M-Audio Oxygen Pro - USB Connection, Getting Started, and DAW Setup Tutorial

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[Music] in today's video we're going to talk about connecting the m audio oxygen pro to our computer registering the keyboard and downloading the software and then getting it connected with our daw which in my case is pro tools it may be a different one for you but my hope is whether you're on mac or pc or using a different daw than pro tools so you can follow these steps and it'll at least get you close to where you need to be you may need to fiddle around a little bit but hopefully this gets you 90 of the way and you can take the rest from there so let's jump right in and plug in our keyboard this is the first step and it's probably one of the most important steps is taking the usb cable that comes with the keyboard and on the back of the keyboard you're gonna see a few different jacks we've got a midi out a usb and a sustain the midi out is for more of a traditional midi interface if you've got an audio interface with midi capabilities you could plug through there to use it with the computer or a midi to usb converter we don't need to do that because we have a usb plug here but if you wanted to control another keyboard externally you could plug into the midi out here into the midi in of your other keyboard and then use the m audio oxygen pro to control your other keyboard in our case we're going to plug the square end of the usb into the usb port and while i'm here i'm also going to plug my sustain pedal in so i've got just a regular old yamaha fc4a sustain pedal any general sustain pedal will do and we're going to flip this back down here now that we've got this plugged in we're going to take the other end of the usb cable and we're going to plug that into our usb port on the computer now i spent quite a bit of time yesterday playing around with getting it connected to the computer so i'll be honest i've gone through this whole process i'll talk you through each step but in my case i've already done this on my computer because i wanted to speak from experience so in my case i tried plugging it into all the ports of my computer i had some issues right off the bat getting the transport controls to work and i finally figured it out after messing around with it for a few hours trying some different settings and i'll share those with you in just a little bit but what i found is in my case it didn't matter which usb port i plugged it into i just had to make sure it was plugged in and turned on before i turned on my daw now the first time you plug your keyboard in windows is going to go through its normal looking for drivers setting up your hardware because the oxygen pro uses the universal usb driver that comes with windows it'll just set it up and there's no additional drivers that you need to install in order to use the midi capabilities of the keyboard so your controller should have come with this little card which gives you instructions on how to get started we're going to switch over to the computer and i'll pull up that page and show you what that looks like i'll also throw this link in the description below so go to your browser i'm going to open this up and go to maudio.com forward slash software download and what it's going to say is thank you for purchasing your m-audio product if you don't have an account you're going to need to create an m-audio account you can do that using the link there if you have one then you log in the next step is going to be registering your hardware which in our case is the oxygen pro on the bottom of the keyboard there's a sticker with the serial number you're going to need that in order to register it once you do that you can go into your account and i'm going to sign into mine and once you've signed into your account you're presented with a few options one is my products and once you register your keyboard you're going to see a few pieces of software listed in that my product section if you haven't registered your product you can click the register product link right there so in my products the very first option is going to be this m audio software manager so you're going to have to download that it gives you the authorization code right there once that's downloaded go ahead and open up the m audio sound manager that's going to open up and present you with some options for instruments you can download the applications that you can download so this keyboard comes with mpc beats it comes with a version of ableton live lite and then it comes with a version of pro tools first and so you can get any one of those by clicking get it's going to download it and then you can click the install button and that's going to go ahead and install it on your computer because i already have the full version of pro tools i'm not going to download any of this software i did download the hybrid three velvet and mini grand because i wanted to be able to demonstrate at least with a mini grand some of the capabilities of the keyboard in my full review coming soon so the last thing within the software manager is up here in the top left corner there's this gear icon go ahead and click that and you've got an option here that says show advanced software you're going to have to check that in order to see the preset editor that comes with the oxygen pro if i uncheck this notice that you can't really see that there's a checkbox there on my screen so it took me a little bit to mess around with this clicking to figure out that oh there's a check box right there over in the right hand side so fish around if you don't see it click around until you get that close this settings and then when you scroll down you're going to see your oxygen pro 25 editor in my case i've got the 25 key if you have a different version download that but that's where you can get the editor to build custom presets for the controls on the keyboard so now that we've got the keyboard plugged in we've got the software installed to edit or build custom presets maybe you don't have a dock currently and you want to download pro tools first ableton live or npc beats go ahead and download those get those set up and ready to go once you've got that set up we're going to go into our daw in my case this is pro tools so go ahead and close the software manager and open up pro tools one note here is to make sure that your keyboard is plugged in and turned on there's an on off switch on the back make sure it's plugged in and turned on before you open up your daw i had issues with this yesterday where my daw wasn't recognizing it when i cycled it on and off and it was having issues recognizing the oxygen pro so i finally found that if the keyboard's plugged in and turned on before i even opened the daw then everything seemed to work a little bit better so i'm going to go ahead and create a new session here we're just going to call this m audio test i'm going to leave all my settings the default and click create this is going to open up a new session and right away you'll notice that the transport controls don't do anything to my transport controls in pro tools nothing works so in order to get this to work we have to set up our controller within the peripheral setup in our setup menu of pro tools so go to setup and then peripherals and this took me a few hours to figure out how to get this to work but i finally got it by going to midi controllers and under type one would think that you'd select m audio keyboard i could not get pro tools to communicate with the keyboard by selecting m audio keyboard what i had to do is use hui so the transport controls and some of the functions that are not really midi related but more control related are sent via mackie hui to your computer and a lot of the common daws are able to take those control messages and translate those to the daw the keyboard itself comes with a bunch of presets for various daws i'll show you that on the menu in a second but let's go into hui and in the receive from you're going to have to choose midi in three in your send to choose midi out three and then in your channels your only choice there is to choose channel a so click ok and now you'll notice if i click the play button on the keyboard it's actually playing within pro tools if i hit stop it goes back if i hit record it arms for record click record again it unarms if i click loop it changes my play from play to play loop and my forward and back if i tap them once it jumps ahead by grid and if i hold the button it slides along to give me some finer adjustments within there so right there we've got our transport control setup and this is really nice because you can just tap it on your keyboard rather than reaching for your mouse saves a little time another nice feature here are these transport controls over on the right where we can switch between our mix and our edit views really quickly by just tapping these soft buttons here really quick to switch between them i really like that feature because in pro tools i'm constantly switching between my edit and my mix modes to take a look at things adjust volume levels etc now i won't dive too much into the details of all of the buttons and controls here in this video i'll wait for my full review to do that but let's go ahead and create a track here i'm going to create new i'm going to do a stereo track and instead of an audio track i'm going to do an instrument track i'm going to click create notice we didn't really do anything to set up the keyboard for transferring midi from the keys or the pads pro tools is automatically going to pick up the midi messages being sent you shouldn't have to do any additional setup there the only setup is on the transport control setup within the peripherals menu if for some reason the midi is not working make sure that you've armed the track because with pro tools it's not going to receive any messages unless you arm the track second make sure that you have an instrument selected in your insert so right here we're going to go and select mini grand just for this demo [Music] it's going to load right here this little red bar is the loading wait till it's loaded to play it but we need a virtual instrument and we need to arm the track here in order to play the instrument so now we should be able to play the grand so it's receiving our midi notes if we don't arm the track you'll notice that nothing comes through it doesn't receive any midi notes even though we have a virtual instrument on there just a little quick tip there we can close this we can go ahead and arm this track then we go ahead and arm our record using the transport on the keyboard and then we can hit play we're recording now we can hit stop and then we can play that back now if we wanted to go ahead and adjust the volume we could use the volume knob here and i'm going to switch over to my mix mode so watch this volume slider as i twist this knob here the volume slider goes up and down now if i wanted to adjust maybe the pan of this track in pro tools you have a left and a right pan other daws might only have one pan knob but what we're going to have to do is hold shift and click on the pad with pan below it so now if we adjust you'll notice my left hand pan knob is turning in order to get the right pan knob click the shift and that's going to swap our pan knobs there right we can hit shift to go back make sure we're 100 there if we want to go back to volume just hold shift tap volume and we're back to the volume slider so really easy to do some quick adjustments on your mix or on your controls all using the keyboard i don't have to use my mouse to do any of it so that's really nice let's switch back to our edit mode so now let's say we want to go ahead and save this what we can do is the daw shortcuts over here work with pro tools hold shift save and if you go up to file you'll notice that save is grayed out because it saved it for us now let's say we move this over here and we want to undo that we can hold shift tap undo and it moves right back into place now a couple of additional settings that are going to be important especially for your transport controls are right inside the keyboard itself to access the daw controls to pick which daw preset we want to use with this controller hold the daw preset button and it's going to pop up with your dot edit screen right now it's set to pro tools we can navigate through those by twisting this knob we have mpc ableton studio one reason cube base logic bit wig garage reaper fl studio and then your custom preset to select any one of these click down on the select knob and that will select that preset the other setting that you're going to want to take a look at is inside the global settings to get to this hold shift click global and scroll all the way to the end where you're going to see the pc setting so press down on the selector knob and you can choose from windows or mac this is especially important for these dos shortcut pads over here if you don't have the right thing selected here these may not work for you go ahead select windows and then to go back we can go back here [Music] again if i want to go ahead and save this i can just hit save here boom it's saved and we're good to go if you guys have questions if you're using a different daw for some reason you can't get it to work let me know in the comments below we have a great community here if i'm not able to answer it hopefully someone else can and be on the lookout for a full review coming really soon as well as separate videos where i'll talk in depth about the chord scale and arpeggiation features that are built into the keyboard once again thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe stay inspired and keep making that music you
Channel: DSoundman
Views: 141,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: m-audio, m audio, maudio, oxygen, oxygen pro, oxygen pro 25, 25, 49, 61, mini, full size keys, full size, semi-weighted, controller, keyboard, keyboard controller, usb, usb keyboard, usb controller, m-audio oxygen pro, review, drum pads, presets, keys, key, best controller, $200, budget, daw controller, setup, connect, connection, daw setup, transport controls, not working, daw, getting started, tutorial, midi, beginner, easy, quick, m-audio oxygen pro 49, m-audio oxygen pro 25, m audio oxygen pro
Id: aSCxfgDxVB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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