detectives to know he described that Chandra had written a note to her mother and he left it in the mailbox outside the hole I haven't read the note since the first time that it was read to me it was your typical emotionally-charged letter basically saying is she sorry chandra also wrote something else in that letter this was all my decision the question was was this her decision or was this his plan [Music] you tonight's 48 hours will continue [Music] when you found out what he did what was your first reaction they have the wrong person there is no way Tyrell would do anything like this Brittany Johnson says she never imagined she'd find her son in jail awaiting trial for murder I truly felt like I was living a nightmare that I would wake up for him I just couldn't process Tyrell participating in anything like this have you ever been able to ask him why no in his mind I don't think that he was committing murder he was helping her do what she wanted to do Neal Skousen and Greg Stewart were hired to defend Tyrell at his upcoming trial how does this case compare to anything you've dealt with prior nothing compares no guilty I feel like I did murder that's what it is okay why do you feel that so how do you defend a case where your client seems to have already confessed we had the words of Chandra in her suicide note she told her mom this was all her decision [Music] we could not escape the fact that Chandra participated in her own death as she wanted to die that was a real factor that we had to consider in prosecuting this case it's just no doubt that she was determined that doesn't mean we couldn't have had another outcome child and adolescent psychiatrist dr. Harold Kaplowitz the leading cause of death worldwide for 15 to 19 year old girls is suicide it's it's unacceptable did she ever mention about talking with Tyrell about suicide those are things that she'd keep to herself mostly even though you guys were some of her closest friends yes she when you read the text you start to think that this has become a part of the game they play except it's a very dangerous game in one of them Tyrell asks Chandra you want the quick and painless no chance of escaping or returning to this life Chandra responded I just want to die I've been trying too long I just want to make sure I end it do you think Tyrell was a negative influence on ginger yes most definitely she'd get more and more depressed the longer she hung out with him that was obvious at least to me it was he was feeding her she had these thoughts she had these plans and he was encouraging it he was scratching the itch [Music] and he went further and further and further without his support and has helped for doing that she wouldn't have been able to do it she'd still be here I think it's true he didn't push her off the cliff but he kept his arm around her and encouraged her to keep moving forward but would the prosecutors be able to convince a jury of that the prosecution has the burden to show the necessary intent to commit a crime and the best way to show that is through the defendants own words and Tyrell gave them a lot to work with all of those text messages between him and Jandra you have Tyrell talking about how he's gonna help Chandra die different ways of taking her life recording her do it this is a text that Tyrell sends to Chandra can i mutilate your body and cut your head off and dispose of your body yes very disturbing all these messages just add up to this depravity not caring about human life and our argument is an intent to kill and a desire to participate in causing someone else's death what was the most damning piece of evidence I think some of the text messages that came out when he was talking about getting away with murder as a father of a 15 year old daughter and as a defense attorney that was one thing that that I guess troubled me I wish those types of statements hadn't been out there it would have made depending the case I think a lot a lot easier if we could keep our clients mouth shut that's really a big part of this but Tyrell still had a lot to say reaching out to family and friends with letters and phone calls from jail he bragged about his conduct his accomplishment if you will he talked about when I get out I want to get a noose tattooed all over my arm he asked a friend of his to set up an Instagram page I used the media to enhance his notoriety as somehow profit off of this Tyrell also wrote that he wanted to get in touch with Michelle Carter she caught the nation's attention during her precedent-setting trial for encouraging her friend Conrad Roy to kill himself Tyrel wrote we'd get along great did you ever pay him a visit in jail and say to him you have to stop writing every time I sign just weeks before his trial was set to begin Tyrell reached out to his friends again I will encourage you to use your right to remain silent as anything you say is held against me in court he writes the letter telling them that they don't have to testify against him they shouldn't testify against him it would help my case if you would inform everyone that is subject to interrogation to use their right to remain silent he was telling them essentially to not cooperate with the police you can't do that that's witness tampering in fact that letter changed everything did we know that he would send out letters that would hurt us down the road No did it hurt us yes [Music] [Music] in the fall of 2018 the Utah County prosecutors and Tyrells defense team we're getting ready for trial Tyrell had been adamant about going to trial what was his thought process that he hadn't committed murderer I'd planned my closing argument shad had planned a lot of his opening statement we had our trial strategy he change his mind well I think one thing that changed his mind was an additional case that we filed against him for witness tampering after prosecutors found out that Tyrell asked his friends not to testify against him they charged him with witness tampering in addition to murder and that's when Tyrell asked for a deal we sat down and talked and they asked us if we were open to a plea deal we said certainly if we think it satisfies the interest of justice this was the deal Tyrell would plead guilty to a lesser first degree felony child abuse homicide murder was 15 years to life we compromised and offered child abuse homicide which was five to life why the about-face why the change I think it was thinking more clearly about the situation and realizing the particular was in mr. provision asked to the amended charge of count one child abuse homicide what is your play what do you think went I pleaded guilty I wasn't surprised thank God I'm glad that he fessed up I'm glad that he didn't try and keep denying it it was child abuse he did take a child and in my eyes child abuse homicide is as bad or worse than just murder [Music] six weeks later Tyrell was back in court for sentencing honestly Tyrell has made some important decisions in his life may 6th was a day I'm sure that he wishes he could could undo she was the brightness to anybody's day as statements were read it was clear how many lives had been damaged by this one event Tyrell always cared for others more than himself I am truly sorry for the loss of of Jandra I wish we could all go back to that date and have a do-over to families now have been torn apart I feel really bad for the provision family I really do they lost a son and I've always felt bad for the Browns they lost their daughter there's a hole in our lives in our hearts that she used to fill and we suffer greatly without her I believe there will never be true justice for geography cuz Johnny never get he come home to me if you listen to the story what makes you cringe is the fact that there's so many missed opportunities to help her so many missed opportunities to change the outcome it is clear very clear the generous death was affordable before the judge handed down his sentence Tyrell was also given a chance to speak it doesn't deserve [Music] provision you were charged with child abuse homicide in which you pled guilty to I'm required by law to sentence you to an indeterminate term in the Utah State Prison of not less than five years but which may be for life Tyrel is now serving out his sentence at the Utah State Prison in Draper as a result of this case the State Legislature passed a new law which now includes assisted suicide in its definition of manslaughter assisting somebody providing the means or the opportunity to help somebody kill themselves is now a second-degree felony in the state of Utah is this justice for Chandra justice for Chandra would be he didn't do it he didn't record he stopped and saved her I think it's completely understandable that her parents and her friends blame him but in the same way that I don't think we would have this outcome without tying I don't think we'd have this outcome without Chandra so what's the takeaway I think the takeaway is that we have to take this more seriously when kids start having difficulty at school when they are changing their behavior when you start to suspect that something is wrong that we take it seriously love your family love your children if they're sad find out if they need help ask everyday ask him questions those are the things I regret that I didn't do it Chandra how do I gonna fight one thing that works better really than anything else that's stopping someone who is right on the brink so I think that's a very important question because remember if you're a teenager you feel terrible for the moment and if you find someone who says to stop wait let's think about this it's not that bad I'm sure I can help you get out of this but Chandra never got that help from Tyrell this is an unacceptable outcome suicide is not acceptable that has to become the nation's thought about this that suicide particularly in teenagers is not an acceptable outcome you're not supposed to die when you're 16 years of age and especially by suicide [Music] Chandru Brown was returned to her hometown of Twin Falls Idaho mr. Chandra she's buried near her great-grandmother do you ever think you could forgive this man my faith says that I should forgive him my heart says how could you forgive someone and just accept I'm sorry I'm sorry that I made a bad decision and that I took your beautiful loving kind daughter away from you how how can someone forgive someone for what he did [Applause] if you are thinking about suicide or know someone who is please call the National Suicide Prevention lifeline 1-800 two seven three eight two five five Suicide Prevention lifeline org you can also reach out to the crisis text line a free 24/7 confidential text message service for people in crisis text home to 741 741 crisis text line org [Music] Dale pikes father owned a hotel with a reputation for wild parties all different sorts Frank Zappa Julio Iglesia George Michael and of course Freddie Mercury his father wanted to sell Dale went to meet the buyer enrico forty supposed to pick him up Bill Pike was found shot twice in the back bed forty was convicted of murder has spent 20 years in prison there's no forensic evidence linking 40 to this crime mr. forty did you have anything to do with downpipes death absolutely nothing if he did do it who did Saturday CBS News reporting you you
Channel: Канал Бренд
Views: 161,575
Rating: 3.8144579 out of 5
Id: ic-kgrCzHhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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