Cooking Challenge with Terrell Grice

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hey everyone today's guest is someone you already know very well Terell we will be cooking up some friendly competition in the kitchen today Terell will be making his best ribeye State and I will be making mine then we will leave it up to the team to taste and decide which is better May the best stake win Terrell you are back in the kitchen he we're we're like I don't want to say enemies but we're like never huh never but we are competing we're going to see who can make the best steak see here's the thing Tia what now the world knows I can't cook even if you guided my hands and placed them where they need to go however okay I'm not bad at the steak okay my grandfather cooked steaks all the time when I was little so I'm going channnel ham today and see if I can shf it up okay I like that so I guess we're already on the same page here cuz you have a cast iron skillet I have a cast iron skillet and that's the most important step I think when cooking steak right you have to have a cast iron skillet to cook this Beast if you don't yeah I just that sear ain't going to se right it's just not and see with a cast iron skillet it gets very hot right and also the heat holds evenly MH and that's really really important when you're cooking steak yeah yeah all right so let's talk about our steak what we got over there so for today's Cuisine oh my God I have a delicious 80 oz T ribey Ste what is this that's a a rib yeah bone in bone in that's right yes riby bone in which I already feel like you have a little bit of an advantage because that has a lot of fat no but it's also bigger so I have to make sure I cook this right because that big body bends might be too much your getting really hot oh god um okay so mine is a New York strip so it doesn't have as much marbleization to it which means it doesn't have a lot of fat I definitely don't want to overcook this but our pans are starting to get really hot I think we need to get started all right let's go ter so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going season her okay um with some salt and pepper can I have some salt please go no why can't I have you you should have got your own salt now this is not this is supposed to be a friendly constition T give me this Sal what you going to put it oh there we go you a even put no oil in it no I didn't are you about to put oil in after I season it I'm well you better hurry up cuz I I don't know if I want to get next to you that's going to go all over the place for rail she so busy okay here we go now the key thing here is you got to get down with the salt cuz when you put it in here you're going to lose a little bit of seasoning Okay so you can pretty much be liberal with it right you are I know you season yours in the thing in the thing thing I need some salt you need some salt have you see how nice I was about it you see how I did that it's called sharing it's caring okay be careful what do you mean all right H pretention come uh here we go so so it looks like both of us are doing the same thing right now so you're well I didn't see you put no pepper on that so I don't know if it's the exact same but we GNA I'm not saying that I'm not gonna put any pepper on it I just like to put my pepper on last because I don't want my pepper to burn oh pepper Burns we about to find out and I'mma soop this up see you didn't do this you didn't get your seasoning in to the steak see well oh okay that that uhoh you are like giving it you are massaging it massage okay you know okay so now that she will not stop screaming it can't go any lower than that I'm going to go ahead I'm scared I think we're we're going to be fine okay okay there oh I knew it damn I knew it that's all right I want my oil to get okay should I keep going I'm up to chaos it's on low it's on the lowest it can go oh oh no y'all we just had a uh what would you call that chaos that's okay we're back when you cook your steaks at home make sure there's a window open you know you want the you got to get your St I'm going now well it was trying to go in but catastrophe okay all right so now that I got a little bit of oil in there I'm going roll that around make sure it's all evenly distributed I'm going to throw my steak in here okay right away from me I don't want to get pops hello hello hello look good look at you okay good morning good morning yeah I'm let that get a good nice crisp on it okay cuz you don't want no gray steak no you don't gray steak no we don't hum no how are you doing I'm doing good I probably got like another minute and then I'm going to flip it over and then I'm going to need to borrow some of that olive oil olive oil okay you can have a little bit let me put I can have a little bit there where you want where you want it no oh my gosh no sabotage okay hold on okay oh this is not hot enough let me turn her up I just put some olive oil in here and then I'm just going to add some butter just like that right that's what I want and then I'm going to add some garlic okay now now why why why didn't you put uh oil or fat in in the pan in the first place well well number one I don't have a lot of fat right so I'm just adding a little bit of you know more fat to my steak this is Rosemary love it so I put the oil in there first and then the butter because I didn't want my butter to burn everything is better with butter one more time everything is better with butter yes you better have the harmony finder notes love that okay what's going on with you Terell I'm trying to I had to crank up my heat because I was afraid that we were going to have to call a fire department again I think I made it too low now it's higher now I'm sweating it's a lot going on in this kitchen but I'm going to take a peek and see what's the uh what the sear is doing okay let's see is it looking good uhoh okay I think it's I'm going to give you another minute of sear okay and then I'm going to flip and then I'm going to put sorry my garlic and my thyme in herea got you're moving very quickly I feel behind well cuz you are but I have to think about what I'm doing I'm very and I clean as I go okay I learned that also from my dad no it's not ready yet uh 30 more seconds guys and I'm promise I'm going to flip it I'm going to flip it you have to also sear the sides cuz if you don't it's just going to be not right so I'm going to flip it that way let that oo that look good ter know don't do it uhoh don't do it I'mma to leave that right there y'all because I need to steer the side okay wait you ain't got time to steer the side well I got to do it well come on Terrell well I'm trying I'm sweating this is y'all I just I cleaned up my station okay this is so H I still see red meat I'm turning the stove off I think why are you turning it off it has enough residual heat no Terell you do no you do not do that to because it's not it's okay I'm going to put some butter in here like that and then that comes down girl this is crazy I'm going to put some more olive oil got some olive oil in here oh God ter real oh this looks good okay oh child just do it [Music] okay but it looks beautiful thanks what I'm doing is about to base it the top of it with the spoon okay what you do here is you lean and you lean and work yes okay I'm going to lean it this way that looks really good trell I have to say I'm impressed already like for real come on all right for real for real so I'm just going to place mine here and I'm going to let it rest for about 10 to 15 minutes the biggest Terell you okay yeah do we need do we need some water so I think think they I think the biggest mistake with cooking steak is some people tend to just cut into it right after you take it out of the C IR Skillet you just got to let it rest because if you cut it right away all of the juices are just going to ooze out you want the juices to stay in so we're just going to let it sit and marinate and then while this rests I'm going to go ahead and start making my chimmy churry sauce you got a sauce he's over here y'all hyper ventilating he's breathing heavy you know what let's meditate for a second yes let's meditate ready let's whoa or let's take a deep breath in and then and the deep breath out okay ready go don't run okay ter raail you should still be hearing the sizzle Sizzle me to but I don't know are my gosh Terell so then it really left wait ter rail hold on okay there we go see you got it okay okay so there we got to get this bad boy hot fast I thought but it wasn't on this is going to be good so Terrell are you sure you've done this before what doing what cooking a steak yeah um uh it don't look like it no this is this has been very much see I knew what and you know what I think it's done I'm going to take it off all right do you want steak with your butter make it art make get Avant I'm excited actually to taste your steak me too cuz I want to know what it tastes like I'm doing a sauce what are you doing I'm going to do caramelized onions yes yes it's how my grandfather used to do it and literally when I had it for the first time I'm like I don't want to eat steak another way okay so I'm going to do a chimy cherry sauce usually a chimy cherry sauce would have red wine vinegar um red pepper chili flakes or some sort of herbs I'm going to do my take on that I'm going to add some cilantro go ahead baby do your thing I got to wait for her to heat up so okay got it I'm going to put in some cilantro do you like cilantro I hate it you do hate cilantro I remember you hate cilantro and spice well I'm going to put a whole bunch of cilant it's okay just kidding if your steak is cooked well enough I won't even eat that okay all right I'm going to put some um parsley in there I like parsley a lot okay and then I'm going to add some Peach which I know you don't like dang te you want me to eat this sa there we go that's jalapeno jalapenos and some garlic there we go and then I'm going to add some scallion so we're just herb on herb on herb I know they're really really good right you still like what's going on ter see when it comes to cooking there's things you need to know there's signals like is my pan hot is things burning I I really struggle with the cues you know that's that's hot right that's hot there we go well okay there we go yes just just a bit like that and in I hope is this going to sizzle no what you do is you just wait until you start to see little bubbles okay it's not time okay so just wait until you see little bubbles this is supposed to be a competition and I'm over here telling you some stuff okay I'm going to go ahead and add some lime to this Terell oh my gosh see it's sizzling well I want it to twerk and right now it's just dropping it like it's warm we're good I think this is more of a a cooking lesson than a cooking on your dish God I'm just trying to help you these onions smell so good I love the smell of caramelized onions okay all right well while you caramelize your onions I'm going to go ahead and blend this up okay look at how beautiful and green this looks actually that is starting to look very good right and I'm going to taste it too oo yes baby yes yes yes this is looking great while you do that so what I'm going to I'm only going to add two things to oh that looks good y' I'm going to add just a pinch of salt to like bring out the flavor of the is that a word Just A Pinch just not too much and then there we go I'm going to add some sugar to sweeten it up a little bit awesome sauce w some sauce I'm on my tip to y' now that looks good te yes yours look good too okay all right I'm going to add my avocado to just make this really nice and creamy W is that me yes that's you don't kill us smell burning I got kids what's burning oh my God it's this the heat it's hitting the it's hitting the handle oh the handle is burning on the pot can't win so this caramelization is coming together pretty nicely it needs a little more time un oh that looks good brown color you know what I'm saying you can you can cook you can cook I think you just playing I think you just playing well this is simple okay earlier that was a little hard and I'm still kind of traumatized you almost done with those onions yeah look at this Browning it's coming together it looks amazing but I'm afraid you going to burn this house down that's what I'm afraid I don't live here y'all figured out y got okay so did I tell you that we're actually going to have a taste test of course but it's it's with the crew the Quake fix crew are actually going to taste our steaks and see which one they like better hold on your crew is going to taste our steaks and see which one is better you the boss of everybody room this is a rig election you know what though they're very fair yeah yeah yeah so I mean and you know may the best steak [Music] win see what I'm saying you ready trell I'm so ready all right so I'm going to bring out my Glam team okay okay Judy and Anton come on out come on [Music] out hi hi what's happening okay so you guys have no idea which one is mine right I I can't say oh Terrell my God I guess just dive in because I don't want to say too much CU then they'll kind of figure out who's is who now think about Flavor I'm going to do this so I don't cross contaminate the whole flavor uhhuh think about the juices that flow I was so hungry this is so weird has really good flavor wow the seasoning is crazy here let me just make sure that's what it is I just want to make for second I it doesn't really need the sace doesn't really even need it oh great yeah whoever it is yeah okay go let me do this what's going on here that's pretty cute a different experience that's salty too kind of salt yeah salty you know I'm not really salty it is it is right it's really salty I'm not crazy about grilled onions but they're really good are they going to vote right here what if we agree are you going to execute us no oh my God this is so weird this is I've never done this on camera before okay so I think we agree right I think so okay oh I'm f tied maybe after [Music] this um this one bab it's really good to you really they're both good though J ons man ter there the thank you very much like when I tried him I was like damn I was like okay he may he may have me but the steak is good too okay now of course your Glam team is going to choose yours they didn't know which you got telepathy they be doing all this stuff maybe a little but yeah so how about I'm have I'm have some of my people com in here okay yeah how about that team real let's go Big T team te team has made their decision but now it's time for mine Joey I summon you to come choose my steak okay Joey I know that he works that you work for him but you got to be honest okay okay okay I'll do my best Joey be honest okay he's so nervous go ahead dip that in that y zip it okay fine okay mhm okay okay okay I'm try this one now okay oh I'll take all of it M mhmh oh God what is pay you my gosh I'm definitely feeling more like comfort with this one so I feel like this would be like a like a Tuesday afternoon and this would be like a Friday night I will have to say though that I think it's the sauce for me I really like the sauce on this one so you pick this one is that okay yes it's okay yes it's okay Terell Terell Terrell you are so unemployed you are fired get out of here okay do I just I'll put this back here so yes is this one right is this one right yeah don't y yay can I give you a hug yeah give me a hug too give me a hug too comeu thank you I if I had voted I would have set a tie I couldn't choose either yeah because I just think that they're both good and you you did a great job trell and I love you I love you too and we're still friends are you mad that I won well that part I don't know about I won you can we can be a nice I'm a winner [Music] yeah
Channel: Tia Mowry's Quick Fix
Views: 88,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tia Mowry, Tia Mowry's Quick Fix, Tia Mowry Quick Fix, Quick Fix Tia Mowry, Quick Fix, hacks, recipes, diy, lifestyle how to, tips, tricks, Tia Mowry YouTube channel, Kin, steak, terrell, terrell grice, cooking challenge
Id: b5lwawT5YHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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