AUSANGATE - Peru's Most Daring Hike! (2019) | Exploring With Cody

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[Music] hey what's up you guys it is just about 6:00 in the morning now we've been up since 5:00 packing because today we're leaving this every meet and we're going on a hike to do the awesome ghonte track which is a four-day Trek when we're doing out in the wilderness with no service in Rebecca go get our ride right now I think he's arriving so let's head out spend about two hours on this bus with a full van right back here a got about an hour left for this little town and this is kind of like the last bit of I guess civilization you can expect before we are off in the wilderness I was I pretty much fell asleep for the entire time I'm so jealous of you man I was those winding yeah just flying off the bus yeah I didn't sleep too much last night so you know this tonight I have this morning you're gonna sleep on his bus it was nice because I did wake up briefly and we're up these like zig-zag groves the entire way so if I wasn't asleep I'd probably be like sick or something like you [Music] [Music] [Applause] so yesterday I went to the San Pedro market and I got this hat for a teen solos which is like six dollars so this thing doesn't actually fit and it looks kind of ridiculous but it's gonna keep me protected from the Sun I also have these Tony Solis glasses that Michael picked up so the outfit is now complete we're looking good friends family because now we are a family we're in a V sacred place okay family we cannot start this trick without asking for permission for the mountain house unguarded I'm gonna ask for affirmation with coca leaves coca leaves are like the messengers that wanna take our praise to the world of God I'm glad to protect my group protect me in this beautiful and incredible trick as you want to sow coca leaves what to do yes joy it's like a Red Bull some fresh leaves here just like mint tea toy your supposes to on this and it's the coca leaves and this will help you without to to sickness and help you kind of like not feel the effects of it so will be to it more like kind of like a red bolt as well like you said the mint taste went away and now is literally like I'm tasting leave I'm like during a leaf Michael I don't know if I'm starting to see things was that a vending machine over there crikey look what we found here a pack of our Packers pack of pack about the hood but as soon as we get close they're gonna run away just be silent walk slower if you don't move we can't see you but we found we found literally a huge pack with supposedly we're gonna see over 10,000 of these on the on this four-day track 10,000 in four days and then there camera-shy back some here he's a looking to buy some alpaca here what are you looking for anything specific I don't know maybe a hat maybe glove yeah blue so we are literally on the side of like a mountain here and these local is here selling some some alpaca wool here and it's just interesting that like we're in the middle of nowhere we come out and these girls are sitting here waiting for pasture buyers maybe you know a a paka paka wool is expensive right the same products here in cusco city you will find like this one the Hat here is forest always but in cusco probably eighty dollars okay you drive a hard bargain you got a hat and a scarf for 60 yeah it's pretty good huh it'll be a little get hard so is their is their main kind of like job or income like having the alpaca and then making the the goods from the world the main activity that moves the economy is raise alpacas no she says no more than five groups but that's a rare like like ten people here yeah mm-hm just few organizations they they just say you know give them provide them in solar panels gracias so we just bought this hat in like a scarf for sixty sois how long would that feed our family for around two weeks two weeks two weeks yes for sixty so it's like a little less than 20 US dollars mm-hmm so that's gonna feed that family you think for two years - I run two leagues yes just like five minutes ago it was super sunny then it was raining now it's actually hailing you can probably see I probably catch some there's hail you can see it's like coming down these little hard hard things hitting me in the head but luckily I got Indy here so that valley over there that is where we are staying for the night this it's pretty cool cuz we're in like the most beautiful little Valley with snow-capped mountains above us we've got about an hour left of hiking till we get there so after about three hours of hiking we have made it to camp I actually thought it was gonna be just a bunch of tents but turns out we have these kind of little huts in this little Valley we're excited to actually just rest today is the acclimation day so we're getting used to this height we're at a little over 4,500 meters and I don't think I've hiked this long at this high ever so I'm starting to feel it luckily with a with this tour every day you're done by like 12:00 or 1:00 so by your date you've pretty much done all the hiking you're gonna do which is amazing and so we get to go off do whatever we want see things take more pictures in my case maybe take an hour lunch break and rest gonna rest my oh okay well we've made a camp now and I'm curious which Hut is mine I call Hut number four for those of you wondering this is what it looks like being Cody's personal camel you kind of like a mannequin right now you just like test all the wardrobes here first before you put them on overheated all that stuff on so I had to put it on here he's the only one wearing one layer you know yeah how do you feel a little bit sick you know I hear my my heart beating in my head yeah that's pretty normal don't worry yeah I know I just take some yes bows and do my team it's not actually think you need that arrest and also hear voices is that normal so we just arrived in new piece at the camping site this is actually the flashpackers private camping spot so that we actually have a hut now we're not doing a tent tonight we're doing a hut camping the rest of the night oh this is nice look at this Kelly whole lot mattress and glass windows we could see this dog up in the fields looks like a wolf this is incredible what have you to wake up there and I'm so glad that we can just sit here and relax down permian you know it's kind of funny the couple like they're actually dating they have two separate beds and we have this is one mattress because it's funny this is just one mattress I call right side these uh sleeping bags Michaela was telling me our guide that these are the same ones that they use for mountain Everest at the base camp so these are like a super super warm sleeping bags I'm wondering if we're even gonna have to wear all of our layers like we're expecting probably not tonight but maybe the next couple nights yes I'll see you guys at lunch - how late do you know did you know they would have such good garlic bread oh yeah yeah let me draw McBride is incredible soup garlic bread out a nice day like this Oh can this be the whole meal that's so good so after the lunch we decided to come out to the hot springs and apparently our guide is too afraid to go in there so I know what that says about these hot springs try it out okay so we just got here so look hold I swear I'm not normally like this but uh supposedly this water is kind of lukewarm and we're gonna go looks like dirty water but a hot spring and an amazing lunch yeah yeah like King right there you Begley there were like Kings out here in the ruler this other than I'm looking like a swamp it's nice hopefully I don't walk out with like this weird line of like house Jillian yeah the bottom feels very obvious like that I got slippery tell ya I don't want to step all around this weird yeah I mean I would have thought this would've been here by the campsite you know did the middle of nowhere nowhere we have hot springs cuz there's volcanoes everywhere so everything is geothermal nice I think it's raining raining right now yeah it's time to get out of the dirty swamp water oh my god Jesus baby I always pee right now this is the worst is that all oh my god wait for it we have like at ten minutes walk oh god I need to go into one of these little huts or something put my clothes on oh my god nipples are frozen freezing I don't know what to do jump back in I'm going in the hut put my clothes on hey was it worth it like 50/50 on bucks right now I still don't know you there it kinda looks like a swamp it was really warm and nice while we're in there I had to kind of push away like some good morning guys is now just about 6:00 a.m. I probably woke up like half an hour ago and as soon as I got out of my sleeping bag I put on like three more layers because it is so cold here in the morning look at this window it's completely frosted that's how cold it is outside once you go outside it's really nice it's still cold but everything is completely frozen in here this is the sleeping bag set up here the sleeping bags were extremely warm I was not wearing nearly as many layers as I am now and I was sweating I won't go in the whole night like sweating and I also had all my camera batteries in here so all the camera batteries are at the bottom of the sleeping bag until they say warm and my camera was also an air I was like huddled with my camera last night was pretty funny but uh yeah we're gonna get ready now we're gonna go get some breakfast and start hiking soon just says we're about to get ready to go to breakfast they come with some room service of this coca leaf tea which is that those leaves that were showing you earlier but now made it into a tea form good thing now in the morning Oh give me a minute give me a minute it is early in the morning you can see the clouds rolling deep in the fog and then over here on this side check it out that is the view that we wake up to pretty amazing I really love like the low clouds and fog and then the ice and the glaciers back there who would the horses it's just such a view to wake up to even if it is extremely cold this feels amazing nothing like some instant coffee overkill instant coffee some good coffee how's the warm fruit it's so good it's a good day for a day you think the warm fruit wears have quite a spread we got some bagels some pancakes I think someone tested my pancake though to see if it was good and we got some warm fruit so all this great food here before we head out on our five to six to seven hour hike today I don't know how long it's gonna be but uh yeah it's a good day for a nice warm breakfast yeah go to the mountain yeah I'm ready to we got a we got a quick five-hour hike it's a quick one yes now we are in the north face of the glacier and today we went around it by the West okay and our campsite isn't is in the south face of house ungodly yeah this is the most beautiful one this is the most beautiful campsite in my opinion you're in my opinion I trust your opinion yeah great build it so in the first part of the hike today it's about an hour of just straight walking on this path which we're doing right now so our guide me he'll told us we should run ahead not run but walk fast ahead so we can go maybe get some drone shots and stuff like that so we don't you know slow down the rest of the group so we're walking ahead and we were really in a fast pace I realize all the layers that I was wearing at camp this morning we're way too hot to be walking around this is the first time I've done a trek so I never knew this but if you start sweating it's a big problem because later when it's cold no freezing you'll die a hundred percent guaranteed you'll just die and so we all had to stop for a minute I had to get completely like stripped everything off and take off this like super thick base layer and another layer luckily I'm feeling fine now we have to put them back on later when we go up really high but uh for now [Music] me welcome to a rapper pass almost 5,000 meters oh yeah let's say four thousand nine hundred fifty meters my parents days work yeah just two hours from the campsite to hear great pretty good pretty good feeling home start once but you know standard dad's typical look there's even a skull here that's how you know they mean business [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming to see this mountain pass with this glacier peer this is the most unreal surreal landscape I've ever seen it looks like it's almost the same as like maybe Iceland or something with these crazy formations in the mountains everywhere you look it's a picturesque location we're about to head down now this is the past so we've come all the way up and now we go all the way down for a little bit luckily it'll be a little bit easier on the legs going down because we've spent two hours now walking uphill so I hope you nice to have a little bit of a break going down for a couple hours we're trying to get a picture right now how did you stay kind of stand up on this rock I can't stand up come on man you got it why is life so hard you got it just just jump oh I see it how did you make this look so easy I'm an adventurer you don't look graceful I'm the Condor I feel the Condor you can feel the wind blowing okay you ready how sexy do I look very huh all right we're gonna head back down after Michael's a graceful attempt I hope you enjoyed the beauty that is the Condor Michael the Condor should be a new Instagram [Music] so about 30 minutes to 45 minutes left we have made it to what is the most picturesque place here in my opinion in the also got a track if you look up also got a trek on Google this is the picture you're gonna see you can see these legs there's one over here which is we're actually about to head that's our campsite and so I'm so glad that we're here midday she's about noon now and so we have the whole afternoon to walk around in this entire area take pictures videos time-lapse everything because this is so cool and it's water it's like this crazy cyan or turquoise color it's amazing this is the most scenic hike I have ever been on she's so amazing so beautiful the lake here Yanacocha is a name the Black Lake locals they just named it that way we don't know why exactly yeah that's amazing so guys we just arrived at camp and it is amazing like stainless flash packer I swear you say it like the best places so this is the this is where we're staying tonight we got these little Hut's built over our tents and then we even have a last dining out over here we can see the entire and then every other company is down here because this is incredible all this land right here is flashpackers so you kind of have the best view guys and that is day two of four on also got a trek with flash packer you're gonna want to stay tuned and subscribe so you see the next video but if you guys want help keep us on the road and check out the patreon which is linked down below but in that rotation [Applause] [Music] it worked they're running buddies speak so FATCA giving you a full-on sprint away from us you're reading yeah doctor you can you read with your face slightly showing pretend you're eating okay perfect and it's a camera shot [Music]
Channel: Cody Buffinton
Views: 44,817
Rating: 4.91504 out of 5
Keywords: Exploring with cody, codybuffinton, travel, vlog, travel vlog, adventure vlog, outdoor adventure, peru, ausangate, ausangate peru, flashpacker, flashpacker connect, deadly hike, hardest hike, peru hike, peru travel, peru travel vlog, peru mountains, andean mountain, peru moutains, where to go in peru, what to do in peru, what to do in cusco, where to go in cusco, cusco day trip, peru adventure, peru adventure tour, ausangate trek, ausangate trek peru
Id: N_YUun4aQ3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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