Lysa Terkeurst on Living in "Worst Case Scenario", Battling Emotional Trauma & Defining Her Purpose

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there's so many awful things that can happen yes that if you predict the worst all the time it it'll wear out your immune system yeah IE the only people should really be predicting the worst all the time are contract [Music] lawyers when I looked at your history I just sort of wrote down some things that um were important so looping thoughts tell me about that if I get a thought or usually it's it's not a thought that's originating what usually happens is something happens that I have to think about and so an event will happen and I find myself feeling like I can't settle down until I think this all the way through sometimes I feel the pressure like nobody else seems to be worried about this so if I don't worry about it then who is and so this this pressure of knowing what can happen with worst case scenarios and no one else is feeling like this could potentially ever play out like a worst case scenario but I think because I've had so many instances where nobody thought this would be a worst case scenario and then it was for me and I think what I'm trying to do is if this plays out to be another worst case scenario I want to go ahead and try to manage the Fallout now before it happens so I can sort of brace for impact so that's going to make you miserable sometimes it makes me feel empowered I guess it depends on how often do it but there's so many awful things that can happen yes that if you predict the worst all the time it it'll wear out your immune system yeah the only people should really be predicting the worst all the time are contract lawyers they should be protecting you but that's what happens with trauma um some physical symptoms tightness in your throat shaking hands sweating feeling hot feeling nervous how often does that happen like every couple of months something will happen happen and either it is a legit legitimate concern that I feel like this is very legitimate I can put my finger on exactly why I'm feeling this way or sometimes it will happen and I cannot figure out what the source is or I have to work really hard to figure out why in the world am I feeling this and in that scenario it's usually because it's a combination of a bunch of things and it's hard to sometimes figure out which one is really driving this feeling right now but most times now it's when something new is happening and it's a situation that's just completely out of control with the potential to be pretty detrimental if it were to play out worst Cas scenario predicting the worst how often does that come up I feel like it happens often but it's a way it's it's not something that makes me just sit down and want to give up it's more like predicting the worst so that I can better manage what I might need to do now so that it's not catastrophic later well good CEOs are always planning for disaster creating plans and then going their business I have planned a lot of funerals that absolutely never happened I really have like if we're really close and I try to call you like one time I'm like they're busy two times I'm like wow they're really busy three times and you're not answering I'm like huh this feels odd four times something's happen five times you're probably not here with us anymore and nine times out of 10 they're still there very much still there very they left their phone at home I'll try and answer um it's okay you got four shots before I deem you funeral [Music] worthy well let's talk about your brain so we do a study called spec that looks at blood flow and activity looks at how your brain works and we did it twice I'm really glad we did it twice um one at R and one when you concentrate mhm when you concentrate your brain should activate but at rest it's too sleepy so here's an example of a healthy scan so the four images on the left we're looking at the outside surface and it should just be full even and symmetrical the top left we're looking underneath the brain just like this bottom right we're looking down from the top and then one side and the other side okay and it should just be full even and symmetrical the images on the right color does matter BL blue is average activity red and white are the most active parts of the brain which should be here in the cerebal and everything else sort of quiet we look at your scan um see these holes M your frontal loes are sleepy it's too sleepy and I'm like why is it sleepy could it have been the concussion you had when you were young um could it be the surgeries you had cuz General Ania is not great for your brain could it be the Sleep happy those would be my top three MH and we're going to fix it okay that sounds great I'd love follow-up scans because if you do what I ask you to do you get better I mean I'm really confident what we do okay if you don't do what I ask you to do probably if you came to see me 10 years from now and be worse that's not what you want nope not what I want at all I'm like which brain do you want the healthy one or the unhealthy one so here is your left temperal low how's your temper I I don't think that most people would say I have a bad temper I think they would say I'm pretty even tempered and how about in your head I think I'm pretty even tempered until something is really wrong like when some something is very unfair um then in my brain I can have a whole conversation about how unfair this is but I also but you're not throwing things no I'm not throwing things okay no sometimes when I see this it can go with temper issues but we have to make these stronger and then when you concentrate gets better but I want it better still your left temporal load right here is still less active than it should be could be and what is that part of the brain what is that so memory mood stability sometimes it can generate anxiety okay now here's your active one and your cerebellum's beautiful you have a great cereb Bellon this is an interesting area called your posterior sign jars goes with IQ and it's the first area that dies an Alzheimer's disease yours is busy so you're not getting Alzheimer's disease anytime soon that's so great that's good news your anxiety centers are pretty high there's actually a trauma pattern in the brain and I call it the diamond pattern mhm but you don't have the top of the diamond you have the bottom of the diamond but not the top and what and that may have been the EMDR really helped it and PTSD has been treated and is not currently active the thing that's really active is the anxiety okay but you said the bottom part is help the cerebellum is that what you said the cerebellum's here I'm sorry do this again the diamond would be here okay okay got it and I think the work you've done has really helped that your sarabellum which is supposed to be busy and active is beautiful and how does that play out in everyday life sort of the great processor and if I was explaining this to your kids I go your mom has a great R your mom's not getting almous disease which is really good news for you kids she's a creator because her frontal loes are a little bit sleepy at rest but they're better when she concentrates so she sees the world differently than other people see it and that's been really good for you um but it can give her some challenges with focus and follow through okay that's really good and then what about on a practical level like I have not I was worried that you were going to tell me that I had Dementia or something because it feels or that I had a brain tumor or something you know so it's really good to know that I don't have those but um like when I walk out of a store no matter how many times I tell myself this is where like this is where when you park you have to remember where you parked your car and I go in the store and I walk out cannot remember where because you didn't focus on it before you went in the store your mind is always elsewhere yes right yes and that's the Sleepy fernal o you have if I give you the supplements your brain may be better tomorrow I mean that's sort of the cool thing we have this MMA fighter we scanned and he had really low frontal loes I'm like I don't I know the supplements work I just didn't know how fast they work the next day his brain was B now he had to keep taking them but let's let's hope and and supplements let me go through them with you it's there's something called brain and body power you're going to be two pockets a day multiple vitamin it's not any multiple vitamin it's got 55 nutrients for your brain it's very powerful fish oil at a high concentration level and a brain boost that works in six different ways it's my NFL formula you don't need need as many pills as they needed but it's two packets a day they're five pills in each packet multiple vitamin fish oil brain so you don't need anything else because I I saw you take athletic greens periodically which is great but you don't need it so that is going to help repair your brain okay and then Happy saffron boost your mood and your memory and then fing just when you feel like I need a drink uh to calm down the anxiety centers and the probiotic to begin to rescue your microbiome okay that sounds great so another thing I was curious about I can stand up and I can give a 45 minute talk and not have any notes and I can clearly see in my mind the the outline and and you know I may have maybe a sticky note to remind me of a Bible verse or I'll have my Bible and I'll turn to the verse and read that out loud but pretty much like I just can do that but then remember like I said like walk out into the parking lot and where's my car and can't remember it so what is the difference between those two well one is you're highly competent and highly passionate and this is skill you have the other is a detail of the day okay and so it doesn't surprise me at all that you can do that because you've done it for how many years have you done that almost 30 yeah so you're just highly competent but I've also walked out of stores into the parking lot for 30 years and not known where your cars were you're gonna have to activate Apple carplay cuz my wife says there's a way to get it to tell you where your car is this is true I just need to I think it's I activate your frontal loes this is your shortterm memory is not although on the test it was fine okay that's good to know and then when we talk about trauma um and how it affects people's brain is is my brain the way that it is just because it would it would naturally be that way anyways just from childhood trauma or is it that the trauma that I've experienced in the past 10 years has that done damage they stack okay but you've also done a lot of work and the work I published a study on EMDR on soldiers who are involved in shootings and they're all developed PT guesty because of it and they all were not working average of eight EMDR sessions they all went back to work and they had that diamond pattern in their brain and it C it down so I think the work you've done has been helpful well good thank you this is really fascinating [Music] n
Channel: AmenClinics
Views: 98,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brain Health, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Dementia, Alzheimers, Nutrition, Daniel Amen, Amen Clinics, Psychiatrist, ADD, Mental Health, Brain SPECT scan, Brain Scan, Psychiatry, Integrative Health, Wholistic Health, Memory, Mental Health Treatment, Mental Health Services
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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