Lusitania | Vehicle Simulator

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this is truly a dramatic scene the ship is going down lifeboats are attempting to get away as the ship plows ahead into its own grave hey guys welcome back to another video in today's video we are back in vehicle simulator and today we're going to be checking out the rms lusitania so yeah guys let's get into the video all right so here we are we are currently on the right side of the river clyde looking inland so yeah really cool but here we have the rms lusitania now before we board the ship and look at its many interiors we're gonna go ahead and go over some history so yeah now back in june of 1903 cunard was actually given a loan of 2.6 million pounds to build two ships now this loan could be repaid over 20 year time so it wasn't such a worry for the cunard line because they can make that money back now these two ships were planned to be called the lusitania and the mauritania and obviously today we're going to be focusing on the lusitania and the lusitania was actually launched in 1906. now there's an interesting photo that i have seen circulating around of a three funneled lusitania which was some concept art created by i don't know who but somebody created it and it looks very interesting and i'll just throw it up on screen now so yeah they have the uh the whole shape of the ship right but that three funnel design is pretty interesting but anyways i digress so yeah the ship was launched in 1906 and was fitted out in 1906 to 1907. now the interesting thing about the lusitania was four years into its service it got slammed by a rogue wave right into the bow of the ship and it completely decimated the forward superstructure blew out all the bridge windows and cause significant damage to all of those interior beds i'm pretty sure that there's a photo out there that shows the bridge all boarded up and whatnot so yeah a pretty serious way of slamming into that ship did some heavy damage but it was obviously repaired and lusitania went on living its life now as we all know on may 7th 1915 the lusitania was struck by a german u-boat and unfortunately was sunk so yeah let's go ahead let's hop aboard take a look at her interiors and then get her sailing all right so starting our tour on the boat deck i should mention i am not familiar with the lusitania's interiors i know very little about them i know some of the layout but that is it so if i get things wrong i apologize again not an expert now i actually want to start our tour just one deck below this is the open promenade and it looks wonderful i mean look at that it makes you feel like you're on the ship and you're experiencing it as it was in 1907 so let's make our way inside so going through these doors we get to make our way into well the b deck level of the ship and where the main staircase is located now this ship has a ton of interior so we might not get to all of them in this video but hopefully we can look at them a little later so yeah as you can see a wonderful staircase here now if we make our way up this staircase and around the elevator which is located in the middle of the staircase we have a well seating area with a fireplace so that is very cool and just above the staircase you can see this wonderful dome that is there as well nothing like titanic stone but it's more of that traditional cunard style so yeah really really nice i love these little details like the lights too that have been added into this model because once again it brings it to life it makes it feel like you're actually on board so yeah now making our way aft on this deck we are currently on a deck you can see wow this is just beautiful now i've seen a lot of incarnations of this on other ships especially on stormworks a lot of people like to build these into their ships and i really like them this looks just awesome i mean it's a great vaulted ceiling and it really gives you the sense of scale especially when being on board one of these massive liners so yeah making our way further aft from here we have a corridor with an exit door here and what do we have over here uh just a passageway and through here we have a very small area with some display cases very nice and making your way over here i think this is the smoking room i could be wrong i don't know maybe they called it the smoking lounge because it kind of looks like a lounge and a smoking room combined but once again you've got that great vaulted ceiling with that dome overhead it just brings in so much light and it looks awesome so let's make our way through here and go through this door and i see a door leaning out this way and i already know that what's through this door is the open cafe area or restaurant i don't really know exactly what it was as i mentioned before i'm not an expert and i have barely looked at the deck plans um but yeah really really nice um i do remember quite a lot of these areas from the stormworks lusitania and that lusitania game that came out a while ago so yeah now what's interesting is i do remember seeing gangways or walkways here to get from this superstructure to the other superstructure but apparently it's not on this version or at least i don't think it is i think it might be in another version of lusitania the one before it sank um so yeah let's go ahead and just hop over and see what's in the second class space which is just over here so let's go ahead and go through the doors and holy cow okay wow um this is remarkable interior kind of reminds me of a pizza restaurant for some reason i don't know why i'm getting those vibes immediately um it's quite strange but yeah it just looks really really nice um wow i i don't really know what to say it's just it's kind of an overwhelming feeling of just wow this looks amazing and i don't really have the right words to describe that you've got this vaulted ceiling with the dome you've got these separations here these archways which probably is why it's reminding me of a pizza restaurant and you've got this wonderful staircase going down and you've got a seating and lounging area just after that it just looks remarkable so yeah let's make our way down these stairs and find out what's down here so making our way down i already see wow oh what is this room oh we've got a traditional dome here very nice we've got a painting over here wow very very nice detail being added here and we've got a piano as well and obviously this is the second class accommodation and i've never seen any of this before this is literally my first time looking at these interiors and going down here it just gets better the second class really had it good here look at this oh my gosh another dome they love their domes don't they oh my gosh and going through here this goes right out to the stern and then we have a staircase going down and then we are on the poop deck or the fan tail however you want to say it so yeah and look at that there's a superstructure very very nice all right so back in the second class staircase let's make our way down and here we are and we have an overlook or a banister here looking over i'm pretty sure this is the second class dining room this has to be actually because the first class dining room is very very nice looking it is beautiful so yeah very very nice we have a nice seating area as well as another piano oh my gosh it just keeps getting better that's really all i have to say about these interiors and here we have a promenade so that is nice but i'm going to go back inside because to be honest this looks amazing and let's see what's down here so we've got a hallway leading aft and we've got some stairs going down oh did i bug out a little bit let's see oh okay um not quite sure where i'm going here this looks a little uh suspicious um well this is nice we have deck plans so i'm pretty sure we are just yeah we're just over in that staircase right there in the middle of the screen so yeah okay so we must be either in third class or still in second class here um yeah i said it looks suspicious because these walls are a little uh yellower than i would have expected um actually maybe they're not maybe it's just the lighting i don't know but uh yeah really nice we got the second class dining room access there and uh can we go through here oh nope don't look in here don't look in there that's not meant to be seen but yeah very very nice i just keep saying this looks nice because i'm really just accustomed to seeing titanic's interiors olympic and britannic's interiors but when i come to see this it's a whole new world it's a whole new experience and it just looks wonderful so let's make our way down we're currently on d-deck and now we are on e-deck and this does look like third class but i don't know if it really is um we got a porthole let's look outside all right so we're kind of level with the dock here so that's cool see i think that's it for the second class portion of the ship at least in the aft section so yeah let's make our way back up and go back to the first class accommodation all right so we're back on a deck and as you can see we are in the reading writing room and this looks great i mean it's got everything that the reading and writing room did have i do believe it's got the bookshelf it's got the dome overhead you've got the furniture and yeah just really nice so we're gonna make our way down from here i think we'll pass through b deck and then we'll make our way down to c deck alright so the reason i'm stopping on c deck is because of this the first class dining room we've seen this before in different incarnations uh a video game and obviously in the stormworks model and we see it here in vehicle simulator so yeah very very cool and what is this wow that is a very skinny passageway there um an interesting way to have a door uh kind of looks like an optical illusion where the wall is right up next to the door but it really is like that the wall is right next to the door so yeah very interesting but you got this wonderful um vaulted ceiling it really isn't a dome because there's no glass there and there's no light coming through it's just got paintings on the ceilings but yeah if we pass down through the opening in the floor you get the bottom of the dining room and once again just stunning we are currently on d-deck and yeah just unbelievable how much detail has been put into this model and how much detail was put into the actual ship such a shame that well both the mauritania uh was scrapped and the lusitania sunk so yeah very very unfortunate i should also mention we have the elevator here as well so if you wanted to have a lusitania or mauritania elevator experience here you go nice now i don't think there's anything interesting on edac as far as i'm aware i think it's just cabins and hallways and yep that would be right so yeah that is pretty much it for the interior here that's pretty quick tour i should mention it's not a full-fledged tour just some of the public spaces and whatnot but yeah very cool so let's go ahead and get this thing sailing out all right so here we are on the bridge we're actually in the wheelhouse of the lusitania so let's get this thing moving so we're going to go ahead get our control panel out and fire up the engines and then slowly throttle up here we'll start at one notch i think that's dead slow and then we'll move to slow ahead and then slow and then full ahead so yeah let's uh let's get this thing on the move here's a quick view of all four props on the lusitania beginning to spin and push the ship this looks awesome because he got those light rays coming through and everything just totally epic here's a really cool shot of the lusitania leaving port here with those awesome cunard red funnels and that beautiful hull just slowly but surely making its way out into the river and out to sea so yeah and it's also cool to see how large the vessel is compared to the buildings around us so that is also really cool now what is interesting is the ship does roll a lot it might be the scale of the vessel which is just a little smaller than the olympic class or it might be that the the angle that the ship is going at right now is kind of in line with the waves in some way that's causing it to roll a little bit but it seems just a tiny bit top heavy which is making it roll a little bit but yeah that's the only thing that i've really noticed so far that's an issue with the vessel but i think that's just the design of the ship and not based on what the creator built it as i do have to say that cunard designed some really awesome ships like the queen elizabeth ii queen elizabeth queen mary the lusitania mauritania all of those great liners so yeah this is just one of the classic cunard liners and unfortunately it did sink but yeah we'll get to that in a little bit all right well we're really making our way out to sea now so we're gonna go ahead and jump cut when we are in open water so yeah all right so here we are we are in the open ocean and you may have noticed something different about the lusitania if you didn't don't worry it's kind of small and what that is is that the ship's livery has changed and that livery change is this whole upper part being painted in the traditional hull color which is a dark gray or black now it was just before in white but obviously it has now been removed and painted over in dark gray or black so yeah that is really the only noticeable change that i have noticed with the 1908 version so yeah we're going to go ahead and move in to the next version of the lusitania all right and here we have the 1913 version of lucitania this introduces a lot more lifeboats on the boat deck or a deck and a monkey's island on the bridge as well as some updated vents just behind the bridge and if we go all the way to the stern you'll notice we have a canvas cover which is interesting and i'm pretty sure there's more differences around the ship that i just haven't noticed i know that there's no interior differences because when i downloaded it there's only one version of the ship's interior and obviously that's not going to change whenever you go to a different version of the ship so we're not going to look at the interior floor changes so yeah but it's interesting that those changes are made nonetheless so yeah very very cool all right so here we have the lusitania 1915 version this is the same version as it was when it went down and as you can see the funnels have been painted up in black and a new yellow stripe has been added along the bottom of the superstructure which is really interesting you can actually see that they added lifeboats at the stern of the ship and they're actually swung out here so yeah if anything were to happen they can just lower those boats and um yeah everyone will be saved well unfortunately in lusitania's case it didn't work out so easily so yeah i'm noticing that a lot of things now have canvas over it you can see the monkeys island has canvas and then if we go to the stern you can see that there's some canvas added just over here as well so yeah i also noticed that this vent that was white is now well brown at this stage so don't know why they decided to paint that maybe just for uh well the sake of painting it because everything else up here was brown so yeah maybe that's why they did that i think there's a few other changes but i'm not quite seeing them at the moment oh hold on yeah they added another monkey's island here i just noticed that so yeah i'm pretty sure that's it regarding all of the updates that have been added to the ship on the 1915 version so let's go ahead and get to sinking this thing now we are currently off the coast of ireland now on the 22nd of april 1915 the german imperial embassy posted a warning in the american newspapers that people who are traveling between the united states and europe should be cautioned because they could be sunk their ships could be sunk by a u-boat and just above that warning was an advertisement for sailing on the lusitanium which is very eerie but yeah unfortunately the lusitania sank in 1915 by a german u-boat so yeah that's how history plays itself out at 2 20 p.m on the 7th of may a torpedo was fired at the lusitania and it began to sink and as you can see a lifeboat has been launched successfully from the starboard side but not all of the lifeboats would be able to be successfully launched some would break from their falls into the water and some would just break without anybody in them and then capsize and sink so the way that these things were being launched was uh quite dangerous and not really in order whatsoever so as you can see another lifeboat has just gone down there and the ship is really beginning to sink now as you can see it's listing into the water quite heavily and you have to remember this thing only sank in 18 minutes which may seem a long time if you're not really doing anything and just sitting around but in reality if you're running around trying to save your own life this thing was going down fast and as you can see a lot of light boats are getting into the water here we got another one that should be coming down in a minute or two and if we go to the stern we should be seeing the propellers coming out of the water very soon there so yeah as you can see she is beginning to list over now to the starboard side and go down by the bow so yeah and oh there goes another lifeboat let's see how this one gets launched will it be successfully launched looks like it that's good and into the water they are home free so yeah the ship is really going down now as you can see the lifeboats are getting away and surprisingly i haven't seen a lifeboat flip over or break or fall into the water weirdly actually i do see a boat there it looks like it's um trying to get out trying to be launched but as you can see the bow is now starting to flood and there goes a lifeboat there it has fallen from the davit there and it's now just hanging completely vertical let's go over to it for a second hey you can imagine if people were trying to clamor onto that boat and the fall just broke and it just fell into the water now you've got water just kind of flowing into that boat continuously pulling it aft as that rope is getting tighter and tighter as the the boat gets pulled so it could even break dab it or just snap the rope and that is just a dangerous situation overall and as that's happening the water is now flooding the bow of the ship the bow is now gone and the water is taking over the ship this is it for the lusitania this is its final moments this is truly a dramatic scene the ship is going down light boats are attempting to get away as the ship plows ahead into its own grave because it keeps moving forward keeps driving water further and further into the ship and with the boat deca wash all those people are washed off the deck and are now floating in the water you can see the funnels are collapsing one of the funnels is falling off that forward one the second one collapsed over and now it looks like the third one may collapse over at some point and now the only one properly standing is the fourth funnel but you can see at this stage that people are in the water the funnels are now collapsing there yep and she is really beginning to go under look at that rapidly going to the bottom now this is it this is the end for the lusitania and all of those people still trapped inside because you can only imagine that there were tons of people still trying to make their way out before the water just overcame them so yeah this is just a horrific end for the lusitania and its passengers who are either still on board or in the cold icy waters because remember even though it was still may this is the atlantic ocean it's freezing so as you can see she is going down and once again what a dramatic sight you've got people trying to swim around in the water clamoring onto anything like boats around and the ship is completely just going vertical and going down not quite sure if that's accurate or not there's a few interpretations of how the lusitania sank and this is one that i have not seen before but as you can see i think it's just hit bottom and it is going down so yes very unfortunate and for the lusitania very quick syncing so yeah if you guys are gonna make sure to leave a like and a comment and i'll send you some guys goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Jesse Gillett
Views: 30,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lusitania, vehicle simulator, vehicle simulator lusitania, lusitania vehicle simulator, rms lusitania, lusitania roblox, sinking lusitania, Jesse Gillett, jesse gillett, jesse gillett vehicle simulator, jesse gillett lusitania, sinking ship, jesse gillett sinking ship, sinking lusitania game, lusitania game, vehicle simulator sinking ship
Id: E2B0zN5R3_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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