Mac Jones Rookie Season Mini Movie: "Dude can play QB! Period."

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Love this dude, hope we can get him some jewlery.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Dense-Farm 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2022 đź—«︎ replies

That game against the Cowboys told me what I need to know about Mac Jones. Threw a very bad pick 6 to Diggs came back on the next play and went right at him for the TD. Stone cold killer

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Secure-Sandwich-6981 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2022 đź—«︎ replies
this kid doesn't act like a rookie he's not playing like a rookie why two green right off nasty count two why through the edge facing backs right he's got poise he's got maturity he's got confidence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as the quarterback for the crimson tide somebody who took over that role this year and just put up monster numbers on his way to an undefeated national championship season our pleasure now to welcome in the head coach of the alabama crimson tide and national champions this year coach nick saban and coach you know mack what are nfl teams going to fall in love with about mack i think you're going to fall in love with the guy that is really a hard worker he's a good leader the guy is very committed to being the best player that he can be he's going to know the offense inside out he makes quick decisions he's got great judgment and he's very accurate with the ball so i think the combination of those things is going to make him a fine player at the next level i'm going to outwork whoever i'm going to be going against and watch more tape and do more things that will help me speed up the game when game comes i want to know about mac jones where is he going to go the 49ers are at right now either alabama quarterback mack jones or north dakota state quarterback trey lynch which means with the ninth overall pick the denver broncos are selecting mac jones quarterback alabama with the 15th pick in the 2021 nfl draft the six-time world champion new england patriots select mack jones wow it is jones the confident stride of a national champion quarterback the concept of him being around for 15th overall long shot and then tonight happens you're going to the new england patriots was it worth the wait oh absolutely this is what i wanted all along and i can't wait to play for really the greatest franchise in nfl history is this matt jones's job to win in new england or is it cam newton's job to lose well i don't even view this as a competition it's good that he's catching off fast because it's going to be good for him next year this is cam newton's team this year bill belichick has came out and said that so to pull cam newton and that running ability off the field mac jones has to be extremely special i feel like you need to make a decision soon because the style of the two players is fairly different i feel like whatever whatever we do in the next couple days like every day is should be what's best for our football team and that's what we're going to try to do the main reason that cam newton was released was because mack jones won the job a lot of the players really like cam newton and a lot of the coaches really like cam newton and i think bill belichick really likes cam newton too but tom pelicero nailed it mack jones won this job outright the goal is to score one more point than the other team and it's really hard to win in the nfl and you can't take anything for granted you just have to watch the film and get better but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is scoring one more point than the other and team comes the celebrated rookie out of alabama matt jones four man runs back moves up fires down the middle takes a hit what a strike with dagger from jones and touchdown pass [Applause] his first nfl touchdown pass matt my man congrats baby first of many let's go enjoy the day you'll never play a rookie year opening game again short trickery gadget play to the 14-yard line of the jets [Applause] easy pitching catch for mactone matt jones gets his first win as an nfl quarterback and does it with another accurate day through the year it's just what everyone's saying it is hard to win in the nfl and we played two games and um won one and lost one so you got to take it for what it's worth and we'll get better tom brady back in foxborough that is gonna be one heck of a night we've never seen anything like this before it should be probably the most watched game we've ever had in the history of this game i can't wait to watch it that is going to be incredible i mean he was as good as any coach could ever ask for there's always an added sentiment to the game um emotionally um i would not expect this game to be any different it'll be really exciting and the fans will obviously be great and i think it'll be a great atmosphere well for much of the craft thanks for the memories for a few others how could you spurn us but one thing for certain the schedule has allowed this band to come home again the most anticipated regular season game in memory brady and belichick know each other inside out back jones has a chance to shine so mack jones is the rookie quarterback nicked in the first round he was the fifth quarterback chosen and the 15th overall fish looks down the middle throws it caught fight henry at the two fights away from a tackler for a patriots touchdown and the patriots take the lead how about this drops back papa closing in throws coming up across the middle at the 31. great poised by jones in the pocket thrown in the back of the end zone touchdown johnny smith natalia all right we've talked about what this would mean to tom brady and bill belichick what would a win tonight mean to mack jones and now nick folk will come out having made his last 36 field goal attacks he hits this one in the rain with a bad plant leg it would be one amazing night on its way it is no good you can hear the doink oh man david guy pretty great job yeah keep it up it's a rookie quarterback showdown jets foxborough patriots what are you looking for in this one shrek's kick it off uh the patriots had a really heartbreaking loss against the cowboys oh somehow they blew the coverage it's born to the end zone one play later the patriots strike magic and guess what double move on diggs they come right back and now he beats him 75 yards how about the longest play all year for the patriots they're in it till the end they go to overtime they lose it's like i'm not sure about this patriots team they're two and four let people bury them i feel like they could still do something this season beat the teams you should be patriots were two and four what's been the key to the turnaround well let's start with the rookie quarterback who has looked like a season veteran that's mack [Applause] [Music] touchdown right now he has more wins than all other rookie quarterbacks combined yes you heard that right touchdown back wide open throws he's got agalor touchdown [Applause] you want choke plays you got him jones looking deep down the field for ford he's got him born inside a perfect find hunter henry other players around the league are starting to take notice of him including players who have never played him aren't going to play him didn't go to the same college like tyron mathew who has seen every single quarterback there out there and he starts tweeting about mack jones mac jones wasn't trendy enough for y'all at first now how now you all love him you're all funny day in day out you should be on comedy it's tyrant for some reason and then orlovsky gets involved and he retire replies you don't throw a sidearm or run fast and people knock them dude can just play quarter act period i think people are terrified right now in the league of losing to this kid like you don't want this to be the face that beats you and that is mack jones that is childhood mac jones for real that is his mother holly jones i'm going to assume and he mentioned this week i did some child modeling jones [Applause] mac jones is dropping dimes i've been thoroughly impressed as really the entire football world has with what he has done touchdown patriots he is fourth in the nfl with a completion percentage of 71 i mean mac jones has been amazing getting the ball down the field the most important decision that bill belichick made was that quarterback he got a special football player like you give that guy a pocket like he's not missing he's not missing i'm going to take him to the state fair and pop balloons with this guy like he's hitting every single target right now i know the pats are playing great but i feel like the buffalo bills have to win this game they're going to find a way i say pats okay and i'm telling you why a lot of reasons they're they're undefeated on the road they're very good i understand you say there's no way that the bills can lose this game and i say yes there is monday night football returns to orchard park we've seen windy games in orchard park this year but nothing to the effect of this pedro is really flying in a hostile environment for the first time on the road this year 36 degrees let's go along for the wind chill 27 miles per hour to stay the wind gusts up to 50. bass delivers the kick well out of the end zone he doesn't have to worry about that ball is about six rows deep in the stand every decision important tonight hits for harris has the first down if brexit is gone damian harris threw everyone up the middle for the touchdown that's where andre stevenson trying to break through second level harris trying to break another one as long as they win the game bill's all about the victory stevenson able to knife through tremendous hard running another new england first down and it was a great game plan from josh mcdaniels to to put it on your running backs it worked to perfection yeah i would say they didn't put it on mac jones he threw the ball three times tonight people will talk about that two of three passing from mack jones and the patriots come here and win the game and the patriots maintain the top seed forget about the afc east overall in the afc yeah it's just a crazy game to be a part of but we knew if we didn't turn the ball over um we'd be good so it was just a weird day but like i said just hats off to the offensive line for doing what they did knowing that we're going to run the ball and just putting their nose in their every play and making it happen was incredible i've never been part of something like that so that was really cool pat's off to the offense really everybody probably besides matt we really didn't do nothing besides handing the ball out the shade the shade the shade but listen a win is a win is a win and there have been other teams to get a w with your fewer pass attempts it just hasn't happened you know in nearly 50 years somebody had to do it at one time this team was two and four they are now the number one seed the only squad that would have a buy in the afc where the playoffs would start today can you just talk about the roller coaster of the season um how do you hold your emotions when you're two and six and then you go seven in a row and now in the month of december when things are supposed to be you're getting ready for the postseason on making a postseason push you've lost two how have you been able to handle your emotions you know just football is is definitely an emotional sport and um it comes down to just execution and um i think that's a good message is just try and focus on what you can control and that's this week and that's today's practice and the energy was there the whatever you want to call it we were all ready to work and that's how it has to be every day and it's a group effort i think it's just x's and o's and execution that it comes down to well a month ago the playoffs seemed like a foregone conclusion for new england but they've lost two in a row and that has some people wondering if mac jones has hit a rookie wall and again for new england a win and either a loss by miami or las vegas today and the patriots are in the playoffs jones rolling right throws back wide open touchdown first nfl touchdown for christian wilkerson jones end zone for myers touchdown what a toss from mac jones and the patriots are pouring it on jones eludes the rush he's got a lot of room to run and jones picks up a new england first down great job ducking out of the way of pressure and rumbling for 10 yards jones has a wide open wilkerson touchdown oh wilkerson was all alone and jones saw it right away for the score that is just too easy as jones fires his third touchdown of the game bill belichick and the patriots stop a two-game losing streak they go to 10-6 final score 50-10. how do we feel about being back in the playoffs [Applause] only four hall of fame quarterbacks have ever in their rookie seasons led their team to the playoffs and those were all in the pre-free agency era could you talk about whether it's his maturity level his preparation whatever it is that has enabled him to get to your team to this point yeah well again max super consistent um every day is really the same day for mack he's always well prepared he's in early um you know he's ready to go he he knows what we're going to be doing and he's already got a head start on it so one thing i'll say about mac that obviously shows and the way he plays is that he shows up every day ready to work ready to do his job um you know he's part of all the rest of us that just come in here and we just want to win you know we've all got the same goal um we're all playing for the same reasons we're playing to win and we're playing for each other so matt comes in here every single day ready to put his head down and just grind and work this last month i was pretty much called a roller coaster but the fact that he stayed consistent the whole time you know he was the same guy the whole time worked as hard as he always did so i mean that's hats off to him you know he's in the right state of mind and he's just working hard and we're trying to work hard to be with him and match his intentions do you expect butterflies on saturday night yeah i think um preparation helps eliminate that and the plan is to be really prepared and continue to do what we do every week to feel that way and obviously that's the goal is to prepare really hard and then go out there and produce and then you put those together and good things should happen the new england patriots offense led by mack jones the fifth quarterback taken in the draft but the best numbers of any rookie qb passing yards completion percentage and touchdowns back joe [Applause] pressure jones gets out of trouble throws it down then it's caught by henry and he takes the snap he stands and he throws a long ball to the right back shorter and it's caught in the 25-yard line by jacoby myers what a thrill here's the snap he drops back fires it to the right and that pass is going to be caught by kendrick born at midfield curls inside across the 45-40 sprint's inside the 35 jones in the gun backs up looks left throws it left wide open born touchdown patriots that's a good drive that's a good drive right there jones takes the snap back in the pocket throws left back corner for bourne and kendrick comes down with it and he's got a touchdown his second of the night really nice throw timing-wise by jones perhaps the final offensive series of the season for mac jones and the pax but to get here to the playoffs this year to have a good season with a rookie quarterback like mack jones the only rookie quarterback that's starting a playoff game this weekend i think it says a lot about belichick and his coaching staff and the job they did getting this team back where they think they belong as one of the story lines will follow the first rookie quarterback to start a playoff game in patriots franchise history i'm really proud of mack um proud of how he handled it we didn't play like we wanted to the other night but the biggest thing from this is is how we grow how we learn from this you know obviously we got a lot better throughout the year and i think you know i'm excited to grow with him this off season grow together in our relationship grow together in our chemistry excited to have him as my quarterback there's a lot to look forward to and be positive about and learn from there's nothing to hang our heads on i'm super proud of the people that have helped me grow as a person coaches players support staff and all that so there's nothing to feel sorry about it's just a learning experience to get better for next year i think there will be a lot of strides this off season to get there just working together however we can and that's going to show up next year
Channel: NFL
Views: 322,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, American Football, sport, sports
Id: T_FEz1M99jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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