5 Days on Royal Scotsman First Class Train

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today I'm taking one of the world's most luxurious sleeper trains the Royal Scotsman the 100 hours across the highlands join me on a never before seen Journey from my private ensuite bedroom fine dining in one of the two restaurants hanging out in the observation car and even a massage at the onboard Bamford Spa off-train excursions include seal spotting exploring a private castle and I even dabble in some Scottish dancing on the platform with tickets costing an eye-watering fifteen thousand dollars let's Let The Veil on what life is like on board this exclusive train we'll pick up my journey mid-morning in Edinburgh Scotland [Music] we're requested to report to the world of Astoria for Czech informalities this of course is no ordinary check-in procedure and I'm offered a delicious glass of champagne whilst we await for all the other passengers to arrive a coach is dispatched to take us through the historic winding streets of Edinburgh over to Waverly station [Music] now of course there is a tradition on every Royal Scotsman Journey whereby guests are LED through the station by a piper and it's fair to say we've got a number of inquisitive looks whilst we walk in procession to our platform foreign [Music] station where I'm about to get on board one of the world's most luxurious trains the Royal Scotsman boarding is by Red Carpet where we're individually and warmly welcomed by the train manager Alex we're asked to head to the observation car for yet another champagne reception being as usual the last aboard it's not long before we set off on our epic journey across the Scottish Highlands [Music] offered as Sumptuous afternoon tea which certainly hits the spot giving us a stellar sample of the cutlery Delights we can expect over the coming days I'm informed that our cabin is ready so let's head down the train to room J [Music] well welcome and you've probably seen the back shot of course we have Nelly joining along for the ride today how are you Millie hi good thank you she's back with a new hairdo as well and with that let's take a proper look around our new home where we're going to be for the next five days we're located in state car 4 mid Carriage which is my preference for a smoother ride this is a twin birth complete with two plush beds adorned in soft Scottish walls and tartans for our comfort naturally our luggage has been delivered to our room ready to unpack into the Wardrobe and Tartan lying chest of drawers a handwritten note from Alex wishes us a comfortable stay the attention to detail here is a Hallmark of Belmont's personal and traditional Hospitality something which has certainly become a scarce Rarity in much of the hospitality sector there's also an ensuite washroom adjacent to our bedroom complete with Bamford amenities and a compact yet practical shower outside we approach one of Britain's most iconic Bridges the fourth Bridge opened back in 1890 taking over seven years to complete crossing the Firth River in 1700 feet still to this day it Remains the world's second longest single cantilever span as we continue North into the highlands we must prepare for my first appointment of course the Royal Scotsman has its own Bamford spa and who am I not to sample such a unique facility on the rails a few minutes later [Music] treatments are bookable throughout the journey though this is at an additional cost [Music] well that was fabulous and thoroughly relaxing I still find it strange being in a moving Spa would you believe this isn't my first time after the Andean Explorer in Peru so I've just got back to our room just waiting for Millie she's gone in to have hers and then we've got to get ready because it's not long before our first dinner on the Royal Scotsman dinner will be a mix of formal and smart attire over the coming days it's the latter this evening so no baitai for me [Music] two dining cars which each feature a more communal dining setup so you've got to be prepared to make some new friends foreign let's take a look at tonight's menu then you'll notice usefully that wines are paired to each course after being offered some fresh bread and served my appetizer of salmon tartar with a spiced beetroot Chutney needless to say it's phenomenal and a fitting star in What's to come for my main I have the roasted dressing and duck breast presented yet again impeccably and of course completely polished off whilst chatting to our new friends Louise and Paul the clothes I opt for the pistachio and Olive cake with a strawberry sorbet by the end of dinner we've arrived at tonight's stable of aviemore a town in the kangoms National Park certainly well and truly in the highlands Millie and I head to the observation car for tonight's local entertainment [Music] [Applause] whilst out for the evening our bedroom has been turned down with the Tartan replaced by a rich cotton goose down duvet and comfy slippers [Music] well and so ends our first day on the Royal Scotsman gonna be in this siding now for the entire evening the really good thing about this train is that it stops overnight so we're not going to be in a situation where I'm going to be rocked around which is what the case is on a lot of these sort of trains including in part the Andean Explorer even but more pertinently the Orient Express with that it's good night we'll both catch you in the morning foreign the next day well that has got to be perhaps the best sleep I've had on board a train before and a welcome to Inverness the cultural capital of the Scottish Highlands [Music] well it's good morning from Inverness we have arrived um a place I actually have been before when I went on the Caledonian sleeper I'll have to check that video out after this but good morning from us both good morning have you been to a Vanessa before no but my great aunt lives in Inverness well let's see if we run into it won't we we have around an hour of free time in Inverness for allegedly stroll down to the river Ness and the imposing Castle dating from 1057 this Castle in fact features on the Scottish 50-pound note not wanting to miss our train let's hot foot it back to the station [Music] beautiful looking train especially when compared to the various commuter Services dotted around the station as you can see we still have a fair amount to explore on board [Music] not sure about you but I'm starved let's head to breakfast it's a hearty affair with a plethora of tasty options to start your day [Music] we're surprised with some champagne from the train manager to celebrate my birthday which is a lovely and thoughtful touch so what have we gone for aside from our shared basket of pastries FYI we saw these being prepared last night Millie has elected for the full Scottish breakfast complete with haggis and black pudding whilst I've gone for this movie of the day and of course my favorite avocado on sourdough toast [Music] for those wondering haggis is not really to everyone's taste though however as you'll see later I actually really enjoy it with that the train lurches backwards and we pull out of Inverness [Music] we have a busy day ahead of us on the rails so we head westwards over to the Isle of Skye with most getting ready for this afternoon's Excursion there's time to enjoy my favorite part of the train to ourselves the observation car this is usually the life and soul of the train calm by day dancing and whiskey by night though of course the real party piece is the outside observation deck the only of which in the entirety of Europe it's absolutely the best place to be as the beautiful Scottish landscape rolls on past it is however not the largest comfortably catering for about six or so [Music] would you believe it's time for yet more food an early lunch prior to seal spotting we served some delicious warm bread whilst perusing the menu mercifully It's A light meal after quite a big bracky [Music] for my main I enjoyed the Pea and courgette risotto with asparagus and salsa verde [Music] and uh what did I say about this being light does anyone presenting a raspberry oatmeal and whiskey fall for your enjoyment and enjoy we did how divine [Music] it's time to head back to our cabin we'll need something a little warmer for this excursion [Music] welcome to the quaint Village of plotton also known as The Jewel of the Highlands [Music] by the Royal Scotsman coach which will take us the short drive to our private boat foreign as beautiful as the rainbow is of course that does mean there's incoming rain we've battled through the elements as you've seen I'm pretty stoked everyone else's and typical British fashion well Scottish fashion of course is now beautiful sunshine out on the deck let's enjoy it let's go and hope that we find and spot some seals foreign us up we're offered a remarkably tasty whiskey liqueur as we pass some of the most breathtaking scenery of my life this is Lord Karen and she's certainly shown off for us this afternoon with the area teeming with activity anticipation is at an all-time high and as we round an island we spot what we've come for [Music] I believe that's Mission success as we make our way back to the train and yes this evening I will be donning a bow tie it's time for a quick word from today's video sponsor every video I'm asked how can so many people travel like that in times like these many luxury Travelers know the key is having your money work for you even when you're on the road or should I say rails a stock portfolio second property brokerage account you name it but whatever your plan is this year has been incredibly challenging to say the least with roughly 36 trillion dollars lost in stocks and bonds but there are however alternative Investments still performing like Contemporary Art it's outpaced the S P 500 for the last 26 years and has a negative correlation to the stock market making it highly desirable joint Market meltdowns that's how even as most Investments suffer this year Masterworks has gotten amazing results Masterworks files paintings like picassos with the SEC turning legendary art into an actual investment refraction of the full price Masterworks has been featured on TechCrunch CNBC and Forbes and they have over 650 000 users to date Masterworks has sold Nine Paintings with four of those sales just in the last three months these four sales returned over 13 17 21 and 33 net to investors paintings have sold out in minutes on Masterworks in the past but you can start investing right away by clicking the link in the description in our absence our train has been shuttled over to Kyle Harbor where we'll be stable tonight with views out over the Isle of Skye Pearl Harbor is situated within the sheltered confines of lockelsh it's a deep water port and place hosts to a variety of fishing vessels many of which are exporting Scottish salmon to the world it's time to get back on board our home on the rails not before of course another delicious glass of whiskey liqueur foreign Excursion I have to say I thought we were very lucky to be able to see the seals now the next thing of course this evening is a formal dinner and it's why I have my shirt but it's been freshly ironed for us along with Millie's dress that's been steamed the shower on board offers a consistent pressure and temperature though I'd suggest showering while stationary like here another part of the trip a sudden Lurch took me quite off guard good job that's not on film a few moments later I've gone for a NASA formal Geek Chic this evening whereas Millie is bringing the class and sophistication in a stunning black dress with that let's head to dinner [Music] as usual is looking stunning in the victory dining car this Rolling Stock actually dates from 1945 originally as a corridor first making it the oldest Carriage on the train let's take a look at this evening's menu then in fact at this point and it may be the gin I'm very impressed by how beautifully presented our starter is the panzered scallops served in its shell with buttered leeks if you know me by now you'll know my absolute favorite is steak and what a stake at that a medium rare fillet of Aberdeen Angus beef I'm in heaven much to my surprise Millie has organized a little birthday cake for me which is such a thoughtful and cute touch to end my meal as we migrate to the observation car for the seedlings entertainment let's take a quick look at the adjoining lavatory far from what you'd expect on a train and more akin to a country house ensuite yet again with beautifully smelling Bamford lavender and peppermint amenities meanwhile however [Music] [Music] well welcome back what a lovely evening you've had a good evening it's been lovely more importantly have you had a good evening yes birthday boys had a good evening anyway with that said we're gonna get some rest now we'll catch you in the morning see you in the morning foreign the next day it's a bright and early start as we head out of Kyle Harbor with the Isle of Skye looming in the backdrop today will be in two parts with the first half journeying east across the highlands to boat of garton this evening will continue to Dundee right let's head to breakfast in dining car one Raven after an all-important caffeine hit I go for the popular full Scottish breakfast haggis may not be for everyone but I certainly enjoy it [Music] as we continue to trundle along yet more of the outstanding Countryside let's head to the observation deck I honestly don't see this getting old ever what a place [Music] welcome to garve station our first stop of the day we're off to go and try some Scottish whiskeys of course at a Distillery so let me just go and get straight on board now on the bus and go and explore this uh interesting Distillery and try some whiskey can't beat that in the morning can you built in 1897 the Singleton of Glenn ode is the only remaining single malt Distillery on the black Isle were given a private tour of the facility concluding in a tasting and whilst quite the sharpener at 11AM it was most enjoyable back on the coach we continue East as far as in the nest passing over the castle Bridge below is the bewley Firth which is inevocable Waterway so therefore the bridge is raised High over sea level as if by Deja Vu we're back at Inverness station here we'll rejoin the Scotsman as we head further into the highlands this afternoon met by yet another refreshing yet alcoholic drink with warmly welcomed back on board by the staff I make it lunchtime another light offering today a fresh chicory salad with better orange and honey dressing [Music] after a brief caffeine induced interlude dessert is served a vanilla creme brulee with Walnut and cranberry cookies foreign and just in case that wasn't all sweet enough we'll head to the observation car for another Scottish delicacy I like it it's unusual this is iron Brew to candidly describe its taste it's something like Tutti Frutti or bubble gum I guess it's a real treat but loaded with sugar a far cry from my usual Diet Coke after a lazy couple of hours in the observation car we arrive at boat Garden at a private station it's run mostly by volunteers who have built a replica main station and operate the Heritage Railway today though we'll be using the station as a base to catch our coach over two wait for it private Castle known as the pearl of the north it's still to this day the family home at the mcpearson grants since 1546 were shown around the grounds and castle by Guy McPherson Grant who lives in the castle with his wife and three daughters [Music] it's now time to head back to the train as we still have a lot of ground to cover this evening we need to head down as far as Dundee for tonight's entertainment which involves me dancing on a platform God help us all it's another formal evening tonight so I'll Dawn my NASA toy and Blazer and head for pre-dinner drinks with Millie [Music] we're offered some delicious canapes and some of the raw scotsman's own gin we're great to the dining room we're just looking stunning as ever [Music] let's take a look at what's being served for our final night on the rails then we'll start with a fillet of sea bass carrot and peanut salad with a Wasabi dressing the main was served perhaps my favorite dish of the trip roast loin of peatland lamb dolphin wild potatoes and a lamb juice just before dessert there's a moment to thank the incredibly hard-working staff who have made our journey such a pleasure so far to close we'll indulge in the white chocolate cremeu with a creme fraiche ice cream again Sublime just as I finish my dessert we arrive into Dundee our last stable stop [Music] this is also where this evening's entertainment will be out on the platform we all assemble ready for perhaps the most unique activity I've done to Tate on YouTube traditional Scottish dancing thankfully I have an excellent dance partner this evening that can at least distract from my two left feet it's really well done and everyone is having a whale of a Time helped Along by of course the wine and whiskey at dinner oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a fitting Crescendo to a truly exceptional few days [Music] I wake early to catch our departure from Dundee we'll take our last leg of the trip down to Edinburgh this morning what are the highlights being the route over the near 11 000 foot Tay bridge this was constructed back in 1878 and carried the railway of the Firth of Tay between Dundee and the suburb of warmerton fine as we continue into five let's talk cost how much did I pay the short answer is a lot this is one of the more expensive raw Scotsman trips due to its length of five days which comes in at a staggering 14 000 pounds however I did pay less in this instance this trip was a long time in the making with two previous failed attempts due to the rail strikes in the UK as a result Belmont put me on the last trip of the Season which was an upgrade to my original 8 000 pound ticket this was facilitated by my friend Jarvis who runs the luxurytraveller.com and the first stop I'd suggest if you're looking to book a similar trip [Music] with that we roll into Edinburgh station this time to the sound of a small Brass Band million both agree this has been the best rail trip either of us have experienced well it's a great pleasure that I welcome you back to Edinburgh we have had the most incredible time it's an amazing time what's your highlight just everything the highlands were my highlights oh goodness me well on that cheesy note thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you all again next time foreign
Channel: Trek Trendy
Views: 2,099,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal scotsman train, royal scotsman, luxury train, first class train, luxury travel, first class, belmond royal scotsman
Id: pqfKBe-tUCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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