Pixelmapper. Part 2. Mapping on RGB LEDs

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hey everyone so today we're gonna continue our topic about pixel mapping and today I will actually show you how to run the pixel map on on RGB LED fixtures so in this tutorial specifically I'll be using just the RGB Parkins just three channel GB Parkin and I'll show you how to do the EZ mapping and I'll show you how to do it on the wall of them and then how to run some of the groups etcetera etcetera so bear with me hope you're gonna like it and yeah so here we go okay I've got an empty show file there is nothing in the visualizer so we're gonna start basically patching RGB Parkins to do that you press patch choose the media da button then here you choose generic LED and you've got different options some of them you've got 16-bit LTP that means all the channels RGB channels will be LTP but each of them is 60 beats so it's a 6 channel fixture you've got HSI it's a etc so before for my specific tutorial I will be using LTP fiction what it means it's it's just basic generic RGB cheap RGB Parkin ok so it has only 3 channel there's no virtual dimmer it's only 3 channel RGB if you want with a virtual daemon you have to use this one but I would say for the for the for for the sake of this tutorial and just to make it easier just use the normal LTP so then we're gonna say patch it and we're going to patch hundred of them so because I want to make out I want to show you how to create a wall 10 by 10 grid of Parkins and how will be mapping on them so I'll say hundred pieces please and patched in a visualizer you can say yes ok so you have hundred pictures patched in ok so good and now if you look in the visualizer ok let me just make it a little bit make the bedroom brighter so you can actually see the fixtures - here you can see we've got them like that but that's not ideal because all I want is I would like to make a wall of fixtures that will be positioned towards me yes from the stage towards the audience and I want to quickly pick some up on them so I'll show you today a few little tricks that will be handy for you I think in your day-to-day life that's obviously relates to the using campuses yeah so what we do is now is if you select your layout one you can select your fixtures press like it you can see they're all on you can choose colors and they all work it's all fine so before we continue I'll just show you one one little thing so when you select your lights and you press locate you know change the colors or whatever so you can see the fixture is actually outputting the beam so it's okay when it's a moving light and you actually want to see the beam but when you have a fixtures positioned towards the audience and you want the magical ease to actually run it so you can preview and everything and as it's it's like so it's not official rule in a visualizer 3d visualize the world but normally what you do for those fixtures you cut off their beams so all you need is you want to see that the fixture is outputting something like a colors but not to see the whole beam because otherwise beams positioned towards your camera it's actually pushing the processing on your computer to the to the max because it's trying to render out everything so basically just you have to cut it off how to do it I'll show you so if you select your magic magic visualizer on the top you don't see it but there is a file button or and there should be a preference or settings so what you do here is you uncheck the box that says draw beams from static multicolor mixing fixtures starts a color mixing fixtures and press okay so you can see now you do see the output and you can see it on the surface but there is no beam that's perfect for us so then we do following if you select a group of lights okay if you have them in one row you can actually start working straight away and I'll show you today two methods I'll show you the basic pick them up and I'll show you the full pixel data so again this tutorials gonna be long so bear with me you're gonna learn - quite a few new things you press add effects okay and if you want to run basic pick some up you press pick some up and let's say you run line vertical and you can clearly see that you have your visualizer running from left to right that's perfect perfect for us yes fine but we still haven't done what we what I told you before I want to position your fixture position all the fixtures at the back wall position towards the audience so that means we can actually preview what what we're doing so how to do this in a quick and easy manner of course you can use the patch view this and move the move the stuff around but that's gonna take your ages and I'll show you the trick how to how it actually can take seconds so if you select your fixtures press view grid and then the view grid you actually have all your fixtures positioned correctly if it's not then you'll press set grid size 10 by 10 click on the first one and press insert hats so like I've done in the in the video when I showed how to work with grids again so if it doesn't work like that you select that let's say I'm gonna say remove so it's all gone yeah so you can see they're all selected by have the the grid so if you don't know just press set grid size set the right size so I have 100 fixtures so it's a 10 by 10 you select the first top left corner and press insert heads horizontally normal fixtures they're not multi fixtures their normal fixtures well you have it here and this is the group effect a group great as you remember from the last video I hope you watched if you didn't go there and watch it and this means this group group great will work only with simple pixel mapper but before we continue I wanted to show you one more button here so if you press and hold shift button this one you will see that here in the corner instead of arranged fixture recreate grid hold this one you will see it comes up as arranged this so what it means is you can arrange your fixture in the visualizer which is cool you press that and it tells you where would you like to position your fixtures in the individual as I say at the back wall so back and it asks you what distance do you want to keep between the each fixture so just to make it easier it's all considered in units or let's say in meters if you're in America or in UK as well I actually yes so I just I don't say just on in America in UK as well we measure here in in miles and so let's say these measurements are actually done in in meters so what we're gonna do is you're just going to use the metric system so at the moment I just want to say it's going to be 0.2 0.2 of the meter is actually 20 centimeters which makes sense so you're gonna press 0.2 so you see it says enter spacing horizontal slash vertical so press 0.2 slash 0.2 0.2 and you press Enter boom you can see here in the visualizer all your fixtures are now all grouped up together as the grid and of course you would like to zoom it in and just to make it make your life easier go to the patch window view this and use the encoder Y to actually move the fixtures here so we can just get closer a little bit lower a little bit lower [Music] perfect so now we actually have it in the visualizer point it towards you towards the audience and if you go back to the layout one you can select your fixtures if you even if you press like it you can see they all look nice and there is no beam coming out which is perfect so now we can actually do some we can actually do some pick some other easy pixel mapping and to do that you you just press a defect pick some up and then you can say for example I'm vertical so you have the vertical line goes from left to right I can say I can change it I can say remove all effects add pick some up horizontal so you have from top to bottom okay and another one that you can do here for example you can say add effect pixel map you can say for example square and you can see you'll have nice square I wouldn't recommend to you for you to use here circle simply because circle always have to have the base middle point and it has to go like sort of spread from the middle evenly but here we don't have really a circle circle point so that means if I will run you a circle that means like many of you all do you see it starts from the middle point so that means it's going to be a little bit offset so if you want to fix this you can actually use position and move the stuff around okay you can do that way but in my case I will show you another one that you can do so if you will run pixel map and you can do actually let's say if I run line vertical yeah you can actually go here and say direction you can say centering so it goes like a bouncing centering bouncing and you can just normal make normal bounce see it's a nice effect I'm sure you've got already some ideas how you can use that effect okay so this is just some of the functions some of the effects you can run from the from the built-in pixel mapper for example you can see a rotation line ago say take seconds very very easy thing to do and to use on your on your shows and you can do for example random sports rotation line you can do actually ramp horizontally you can do something like that and yeah you can just play around and I'm sure you will be able to figure out how to do when you run the pixel map you can save it on your let's say we're gonna run some one of the pixel mappers let's say we asked where we're happy are we gonna press record we're gonna press it here you can actually go here and change the color so you can have an ice pick some up in with a white with a red background and again don't forget you can use the background color changing using them using the execute window yeah with your regions let me just say something here okay so this is the basic pick some up or when you run it ah another cool thing like I showed you in the in the previous video about the grid again if you didn't watch it go and watch it there if you press the output window you see you still on the view grid but unpress it and you can preview it in a nice view plan window nice isn't it cool okay next one is I'm gonna show you how to run actually the full pixel mapper and I'll show you how to run how to do the bitmap file etc so okay let's select our fixtures will press for you grid so as as probably hopefully you remember from the last video it says group grade that means it's working with a with simplified Nixon Appa now if you want to run the full pixel Appa we need to change the encoder a do the counterclockwise so to the left move it to the grid one so this is the standard grid so then you press here set grid size 10 by 10 presenter now we can select the top corner we press insert heads horizontal done here of course if I hold shift you're gonna have the arrange this button here as well but we don't need it for now because we already created this so now what I need is I need to add this grid into the pixel map engine meaning so the pixel map engine can actually run effects on this grid so to do this you have to press patch pixmap button and it tells you patch picks mop and pick some up engine to use on this grid you say yes please and now it's ask you how many layers you wanna run so if you have MQ 40 you have you have a maximum of one layer that you can run at the time pair shuffle so this is the this is inbuilt limitation so just not overload it as well so make sure that you run you can run only one otherwise the system is going to tell you you're running it cannot actually add any more layers but if you're running any other consoles you have a limit of 20 so again you may say what 20 how 20 why is it 20 it's because it is being added there some time ago when the system was created we can of course increase it if needed but for the time being taking into consideration all the hardware that normally is used across all the console and the show and the file is actually the the software is exactly the same we have the limit of 20 layers in total but again don't despair don't think like oh it's it's not enough it is more than enough I have never seen I've seen a lot of shows with a lot of pixel mapping and I have never seen anything more than eight so at the moment all I want is just a one layer of pixel mapping ok so you can specify one layer and press ENTER so it has created for me a bitmap like on some other consoles you have to actually create your own separate bitmaps it said sure here is absolutely everything different so you can select your group of fictions then you go to the media button I know some of you has been probably looking into this button or thinking what the hell is button does but this actual button allows you to work with a pixel mapper and with the media servers so when you press media button you will see here that says pick some up one layer one pixel of one is it's our bitmap file we've created so if I selected layer one and then I press intensity at full so what I did what I did it I added the full intensity onto my first layer and as soon as I did this you can see the results right in front of you so you this is the test button that shows you that the pixel map is working you can switch it off for now then you can go to the effects window and in the effects window you can run the different things at the moment you basically need to know that there are two two different types of the effect here so some of them are self generated I generate that means they're generated by by magic you and the some of them they are actually directions on the directions that are used for for some for some media files so let me show you the self generated ones we can press vertical line and we can actually decrease the speed I can just make it something like that you can see it's here cool so as you can see vertical line it's same thing that I was running in the basic pixel mapper but this is actually the full one and a good thing about the full pixel map you actually have way more functions here I'll show some of them again just explore it by yourself you're not gonna damage anything don't worry you can always press clear and it's all gonna go off and the nightmare is over if you if you'll find if you catch yourself in in a situation where you don't know actually what you're doing or you lost anyway so then you can do the virtual horizontal lines and for everything here you also have the extra parameters let's say parameter to press here and you have now got a veil going with a bit of offset in different directions you also have the normal mix you can do reverse reverse mix bounce do you recognize them of course they are part of the simple pixel mapa but they actually came from from this full pixel Apple say this is like a centering effects between mix and normal okay you've got different modes here that you can play with them you can do say vertical random goes like that you can do spot random you can do horizontal rainbow okay you can run that you can do vertical rainbow the cool thing is you can run the snakes you can actually make the buttons to actually control the snakes okay then you can do button ball and again you can actually map the the correct parameters on your faders on your buttons and you can actually play button ball game you actually can also do the map the tetris game so that means you will be able to actually use those buttons like one of the parameters you can actually use for moving that moving the pieces left right rotate them and you're actually going to use it as the full tetris game and this is all life so you can actually make a nice like nice effect on the stage if you have enough of the fixtures you can actually make it something really unique because you can run Tetris in it so on your pixel map then you also have here so we'll miss some of them because they all Direction effects and I'll show you another one let's say you can run the audio the audio you cannot see here am I am i doing tutorial separately about this but basically with audio effect you can do the full equalizer life so that means you will be able to actually make the the night circle as it affects on your fixtures so and the public is actually gonna the the punters are actually gonna see how that it actually reacts everything to the beat etc you can do the rotation line you can do half rotation line you can do square you can a circle and you can do organic shade shading movement okay so these are all self generated ones you can break non now if you go back to the media window you also have got premade media content like this for example and what you can do with that is if you press effects you can actually do vertical move horizontal move move vertical move back horizontal move back move back white vertically run vertically ramp horizontal vertical build horizontal build offset horizontal offset and tiles again you can play with those and you can apply different effects let's say we're gonna do something like that and you can actually go to the media file and change this and you've already have the different nice looking effect okay and you can go with the colors very very very simple thing to create okay so another thing let me go to the effects and switched off what else you can do actually when you apply an effect you can actually apply on a different parameters so if you press and click and hold apply type you're gonna see that it actually offers you you can apply it on to the amber Channel RGB RGB W RGB WAV aw you can run pixel mapping on any parameter you want so if you're using if you're using if you're using another system that is offering you the pixel map always ask the question what can you run the pixel mapping on so not every pixel map is actually as powerful as as ours and it off to some other brands that we can actually run the pixel mapping on any parameter you want the the fixture support rather than just colors and dimmer so again pick some uppers are different so you can call it pick some upper but if it can run on the honor RGB and a dimmer is the one thing if it can run on any parameter you want then it's different so we can run on any parameter you want just change the apply type so if you're using another system ask yourself can you pick some up or come and pick some up and do this so ours can anyway another thing another thing you've got we've got here is you can actually change the media page so at the moment this is inbuilt think you can actually press the media page and you can actually insert your all one pictures and then do the use them for the pixel map you can do let's say this and the page for you actually have a video content so now here you can see video running you can actually upload your own video using the on the top there is a Tools menu and there is a one that's called CMV converter so if you're on the Mac some some of the versions of the Mac we switched off CMV converter because the it the engine that we were trying to use that optimized to actually convert into the correct video format etc has yeah has not been fully finished for the Mac so the Windows version would work absolutely fine cope so you've got all the different videos and again you can change the movies you if you press and hold this button you actually can see that we support also the gif files again you pick some up a support gift I don't know but ours does you also have timers so if you select the timer you have the timer so of course you need to have the grid bigger than that you can actually use the countdown so you can have count it's 0 1 2 3 4 etcetera if you have a long wide enough grid you can run actually count down from one minute from 2 minutes or 3 minutes so it's a nice thing before the gig start actually run it on on all your fixture so the visitors can actually see how cool it is cope so you can do that as well and you can change to the LF it's the live feed so if you have missed my video where I actually show how to feed the video onto your pixel mapping fixtures that you can run actually across all your fixtures yeah as a video file from external source just watch it just watch on my channel and you will be surprised what we can do this world cam since we've been doing for for a few years and yeah some companies bringing it on the different names some companies just bringing it and but nevertheless we are we could do it for quite some time and in my video actually show how successful it can be done and you've got some other options here with the gobos it's such lamps different pictures etc so you can just play around with this but basically I would say you can just go back to the to the first page to the inbuilt one and then you can operate with your pixel mapping here cooked yeah I hope it was useful for you and if you have any further questions feel free to ask but bear in mind that I'm making more tutorials in which I will be showing how to use more stuff around so how to use it with the LED buttons I'll be showing how to use with the matrix fixtures and I'll be showing how to use the fixtures like a Sun strips etc anyway thanks for joining how good day and see you soon bye
Channel: ChamSys Rus
Views: 9,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chamsys, shamsys, champsys, magicq, fx, pixel, pixelmapper, pixelmapping, pixelmaping, arrange, grid, led, rgb, fixtures, magicvis, pixels, how, to, run, part, p2, two, part2, simple, full, advanced, bitmap, colour
Id: sHCLweO8nww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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