Britannic Sinking Ship Simulator! - Britannic Gameplay

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that's a really big drop by the way I'm hoping these cranes don't start to collapse those on the front funnel collapse and the second one really hasn't given up want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that bell hello YouTube Komodo gaming here trying out Britannic this is a simulation of the Britannic sinking now if you don't know anything about the Britannic it was a hospital ship it was completed in 1915 and it sank in 1916 and it was the biggest ship to be sank in World War 1 yeah I think it actually struck a mine and that's how it went down now if I'm not mistaken most of the people survived it was actually I think right around if I read right it was like almost 1100 people and I believe most of those people actually made it off onto the lifeboats so we've tried a game like this before I think it was a maybe the Lusitania or something like that where it simulated the actual sinking so we're gonna check this out here today it is available on Steam if you guys want to check it out yourself we're gonna do the main game where we actually can walk around on the ship and then they have a free cam mode if you just want to be on the outside and watch the events unfold there so if you're enjoying games like this on the channel maybe hit that thumbs up button and if you guys have any suggestions any effects down below let me know and let's jump right into this alright here we are we're actually at the wheelhouse hereand okay oh there's the island I think it's Greek island I'm trying to member the name of this let's see whoa okay we hit that really quick alright so we've already struck the mine oh dear okay let's see can we get down there I'm assuming this is a full version of this ship now I do not believe it has an interior I could be wrong about that but I need to figure out how to get down over there looks like we have some stairs got some lifeboats here can i crouch no I think we might have to walk around all these alright let me see if I can figure out how to get down to the bottom now it says the simulation takes about 30 minutes I don't know if it's in real time or not I need to actually look that up the last one we did was actually in real time oh let's see if we can see what's going on here uh we have any damage I've actually like to do maybe a piece of this in the free cam mode but here let me go down here we're going down to the front side of the boat here I'm assuming it's actually gonna start to deploy the lifeboats after a while actually sounds like it's starting to crank back up homes see the stacks up there yeah I can't really see off the side so also apparently where this mine hit it actually hit I guess by some of the boilers and it damaged a lot of the watertight doors or at least two of them and that's why it started to sink so bad she sounds like she's going again let's go and see are the lifeboats being deployed yet actually we need to go up back to the top deck I think we might go to the rear of the ship real quick oh let's see no I think they're all up we run into the back of the ships there's the lifeboats I guess they're ready to be deployed you've got a bunch that are stacked up here I wonder if they actually get the cranes going and got those down too okay let's see if we can make our way to the back this thing is so detailed I actually really like this alright here we go we're running our way to the back here I think we can climb up these ladders haunt oshi listing uh yeah we're left listening to our side actually right now let's see if we can see anything off this side no I really want to go into that free cam yeah we'll definitely have to do that after this alright so she's beginning to list over and roll so apparently they did send out a distress signal from this ship to two other ships they never got a reply because I believe the I guess the receiving wire something was actually damaged in the explosion but at this point I think one of the ships might have already received it and could have been on its way and supposedly the first people that actually arrived to start to say passengers on this where some of the fishing boats I believe off this island on the right side here so I wonder if those actually appear in the game we'll have to see by the way the model of this thing is so fantastic looking it's kind of crazy you know it'd be even more crazy if somehow one of these games did the interior of the ship too that would be very very cool-looking all right looks like they're starting to deploy lifeboats right now I don't think we're gonna hop on one of those yet I think we're gonna go down with the ship and then maybe we can swim over to them oh you can see the crane starting to work too so yeah they deployed these actually pretty quick there's another crane back here so can we actually hop on oh we can't I believe oh we can get on these public so they're hooking up the next row right here and they're taking it off there goes two cranes I really do kind of want to jump on one but I think we're gonna wait here oh oh and the ship's moving yeah it's slowly listing actually I believe it's starting to go down in the front here I guess from some of the paintings I saw it was actually started to go down forward and then it started to roll oh she's doing quite a bit of moving I'm actually standing here in the whole ship's moving all right so there goes some of the lifeboats there any boats coming to save us I don't see any so far am I supposed to jump on the lifeboat right now there's a potential that I need to actually get on one of these because yeah this is moving a whole lot actually if we jump on one we will not stay with the ship the ship is still traveling forward so I don't think we want to is it now it definitely seems like it's still traveling forward I don't think we want to lose the ship here I think they're about to employ some of these this is actually really cool I like this little simulation what about on the other side have we gotten those off yet no they're not working on those still these over here all right so the portside lifeboats are starting to come down - so the cranes are working they already got in the front boats yeah they did what's up actually let's go over to the wheelhouse real quick see what's going on there it is really starting to go down in the front though Oh actually am I stuck oh oh I almost got stuck there I see if we can get around to the wheelhouse real quick see if anything's changed up here uh I don't believe so but yeah you can see out the front there this isn't looking too good I give you guys one more quick view here you can see that the they're still working on the lifeboats but the waterline is getting extremely close here in the front but yeah if we would have jumped on one of those we would be kind of out in the water I wonder do we actually float I kind of hope they've done that with the character you never know what sometimes with these kind of simulations I'm assuming we can but yeah I'm still watching them and deploy the the lifeboats here geez look at the size of that anchor that's insane looking by the way okay yeah we're starting to do the roll here so where would we want to be it there's still lifeboats I don't know if they deployed every lifeboat but I still see some up on the cranes up there we might want to start walking that way I'll show you guys real quick there's the water line there it's getting close so actually how the heck do we get up here I'm still trying to learn the layout of the boat oh yeah the stairs over there on this side okay so let's go up this hopefully I can continue to walk here it's getting a little harder to walk actually could we have climbed up there ah kind of curious if we can use some of these ladders let's go up this let's check our lifeboat situation out yeah we've traveled quite a ways from a lot of the lifeboats they paddled out but let's go a little higher here I kind of give you guys a view of this but yeah I definitely suggest if you like games like this so experiences I would probably say a post a game I'd never go check this out on Steam a real reasonable price to on it alright so yeah we're gonna set up here for a moment alright so if I sit still here you can see I pay attention to the rope there I'm not moving the camera at all so that's how fast this is starting to happen now all right I don't want to get myself stuck here geez this ship is so huge um I mean think think think what do we got over here alright so I deployed they actually didn't employ all the lifeboats on this side I'm assuming since it's listing over to the starboard side I'm assuming that's why we haven't actually uh I guess released a lot of those lifeboats oh it's going to get up here ah actually it's good can we jump on this one are they gonna Crane any more of these down I'm not sure if they are it would be nice to let's go further back CD start to lower some of these alright so as this thing rolled over I do believe the funnels actually started to collapse I don't know how far down it was but yeah that's gonna be a thing uh I don't see any rescue coming yet that might not actually not even be in the game I don't know how long after this thing sank or if it was still going down in the rescue or at least the fisher men were here home let's see oh yeah yeah there's a lot of water going over right now it's still moving home let me stand still again yeah it's still moving quite a bit oh dear well let's check the next deck down okay this one looks pretty clear oh okay this isn't clear at all wow this gives you guys a little bit closer view here as to what this looks like that that is insane oh okay that's rising pretty quick ah let's start moving up to the top here oh look at that the water's starting to reach this deck here okay run back alright it's rolling even faster now okay keep coming back uh we stopped one more deck we can climb up on top of you know we actually could have taken one of those lifeboats sort of could've got on one of them because they didn't go as far away as I thought they were going to oh man that water's rapidly approaching now alright uh mayor's not really a good place to stand but maybe we'll go a little further this way I'm actually worried I'm assuming when the funnels collapse I'm pretty sure they're taking out some of the deck equipment I'm thinking that's gonna happen here we'll have to see oh okay you know can we float can we actually kind of swim out here or oh oh I can't tell if we float or not uh oh all right we might want to start running it's leaning really bad now and it's a moving really really fast oh that water's coming wait look at the front funnel it's collapsing you see it down there there it goes oh that's insane how fast this is moving now alright the front funnel is gone wait for the next one to start to collapse okay so do I float it's a good question I kind of saw under the water there okay I might want to get on a boat or something actually I don't know what's gonna happen I might need to go to the back of the boat actually I'm gonna get lost so I gotta get around these cranes and I'm gonna get through here there we go uh okay this isn't good okay get up here can I make it through these bars come on yeah I gotta get moving is the other funnel going down it hasn't collapsed yet on let's go oh no okay this thing's completely sideways now I'm just worried if I go into water I'm not gonna float like I need to get to a lifeboat see if I can get on one oh come on jump jump jump jump jump okay goes there here oh that is okay it's getting hard to walk now okay just bring ourselves up on this side oh here we go oh wait we climb up on one of the oh we can oh dude yeah that's not good yeah it's completely rolling this might be our best bet here is to get up on this crane and just kind of hold up here on the top uh wow that that's kind of crazy I kind of do wish they had it to where you can go into free cam during this mode and don't have to go to just the free cam mode because I would love to see what this looks like right now yeah that's a really big drop by the way I'm hoping these cranes don't start to collapse those on the front funnel collapse and the second one really hasn't given up actually was there four or is it three I don't even remember okay let's just Dan up here try out to lose a balance if we fall I don't know what we're falling into so I don't know if the water is actually here or if I'm gonna go straight to whatever is below it uh-oh okay hold on I kind of want to make a beeline to the back of the ship is there a way oh yeah there's some stairs back there alright actually look at that we have a lifeboats on this side I haven't even really paid attention to those Oh oh I think I'm gonna fall here okay Coco Coco Coco okay I don't know how I'm still walking on this right now can I still use these stairs yeah okay come on come on okay we're not able to use those when go back up go back up no okay I think we're about to go down um yep there here comes the water okay you know we're gonna chance it do we float can I please float Oh is there a swim mode I don't know if there's a swim mode here we should really be on a lifeboat right now no this isn't yeah this isn't good huh let me double-check nope there's no options on here we're going down to the bottom of the ocean here yeah cuz I don't think we can swim what are we what do we fall into here what's up okay I think we might have stopped yep you fell off the Britannic and didn't survive the impact no you know what we're gonna do here since we got it kind of got to experience the the main game it's worth standing on it you definitely need to get off on a lifeboat if you want to experience the whole thing but what I'm gonna do here well we're gonna watch the full sinking in a time-lapse I'm gonna speed it up that way you guys can actually see it go down because yeah it's a little tricky if you're not careful here because apparently you can fall off and die so let's do that alright here we are in the free cam mode so I can see my my cursors on the screen I don't think I can get that off but yeah there's okay there's the impact alright just give you guys kind of a feel for the scale here there's a couple places we didn't actually go here towards the back but yeah I think it's all set and ready here so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and time lapse the last part of this video that way you guys can see it from this angle in perspective but yeah definitely check it out link down in the description I love little experiences like this so like I said do go support the developer thank you guys for all the love and support on the videos and we will see you guys next time enjoy the time-lapse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 999,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hmhs britannic, hmhs britannic sinking, britannic, titanic, sinking, camodo gaming sinking ship, sinking ship survival, titanic sinking, camodo gaming, sinking ship roblox, sinking simulator titanic, sinking ship simulator britannic, britannic sinking, britannic wreck, britannic game, britannic gameplay, britannic game steam, hmhs britannic (ship), sinking ship britannic, titanic game, titanic sinking animation
Id: ujM81WybMUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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