MACHU PICCHU - What they don't show you! (2019)

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welcome to Machu Picchu one of the seven wonders of the world [Music] all right so we've now been onto the train after a lot of rushing around to get here on time or other trains just about two hours to get to the face Machu Picchu we're actually going there tomorrow morning we're about midday now so we're able to go in this car right here for a relatively low price of like 65 bucks but I get this one and if you wanted to do this like earlier in the day like Sam cost you this tomorrow like $150 go big day then you got the next morning like we are you save some money tomorrow border and a bunch of teachers pretty cool because with this open air part right now let's look outside the window it's no mountains from back out all the farmers and everything so I think those worth coming getting the 360 degree car so we've got look around take pictures and all that you guys we've just gonna have to train here at the bottom of mantra Picchu it's called agua calientes or hot water there's hot water Springs around here but I wanted to show this little town because no one ever really shows this town when they're going to Machu Picchu usually they just take the train and then show the top of mount to Picchu but this little town down here is really beautiful I wanted to kind of show what it was like to to go here and then get a bus ticket because no one shows exactly how to do it so this video I'm just showing you how to get around and go up to Machu Picchu the full thing good to go so essentially it is $24 a person round-trip anytime tomorrow so we can go up at we're gonna go up at 5:30 the first one come back arrow 1:00 p.m. I don't know it depends how long we're gonna be up there you can be up there as long as you want really our time to go in is the first time which is 6:00 a.m. we're gonna get the bus just over here about 100 meters in the morning I'm told that we need to start lining up around 4:00 a.m. to get the 5:30 a.m. bus because there's gonna be a line down the road in the morning which you'll see [Music] [Applause] so we're just about to get some lunch right now because this is like one of the best restaurants based on how it looks there's like a 360-degree view of the town I take that back it's probably 180 but I mean it's incredible look we have this music playing down below here we have the water rushing below us we have everyone walking around it's very vibrant and sunny just a beautiful town I'm glad we came here a day early all right good morning guys it is now just about 4:15 a.m. we've come down to the bus stop there's already a line of probably close to 50 people here we're about halfway through that line right now waiting for the bus so right next to where we came in on the train over here you also cross the street is going to get the Machu Picchu bus in the morning so this line you can see behind me it's gonna be much longer when the bus actually leaves in an hour from now it seems like there's a lot of people who are trying to get up here very early in the morning so you're gonna want to come down about 4:00 4:15 if you wanna be in the front of the line and be long enough first buses up Machu Picchu does open at 6:00 a.m. and the first bus is about 5:30 so once we get up there we'll have to wait in front of this gate and then I will be one of the first ones in hopefully so now if you said about 5:20 a.m. and we're bout to get on the bus you can see the line goes entirely up this road and wraps around in just the 4050 minutes we've been here the line has an exponentially bigger all the shops have open people are selling snacks coffee water all kinds of things like that and after a very bumpy and winding the 20 minute bus ride we've made it to the base of Machu Picchu where we have to now wait until 6:00 a.m. when it actually officially opens you can see all the buses in the background coming in there's like five buses it all came in at once and now we have to line up instead of wait here we are raised up here we were one of the very first ones up here so we came up the red path here and we're now one of the first ones to this spot which is very very packed throughout the entire day we rest over the mountain so I'm out of breath I gotta say this is the best view there's no one walking around yet you can see the apakah the llamas down there and it's just a beautiful sight and the mist is now about to cover it so we got lucky we're here because probably in half an hour you may not be able to see it as this like mist and fog rolls in but the thing is once you come here you you have to walk one straight line so you can't go back so if you come here first this is like the first spot you're gonna want to make sure that you you take all the pictures you need up here first which is the most popular shot of mantra Picchu because once you go down here you have to follow the route back and you can't come back in so you that's something important to know when you're coming here to machu picchu and if you guys want to know what it cost exactly to do machu picchu i'll have a link down below where i have a new adventure and newsletter coming out every month and i'm gonna break down the cost of doing machu picchu what it costs to come here and do peru all together and every month i'm gonna be raking down all my costs while i travel so you know it exactly what it cost me to do everything that I do all the places I stay trains airplanes and all that so check that out in the link down below what are the interesting facts about Machu Picchu is that they didn't have wheels to bring up all these stones and they're cut so precisely with a technique called ash lar so you couldn't even fit a knife or needle in between them there so so tight and cut precisely just like all the Incan ruins we've seen before this guy since my right you can see Machu Picchu over here this is the Incan Empire and just right here you can see this is the citadel and the Sun temple over here is the giant mountain it's really cool about make sure you get a picture while you can because I'm not gonna be here for very long every everyone right now just stop taking pictures it is a complete whiteout of fog within 30 seconds it is crazy how fast that moved in so a lot of times early in the morning and late at night there's a myth that kind of rolls through here as you can see right now and they actually believed that it was spirits and then they would take away guides so sometimes there have been quoted guides gone missing and they believe that the spirits have taken them and supposedly the locals asleep on mirrors or reflective foil supposedly to keep away the spirits so back in the 1500s the Spanish Empire defeated the Incan Empire and they destroyed many of the temples around as well as statues leaving only ruins one of which was all a ton Tombo which we saw in the last vlog that one was torn down and there's only ruins left so now you could see that the mist is completely gone it was in and out within a minute and a half not even two minutes not even to the mists was all the way through here and evaporated into the sky now you have clear machu picchu again so in the native language of Quechua Machu Picchu it means old peak or old mountain so we're on the old mountain right now it's just now about 9 a.m. and I thought this will place be actually even more packed I thought it would be worse you know I thought there'd be a lot more people all over and while there are a lot of people it's actually pretty cool because the way that they have it is it's kind of in waves so we were at the 6 a.m. 1 and so they only let a certain amount of people up between that block and then it's like I think 9 and then 11 something like that and so when you first come in you're not joined by a thousands of people it's maybe just like a hundred and fifty people so you definitely can get your shots if you come here early so it's cool finally getting to see Machu Picchu this is something that I've wanted to see for years I'm sure many of you guys and a lot of people had know about this place it's one of the seven wonders of the world so actually being here and like checking it off is something so cool especially since it's like something that isn't I mean its accessible but it's not like super easy it's not like you can just stroll up to the Colosseum this like you take a bus then you got a like hike through the mountains and just getting here from the main city is not an easy feat in itself so coming here is uh it's pretty cool it's interesting how even here Machu Picchu we see these like these little terraces or levels and for this one it was actually built to support the entire structure of itself so that if one of these like terraces kind of collapsed it wouldn't collapse the entire thing it's also considered a marvel of engineering at the time pretty cool because everywhere we go we always see these like these little terraces which we're also used for agriculture and farming well guys it seems we've come to the end of Machu Picchu pretty much right now we're just kind of going through all the remaining houses and temples this is actually the temple of the Condor and there's one of these is like the temple of the three doors it's got these huge doors which sense I just look out it's pretty cool but after you see the main viewpoint up there you just kind of walk around in this one circle and then you exit so we've pretty much seen everything here at Machu Picchu we're gonna go see if there's anything left over here but uh [Music] but you guys that is the video thank you so much for watching and if you're new here click that subscribe button as well as check the link out down below for my brand new adventure and newsletter where I break down the cost of trips like this and what it takes to get here but other than that organization explore the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow me [Music] where's my waterfall flooring with Cody in the lost Incan Empire now and 4k Ultra HD Dolby 5.1 surround sound blu-ray and and 3d
Channel: Cody Buffinton
Views: 1,421,534
Rating: 4.7699838 out of 5
Keywords: Exploring with cody, codybuffinton, travel, vlog, travel vlog, adventure vlog, outdoor adventure, machu picchu, peru, machu picchu 4k, machu picchu drone, machu picchu tour, agua caliente, peru machu picchu, machu picchu hike, peru machu picchu train, inca rail, peru rail, how to go to machu picchu, how to machu picchu, machu picchu - what they dont show you
Id: 1zsuuxALFSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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