M1 Garand - In The Movies

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the m1 rifle it was the infantry weapon  for us forces during world war ii and Korea   on film there isn't an American world war ii movie  without one the m1 was easily one of the best   rifles of world war ii and a massive leg up over  the bolt action rifles that were standard issue   in every major army so let's take a look  at this prolific game-changing rifle that   general george s Patton called the greatest battle  implement ever devised now comes the american army   places please light the lights roll camera action  the official designation of the m1 is us rifle   caliber 30 m1 and was often just called the m1 by  soldiers caliber 30 m1 a clip fed shoulder-fired   semi-automatic weapon designed to bring depth it's  rare to hear the title garand or garand on film garand and garend was a moniker  more popular with civilians   during and after the war this name was  given to the rifle in honor of the french   canadian-born john garand the weapons designer  the both pronunciations are common and accepted   garend is considered the correct way to  pronounce the designer's name holder fire however you pronounce the name the m1 was  considered one of the most effective weapons of   world war ii and for anyone who thinks otherwise  yeah we can pass is revoked before the m1   the main service rifle of the us army was  the m1903 Springfield bolt action rifle and   though the 1903 would continue to see service by  snipers throughout the war and marines during the   early years of the war the m1 would replace  the majority of units equipped with 1903's   outside of specialty roles marines who saw some of  the first fighting in the pacific with 1903 rifles   were annoyed when the army showed up with new  m1s something hbo's the pacific pays tribute to army gets the new stuff and we fight  with [ __ ] my grandfather used   a 1903 in the right hands had an effective  firing range of a thousand meters   compared to the m1's effective  firing range of around 500.   however, the vast majority of combat for American  troops was taking place well within the m1s range   and m1 held eight 30 ought six rounds and had a  rate of fire between 40 and 50 rounds a minute   about double that of a well-trained  soldier on the Springfield 1903 during world war ii 5.4 million m1s  were made and used by every branch of   the united states military and they  made up the bulk of rifle companies   in both the pacific and europe the m1 was well  liked by virtually all who used it it weighed   about the same as the thompson submachine gun  but hit as hard as this bolt action counterparts the rate of fire for the m1 was effective against  the Japanese as it gave squad's light and mobile   firepower in jungle terrain in Europe the  m1 helped even the odds for American squads   opposing german machine guns with  their extreme rates of fire name in the rear sight aperture pass revoked  there were some disadvantages to the m1   it was slightly bulky to house the semi-automatic  operating system making it a little less ergonomic   for smaller hands it was difficult to load unless  using a full clip there's also a myth that an   enemy soldier would wait to hear the distinct  ping which telegraphed a soldier was reloading   but during any sort of squad-level combat there's  no way an enemy soldier was listening for this   up sir am i hearing it's not so good comes and  goes the german grenade went up right by my head   one of the more famous call it disadvantages  if a user is not careful loading an m1 clip or   more commonly closing the bolt while unloaded the  bolt can slip and slam forward on a user's thumb   the scene from 71 into the fire showcases  a nice dramatization of how this might feel though several variants of the m1  were produced during world war ii   they were a rare thing the most  common variant you'll find on cinema   are the sniper variant the m1c and m1d  you are them dogface i need practice   the m1 sniper rifles saw very limited use in  world war ii and were only meant to supplement   the use of 1903 sniper rifles but in Korea these  rifles would see more use m1cs were a rushed   engineering job that were quickly made inferior  to m1ds which chose to mount the scope to the   barrel and not the receiver which weakened  it significantly name but he's got joseph d rusty bayonet leap guide you  want to kill germans yes sure   not with this one popular use of the m1 on  film is with bayonets or m7 grenade launchers though bayonet charges were  becoming less common by world war ii   they still occurred the crossroads battle  is one excellent example of a bayonet charge   as an effective tool against an  unknown or concealed enemy position we'll be able to shoot it straight with that thing  on one interesting scene from band of brothers   is where sergeant bull randleman  advises a new replacement soldier   not to fix his bayonet there is truth to  these words particularly firing at long range   as it's basically a weight at the very end of the  rifle and can throw off the balance of the weapon   and if you are really proficient you might notice  the harmonics or vibration of the barrel change the m7 grenade launcher was a device also  designed by john garand and adopted by the   us military in 1943 it's not so much a grenade  launcher but a grenade adapter as it doesn't   launch anything itself rather harnesses the  pressure of firing a blank cartridge from the m1 the m7 grenade launcher  could fire up to 200 meters   these were actually fairly common one  to three were issued per rifle squad   and they could fire a number of different types  of grenades however in battle of the bulge almost   going out of their way to be anachronistic shows  an m1 firing an m61 heat round from the 1960s ultimately the m1 was one of the most  successful firearms of world war ii   it had the ideal range stopping power and  rate of fire for the majority of engagements   it was cost-effective reliable highly  accurate significantly it had inner   workings that share much in common with  modern assault rifles even the ak-47   so influential was the m1 the japanese  even tried copying it with the type 4 rifle in korea the m1 proved its qualities all  over again and did well in the cold and   mountainous conditions where its accuracy  and effective firing range was ideal eventually the m14 would replace  the m1 which offers select fire   and a 20 round magazine the m14 incorporated  features of both the m1 rifle and m1 carbine why did you put that weapon together so quickly go   today the m1 continues to be an icon within the  american military with every branch and many   paramilitary organizations using the rifle  for ceremonial purposes alright i'm johnny   thanks for watching this brief overview on the  m1 as always i'm just an amateur war movie fan   so feel free to add any info in the comment  section below and we'll see in the next video
Channel: Johnny Johnson
Views: 977,167
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Keywords: m1, m1 garand, garand, rifle, ww2, world war 2, war movies, johnny johnson, band of brothers, winters, winters band of brothers, band of brothers winters, m1 garand rifle, m1 rifle, gun, ww2 gun, ww2 rifle, best rifle of ww2, ww2 rifles, american rifles, springfield, m1a1, submachine gun, automatic, automatic rifle, ping, garand thumb, garand contest, m1 garand shooting, shooting m1, m1 shooting, using an m1, war movie, ww2 movies, ww2 movie, new ww2 movies, classic ww2, carbine
Id: V3IV7ws5zFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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