Luxury Overnight Sleeper Train From Scotland to England - The Caledonian

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today i'm taking the famous caledonian sleeper train in the best first class cabin from the highlands of scotland all the way down to london this trip will take over 12 hours and you'll be joining me every step of the way from trying traditional scottish cuisine in the dining car yes that means haggis and black pudding to relaxing in my double sleeper cabin which even has its own ensuite shower let's pick up my journey in sunny inverness on a mild spring evening to embark on this epic journey well hello there and good evening from scotland and we're going to be taking today the caledonian sleeper service all the way over to london houston station but given i flew up this afternoon i'm early and with the lounge closed for uh staffing reasons and not wanting to loiter around the station for a couple of hours i'm gonna head to the pub i feel a delicious scottish point is in order [Music] right well that was a wonderful place to go and kill a bit of time but now it is time to go and actually get on board i'm told you can board around 45 minutes before departure so given that that is exactly what the case is now let's go and check it out now as you may know from following the channel quite often i will go to some pretty amazing stations around the world i cannot say the same about inverness station [Music] but that's not the point today it's about the sleeper train experience which i feel might be among the very best that i've tried to date i'm not going to make the same mistake that i did back in helsinki where i thought i had to go and collect my ticket today i've got it digitally available just here all ready to go so that said head through the barriers don't get on board [Music] well this seems very nice indeed welcome to my double sleeper room um obviously just for myself this evening but first impressions are very good we'll have a look at everything in just a moment let's just get settled in there are actually only three double rooms available on the entire train the rest is made up of bunk beds the dining car and of course economy seating so one of the things i've got in my cabin is this which is a key card now you need to set it up when you first get in let me show you apparently i tap it twice and then it's locked look at that so what it now means is that my stuff's safe in there so i can lock it knowing no one else is going to go in my room on that note let's go and grab some dinner [Music] the caledonian boasts this fantastic dining cart accessible by the whole train but prioritized for the sleeper rooms it's well laid out to accommodate both solo travelers and couples but it was quiet this evening so i'm offered a booth okay then let's take a look at the menu now this i'm both impressed with but also disappointed in and i'll explain why there's a solid selection of food focused of course around scottish cuisine it is however not included in my frankly abhorrently priced room more on this in a minute as i place my order as if by q we depart inverness station bound for london this to me comes heaped with excitement and anticipation of what is to come on our journey so what did i order i'm going for a personal scottish favorite haggis to those vegetarians look away now i'm sure many scots will agree with me haggis tastes wonderful but when you know what it is it may change your enjoyment to follow my main i went for another scottish favorite whiskey and yes i know already you're going to hate on me for having it with ice it's just the way i like it this went down beautifully but to compliment i thought i'd indulge in the rich milk chocolate taught idyllic what's not idyllic is the near 30 pound cost but we move on well as we head back to my sleeper car i have to say i really enjoyed that yes of course you had to spend the additional money on it but it was just a really really tasty meal now one thing i'm just doing i don't quite know what i'm doing with my sink but i don't really know where else there is to do it in here is filling out my breakfast selection excuse by the way the um the noise of course we are on a train um but basically what you do is you fill out the options are and then you hang outside your room however the issue is i didn't notice that i had to do this and it's meant to be outside your door of your room within 30 minutes of boarding now of course we're an hour into the journey so let's see if i get my breakfast or not and just before we take a look around my luxury groom it's time for a quick word from today's video sponsor nordvpn it goes without saying i travel a lot using countless unsecured internet hotspots in airline lounges hotels and even bars for years now i've been using nordvpn to protect my privacy online it's not just for privacy though but to keep in contact with my friends and family back home in parts of the world where facetime and whatsapp are blocked such as in dubai with nordvpn i can change my location back to the uk and continue to use these blocked services unrestricted nordvpn also have a threat protection feature protecting you from malicious websites malware and intrusive ads if you don't use a vpn to protect your privacy at home or when you travel right now you can get yourself an exclusive deal go to forward slash track trendy to get a two-year plan plus one month free with a huge discount remember this comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee thanks again to nordvpn for making this video possible i think it's time to have a proper look around this room and see what you get in a double room on a train this really is a unique sleeper product most around the world are just single beds or indeed bunks for example my recent trip on a thai train through the jungle spoiler this is coming soon back in scotland and my double room it really does feel a world apart to the competition luxury such as multiple usb charging ports fully adjustable air conditioning mineral water and a whole host of complimentary goodies left on my bed the door just opened cool there is a hidden desk that comes out here i think is a great touch and obviously you've got to sit here to kind of use it but still it's half decent obviously you've got your rubbish bin or trash bin to my american friends some towels which you'll be using shortly of course the uh the sink here mind this detritus that's my from my dinner the train got pretty noisy here so i'll voice this bit over i'm overall very impressed and can't wait to try out the luxury mattress and hotel quality egyptian cotton bedding i did however get the shock of my life when a train pulled up alongside and i was exposed to the glasgow commuter service thankfully i was decent shortly thereafter the train seems to stop for a prolonged period let's go and investigate so welcome to perth obviously still in scotland before i just get a little bit of fresh air and stretch the legs so i don't know how long we stopped here for i would imagine very briefly i'm not getting too far off the train because i do not want to get left in perth and it's not the sunny one either is it let's get back on [Music] well i'm not sure about you but i make it bedtime so what's the deal with bedtime on the caledonian sleeper train um obviously they don't provide pajamas because it'd be crazy for them to do so that's not quite first class on a plane so i thought i'd bring my own there is however a few things they do provide got a journey of a night time sleep kit so that's ear plugs and an eye mask hands and body wash so that'll be what we'll use when i have a shower in the morning and then there's this which includes this i thought was a really good touch the amenity kit provides full-size bath amenities for you to take home with you anyway let me go and get changed well welcome to my that doesn't chat very well welcome to my tiny little bathroom um yeah anyway let's change into these [Music] well here we go now these into my pjs perfect [Music] and also i haven't just realized i still got my tim's on let's boot those off after unknowingly obstructing an area with my tim's let's utilize that in-room sink boarding school vibes here and hop into bed this after all is the ultimate test of a sleeper train will i get a good night's sleep let's do my favorite part of my job and sleep the next day [Music] oh good morning i guess the question is how did i sleep um i slept well but you have to remember i went to bed at probably midnight and it's just after 6 a.m now had a wake-up call i mean the bed is is comfortable but the railways in the uk are very different to the railways in europe they're a lot bumpier with that said it's time to get up and see what the day has in store for us let's see what it's like outside [Music] as we wind through the english countryside and before i grab some breakfast i think it's time to try out my shower you've seen already the ensuite bathroom but did you know it's also a shower [Music] well here we go [Music] here goes nothing um i think first of all i actually need to get out of this so uh [Music] unlike a lot of the reviews i read online thankfully my shower has hot water but as you've seen it splutters the water out which isn't the most enjoyable anyway feeling somewhat fresher let's get my clothes back on oh and not forgetting those tims of course i'm not sure about you but i am starved let's go and get some breakfast now for the moment of truth did my brekkie order go through or will i be hungry it's worth mentioning that unlike dinner breakfast is included in your ticket price i'm relieved to find that my order did indeed go through and i'm promptly served a fresh coffee sadly no espresso machine in sight so just a filter coffee but i'm used to these on the airlines it's hard to beat getting your morning caffeine hit whilst watching the world go by like this it's not long before my order is here i went for the scottish breakfast which includes another delicacy black pudding in case you're not familiar here's what black pudding is i'm not really a fan of it if i'm perfectly honest [Music] i think it's time to go and check out the rest of the train that's right it's time to take a look at coach laid out in a 1-2 config i can't say i'd rush to spend the night in here for a four to five hour trip during the day though i think this would be more than comfortable there's ample leg room complete with an adjustable foot rest there's a usb and power outlet and of course a tray table let me know down below could you do an overnight here it's that time for the lou review let's check it out the communal lou is clean yet utilitarian not too dissimilar to an airline lav certainly above average for a train though anyway with that let's totter back to my cabin it's time to get my bags packed london is calling i spend the last 20 minutes or so looking out the window watching the big smoke draw closer and closer right so there we have it welcome to london houston station goodbye caledonian double and hello houston station [Music] well there we go then welcome to london thank you so much for coming along on this epic adventure across almost the entire length of the united kingdom it was really interesting to experience the caledonian sleeper and i hope you've enjoyed the experience with me today thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you all again next week in a closing note i thought i'd also mention the cost here it was a lot given dinner is not inclusive the solo use of the room set me back 405 pounds which is roughly 530 dollars anyway thanks once again and do let me know what you think in the comments down below [Music]
Channel: Trek Trendy
Views: 2,943,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caledonian sleeper, overnight sleeper train, inverness to london train, first class sleeper train, first class, caledonian express sleeper, trip report, rail journey
Id: fQXyN-jXxcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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