Luxury stores target of smash-and-grabs in LA County

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have more on this topic right now. For more on this. We're joined by Rick Caruso, businessman owner of the Americana at Brand former candidate for L. A Mayor, Mr. Caruso, Great to see you. Good seeing you. Thanks for having me talking about this problem for years now of the smash and grabs and it seems to be getting even more brazen. What is your reaction to seeing all of this? Well I think it is getting more brazen. I think actually weren't a crisis. You know what is predictable is preventable. There has been a lot of talk. The problem is there hasn't been a lot of action to stop this from happening, and we've got to get our elected officials some backbone and courage. To make some smart decisions changed some laws they need to be changed. And then enforce laws that need to be enforced to have criminals be accountable. And that's not happening, so there's no consequence and it continues, and it's getting more violent. Which is what I'm really worried about. Somebody getting Hurt or die in the process of one of these smash and grabs with this mob scene and these are organized is organized crime. This isn't a one off. Somebody decided to do it. This is very well organized and should be treated as such. Well to that point we heard Gascon say today to our hell, Eisner that he views them as organized crime and that he says this we will use every tool available under the law when there is an arrest made in terms of penalty, he's says, depends on the history of the individuals, but we are looking at every tool, including conspiracy. Your reaction to that. Well listen, I'm glad he's saying that. I hope he acts on it. I hope he starts getting tougher on crime. The policies that we've had our bad They're not working. It's led to this. So yeah, it's about time to pivot and change. But the proof is going to be in the pudding when it actually happened so again. A lot of people have been calling for change for a long time, and it hasn't happened. So let's make it happen now because The consequence. Forget about my property or Westfield Topanga. As bad as that was, you've got small business owners around the city that are being impacted. Smash and grab somebody comes in and steals a couple of $1000 worth of merchandise. That could be their profit for the month that could be their rent. And the problem with the small business owners. They don't have a voice. They don't have the ability like I do to go put up a reward, which I did for what happened out of the Americana, so we all have to come together as a community demand that things get changed, and then we've got to make sure our elected officials are actually doing that and hearing us in terms of the Americana where we saw something similar recently. Still no arrest. You have put forward that reward, but no arrest yet, right? No arrests. Yet Glendale PD is doing a great job. I am very confident. We will have a rest. We've got very sophisticated security systems on all of our properties in terms of our cameras and other ways of identifying people, And so I'm feeling very confident that we're going to have a rest . You know, there's a lot of people that are watching this that are going to think. How could life be different if you were married instead? So if you were mayor right now, what specifically would be different in terms of the response? What specific Policy change would happen or priority change would happen if you were running things. Well I think all of us in the business community and just in communities in general leaders around the city and the county of Los Angeles. We have to demand that their bail is brought back. You cannot quite crime and have a Nobel policy. That's just wrong. You've got to change prop 47 where even if you're stealing under $950, it's a crime, and it's punishable as a crime. And then you've got to start enforcing laws that we've got and allow the police in all the right ways to make sure that our communities are safe for streets are safe. And then you've got to lean into youth programs like Tina and I have for the last 30 years. Encourage more people to do it. Make sure that youth is getting the right education, the right mentorship and making sure they're not falling into the bad ways that are leading to crime and you've got to look at it holistically. Not in a linear fashion. You gotta do multiple things at one time. And it can be done. This is a great city. We used to operate in a much safer way. And let's go back to those ways and make sure that we've got a livable community, so I'm very optimistic if our elected officials actually had the courage to do what's right that things will change. Well Mr Caruso. Well we have you We want to ask you about some sad news in the world of music and more broadly and entertainment. So many fields he impacted talking about the loss of executive Clarence Avant. Known as the Black godfather of music. He passed away yesterday in Los Angeles. 92 years old. He had an impact in politics. Sports You name it this. Of course. His death comes wasn't two years after the murder of his wife. You see her there? Jacqueline of Aunt who was killed during a home break in. You were very close to this couple. What did Mr Avant mean to you? I loved him. I mean, this is a man obviously had the worst. Experience You can have any kind of tragedy in this crime that's happening in our region. But he was a legendary guy. He reinvented the music industry. He was an incredible dad and husband and a dear friend. He just had a deer nous to him, and I gotta tell you every time I met with him He just brought joy and laughter and happiness. And of course, I was always thrilled that he was a supporter of mine. But it's a huge loss and I think we need more clearance savants in the world and we would have a much better place that's for sure. So my heart goes out to Nicole and Alex and Ted because I know it's a huge loss. They were also close. We are also sending our love to the event Family tonight. Rick C
Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles
Views: 40,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crime, Flash mob, Smash and grab, robbery, Los Angeles County, George Gascon, Rick Caruso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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