Author and TV Host Mel Robbins Learns More About Her Issues with ADHD

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very excited to see my brain love it hi so excited I am chills it's been a long time in the making it has been a long time in the making I I was looking at what you filled out okay said you've had a history of some anxiety some that's polite are you kidding me no I like have been anxious forever I as a kid was a worrier and it solely graduated from a dysregulated nervous system and a wildly over imaginative mind into uh full-blown anxiety that really came on during law school with a massive Force I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder at the age of 22 I was put on Zoloft it was life-saving and I proceeded to take Zoloft for two and a half about two decades so a baseline of anxiety ever since you were little and you've had therapy as well oh yeah and through the therapy did you ever figure out what the childhood anxiety was about is that something you inherited from your mom or dad is it um I um I think I inherited a dysregulated nervous system but I think the anxiety began when I was the victim of molestation by an older kid when I was in the fourth grade it was just one incident I woke up in the middle of the night to somebody you know to an older kid on top of me I did what a lot of victims of that kind of abuse do I just sort of disassociated I left my body and I remember the next morning I walked downstairs and my mom was cooking breakfast because we were on like a trip a ski trip with a bunch of families and I remember her turning and saying oh hi honey you know how'd you sleep and out of the corner of my eye I saw the kid and what I realized now looking back on this incident is that I immediately kind of braced because I wanted to tell her but I knew she'd kill him and I also didn't know how he was going to react and so in that moment my whole nervous system just went on hyper alert and I lied and said I'm fine I slept fine and I think that moment was so pivotal because till this day I actually write about this in this new book that I've I'm releasing the high five habit from that moment until being 52 years old I would wake up every morning with the Sensation that something was wrong which is the exact same feeling that I felt when I woke up that morning after that traumatic incident wow yeah so it got anchored anchored in your nervous system correct it's just your brain's wired a little bit differently but we also know some of the most creative people in the world have differences in their brain their brain yes so which I'll show you oh my God this is so cool I'm glad you had a concussion yes when you were a kid so my friend Jody bricken and I were riding our bikes this accident is so weird we get to a stop sign and this you know Wonderful gentleman pulls up in his little Buick and we kind of have this waving each other back no you go now you go now you go and then apparently there was this weird thing where okay I jump on my bike and go and he steps on the gas and hits me and I go off my bike and I hit the uh hood of the car and hit the ground and it was so kind of violent that I still have a oh my Jean thing is but I've got literally still a scar right here from the pedal Spike and I still have like a little piece of like Rubble or something in one of my ears the other accident is my mom and I were driving winter black ice and somebody comes around us and tries to pass us and then all of a sudden cuts too short knocks us off we go rolling over several times I don't remember if I had my seatbelt on my mom had her seat belt on I remember the dog went from the front seat of the Wagoneer to the back part of the Wagoneer and we ended up on our side um but I don't I remember that like it was yesterday that is one of those trauma memories that is stored right there if I walk to a mailbox and it's the snow that's like I'm immediately back in that car and The Sensation is like I'm sitting in a washing machine and everything's tumbling around me but I'm still [Music] yeah so we do a study called spect and spec looks at blood flow and activity it looks at how your brain works and I'm so glad we did it twice once it rests and once when you when you concentrate and the reason I do that is I want to see your brain at work but I want something to compare it to okay and basically spec tells us three things good activity too little or too much and then my job is to balance it so here is your Baseline skin so if we start here you have a great cerebellum well thank you but part of your emotional break your limbic brains really busy and these are short of reasons for that looking at the outside surface it's actually pretty healthy little bumpy could be the accidents that you were in um but if I looked at this I'd like oh pretty healthy now I was concerned about your second scheme because what happened God that looks terrible like a rock it wouldn't mean it drops Like a Rock if you try to concentrate you get significantly less activity wow why what that means is the harder you try the worse it gets seriously yeah this explains why I can't write a book this is why I am why this Adderall work but Adderall if I scan you on Adderall this would go up this would go up do you see the bumpiness yeah it's like boom but on Adderall it would prevent that from happening what does Adderall do it's a stimulant so it increases the availability of dopamine it's like glasses for people who can't see oh that's interesting people wear glasses we both wear glasses we're not dumb crazy or stupid our eyeballs are shaped we wear glasses so we can focus people have ADD aren't dumb crazy you're stupid their frontal lobes turn off when they should turn on and the medicine is like glasses that's so interesting what is the function of dopamine when it comes to focus and actually being productive well without dopamine so think of somebody with Parkinson's disease is they don't move right but they also don't think right and they get depressed because they just don't have the you almost think of it as the molecule of joy Joy they don't have the motivation the focus the horsepower to get stuff done an ADD your brain betrays you you put your foot on the gas pedal and your car goes slower rather than faster wow it's so true how I often diagnose it in teenage girls is they go through relationships and people with ADD I don't know about you they can be conflict seeking or they play this game called let's have a problem and so they could dopamine from falling in love new love is a drug yes after that wears off a couple months or an adolescence were you like following me around in high school I mean I was literally what I called a Serial monogamous cheater where I would fall in love and then the dopamine would wear off I figured it was part of my coping mechanism for anxiety I'd attach myself to somebody else it would be new and exciting absolutely amazing and within a year it's like now I have to deal with myself again but you're the problem I'm out of here I fall in love with somebody else right back in it that's it so it's a constant cycle of dopamine dopamine from falling in love and then after it wears off dopamine from fighting um wow and then you know all the drama around breaking up and then falling in love and fighting and breaking up and falling in love and fighting them wow and a little bit of a stimulant stops that that's incredible because they're using their frontal lobes rather than just their emotion wow okay so we want to turn this on and probably when you're taking natural you're turning this on yeah can I ask you a question about that left side so so when I look at that what I think about is a sponge you know what I mean like a sponge that's full is softer and plump and when you wring it out of what's filling it up it gets kind of bumpy and full of holes is that sort of that's a great analogy [Applause] [Music] dude what do you do when you exercise uh I've practiced yoga for 20 years I hike I cycle I um that's basically what I do you ever play a rocket sport I played competitive tennis growing up got pretty burnt out so that would be great um I play paddle but I hardly consider that much of a sport it activates your cerebellum so my favorite is table dies like Ping Pong you mean yeah oh yeah I love ping pong I did not expect I that's a drinking game that's not like a sport no no we're not not beer upon I know I'm I'm still saying I like to play with a beer in my hand um since we're talking about beer oh God you're not gonna tell somebody to stop drinking uh what would you like to know I have a I have a love affair with alcohol um uh not like uh drinking way too much but I love the ritual of making a cocktail at night [Laughter] why are you wiping your face because I'm trying to be like thoughtful tactful instead of my dad okay here we go I should not I should stop drinking yeah yeah like stop so the American Cancer Society came out last year uh against standing drinking at all because it increases your risk of seven different kinds of cancer wow and like I have no dog in the fight but when I started scanning people their brains didn't look right when they were drinking they looked older than they were and then I published a study and it's the largest Imaging study ever on 64 000 scans an alcohol prematurely age the brain and my wife's a nurse so why does she put alcohol on your skin before she gives you a shot it's the area you have a hundred trillion bugs in your gut with that kind of alcohol you're actually hurting your microbiome and your microbiome those bugs in your gut make neurotransmitters they help you digest your food right detoxify your body they're really important and so if you didn't need to drink I I would come up with a new ritual that you love how are gummies I mean is weed okay so your homework is I want your Labs whatever Labs have been done and then um I think hyperbaric chamber would be amazed for you and the supplements they make a huge difference eighty percent of my NFL players scored better cognitively emotionally great I'll try your supplements I'm down I think that's what I do awesome this is super cool good awesome you're amazing I learned so much I did too that's sort of the cool thing here yeah [Music]
Channel: AmenClinics
Views: 27,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brain, Brain Health, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Dementia, Alzheimers, Diet, Nutrition, Amen, Daniel Amen, Amen Clinics, Psychiatrist, ADD
Id: kKbyPQbPczg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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