Mac & Cheese and Gumbo… But Make It Vegan!

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do you get when you add one part Tia and sprinkle in a little tab a fresh take on the vegan experience with food that will feed your soul a vegan mac and cheese and not yo mama's gumbo [Music] but before we start I have a pop quiz for you quick fixers true or false okay let's go it only takes a second to hit the Subscribe button to become a quick fix Super Fan all you have to do is hit the bell for notifications you'll be one of the first to know when a new episode launches it's as simple as one two three to subscribe to Tia mori's Quick Fix and that's true I have so much in common with my guest today I'm so excited we are both working moms successful business women and changing our diets changed our lives please help me welcome best-selling author Emmy nominated host and vegan influencer Tabitha [Applause] oh my gosh I am like so like oh whenever people hear like vegan they think that you are having to have to take away right but I mean I think of it as I'm giving you something new okay right I love that taking anything away I'm just showing you a new way before we get into the tea I thought we would make some spiced iced tea I think you should have like a glossary or something like that of all of your tabisms so you say this and this is so like like so like that yeah and then you said something else what did you say earlier when I saw you oh because it's my business because it's your business it is my gosh okay so we have our honey in here and then you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna add your tea bags right very good very good okay and this is our spiced tea so then you're gonna add some cinnamon and then add some cloves in there and then I'm just gonna bring this up to a simmer you can steep this for about 10 to 15 minutes or up to an hour nope ain't nobody got time for that today you do it for hours you can do it for an hour we are using honey but if you if you you know want to be completely vegan you could totally use Agave right and that's your business that's your business but if you do use honey try to get it ethically sourced yes locally exactly yeah I knew that you were coming so I already have some pre-made for you you did yes very good yes let's try okay um it's like the holidays some people think that vegan food is not delicious like it's boring or it's a salad exactly a lot of people like y'all eat rabbit food I was like and I got hips thousand fries and I I eat okay I go to get it with the food I always tell people I didn't go vegan because I ain't like how none vegan food taste it I would like you to save my life exactly yeah and I'm a southern woman so I still eat all the things that I used to eat but just in a healthier way and with that said let's get into this vegan mac and cheese shall we you wanna do like another cheers let us do it okay while we you know cook this up what made you decide to make the change to go vegan I woke up one morning with a headache in the back of my head it's headache literally rested there for a year and seven months what wow and so then I had chronic fatigue chronic pain throughout my body uh just could not get well and doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me wow and so my daughter came home it was like Mom I saw this documentary school I think you should watch it I was like okay we watch it as a family because honey they never did a teenager will come home and tell you to watch a documentary all right wow when they started talking about not all diseases or hereditaries that we can eat the same thing that will cause the same you know disease in our bloodline wow I was like well you know what this is a light bulb moment for me I did a 30-day vegan challenge I decided you know what I'm gonna try for 30 days and then the first 10 days my headache disappeared oh yeah that's what I said day 30 came and I told my husband this is gonna be my life we did it together as a family for 30 days that see that that I feel like is important to whoever your partner is that they join you along the way as well well sometimes okay sometimes right it was great that my whole family said we're going to do this together for 30 days yes right but on that 30th day when I told my husband I feel amazing now like I'm starting to feel like myself again okay I'm gonna go vegan like it's not gonna be a challenge it's gonna be my lifestyle and he was like that is great babe but tomorrow I'm gonna need a piece of chicken and I always tell people that the thing that may change your life or save your life you have to be willing to go on that Journey alone okay okay it's not about anybody else honey that's his business oh my life is my business I like that a lot of times what happens is we won't go on a journey because we're waiting waiting on something to do it I'm so clumsy today that was the Lord in the pot saying that preach I feel like that is a word yeah I've added some um olive oil and then I've added some garlic I love garlic I love gosh people know that about me oh and I'm just gonna cook this until it gets really nice and soft I feel like it's there don't you listen it look I could eat that let me just say right I can right I'm excited about it because it smells amazing it smells so good if you can't smell it you gotta turn the thing on you gotta tap the button next what I'm going to do is I'm gonna add some vegetable sauce okay okay so I love a good new vegan mac and cheese recipe I like this I'm like show me that I love that are any of the kids are they vegan they have all uh went back to eating fish and chicken my son was 10 he will let you know that he has never been vegan that is hilarious he'll be like Mommy you know I was never big and I'm like I know something okay and that's his business so he has always uh known that he can have you know if you want regular pizza or you know he had a birthday party they got chicken nugs like he eats those things but I only cooked vegan and so they all eat vegan got it but you know when they're out and about they can live their life the way they want to I love that there's no judgment oh no all I would be a hypocrite to do that you know what I mean I think that but I think that that's amazing and that's great because I think the stereotype of course you know going vegan as well that there is you know some judgment sometimes oh it is Judge you know a lot of I mean I still get judgment okay right people be telling me I'm not you know vegan enough I just introduce it I share it honey I make the food good so people want to eat it like what's this what did you do yeah and then I've added some onion powder and some salt and some pepper okay and we're just gonna you know stir this up a little bit let it come to like maybe a simmer just a little simmer yeah did I do good on this good did you do good that is very very very very good that's my first time in the kitchen let's choices you promise it is not spiked it's not no it's not for the holidays yes the holidays this is just for today yes they are done yes and now we're gonna puree our white bean and like vegetable mix you know one thing that I love about this recipe is you have the protein from the white beans you know and the veggies from the carrots so the kids when they eat this it's like yes they have their protein they're veggies what kid does not like mac and cheese I don't know and they don't even know the so they they just they just think they eat mac and cheese and you have this incredible book out right now called cooking from the spirit can you explain like what that means or why you came up with that title it is exactly what it says I cook from the spirit right there's no measurements you do what feels right wow that's how my granny cooked that's how my mama cooked that's how they taught me to cook because I did not know how to cook growing up I didn't care about being in the kitchen so I learned to cook you know once me and my husband moved in together I was very young and I was on the phone learning and I would have to do you know a little bit of here a little bit there look like so like that okay but I always tell people if you need a recipe every time you cook that means you don't trust yourself so and that's not just in the kitchen that's in life life right that means it's hard for you to make decisions so I always tell people I encourage you to have fun in the kitchen yeah right let your spirit guide you wow I'm gonna let my spirit guide me with the hot sauce okay let me trust myself okay let me see here there you go I don't want to put too much this is just like to add you know that that flavor okay so basically what I've done here is I've added some nutritional yeast and you actually know a lot about nutritional use yes nutritional yeast is great so it's it's great to kind of add that cheesy flavor it has a little nutty flavor as well but it has so many vitamins a lot of the B vitamins and especially when you're vegan it need we need Vitamin B but even you know as people of color we all are kind of deficient yes of vitamin B so we're just gonna puree this all right always get scared of blenders yes honey I'm over here I have no fear all right I used to dance [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] I do this yeah look at that oh get into it okay look at this looks so good honey love for you to add the vegan cheese oh okay and then can you explain explain to me what makes a vegan cheese a great vegan cheese because from personal experience it's hard finding the right the right one you want one that doesn't have like an aftertaste because sometimes that's kind of hard to find right but they have come a long way and you want one that melts right so there's all kinds of tricks to help vegan cheese melt so many different kinds like you can have mozzarella you can have cheddar you can have sharp cheddar now they have sharp cheddar yeah the cheese a lot of the ones that are made with like chickpeas they have protein in them and they melt well some of them made from coconut cashews so so now we're gonna add our breadcrumbs okay like I said I love having some sort of texture on top of a mac and cheese a little crunch crunch are really nice all of it oh okay it's very good we're gonna put this in the oven we're gonna put on the broiler okay we're gonna let that go for maybe about like five to seven minutes then we're gonna take the foil off and then let it go for about three minutes just so that it gets this nice toasty texture out of the top all right let's go so up next is okay we are going to be making our vegan gumbo have you ever made vegan gumbo I've never made I'm excited though because I do like gumbo oh not just any gumbo it's not your mama's gumbo not your mama's gum okay okay so I'm sure you know with any gum mode you have to start with a roux right and which is why I've never made it I know a room it takes a long time I'm not gonna lie yeah it could take probably up to maybe an hour and usually you do it with um flour and some sort of fat like bun all right but we're not gonna do that because this is a vegan gumbo I'm gonna be using olive oil okay so this is all about you know quick fix in the kitchen so we're gonna do this for an hour no week by now no okay ain't nobody got time for that so this is the Quick Fix version I basically already did it so I have onions celery and bell peppers I'm just gonna go ahead and throw that in there okay so we have garlic powder here garlic powder yep and I just added some Cajun seasoning in there okay I'm just gonna go ahead and just I love to sing like for fun okay me too you know oh yay yeah you know because I grew up in the church me too and my mother she was actually in the choir yeah so whenever we would all go to her choir practice and I remember just sitting in the pews of course when you're a kid it can be a little boring you know that's when you people watch well we would my sister and I we would gum watch if that makes any sense we would get up under the pews and we would literally count all of the gum oh my God are you serious we didn't touch it listen that's like disgusting somebody was in there being bad at church okay okay there was a lot of gum up under those pews you would love spice too and you actually have spices right I do I have Sunshine with McCormick spice nice but it's my very own seasoning I decided to do a sunshine seasoning because people were still sitting in the house when we were all in quarantine yeah and a lot of people needed a little vacation but they couldn't leave the house so I said let me bring the sunshine to you see so it felt like a little vacation in a bottle but it's amazing and it's salt free wow that you don't sacrifice flavor so how you know that it's time to put the vegetable stock in there it's when this starts to look like a paste oh okay okay so now I'm just gonna go ahead and add my vegetable stockings oh so we have some diced tomatoes yes we do go ahead and just add that look at them too I can smell it yes there you go and I feel like this is the nice substitute for like meat should I say so there's this new dance challenge on social media and I guess it goes like boom boom boom boom wait a minute boom boom boom boom ha haha thighs and Fries like the Carlton oh yes you're right he goes boo it is oh yeah so you go Carlton it's like Carlton swoop ah and we did that okay very good who said you can't dance in the kitchen it's all about like what we were saying about having fun do what you want to in your kitchen that's your business that's your business it is very good cheers to that cheers to that your business and this mm-hmm and next what we're going to do is we're going to add the zucchini this Pursuit your daughter won't have oh she won't eat the skyro not eating no the only way that she would eat that is if I hide it in like a quesadilla okay you know but you know the good thing about my my children's show it's about yourself that is she loves tab time so I incorporate a lot of green beans I know I know to make it fun for kids so girl just look keep it in the white snack time so she'll be ready she'll be like maybe I want to try this like celery yep but like kiwi and like green grapes I try to make sure that they can try something green that's sweet okay it keeps kids from being afraid of afraid of it yeah she if anything that's green she's like no salad no salad I cannot wait to try this food today okay can we eat I'm ready yes let's do it let's do it let's do it I mean we have veganized your word okay gumbo we have the mac and cheese yes let's get into it let's get into it I got my plates okay do you mind um plating the mac and cheese and then I will do the vanilla should I say well look at the little I'm gonna just put a little extra on here okay because sometimes I have a little greedy Spirit okay do what you okay that's right here what you do you ready yeah okay oh wait I need a spoon I only got pork so we're gonna try the gumbo first yes we can't hold two plates it's time to eat okay oh God we think I'm just about to say you know what I say Jesus yeah I say oh God we thank you amen that's it that's what but they both work yeah they do yes okay let's see [Music] hmm you didn't burn it no um make your little shoulder do the thing 35 minutes on the table y'all I'm gonna make this I'm gonna add some other things too I know you are okay thank you there you are gotta do this okay let's see here that little crunch damn baby oh my Lord yummy yummy yummy thank you for sharing your wonderful story and just continue to shine bright girl thank you girl shine bright thank you so much and so you know we always do an outro here okay quick thanks y'all going on about y'all business all right okay we have the most amazing day but even if you can't have a good one don't you dare go messing up nobody else's here what she said very good [Music] thank you
Channel: Tia Mowry's Quick Fix
Views: 483,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tia Mowry, Tia Mowry's Quick Fix, Tia Mowry Quick Fix, Quick Fix Tia Mowry, Quick Fix, recipes, diy, lifestyle how to, tips, tricks, Tia Mowry YouTube channel, Kin, tabitha brown, tabitha brown recipes, tabitha brown cooking, vegan, vegan recipes, mac and cheese, gumbo, vegan mac and cheese, vegan gumbo, how to make gumbo, gumbo recipe, mac and cheese recipe, vegan recipes tabitha brown, easy vegan meals, vegan cheese, vegan meals, vegan comfort food recipes, vegan comfort food
Id: hFadPxF8hpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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