Luthen Rael is the Biggest Threat to Palpatine's Empire

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation Tech my name is Alan in our last episode we talked about the Awakening of Kino Loy portrayed by the masterful Andy Circus in today's episode we'll be taking a look at the slow and methodic unraveling of Lutheran Royale this unraveling has reached a crescendo in episode 10 with the reveal [Music] of one of Lutheran's moles within the ISB itself supervisor Lonnie Jung we all knew it was possible that Lutheran Royal had a few moles within the Empire but I would have never guessed in a million years it was going to be Lani Jung I mean in these shots of him walking in the course on underworld I thought I was actually looking at general hux for a second anyway Lonnie just had a kid and that's reshaped his view of the world it's made him question his own mortality I mean it's easy to be Reckless when you're alone in the world but to have a wife a child people who depends solely on you for their happiness and survival well that changes things suddenly the risks that you use to take no longer seem worth it suddenly you have things that are important to you so important that you're willing to spend all of your time and energy protecting them instead of trying to improve the world around you you build a wall around yourself and your loved ones and let the world go to help Lonnie's had enough and like every individual who is approached recruit pressured by Lutheran Royal the spymaster Lonnie has a question for him and what do you sacrifice [Music] white has Lutheran Royal sacrificed everything the thing with Lutheran Royal is from the very first moment we see him it's clear that he's an individual who is keenly aware of every one of his own movements and how he presents himself I call him a thespian not because he's a man who enjoys the theater or drama I mean he probably used to but now it's only the acting part of being a thespian that Lutheran really focuses on there's hardly any Joy or life in his performance anymore it's all cold and cunning as it should be Lutheran Royal hardly ever reveals what he's actually thinking unless there's a reason for doing so he's completely cut throat and efficient it's a result of the paranoia that stems from the risk of leading that double life he has Lutheran Royal like someone who has severe social anxiety is constantly self-regulating he pays close attention to his own appearance and how that appearance affects the perception that others have of him and so as a result in every conversation we see Luther Ray Allen he only reveals a portion of of his personality and what he chooses to reveal is usually carefully calculated to help him get what he wants and so we're going to need to take a look at four different conversations that Lutheran Royal has to truly understand him because with a complicated individual like him you're gonna need multiple data points to reference you have to compare and contrast so that you can find repeating themes in all of these conversations the truths that matter rather than the truths that are convenient for the moment in time for whatever crazy Rebel Lutheran is trying to convince to do something dangerous and risky before we continue a quick word from our sponsor for today's video they got some great Black Friday deals for you that will end on November 30th for those of you who want to purchase this one lightsaber check out our promo code pork that's all caps p-o-r-g for 20 off if you guys buy two of any lightsabers you'll get 100 off automatically and check out and if you buy three you'll get 150 off your entire purchase has a great range of lightsabers including dueling Sabers that are great for sparring and heavy use along with more premium and unique saber hilts and designs that are packed with functions and extremely beautiful to look at pair that with some robes and impersonating a Jedi Knight has never been so easy I have less than 16 items you will give me plastic bags you will bag my groceries in plastic check out the description down below if you want more information about this offer and thanks again to it's because of sponsors like them that were able to do these longer format videos we really enjoy doing and that the algorithm does not well thank you for your patience on to the rest of the video you will let me purchase something without using the bathroom in this conversation with Cassie and Andor Lutheran Royal's goals are simple he wants to see if Cassie and Andor is indeed the thief and infiltrator he needs for his operation he uses the pretense of a black market sale of an imperial navigation device to kick off this conversation it's something he needs for sure but it's not a main piece in his chess game against the empire it's Cassie and Andrew who he hopes to become one of those pieces give you another thousand credits to tell me how you got it poor and or he has no idea who he's talking to right now this man is interviewing him for a job that will one day lead to his death and Luther now will just use money for now to keep him interested in what he has to offer another thousand done how Lutheran Royal realizes his background research on Andor can only tell him so much he really wants to know what motivates this thief is he just trying to make money or is there something deeper inside of him Cassian on the other hand has never seen so much money in his life and at first he's distracted by how easy Lutheran is willing to give it all away and then he's surprised that Lutheran actually wants to know how he did what he did you just walk in like you belong takes more than that doesn't it notice the tone that Lutheran uses here he's not really inquiring he's actually trying to lead Cassian andoran look at his brows they're not scrunched up in confusion instead they're they're almost like pleading he's imploring for him to go on takes more than that doesn't it but to steal from the empire what do you need a uniform some dirty hands and an imperial token luthin allows Cassian to continue he's patient he wants and or to let those emotions come to the surface so he can finally say what's actually on his mind they're so proud of themselves they don't even care they're so fat and satisfied and imagine it as you were do you see it now that small smile on Lutheran Royal's face that someone like me would ever get inside their house walk their floors spit in their food take their gear the arrogance is remarkable isn't it Lutheran Royal turns away because he's heard what he's wanted to hear he knows now that he's not here for the star path machine alone he's here for Andor from that point until he drops Ander off for the heist Lupton spends the rest of their time together playing these same games asking and or questions firing him up little by little so that he can finally come to his own conclusion that a man like him an individual who's gone through so much hardship so much suffering and oppression son of that voice tell me to stop to go to move that despite all of this he still cares he continues to try and do the right things for his friends for his mother for the people around him the sad truth is as long as the Empire is around Cassie and Andor will be in Conflict not only with the Empire that oppresses him but with himself for allowing it to happen in the first place Cassian really doesn't have any choice but to fight his fate is already sealed no matter how hard he tries to run away onto the beaches of nimos he'll continue to get pulled back why would I go anywhere with you don't you want to fight these bastards for you an authoritarian an imperial officer with no checks and balances on his power will get lazy he will order people around using the threat of force and Punishment they'll make people obey with fear but people don't really obey those kind of orders not in their heart at least people who are oppressed with fear will turn around and devour their oppressors the second they slip and make a mistake and show they're weak to lead by love respect and admiration that creates a true type of loyalty but that takes time and energy Lutheran Royal is in a rush and so he utilizes something a bit different so I recently had dinner with this guy who's the chief operations officer for a large New York City Tour company and I had this question to ask him you know I can hardly manage myself how do you manage so many people and he told me Alan it's actually quite simple it's about letting people come to a realization that what you want and what they want are the same exact things and you do this by asking them questions questions leading them to the conclusion that you've already come to and letting them come to it by themselves it's kind of like Inception now truthfully we don't learn much about Lutheran Royal in these first scenes with Andor outside of his ability to insert ideas into andor's head and that's on purpose obviously Tony Gilroy wants his most interesting character The Hub around which the entire Rebellion now clearly is centered on to slowly reveal his intentions only the most trusted and invested viewer gets to see this transformation in its fullest not the individuals who quit after the first two episodes board them but what we do learn from that first scene is that Lutheran Royal is a bit desperate and he takes a huge Risk by taking Cassian andoran he knows that Cassian Andor is being actively hunted I mean he's willing to sacrifice his own cover and essentially the entire network by exposing himself for cash in even brings a complete stranger that he's only done some minimum background checks onto his secret ship I'm not slipping Leia I've just been hiding for too long it's all different now we're going loud vulnerability is inevitable I'm not sleeping choir his assistant his Handler perhaps is the only person he knows he can trust and can drop his guard around the only time we ever see Luther Ryle truly worried and unsure of himself is during these moments in his shop like in this scene on the eve of the aldani raid thief and or I wasn't careful you wanted this to happen this is what it took I wanted it too much and who's to blame him he's given up everything in his life for this one moment right here I wake up every day to an equation I wrote 15 years ago for which there's only one conclusion I'm damned for what I do this set me on a path for which there's no Escape he gave it all up for the raid on aldani he's been slowly patiently collecting Tinder and now he just has one shot of turning this tiny spark into the fires of revolution interestingly enough when Lutheran Royal meets up with saw Guerrero he is the most open we'll see him with almost any other character aside from maybe Clea the only lie that he tells saw is the first thing he says to him so my friend Garrison at oldani is that you I was just about to ask you the same thing it's a lie he'll tell Zhang in Monmouth as well it's more operational than it is personal when he lies the song a gentleman never tells playing behind the scenes Luther aren't you tired of fighting with people who agree with you you come all this way to scold me or did you bring me some toys rough individuals like to insult their close friends and praise their enemies Luth and Ryan Allen saw Guerrero well they're very similar they're both damned I've given up a little chance at inner peace I made my mind a sunless face I share my dreams with ghosts and this man sitting in the cave before him is exactly that a ghost a dead man walking the Innocence that drove both of these individuals when they were young has long been replaced with hard cold sometimes cruel actions and purpose the purpose they both share and that is the destruction of this oppressive regime the only difference is that Sagara will only fight for himself or his own men whereas Lutheran Royal is more practical and wants everyone to join forces together think of it think I spell house in Flames Luther understands Shaw's lust for killing Imperials but uh you know this doesn't work necessarily that well here and it's ironic but Saw's mistrust of Anton Krieger is ultimately what saves him allows him to live another day we know that there's a raid planned on the power station at spellhouse if Krieger attacks they'll be waiting and if he doesn't they'll know something to miss they'll be slaughtered it's 50 men this is why Luth and Royale in my opinion is one of the best characters in all of Star Wars he's one of the most realistic Rebels I've ever seen this is what Rebellion actually looks like I mean most revolutions fail either because of lack of willpower organization Firepower or the revolutions that do succeed well they become so tainted by the tyrants that they're fighting that they impose tyranny on the very country they're trying to free in the first place this is why even though Lutheran and saw get along Luther understands that saw is not the answer saw is instead Lutheran's future a man finally broken without anywhere to run no true purpose to fight for saw is his future just like Andor was his past a man who's yet to have fully realized the cost of the path he started on but Luther knows now he knows he's doomed I burned my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see heroism and sacrifice in the moment is one thing but knowing what's in store for you and then stubbornly fighting towards your own death that is how Legends are born and Lutheran Royal is not stupid he's no longer selfish he understands that the revolution must survive him and so he's investing in people people like Andor but one of the greatest most precious Investments he's making is in Monmouth Monmouth is really interesting here I mean at first glance she seems like an elite Rich wealthy woman a politician who is a part of the Imperial Senate and at first glance it just seems like Lutheran Royal needs her credits and her wealthy connections but I need to start planning if you're no longer coming through for us money's there very dangerous to move it around but now it's never as simple as that Lutheran Royal might not even know why he's grooming Monmouth for this position and that might be because she's so different from him and that might be why he's doing this he wants diversity in this Rebellion mon Martha has her innocence or at least her values intact she's a pacifist at heart and she won't stomach the type of sacrifices that Lutheran has had to make with other people's lives well she won't yet at least many bathrooms died to bring us this information [Music] but man Martha's Clarity her bright-eyed understanding of what Rebellion what the alliance to restore the Republic could One Day represent is vital and not only winning the war but not plunging the Galaxy back into tyranny once they've won Monmouth is not Lutheran's future but she is the Galaxy's future but right now she is unable or unwilling to take the necessary actions to spark this rebellion and that is where Lutheran fits in I burned my decency for someone else's future there will be no rules going forward if you're not willing to risk your conscience then surrender and be done with it to be Noble to be a hero and be recognized for that is a lesser sacrifice than being the individual who has to do the tough things the evil things one is required to do to fight such malevolence it takes a complete dulling of one's ego and acceptance that they will surely be remembered as a monster for their actions which is remarkable to see in Lutheran because for a person to take on the call a revolution they actually have to have a huge ego I mean they have to believe themselves The Challenge the gods themselves the tyrants that rule over the entire galaxy it's crazy for lutheryle to have that ego and then be able to discard it the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror mirror or an audience or with light of gratitude forget the Jedi forget the Sith here is an ordinary person with no connection to the force yet he's able to break free of his chains he's able to find peace in the fact that he'll never have Serenity again in his life Lutheran and Claire for sure underestimate but their worries are misplaced because despite our innocent appearance naive avoidance of violence the woman is a senator a politician and having met an interview of any senators and also actors I gotta say there's not that many differences between these two professions the higher level politician you meet the more pressed their suits and dresses are the more professional their hair and makeup is the more expensive their shoes are the better they are at delivering lines actor spies politicians they all use the same skills and traits and what's so powerful about Lutheran Royal is that every individual he touches will change in our last video we talked about how Lutheran's words emboldened Andor and imprisoned on Arcana 5 and or switch's role with Lutheran and he inspires Kino who then inspires the whole prison and starts a revolution and lutheryle has also passed on lessons to mon Mata and she has the skills to make an excellent operative smile I've learned from Palpatine I show you the stone in my hand you miss the knife at your throat she just needs to build the stomach for the loss and suffering that her actions will surely cause the Galaxy and finally we have Lonnie he's gonna be a problem he's probably Brave once when he first signed that oath or naive and stupid like many Rebels are but everything he says the way he pleads the Luther Isle how he misreads the situation how he misunderstands how deep he is in this cause you'll become a father I think about you constantly it shows us that Lonnie is incapable he won't falter which in this profession means he's doomed his position within the ISB is important for sure and it's surprising he's made it this far but that's more likely because of Lutheran Royal not using his Intel to burn it luthin doesn't trust Lonnie at all not only because he lies about not taking part in The aldani Raid he lies to everyone about that it's more because of how he responds to Lonnie's cry for recognition it means nothing to you does it your investment in the Rebellion is epic we need Heroes Lonnie and here you are I've I laughed when I saw this scene I love the fact that Lutheran Royal does not even try to hide the in his tone when he delivers this line he clearly is going to kill him he's mocking Lonnie here he's commending the man for doing the same exact thing he does himself on a daily basis there's no pity no feeling of concern all he sees is a liability don't make the mistake of thinking Lutheran Royal is a good man for he's not in his world such arbitrary descriptions of Personality are meaningless and do not affect his behavior at all we're all born relatively clean our souls and tarnish unless we're dolphins and with each encounter with Terror and tragedy we become more and more stained men like saw men like Lutheran royal men like Andor they are all doomed for those who partake regularly in death will find an early grave and again around men like Lonnie who are basically ghosts Lutheran can be open he can pour his heart out I yearn to be a savior against Injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time I looked down it's no longer any ground beneath my feet what is my what is my sacrifice that is the saddest line in a very powerful speech that fills me with sorrow when I listen to it because it speaks a profound truth of War of conflict of Revolution and everything that comes with it a truth that Andor seems to understand so intimately which is why I love this show so much it's the first Star Wars show that doesn't glorify the deaths of rebels it leaves you feeling sickened and disheartened by the sacrifices that these people have to make no one remembers dynamic or skein or tarmin Lieutenant Gorn except for you know Star Wars YouTubers who really like lore no one ever warns young men like Lutheran Royal when they head off the war no one told them that his life would be forfeited the moment he took up this cause so many people nowadays are willing to use violence to attack at the slightest hints of hardship at the slightest disagreement with another person the old Star Wars was guilty it brainwashed us with versions of the Rebellion a dozen x-wings for a battle station a lightsaber duel with the enemies championed for a clean and precise end to the war now revolutions are terrible most Rebels die or are imprisoned without Fanfare crushed and forgotten the revolutions are necessary at the same time and they can be worth it they're worth it as we saw in our king of five they are worth it as we saw on Jeddah so don't go looking for revolutions because I assure you when things get hard enough when when life gets difficult enough Revolution will find you
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 213,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, luthan rael, luthen rael, lonnie, luthen rael speach, sacrifice, mon mothma, cassian andor, andor, vel, aldhani, narkina 5, andor series, the sacrifice of luthen rael
Id: ep_m9uRqj_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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