M1Carbine v Mini 14

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[Music] [Music] hey guys it's Dr Drake 63 again here today welcome to my channel today I want to do is honest of a shoot-off comparison as I possibly can between two rifles which were 2019 pickups for me first rifle I picked up this year was the mini 14 out of these two a very nice looking rifle you see it's got the stainless barrel very nice-looking with wood this is chambered in 223 Remington and also handles the five five six crackers just fine this is a firearm that has an investment cast receiver it was modeled after a combination of m1 grand m1 carbine m1 a1 m14 kinda inspired by that group of of rifles and looks a lot like it so like I said this shoots an intermediate cartridge I'm gonna compare it today to a rifle that I've been wanting for a long time and I recently picked up a recent production of the inland and won carbine this shoots a basically a pistol caliber of cartridge in 30 caliber I'm not going to pretend that 1:1 cartridge or the other compared today they just simply don't the 30 carbine in my mind is a 150 yards and in effective range cartridge whereby you're gonna see the the five five six or two to three with a much greater effective range definitely well better than twice that now in looking at both of these particular cartridges one thing you'll notice right away is that on the left here looking at the the 30 carbine it has a very kind of rounded almost blunt kind of profile and when you think about that in terms of fitting into your chamber I think that there's an advance to the the shape and the cartridge neck of the five five six in terms of chambering so coming out of your magazine and which one's going to be more forgiving in terms of getting into that bore I'm gonna vote for the cartridge on the right as opposed to the cartridge on the left so if everything else is being equal I would expect a little bit more reliability with the 556 round from a chambering standpoint than I would the 30 carbine as far as ballistic flight and things like that like where he talked about this cartridge on the right is going to provide approximately 1,000 feet per second more velocity it has that cleanest spike or missile shape to to the round which i think is also going to lend itself to some accuracy especially over distance but in terms of just the feeding you know if you think about back when when they came out with the 30 carbine there really weren't a lot of double stack magazines out at that time it was kind of a newer thing and certainly from a from a feeding into a semi-auto type of environment it was all kind of new stuff you look at your m4 feed ramp and stuff right now today and it's a lot different story now coming over and looking same scenario looking into the looking into the the chamber here of the many 14 you don't really have a double feed ramp kind of scenario so which is kind of surprising but apparently it doesn't need it as much so you have a couple different a couple different approaches all of them are very magazine dependent and the one thing you'll hear about both of these firearms is that they are magazine finicky I know a lot of folks who say you either use a Ruger magazine or don't bother if it's not a factory magazine and for others refute that but I found that the Ruger factory magazines although expensive work best also if you happen to have a USGA usgi made magazine and I've also heard korean-made m1 carbine magazines tend to be problem free some of the newer stuff like the pro mag stuff like that I've heard mixed reviews on we're gonna see today that these 15 rounders worked just fine and we're also gonna see the day that I've got an old 30 rounder not so much just looking down on the top of both of these receivers they're both made with an invest investment cast process the Springfield m1a ones that you get today those are made investment cast as well if you were to pick up a usgi m1 carbine one made during the war things that nature it will be a forged receiver I'm gonna just go out and say this right now if in 1940 investment casting technology was what it was today he would not see any forged and one receivers back then they had issues with air pockets and things where it just wasn't reliable that's no longer been the case you don't hear about problems with these receivers you just don't but if you if you look at the the overall design you know I mentioned they both have a similar sighting system you're looking through a a ring in the back they adjust a little bit differently they both have that what we'd call charging handle operating rod handle because that's part of a rod that goes all the way up into the front area where your gas block is you can see that there with the mini-14 lot of similarities a lot of similarities here looking at both of these firearms the particular ammo I'm going to shoot today and our shoot off on the five five six side is a sixty two green projectile that's traveling at about twenty-eight twenty-nine hundred feet per second okay whereas with the m1 carbine we're shooting a hundred and ten caliber projectile that's going somewhere in the neighborhood of nineteen hundred or so feet per second so a thousand feet per second less velocity it is a heavier cartridge so you have kind of these different things going on but what what I really want to compare today is accuracy and I want to compare reliability so we got a little bit of wind today it's right about thirty five degrees right now probably hover between there and about forty while I'm shooting and you can see right back it means 50-yard range that's where we're gonna do this exercise today or most of it anyway so here we are we're gonna take our time here shooting off the bench not using sandbags not using anything like that just resting our elbows and shooting iron sights here at 50 yards and one of the things I notice when I shoot this m1 right off the bat is that this the trigger is kind of stiff it's on the the heavy side for all the firearms I own and from what I can see it is breaking it a little bend breaking it a little bit over time and we're just taking a look at our results here and have found that we do need to make some adjustments to the rifle we're shooting off a little bit to the right it's a very easy adjustment to make on on the m1 with this kind of site just a matter of clicking it to the left once or twice also noticed upon receiving this rifle it had a little bit of a left hand which apparently is true to the original form you also get kind of a weird sight picture with the way it lines up with the groove on the front handguard that also seems to be true to form with the original and but here you're seeing my results grouping nicely but like I mentioned to the right and after some adjustments you can see we've got a flock of bullets going to the left and we're finishing up with a nice Center centered type pattern as we go so now we're gonna try this 30 rounder I've had to take this apart and clean it extensively it was a rust bucket only takes 29 rounds so we're gonna see how this cycles this magazine was was a problem from the get-go as you can see it really caused feeding issues and I had to pretty much fool around with it every other round for the first 10 12 rounds in this magazine once we got to that halfway point went through those bullets like nobody's business and I doubt if I'll be trust in my life to this thing that's for sure but I love doing those mag dumps and here you can see with one of those trusty 15 rounders absolutely no problem so wha function fine as far as this particular firearm goes one thing I kind of want to point out this is an editorial pointed at the big audience you tube gun guys that have negatively reviewed the new m1 by inland and some of the others and I can only speak about the inland these guys apparently have taken this rifle right out of the box they have not properly lubed it properly lubed very much means in this channel right here where you're operating handle and and so forth goes that you need to have a light coat of grease shooting to drop a CLP in there it's not going to have the same effect and the other thing that these guys haven't done is properly worked that action in which is something that back in the in the days the World War two and so forth they'd actually hook these things up to machines in cyclone four or five hundred times because they knew that that would break in the parts and lead to better cycling so this particular firearm the new productions tend to get a bad rap and there's a lot a lot of misinformation out there about them I'm gonna just suggest to you if you get this firearm don't just pop it out of the box and expect it to shoot like you know you're mmm for your ar-15 type of scenario what you should do is work to break it in while you're watching TV or whatever I mean how long does it really take the cycle something four or five hundred times I've noticed that makes a world difference I picked this one up almost brand new less than 50 rounds through it from the guy that I purchased it from and it did need a little bit of work but as we're gonna see today in the in the in the testing against the mini 14 it does just fine you don't feel anything I did have one failure to extract don't know 100% what the deal was with that it was just one so out of 100 rounds we were 99 out of 100 for cycling which for a newish rifle such as this and one complaint all using so far this ammo weights 50 yards no rest just elbows on the bench so let's see how it does we're shooting 62 grain bullets from this mini by the way one in seven apologize for the background noise it was a busy day at the range just a couple notes I will tell you that I do like that trigger on on the many 14 in comparison to the carbine I think I've mentioned that three or four times in this video so far so we will go we are 63 and so far we are not seeing the same kind of the m1 so there is that wait till we're done so it seemed like groupings I'm mostly messing around with elevation here and you can see the spread terms of windage it's a little bit more but not too much more we're gonna put up one of these targets in the middle and work the sixty rounds on our last 40 we're gonna work on this see how many of them we can get there it has a much better trigger much lighter trigger than the than the m1 so advantage to the to the Ruger on that I will say though that I felt I feel like I was a little bit more accurate with that m1 but let's let's shoot this next 40 rounds and draw our conclusions will also do a mag dump at the end so far we had the one failure out of a hundred with the fifteen round mags with the m10 failures out of sixty so far with as much as I prefer the trigger on the mini 14 to the m1 I don't like the sights as much I can more easily acquire my sight picture with those m1 carbine sights than I can through the mini 14 obviously I can get some aftermarket sights change things up but just as a general comment it was a little bit easier for me to get on target using the sights with that m1 today and just when I thought I was going to have a perfect feeding performance with the mini-14 I did not there was a failure to fire I don't believe that the round chambered all the way into the bore and that the firing pin was able to come into contact so we had to fool around with that and basically ended up with a tie at one failure per 100 for each rifle which I can't say I would have guessed that in the case of both rifles after clearing the failure I was able to continue on without any additional hiccups and so I consider that to be a positive and to be a no problem in the case of both rifles so like I said a little bit larger dispersion pattern at 50 with the mini 14 but mag dump went fine and mando I always loved doing those kind of blue over my camera a little bit as you can see so for the last part of our test today we went over to see how we do it a hundred yards I shot two magazines out of the m14 total of 30 rounds and I shot 20 rounds one magazine out of the mini 14 so not quite a straight up test but close enough and we were certainly able to see which one was gonna be more accurate at a hundred yards so no problem acquiring the sight picture and again shooting off a bench unsupported no rest anything like that why would you want to do that with a carbine is my question but anyway enjoyed the fact that both of these rifles were a pleasure to shoot and I and I will say that recoil things like that when you're out shooting 280 rounds or whatever I ended up with today non-existent it's not like you have a sore shoulder I have to admit when people talk about recoil out any of these firearms it kind of blows my mind there you can see what we're doing at a hundred that that's pretty good pattern there with the with the m1 now we're going back to that many 14 and the same thing taking our shots at a hundred as I mentioned earlier site picture not as easy to acquire with the many as with the m1 maybe that's something we're going to rectify but it just has to do with the size more than anything else the size of that rear rear peep sight and and I know there are aftermarket alternatives so I can change it if I don't like it so the proofs in the pudding guys let's talk about targets a little bit first we're going to look at 100 shots from that m1 carbine at 50 yards okay and what you're gonna see basically is a concentration that hovers around the middle so you can see we've shot out that metal pretty good and didn't have a lot of dispersion due to you know anything other than just firing quicker and if we turn this over you'll see all 100 shots just got to a point where I put that fluorescent marker on the middle to see it better but you just see such a concentration at 50 yards on that that center ring and it opens up a little bit but I don't believe that's because the heat I just believe that's the shooter and keeping in mind this trigger it just isn't in anywhere close to being as good a triggers what you have on the mini 14 that's why some of these results are surprising looking at the mini 14 at 50 yards with a hundred shots you see more than anything else is deviations from an elevation standpoint you don't see quite the concentration around the center you know we do have some pretty decent Center hits and if we turn that over you know you can see that this target did have some some decent hits on it which one would I say is better well those two orange rings are after these rifles have had about 50 or so shots through all and as you can see is after these rifles hit heat up you just see a lot better concentration of hits on that center mass area with the the m1 carbine then you do the diminutive 14 there's a lot of ways that you know I suppose you could interpret these two targets based on what you're looking to see to begin with but just be an objective here guys if you ask me which rifle is more consistently hit and center I got a save for sure it's the m1 carbine now we're gonna look at those same two rifles from one hundred yards and a little bit of a difference we did one 20 round magazine with the mini 14 here and here we did two 15 round magazines with the m1 just looking oh where are these hits are taking place and how far we're seeing the spread especially these ones that kind of down here I didn't really adjust my point here or anything you just see this opening up quite a bit with the many 14 whereas even though yeah you have a few stragglers with this m1 at a hundred you do once again have a better concentration of center mass of target so I'm gonna have to say again especially given that there's such a huge advantage with this trigger here and I'm still getting that much more accuracy with the m1 that the inland modern production m1 is definitely a more accurate rifle than this mini 14 know there's gonna be some folks who love the mini 14 and I certainly think it's a great rifle I own it there's gonna be some folks are gonna say Gavin you can get up you can get a stabilizer and you can add it to the front yep I've seen those are like 150 bucks I don't like the looks of them by the way you could do this and you can do that and I get it I get it you could probably do some things too accurate accurized this rifle namely just have a trigger that's as light as the mini 14 and I guarantee you're gonna see even better but the barrel itself the design the heat and everything just seems to affect this mini-14 more but let's just be realistic for a second neither of these guns was designed to be a tack driver they were designed to consistently put a large volume of fire on a man-sized target from a hundred yards or in and to their credit they both do that so I'm not going to come out and say once better than the other as we talked about we know that this is a round with a lot more of effective range than the 30 carbine okay we just know that just comes down to we hear some myths we hear some people make some outrageous comments and my favorite is when somebody says well this mini-14 is so much more reliable than the m1 well in today's test anyway it was exactly as reliable as the m1 they both had one failure using proven magazines okay in terms of accuracy I've heard all sorts of claims about the mini bottom line is this m1 carbine is a more accurate rifle than this mini 14 your mini 14 might be more accurate okay but just in terms of especially the notoriety of the m1 design with the older manufacturing which you know truth the matter is they were quickly and cheaply made back in the 40s to be made for under $40 a copy this particular minor version does not made that cheaply but just looking at the overall between these two same exact statistics on a hundred rounds shot well over a hundred out of both of them today I shot a hundred and forty rounds out of the mini 14 in about a hundred and eighty with that fee gasps go with the crappy 30 round magazine out of this out of the someone carving so that's what you have well I hope you enjoyed my presentation today tried to be as objective as possible you got to see which one of these two rifles I could shoot better than the other I think they're both great firearms I think there's a lot of rumors untrue things claims that are not necessarily based on fact and exaggerations about both of these firearms we live in a world today that is an AR world AR world and a K world and you know whatever the new stuff is and these are based on a couple old-school designs that's for sure but I enjoy both of these rifles and I hope you enjoyed coming along for the ride with me today this is dr dre 63 saying thanks for watching we'll see on down the road guys
Channel: Gun News & Reviews
Views: 205,597
Rating: 4.8331771 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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