MacDon's M Series Windrowers

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okay so you need a new wind rower you're likely the type that isn't satisfied with good enough you demand the best after all when you drop that header down it's not just the crop you're cutting that's your payday it's what fuels everything else you do so if you're that kind of guy then m-series wind rowers were made just for you for instance you probably want something that adapts to the way you like to cut and lets you do all your swathe with just one machine a wind rower that performs as well in big bushy crops like wheat and bulky canola as it does in lighter crops like alfalfa that's why m-series wind row is allow you to mount the exact type of header you need for any crop or condition a rotary disc a Draper or and auger each of which can be switched out for another in minutes you probably also insist that your wind rower be powerful so we made sure that each m-series model has the most horsepower in its class beefy Cummins - three engines that won't back down from a challenge all while delivering fuel savings I go directly to your bottom line the power is only half a story if it's not getting to the Hatter full throttle then you're still coming up short so we also gave m-series wind rowers a completely re-engineered header drive a simpler more efficient all hydraulic design that delivers every ounce of power generated by that robust Cummins straight to the header that means you get the power you need when you need it we also know you like your wind rowers fast that's why we made sure n-series win rowers also have top of class speed both in the field cutting and on the highway at speeds of up to 23 miles per hour it's all thanks to Matt Don's patented dual Direction technology which allows you to rotate the operator station from field mode to highway mode in seconds for a much more stable ride on the highway you'll almost think you're driving your pickup impressed while we haven't even talked about comfort and convenience yet first check out Mack Don's new ultra Glide suspension available on the 155 and 205 it delivers custom tune shock absorption to all four corners of the cab for a ride of unparalleled comfort no other wind rower has it then check out the whisper quiet climate-controlled interior air suspension seating an ergonomic fully computerized instrumentation and controls together they'll keep you fresh and raring to go even when you decide to push through dinner to finish off that last two dozen acres outside the cab we added a number of operator friendly features that make maintaining and operating this machine a dream features like moveable service platforms they give you direct access to all important components under the hood or a slide-out filter that makes clean out of the cooling system a snap or on the 155 and 205 on the go hydraulic head or reversing letting you quickly unplug the conditioner or other header components without leading the cab even a new larger toolbox mounted directly to the frame so you're never without the tool you need but enough go test-drive an M series for yourself it's a performance ride you'll not soon forget demand the best
Channel: MacDon
Views: 134,903
Rating: 4.8077803 out of 5
Keywords: Series, Windrowers, Marketing, Video, v07a
Id: qNZFo0Xc6GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2011
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