Lysa Terkeurst: God's Healing Power Over Rejection | Women of Faith on TBN

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there's a lot of talk of rejection in the psychological world but I really feel like why not go straight to the one who made us the one who knows the DNA of our very Soul which is is the place really where our head and our heart connect and we we were made to give and receive love and we weren't made for rejection but God certainly can come in and help heal those wounds invited I think rejection I don't know that there's a person watching that's listening to us right now that hasn't been rejected in some way and this book deals with that it starts where you will well I think rejection is such a tough issue to tackle because we're all dealing with it in some aspect of our life we're either healing from a past rejection which can be incredibly painful we're dealing with some kind of painful present day rejection like it's right in front of us affecting us right now or we're fearing an unexpected rejection could be right around the corner we're navigating relationships all the time to avoid rejection and I think many of us feel very ill-equipped when it comes to rejection because it Taps into one of those core really security foundational things we do not want to be abandoned and rejections I think it's even more painful than losing a loved one today death because at least with when someone passes away you're both clinging onto the hope of of you know tomorrow in and being reunited in eternity right but when someone rejects you they purposefully have walked out of your life and they may even be happy to do so and so it's a very difficult issue but it's one I wanted to tackle because I think that God has set up our soul to be accepted by him and if we can really really understand how God has already accepted us how God loves us then I think we can weather the rejections of life in a much more healthy way you know I love how you're saying that I remember when I first read this book Lisa um you know I was abandoned at Birth by my biological mother and um and then was adopted out and so there was a deep root of rejection that came into my life and and I've seen it continue to come into my life you know and just when you think and I think another people watching this right now and you think well I never feel rejection and oftentimes we don't even realize that we've built so many walls to protect ourselves and we built those walls first to sort of so that we wouldn't get hurt but then it's become a prison and I I found you were so transparent so vulnerable in this book what are some ways that people can kind of let those walls come down where they don't protect themselves that you talk about well first of all one thing we have to remember is that rejection oftentimes steals the best of Who We Are by reinforcing the worst that's been said to us that's true yeah so I really spent some time helping us go back it's not that I want us to focus on the past but like you were saying there are roots of rejection there that oftentimes what will happen I don't know if you've ever had this situation but maybe you get into a rather small everyday conflict with your spouse but then all of a sudden you go from it being just a small issue to it being an epic statement that we have serious marriage problems and and you've never done that I mean this is probably never happened but and like you have wounded me to my core and he's like I just asked you why we didn't have clean towels right right and and so what what has happened in that instance is we've traveled back to the past where someone has said something to us that made us feel incapable inadequate not good enough and we have pulled the unresolved hurt from that past issue into the present circumstance and we've multiplied the hurt together so we have an out of proportion reaction to the issue at hand you see rejection steals the best of Who I Am by reinforcing the worst that's been said to me and so it's not just an issue of our past it's affecting us in our present but so many times we don't even know why we're having present day issues but I help people travel back and we have some corrective experiences so that we can it's not that we rewrite history but we can rewrite some of the scripts that were said to us so that our present day conversations can be done with truth and with health you know and those those rejections can be some something someone said on a playground one time totally that takes you back to a moment of your fat you're ugly you're not good enough you're you know being being the last picked on the on the little ball team you know right that rejection and that feeling um How would where do you go when you feel rejected what was your place of the well there are several places one um my story is a little different than yours Chris I wasn't abandoned at Birth but I was abandoned too by my biological father he just packed up his suitcase one day and I remember standing at the front window and and when he walked out he didn't just carry his aftershave and his business clothes and his books and his briefcase and in his suitcase he carried the shattered pieces of a little girl's heart that didn't understand and when my dad left he never came home and so being utterly abandoned by my father it it made me feel like I was a throwaway person and you say he's never come back you've never seen him since no not really he never ever tried to re-establish a relationship I tried several times to re-establish a relationship with him but you know when when you've experienced so much hurt and I think my dad must have had a lot of unresolved hurt in his heart in in not feeling loved himself it's really hard I think sometimes for some people to give the love that they never got and so that was a big huge issue in my life but another really hurtful experience and I talk about this in the book is I dated a guy in college and I hope he's watching tonight too I've been praying for that all week so anyhow um but I uh I was dating him we dated all through college and uh he graduated the year before me and then when I graduated I moved to a town to be pretty close to where he was in graduate school and he was taking me out to dinner for my birthday and I knew in my heart I just knew that he was going to ask me to marry him and he was acting really really nervous and it was like this is going to be the most epic beautiful night of my life and halfway through dinner he looked at me said Lisa I have something really important to tell you and I'm like yes and uh and he said I've met someone else and it was a moment of utter shock to me because in that moment you see my female brain had already run ahead like I had already named our kids I already planned our family vacations like I already knew the kind of house we were going to eventually raise our family in and so in that moment it wasn't just my boyfriend breaking my heart and shattering my dream of getting married it was the death of those children it was the death of those dreams it was the death of the future that I thought so there was an enormous amount of grief and I know I'm not alone in that and so the abandonment of a father the utter rejection of a boy that I thought loved me and was going to marry me um you know it can really do quite a number on our hearts and so I really felt like it was important to tackle the topic of rejection using the truth of scripture there's a lot of talk of rejection in the psychological world but I really feel like why not go straight to the one who made us the one who knows the DNA of our very Soul which is is the place really where our head and our heart connect and we were made to give and receive love and we weren't made for rejection but God certainly can come in and help heal those wounds oh I've heard you share powerfully just some truths from that story and I think I think our audience would absolutely love you just to expound some of that and um the lessons we can learn from that absolutely well it the story of Abigail is found in first Samuel chapter 20 25 and the scriptures start out introducing us to Abigail's husband and I love the Hebrew pronunciation of his name it's Naval so just say it with me and it just makes you feel kind of the truth of his character because the scriptures say that he was mean and Surly in his dealings and it also there's some clues in there as well that says that he was so hard-hearted no one could even talk to him so I don't think he was just mean and Surly and hard-hearted in his business dealings I think he brought that home as well so Abigail has certain realities of her life she's married to this man that's very difficult she said that's a burden she also has blessings because her husband's very wealthy so we find that out in scripture as well but she also has busyness it's about to be Festival season when we find her in first Samuel 25. so she's very busy you know the girl's been on Pinterest she's got some lists right of all the things that she needs to do to prepare for the festival so David comes on the scene now David is the the one that we read about in the Bible with um David and Goliath and all of that now at the point that we find David interacting with Naval and Abigail he has been anointed to be the Future King but he has not yet been appointed to take the throne So currently when we find him in first Samuel 25 David has been running for his life from Saul who's the existing King sitting on the throne so David's been hiding in caves and it's very interesting to me as I study David's life understanding that he probably at this point was very very confused and maybe even feeling slightly rejected by God because God had made such a big deal about anointing David to be the Future King but David's life doesn't look anything like what a King's life should look like also David had suffered a pretty significant reject action we find in first Samuel chapter 16 when the prophet Samuel came to anoint the Future King in the home of Jesse's Sons Jesse didn't even bring David in from the field right if you remember he he passed by all the sons and said is this all you have Jesse and then he says well there is one more the youngest but he's outtending the sheep can you imagine when David walks in in that moment and the realization Falls fresh on him it was probably David's worst day and best day all in the same moment because he looked at his father but didn't even think enough of him to bring him in to meet with the prophet Samuel that's a big deal to have Samu come to your your presence you know and I wonder if David looked at his father and said Your Love should have felt like a security blanket to me but it feels more like a question mark and I believe in that moment David carried a wound of rejection that we see come out in the story of David and Naval and Abigail so what happens is David is at that point in his life where some men have gathered around him we find out a little bit about those men in first Samuel chapter 22 these men were discontented in debt and disgruntled in every way there's a fun group of people to leave right so they um they'd gathered around David and there's about 600 of them with him so they have been protecting naval's flocks and we're not really sure if it was an arranged paid job but regardless he's done the valid great favor protecting his wealth so now it's about to be festive time so David's sins word to Naval I've done you a great favor give me Festival food to feed my men and bless us in that way and the valve's response to the men that David sent it's very interesting he said who is this David who is the son of Jesse well the men David sent to talking about came back and the scriptures say they reported every word Naval said to David so you know that when David hears us who is this David who is the son of Jesse at that moment I believe he went back in his past pulled the hurt from the event of the rejection of his father it compounded the rejection of Naval not Naval said I'm not going to give you food and suddenly David went from being hungry for food to starving for revenge and David says we're going to kill nabal and every man in his household well one of the servants catches wind of what's going on decides it's high time to get a woman involved and so this servant goes and finds Mama Abigail the scriptures tell us Abigail is beautiful and she is intelligent and Abigail knows exactly what to do she's going to prepare a festive a festival set of food she's going to prepare the food that David wants so she can meet his physical needs but Abigail's going to do something much more significant for David she's going to meet a spiritual need that he has in him with I think one of the greatest speeches given by anyone in the Bible and it's given by Abigail this woman to this man now remember David had a great Destiny on his life but he was about to derail his entire Destiny because of a hurt a rejection in his life and I just wonder how many of us can find ourselves in that same spot how many of us to navigate the rejections in our life either we compromise because we're so afraid of a rejection or we derail our rejection because our reactions are totally out of proportion and we forget I've been called to a life of Holiness I've been called to a life of Purity when you're called You're called to serve god with your whole heart well David's about to derail his Destiny because God has not said to kill Naval and all in his household it would be a regret that Dave would sit on David for a long time if he did this so many times I think today's choices become tomorrow's regrets especially when our emotions get so out of whack and we don't let God Reign them in well Abigail goes to meet David in these 600 men imagine the scene David has a drawn sword all the men with him have a drawn sword testosterone is flowing and David said may God deal with me ever so severely if I leave alive one who belonged to Naval in his household and suddenly there's Abigail now I'm sorry but if I saw a man in that kind of Rage with a drawn sword I hardly think that I would do what she did she comes and bows down in front of him in a posture of extreme humility but Abigail she was not only beautiful intelligent she was also so incredibly wise because she knew it's only in humility that she would find the opportunity to speak to a man like David wow yeah humility was not a position of weakness for her it was the position of Incredible strength and we would do well to remember that as well then Abigail speaks into David's life and the first thing she says when she starts off after her introduction she says pay no attention to that Wicked Man Naval he is just like his name it means fool and Folly goes with him everywhere he goes I love that Abigail says David your problem is that you are paying attention to fools and foolish things and when we pay attention to fools and foolish things we will bankrupt our perspective every time yeah Abigail reminds David you're going to steer where you stare and if you're staring at trouble you're going to steer toward trouble but you've got to stare at the reality that you are a man called by God you've got to stare at God's calling on your life and his truth and his assignment so you don't get pulled into these other things I really believe our job is to be obedient to God God's job is everything else and Abigail reminds David over and over and over another thing she tells David your enemies will be hurled away as from the pocket of a sling I think what she's reminding David of is David I've heard about you yeah I know what you did when you had a sling in your hand you charge toward someone Goliath it that no one else in Israel would dare go against and you have the courage why because God did that for you God empowered you and if God has done it before he will do it again and sometimes when we're in these really difficult life situations like what David was in hiding in caves knowing god had anointed me but my life doesn't look anything like I thought God promised me it would having this man reject me in front of my men and being shamed and and pulling in the pain of the past rejection of my father all of us have found ourselves in these kind of really difficult situations and Abigail I think is reminding not only David but us we've got to go back and Trace God's hand of faithfulness if we can't see God's faithfulness in our circumstances today we've got to trace God's hand of faithfulness and start preaching a message to ourselves God Did It Before and he will do it again and I think this story ends up in such a powerful way the story winds up that uh David doesn't kill Naval he stays on course with his Destiny he Praises God for sending Abigail to him and Abigail has this funny little line and she's like and David right before she walks off and David once God has done everything he promised remember your servant now I don't want to make assumptions that she was flirting here but it gets a little spicy up in there because God does eventually deal with Naval in a very harsh way and Naval is struck down and he dies and then David sends word to Abigail asking to become his wife come on it is amazing and it says Abigail quickly got up on her donkey and said here am I ready to serve you oh I bet she did so but the story doesn't even end there you know it's kind of messy because David has some other wives and some concubines and it gets kind of like a bad sister's Wife episode but regardless I I love the fact that her story doesn't tie up in a neat nice bow because my life never does either right and I think it's such a beautiful picture Abigail she could have played the victim card in her life sure she I'm sure felt the sting of rejection when a woman lives in a home where a man is physically present but emotionally absent they're create it creates a hollow feeling inside a girl's heart and I'm sure Abigail could have played the victim card but she didn't she walked the path of Victory it's impossible to hold up the banners of victim and victory at the same time we've got to make that choice yeah and I love that Abigail took her own hurt and her own rejection and instead of it working against her she created this empathetic response to David and obedience to God that I believed kept David on the path to becoming the king from whose bloodline King Jesus would eventually come
Channel: Women of Faith on TBN
Views: 13,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Women of Faith, healing from rejection, rejection, rejection and abandonment, dealing with rejection, mental health, how to deal with rejection, how to get over rejection, relationships, abandonment issues, fear of abandonment, abandonment, anxiety, healing, depression, women of faith on tbn, praise on tbn, women in ministry, women support women, W9O6F3, WO96, OF63, 9W6O3F, WOF963, laurie crouch, lysa terkeurst, christine caine, motivation, fear of rejection, how to handle rejection
Id: AaUFOwggnV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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