MA2 Pixel Mapping (Showfile inside)

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hey guys what's up welcome back to the channel today I want to show you pixel mapping in ma 2 using the bitmap fixtures so today I want to show you how you can easily set up the bitmap fixture um that is the pixel mapping in just two steps it's really simpler than then you would have thought it is and then next week I'm gonna bring you a video of all the other crazy stuff that you can do with this bitmap mixture because truths to be told pixel mapping is the easiest of all exercise for this crazy little fixture I'm just starting to discover all the crazy things you could do with this but I think it's really important that we covered this fixture because it gives you tremendous opportunities for show programming so today I just want to get us started by showing you how you can set it up how you can pixel map your fixtures and then how you can create content for free really easily using Google Docs and also keep in mind everything that I'm showing you today is just going to use static images but obviously as you would expect it from the proper pixel mapping you can also just load up videos the same way I'm gonna show you in just a second and then you stills or pixel map fixtures so let's open up the console and then I'm gonna show you the two steps that you need literally only two steps to get a pixel mapping going and random a 3d so you can see here I have a tunnel fixture set up in na 3d and the ones that we see here in the middle are just your regular RGB fixtures arranged in the matrix nice and neat so the first thing that we need to do is go to setup then go to patch and fixture schedule and I already prepared a layer for the bitmap fixture but obviously you don't have to put it in a special layer so go to library and then enter any lighting as a manufacturer I already want to add into death and then select this bitmap fixture now what's really cool is we're going to program this this pixel mapping onto this bitmap extrude so when you play back your pixel mapping it's going to essentially output on that bitmap fixture and that's really important to keep in mind because if you want to have multiple pixel mappings being played back at the same time just patching multiple of these bitmap fixtures and just playing back just like a regular picture actually but for now one will do I just lost the fixtures schedule and hit Yes to confirm that I really want to apply these changes and now let's open up the screen tube now the first step was patching up this the fixture the bitmap fixture the second step is to set up the output area and for that we need a layout view and you can see over here that I already went ahead and patched up all of my RGB fixtures right here and now what we have to do is the second step and then we're ready to go is take this rectangle and then draw it around the fixtures that we want to output onto and then go to visualization and hit bitmap and that's it now the other options I encourage you to check out these options because essentially if you for example pixel map and arrangement that's overhead then you would want to select something else here but right now we're just looking at these RGB fixtures in the same way that we're looking at them in the layout view so we can just use the regular bitmap visualization but seriously that's it that's all you have to do one last step so we have click the access I'm just going to set this bitmap fixed restored in a group right here so I can easily let me just rename that two-bit to the map [Music] or let's just say all right now what you can also see in this layout views that I open up the image pool and already loaded up some predefined images these won't really be useful to us so again I'll show you in a second how you can create your own content that will probably already help you build some really cool looking sequences and effects but first let's check out how this bitmap fixture works in general so obviously what you want to do is first of all select the fixture and then you can see down here we have dimmer and then control in video but really what we're going to use is dimmer and this video part and to see the output later on let's just set this to 800 and then go to video and now what it already pre selects right here is the V object mode and this is where it gets interesting and this is kind of where you activate the output off your bitmap fixture so what we do here is actually just select a layout view to output on this bitmap fixture Honshu and then we have to load up an image in this case we're just gonna use image 27 right here and now you can already see it so I'm not sure how visible it is in the in the MA 3d let me show you actually let let me move around this image a little bit and then you can actually see better so in the video attributes this part right here is interesting because if you keep clicking on this then you will see all these different options of how you can modify now that you just project onto these fixtures and so these two are the most important ones because you control the output layer and the image that you want to that you want to display and the second most important is probably this right here this just is the position of the bitmap so now if I move this around you can see something's moving down and up again and you can see right here we also have colors so this image that we see here in the preview actually is projected onto the fixtures now we can actually go ahead let me just creative in the factory place so since this is just a regular fixture what you can do is totally go in here and then assign the sign for example and now you can see that the image is moving through the through the output [Music] and let me just store that up on an executors so we can access it again I'm just going to gear the programmer now and then go ahead and play this back and you can see it works just great now on to the second point I think one of the slightly harder to understand concepts about bitmap fixtures is that they actually output onto the area in the layout view that you set up so this this playback right now is set to output on layout one and it's going to output on these rectangles that you set up so watch what happens when I move this rectangle around now all the sudden this playback will only cover these bottom fixtures right here and what's greater is if we delete this rectangle I mean obviously it's going to stop the output but now let's just set up a few more rectangles and see what happens so here we can set up our first rectangle around the left half go visualization bitmap and you can already see it starts playback go please and now let's set up a second one actually let's go like that again go visualization bitmap that's all you have to do and now we have the same sequence being played back white I mean that that's just crazy um so the the power of this bitmap fixture is that you won't determine which fixtures it plays back on based on a static selection but rather you can totally switch around this selection here you can create new areas you can also just go ahead and for example copy your layout over and then set up completely different rectangles and this one maybe also just put these on different pictures so that one sequence that you set up if you program it right you can actually just swap it over to some other output area really really fast and that's where bitmap fixtures get so incredibly powerful because what I'm gonna show you next week is that these bitmap fixtures if we look into the video part again we go through here we can actually see that there's a mode and right now it's set to RGB and dimmer and that's what we expect from the pixel mapping we want the image to be output as the color of the fixtures but if we look in here we can actually see that you can also use bitmaps to set presets and that's what we're gonna cover next week because there's a whole nother level of just insanity but before I let you go what I want to show you is how easily you can create content for your bitmap fixture which will probably already help you build some really cool looking sequences and effects and for that I want to bring up Google Docs believe it or not so let me just disable I made 3d for a second so this is a drawing inside of Google Docs it's really nothing fancy and if you're watching this video with a youtube account you probably already have a Google account so let me just draw up a shape right here let me just rotate fists really quickly right let's put it like that I'm just going to remove the border and then give this a nice blue color perfect and now what you want to do is go file and download as a PNG now this is really important you can see right here if you ever work with the graphics program you'll know this but this checkered background means that the background isn't set is transparent and if you download this as a jpg image this whole background will be white because JPEGs don't support transparency but with the PNG image it supports this background transparency that we see right here and we'll see how incredibly useful that is in a second so now what I'm gonna do is open up the show folder and for that I'm just going to open up the Start menu and then type in the show and you can see right here there's a link that comes pre-installed with your on PC installation and takes us to the show folder just go up once and then go over to import/export and now I'm just going to make this a little small learning and now what we can do is to directly drag this into the import export folder perfect now what we're going to do is just right click and let me bring up the 3d again now we want to do is just right click onto an empty image slot and then import image and you can see renounce wish to import export there's our image and you can already tell that the background is transparent and probably already guessed what is gonna look like on our fixtures so again just as a reminder of how you can program your bitmap fixtures select it go to dimmer set it to full then go to video go to via object select your first layout that's the output layer and then as the image select image 29 right here right and let me just actually delete these two rectangles um so we just have one left [Music] come on Oh delete again probably all right so now again we're still in setup mode so I can just draw the rectangle over here s my new output goal personalization good nap and now we should be able to see this arrow now again let me just let me maybe move it around a bit and so you can see it unfortunately it's kind of not so bright I probably picked a pretty dark color I'm sorry about that but we should be able to see it let me just put an effect maybe on it again all right so lesson for myself today if I'm going to design something to the output on RGB fixtures I better you know use something that's a little brighter than this but point being is you can easily just create a shape inside of Google Docs and then import the PNG first on that into ma 3d into your console and then with the help of a bitmap fixture you can easily use simple shapes to bitmap something really cool on to will RGB capable fixtures so that's a primer to pixel mapping in ma 2 for you and that's all you need to know it's real easy patch off the bitmap fixture then draw a rectangle around your fixtures in the layout view and select bitmap ask the visualization and then you're done then you can bitmap whatever you want images and videos onto your RGB fixtures and if you want to repeat what I just did if you want to play around with the setup I just showed you then make sure download the show file in the description below next week we're gonna take a look at how you can use the bitmap fixture to visually program your fixtures and is gonna blow your mind I promise you this is just amazing so in order to be notified next week when I upload because sometimes I don't quite make it on Monday but it's gotta be next week so subscribe and turn your notifications porfavor would be amazing and until next week my name is Jonas that's it have a great week you guys take care of a bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: aGuyNamedJonas
Views: 16,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MA2, GrandMA2, Tutorials, tutorial, lighting design, lighting, professional lighting, lighting console, dmx, showfile, download, 🤘🏻
Id: zFu2bt1DNDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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