M-Audio Oxygen MKV - EVERYTHING you need to know!

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There are two reasons you should choose this  keyboard over others at this price. so what do   you get when you take just the best features of  the Oxygen Pro keyboard and make a more affordable   version? well you get this. this is the brand  new M-Audio Oxygen line of keyboards. Oxygen Pro...   Oxygen. this is the 25 key version of the Oxygen  and it costs $129. here's the 49 key version which   is $179 and there's also a 61 key version for  $229. that's pretty affordable and it puts the   25 key version in mini keyboard price territory!  but this keyboard has two key benefits over   the others. watch until the end because i'm gonna  compare it to other popular keyboards so you have   all the pros and cons. if you're new around here  i'm Sanjay C. i have lots of keyboard reviews,   music production tutorials, and a Saturday music  year news report series on my channel. consider   subscribing if you haven't already. i always get  to the good stuff first to help you make your   home production journey smoother. all right let's  get to the first good thing - the key bed. there are   two reasons you should choose this keyboard over  others at this price and this is the first. i'll   get to the second later in the video. the keys are  full size. they feel fine and velocity is good too. this is not a premium key bed, but i'm still easily  able to be expressive and it feels natural. the   keys do feel like cheap plastic compared to  the Oxygen Pro. the quality difference is very   evident. if you don't like mini keys, this is  a great value. of course it's not going to be   as portable as a Minilab or M32 which have  impressive keys as well even though they're   mini. by the way if you're interested in buying  one of the new Oxygen keyboards, I'll put links   to the best prices in the video description below.  now since we're talking about the key bed, given   the larger size of this keyboard, i have to say  that the 25 key version feels a little limited.   since you're already choosing full size keys  I highly suggest you get the 49 key version.   you're going to be much more comfortable not  having to raise and lower the octave all the time. the 49 key version only costs 50 dollars more and  and you get faders with it. nine faders in addition   to the eight knobs. i'll talk more about the knobs  and faders later. i want to talk a little bit about   the pads and the build quality right now. the pads  feel fine in their default setting. they're not   very sensitive. you have to hit them pretty hard to  get it loud. but you can adjust the velocity easily.   there is one thing i miss on other keyboards and  it may sound kind of silly, but i really prefer   the lights on the pads on pretty much every other  keyboard out there. this kind of just looks like   they added a single LED behind each pad and it  makes this keyboard look pretty cheap. the Pro has   beautiful colored pads - 16 of them. and even  other $100 keyboards have nicer looking pads. but   yeah let's talk about the build quality next. now  keep your expectations in check here and remember   the price. the look is on par with the previous  version of the Oxygen series and i really wish   they had updated it - even if just getting rid of  the rounded edges. it would have been more modern   looking. now design is subjective so maybe you'll  like it. the rest of the keyboard kind of matches   the quality level. the pitch and mod wheels as well.  aside from the plasticky look and feel, everything   is pretty tight and sturdy on this keyboard.  other modern mini keyboards just look a whole lot   sleeker than this. but hey many of those keyboards  don't cover DAW control the way the Oxygen does.   let's get to the next key benefit of this  keyboard over the competitors. before we do   if you're sharing your music on Instagram or  Youtube, you're probably using music visualizers.   if you aren't maybe you should consider Videobolt,  the sponsor of today's video. they've got some   great options for creating unique visualizers.  the interface is super easy, no need to understand   video editing at all. and they're updating their  interface to make it even better. look for that   soon. Videobolt offers some cool features including  SoundCloud integration, and you can download the   finished video to repost it wherever you like. I'll  add links to Videobolt in the video description.   use the discount code "Sanjay C" to get a discount on  the service. so let's talk DAW control. this is the   second winning feature of this keyboard. remember  this is a midi controller keyboard, meaning there   are no internal sounds, no speakers. connect this  to your computer, play software instruments, and   control your DAW. that's how the Oxygen keyboards  are meant to be used. and the great DAW control   of this keyboard works the same on all sizes  of this keyboard. i tested it with FL Studio   and it worked really well - play, stop, record, volume  control - all good. i also tested it with Studio One   and it worked really well again. even Logic worked  well using the Mackie Universal setting. it can also   control Reason by the way. since this keyboard  uses the Mackie HUI integration standard, you   can use it with pretty much any DAW. the more  expensive Oxygen Pro is advertised with auto   DAW mapping on the Pro screen but i didn't miss  that feature at all. in Ableton Live, you'll be   able to control the transport, volume, pan and  devices. but clip triggering isn't available. by the way i have an early release of the  keyboard so i couldn't actually test device   control. but M-Audio says it'll be available soon  i should also mention that the Oxygen keyboards   are fully compatible with the new MPC Beats  software. oh by the way the knobs are not endless.   would have been nice to have those. so let's talk  about the performance features - the arpeggiator,   chords, and scales. i want to know if you actually  use these built-in features on your keyboard or   do you just use your DAW? comment below. the  performance features are where the Oxygen   keyboards have really been updated from the  previous version. you cycle through performance   features by pressing shift plus the mode button.  you can set the arpeggiator up, down, random, and it also has settings for gate and swing. not  as granular as the settings on the Oxygen Pro   but good enough for most needs. let's check  out the chord mode next. select a voicing,   a key, and choose either major or minor and  now you've got full chords with single keys. and as you play they actually  record the full chords to your DAW. i actually had fun with the random setting  in chord mode. just keep pressing one key and   it keeps generating new chords. this may  be useful for some inspiration. nothing   revolutionary here but if you don't know music  theory there are some cool cheats. scale mode   is useful too, if you need help playing melodies  in the right scale. no mistakes when you use it.   these features are kind of on par with some of  the latest modern midi controllers out there like   the Akai MPK Mini, the Novation Launchkey Mini and  others. so how do the new oxygen keyboards compare   with other keyboards around the same price? well  around $130 or less, most keyboards with all of   these kind of features are mini keyboards. so yeah,  if you want full size keys the Oxygen 25 is a   really great buy. it's just ten dollars more than  the AKAI MPK Mini and the Arturia Minilab and 20   more than the Novation Launchkey mini and the  Nektar Impact LX25 by the way the Nektar LX25+   does actually have full size keys as well and  it's probably the closest in size and performance   but the Oxygen does have more chord and arp  features than the Nektar. honestly, if you use   Ableton Session view, there are some better  options for clip triggering like Novation   gear or even the Oxygen Pro model. this keyboard  includes Ableton Live Lite, MPC Beats, the Hybrid 3   synth plugin, and Mini Grand. now virtual  instrument control is not its strongest feature.   you're going to get better virtual instrument  compatibility and integration with Arturia and   Native Instruments keyboards. those keyboards  integrate really well with their own software   packages. so the Oxygen fits well in the price  range that it sits. and if you get the 49 key version   i think it's an excellent value for a full size  key keyboard. if you have any questions about the   Oxygen keyboards, leave them in the comments  below. keep making the music you love and if   you want to check out more keyboard reviews on  my channel check out one of these videos next.
Channel: Sanjay C
Views: 118,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MAudio oxygen mkv, M-Audio oxygen 25, M-Audio oxygen 25 review, m-audio oxygen 49, m-audio oxygen 49 review, Best budget midi controller, Best 49 key keyboard, best 25 key keyboard, best 49 key midi controller, best midi keyboard for Ableton, Best midi controller for FL Studio, Best keyboard for FL Studio, best keyboard for Ableton, best controller for logic, sanjay c, Sanjay, midi controller for beginners, budget midi keyboard, 49 key midi controller, Maudio oxygen pro
Id: O82dRXI5i1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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