Macaulay Culkin Won't Recreate His 'Home Alone' Face

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That's so flattering. Well, they didn't-- You get to do this every day? It was a surprise. They didn't know you were here. So they're thrilled. [CROWD CHEERING] The lamentations of the women. Thank you. I am so happy to meet you. And I know you don't do this a lot. So people-- there's like a mystery around you. You're not-- you don't do these things a lot. Yeah, yeah. I'm kind of like a groundhog. Can only come out once a year. Instead of seeing my shadow, I see you. [LAUGHTER] I'm so flattered that you came out to see me. Well, thank you. That's great. Do people-- because you do really look exactly alike. You look like you're still four years old. [LAUGHTER] How can a person look too much like himself? It's a curse and a blessing. I've still got the same face. Is it? I mean, do people-- [CROWD COOING] So people always recognize you? Yeah, again, it's kind of a curse and a blessing. Right. You know, I can get into any restaurant I want without a reservation. But while I'm there, everyone's staring at me. And all going, aww the whole time. Because you do. You seem still very young. Do you-- when you think of all those movies-- when you think of Home Alone-- do you remember all of it? Or is it been shown so much that you think you remember it? I mean, yes and no. I don't really watch them all that often. We did a 15-year anniversary DVD commentary. And I realized I hadn't seen it in 15 years. Whereas Chris Columbus, he'd watched the night before, like a responsible human being. It's just kind of background radiation at Christmas time. And I've had people who want to sit down and watch it with me. Which is both flattering and creepy. Yes. Yes. [LAUGHTER] When I'm watching it, I'm seeing-- I'm remembering that day on set. Like how I was hiding my Pepsi behind the couch or something like that. So you do remember it. I can't watch you the same way other people do. I was going to say, so when it comes on-- which it comes on I'm sure every Christmas, every Thanksgiving, you don't watch it? No, not really. And you don't go out of the house during that time? Yes. I definitely don't. It's my season. It's Macaulay season. Yes, it's Macaulay-- it's Macaulay season. So yeah, I try to go out less and less around that time of year. I would imagine, and this would-- if I were you, it would drive me insane. Do people come up to you and want you to put your hands on your face? Do the face thing? Yes. Oh my God. What do you say to them? Just like, no. Yeah, right. [LAUGHTER] I've already been there, done that, already, guys. I'm 37 now, OK? OK, Mom? I am sure that people want you to do that. And they don't understand that everybody would-- Everybody wants me to do it. --want you to do that. So you were-- and I also learned that, and I don't know why I didn't remember this. But you studied ballet. You were a dancer. Yeah. I was almost a ballet dancer first for a while there. I'd go off and do Uncle Buck. And then I'd turn around and go back home to do the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center. So I did that for a number of years. I was a professional ballet dancer. And do you-- Oh, there I am. Yeah. Look at that. That's amazing. That's very impressive. Kee-yah. And then-- [LAUGHTER] Do you still dance? Do you still like to dance? I mean, I don't dance like that anymore. Right. The outfits don't fit anymore. [LAUGHTER] But I like to dance-- like to dance with my lady or whatever. Like that kind of stuff. But I definitely don't do ballet anymore. You don't study dance or anything. No, no, no. My feet and my hips appreciate it. So you had six brothers and sisters, right? Yeah, I'm third of seven. Seven. Yeah, my mom didn't have a family. She had a litter. [LAUGHTER] Yes. Just oodles of Culkins. And was that-- what is the memory of that, too? Cause that was like-- there was a lot of you in one room. Yeah, we grew up in a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan. Yeah. Wow. So it was pretty much nine people. Seven kids and two parents. We lived on top of each other. They were literally stacking us. There were stacking bunk beds. It was like sardines. But it was a good time. We were a close-knit family because of that. There's just no such thing as privacy. And then you start working. And you were just huge at such a young age for so long. And then you kind of stopped when you, what 14? Yeah. About 13, 14. Took about a decade off. And so you stopped because you were just tired of it? Or do you think you took it for granted, because it was so easy? Yeah, I was tired of it, to be honest. I did 14 movies in six years, or something like that. It's a lot. It's a lot. I was away from home a lot. I was away from school. I was just-- I needed something else. I needed to grow and develop as a person. I was looking forward to high school. I was actually looking forward to going to school. And did you go to high school? Yes, I did. You did? I lived the dream. [LAUGHTER] Was it everything that you wanted it to be? Or was it like, oh, this isn't so great? No, no. It was great to be around people my own age for once. Because a lot of times, I'm working with adults the whole time. Right. But was it hard for you to be Macaulay Culkin in high school? Did people treat you differently? I mean, yeah. I'm always treated differently. Whether I like it or not. But at the same time, that's the kind of stuff that you have to figure out. Especially if you're coming into your own. Those are some really formative years. It was the smartest thing I possibly could have done was taking eight years off or whatever. Hi. I'm Andy. Ellen asked me to remind you to subscribe to her channel so you can see more awesome videos. Like videos of me getting scared or saying embarrassing things, like ball peen hammer. And also some videos of Ellen and other celebrities. If you're into that sort of thing. Yah! Ah, [BLEEP]! [MUSIC PLAYING] God [BLEEP]!
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 10,186,877
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Keywords: ellen, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, macaulay culkin, macaulay, culkin, macaulay culkin movies, macaulay culkin now, culkin macaulay, home alone actor, home alone face, kevin home alone, macaulay culkin brother, siblings, ballet, uncle buck, dancer, rory culkin, kieran culkin, season 15, season 15 episode 140, ellen degeneres show tickets, brenda song, michael jackson, macauly culkin and brenda song, girlfriend, podcast, bunny ears, child star, interview
Id: _wrEYqdTf98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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