Lunar She-Devils | Missile to the Moon 1958 | Colorized | Sci-Fi | Cult Movie | Subtitles

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Cramer to Control. Cramer to Control, come in Control. Search Control to 210. We read you Cramer, come in. - I'm about a mile east of Harrol's Cutoff. No sign of 'em yet. Any word from Donaldson? Donaldson reports negative, but is setting a blockade at the intersection of US 89 and Route 12. Do you have orders for his unit? - Have his unit continue blockade. I'll meet him at approximately...2100. I'm gonna check the Dayton layout in the meantime, I'll report back to you then. 310. - There's no question that your designs and theories are far advanced of anything that our research department has come up with. Your use of solar energy as an inexhaustible power supply is an excellent theory, but, it has to be proved, as do all your other innovations. - Everything I design and build WORKS! Outside stands a missile capable of safely transporting a man into space, and I've proved it! I've proved it time and time again! - That's quite true, Colonel. In a series of static tests, we've simulated several trips to space. The graphs from these telemetering devices will confirm that. - In a project of this magnitude, static tests prove nothing! Gentlemen, you must understand that missile experimentation is government business... strictly government! - I don't see why. Just as in the case of medical research, it CAN be a private project as well! - We've been through all this before many times. I'm only carrying out orders. Tomorrow morning, a team of government experts will take over. You'll see that all your information is turned over to them. - Hi, Sheriff. - Sorry to bother you, Mr. Dayton. - Quite all right. Come on in. - Well, this isn't exactly a social call. Couple of prisoners escaped from the county farm, I'd like to search your property. - Why, you don't have to waste time asking permission. Go right ahead. - Well, I've already given the grounds a once-over, I was wondering about the area within the electric fence. Around the rocket ship? Not much chance of their getting past the fence without our knowledge. - I don't know Mr. Dayton, these are a couple of pretty smart boys. Didn't expect 'em to get past the prison fence, either. - I see your point. Dirk, could you cut the electric power in there so the sheriff could look around? - Of course. - Why, I'm sorry I broke up your meeting, Mr. Dayton. - No bother at all. I hope you catch your men. So do I. - Well, everything seems to happen at once. - Sorry you object so strenuously, but... you understand my position. - I've really been expressing Dirk's feelings. He's been working so hard and long in complete secrecy, that...he resents any outside intrusion. You'll have to admit, that's quite an accomplishment. - Absolutely fantastic. How did you happen to meet Dirk Green? - He wrote me a letter. Said he knew of my research work in missile design, claimed this location was perfect for a project he wanted to develop and asked if I'd work with him. When I learned what he had in mind, I jumped at the chance. - Now that he's completed it, what does he intend to do with it? - Fly it to the moon. Oh, come off it. You're not serious-- - Oh, it's an obsession with Dirk. If you hadn't intervened, I know he would have attempted the trip... and the funny thing is...I'm sure he would've made it. - Is this a private party or is anyone invited? - Hello darling. - Oh, if I'm interrupting-- - Not at all. - Colonel Wickers, this is my fiancée, June Saxton. - How do you do? - How do you do? I'm afraid I'm more of a grass widow than a fiancée. It's almost next to impossible to get Steve to break away from his work. - I'm surprised he found ANY time for work. - Colonel Wickers represents the government's space experimentation program. Beginning tomorrow, Dirk and I will be working under him. - That sounds wonderful! Now that he has someone to help him, I may stand a better chance of corralling a husband. - Well I'm glad someone's on my side. - By the way, the sheriff's car is outside. - Oh, Dirk's out at the launching pad with him. They're looking for a couple of escaped prisoners. - Don't touch the fence 'till I turn off the current. All right? Current's off... Push open the gate. - This was a great hiding out in a gas chamber! This place gives me the creeps! - You're always beefin'. - And I listened to you. Wise guy! Great place to hide, he says! - I read about it in the papers. This is a private project, no army guardin' the place. We can hide here 'till the heat's off. - Are you kidding? You can, not me! I'm takin' my chances out in the open. This place is worse than a cell! C'mon! You leading the way. - Before you go, you better take a look out there... - Get back! That guy's lookin' right up here! - He hasn't taken his eyes off the ship once! I get the feeling he can see us! - Boy, you sure got us into some fix. Well now...if that guy can see us, what's he havin' the sheriff look out over there for? - I dunno, that's buggin' me too. - Who is that other guy? - Beats me...hey, maybe it's Dirk Green. - Who? - Paper said he built this thing. - The paper? What do they know? They said I stole three cars! - So?- So it was five cars. What do they know? - Hey...they're coming this way! - Hey, the ladder! - Well, there's no sign of 'em. Maybe we better take a look in the ship. - Oh no, no they wouldn't be up there. - They could be anywhere. One of the prisoners is a pretty shrewd kid. The other one's smart. Too smart. He's the brains, Gary Fennell. I don't know, I think we better take a look around. - Well just as you say Sheriff, but... but why not let me do it? After all, there's a lot of delicate equipment up in that ship and I...I'd rather not have strangers roaming about in it. - Fair enough. I'll wait down here. - Right. - It's so hot in here; no air. Probably suffocate to death! - Hey, you wanna try the ladder? - Oh no, not me! - Hey listen! - Oh, I'm telling you, if I had a gun, I'd... - Yeah, I can see you'd be big man with a gun. Everything OK? - Everything's all right. There's no one here! - What's the bet? - I don't get it... - Should we trust him? - We got a choice? - Certainly we got a choice... I don't trust nobody. C'mon, let's get outta here! It's locked... He locked it! That dirty no-- - I don't get it... I don't get it! - Oh, you're finally back. Any sign of the prisoners? - Hello June... no, no the sheriff didn't see anybody. Uh... has Wickers left? - Yes he has. Join us in a drink? - I won't let you refuse. We're celebrating! Now that Colonel Wickers and his staff are coming into help you, Steve has promised to take time off for our wedding! - Nobody's gonna take over MY work... I designed and built that ship to fly into space, and I'm going to see that it does! - Now Dirk, let's be reasonable! Think of all the information we can contribute toward the future development of space travel. - Yes... Yes, you're right. I can teach them a lot about space. I'll give them something they'll never forget! - I'm sorry if I said the wrong thing... - Oh, you can't blame him. He spent a lot of time on that ship. He's bitterly disappointed, but he'll have a new outlook by morning. Everything'll turn out all right. Here's to OUR happiness. - Nothing up there but a jillion wires. - Well, looks like we're stuck here... and you're the jerk that arranged this freak hideaway! - Look who's talking! I never should've let you talk me into making that break with you! I had six months to go... six lousy months and I'd have been through! - Are you crazy? - Yeah... it was crazy to try that stickup that got me in trouble in the first place. One harebrained thing, look what it did to my life! - Hey, look Lon...don't you chicken out on me now! Look, I got a lot of connections! I'm gonna show you the ropes, OK? - Oh relax, it's food. Aren't you hungry? - Yes, we're... you know who we are? - What do you think? Here, eat. Here! - Hey Lon, c'mere... Look at this...cold chicken, fruit, cake, c'mon... Hey what's the big idea, huh? - Food OK? - Yeah. - I have a proposition to make. - I knew there'd be a catch. Well go on, what is it? - I wanna take this ship UP tonight. - Up? Up where? - To the moon. - Well, now look, George, if you wanna speak to me, you better shake the loose parts outta your head. - Yeah man, look, we're tryin' to get away, but, uh...not that far. Now get this straight: I'm taking this ship to the moon tonight. I can make it alone... but it'd be a lot easier with your help. Now the trip itself will be reasonably comfortable, providing the unexpected doesn't occur. There's plenty of especially-prepared rations aboard, and... well, well boys? - This guy's nuttier than a fruitcake! Hey, what do you say we jump him? - I think he really means it. - Every word of it. What's more, we can make it! - Now look, knock it off! Don't give me that stuff! I'm gettin' outta here right now! - You'll hear me out! Now I said I had a proposition to make. Now you boys join up with me peacefully and give me your absolute cooperation, then they'll be no trouble. But if you refuse... well I'll just have to use this. - Some choice Mister... you drive a hard bargain! - Now the operating procedure is quite simple. Our destination is preset. The guidance system will keep us on course throughout the entire trip, and I can easily show you boys what to do if you'll listen carefully. - He seems so sure of himself. What do you think, Gary? - This is a crazy idea; take a trip to the moon! Hey...wait a minute... are we comin' back? - If we reach the moon, coming back is a simple matter. - Now wait...if we go to the moon, and we come back... that means we're heroes, doesn't it? Whaddya think? - Yeah, I'm way ahead of ya. OK Mister, you got a deal. - All right then, let's get going! First thing I want you fellas to do is to change into clothes you'll find in that locker over there. - I think I'll be running along. - Let me lock up the panel and I'll drive you home. That's peculiar... - What is it? - I don't know, something's wrong. The signals from the missile are flashing. Somebody's mucking around out there. - I better go take a look. - I'll go with you! Don't leave me alone here with those two convicts still running loose! - Sure, c'mon. - Seat belts fastened? - Yeah. - Check. - Hey, do we need oxygen masks? - No, this control room is sealed. It contains its own oxygen source. - Sure Lon, like in pressurized planes. - No, we're sealed. We're not under pressure. The same air is continually washed and cooled. All set? - I guess so. My stomach feels a little jittery, though. - All right, turn around and lock your chairs the way I showed you. And Gary...that little switch there in the middle of the panel marked "Gyro"; flip it up. - What's that for? - Don't ask questions, just do as you're told. Lon? - Yeah? - Flip up all the controls marked "Astro." There are three of them... at the right there. - Astro switches on. - All right. - Somebody's in the ship. - Here we go! - Who's up there? - I don't know what's going on... but I think somebody's trying to take off in this rocket! We've gotta get out! They've sealed the ship! - Well, isn't there any way you can open it? - No! Quickly, there's no oxygen in this compartment! are a couple of spare face masks. - All right, now listen carefully... I'm gonna begin the countdown. Gary, at seven, when I say seven, flip on all those switches in the lower row, got it? - I think so. - I want you to be sure! - Yeah, yeah, at the count of seven... put all the switches "on" on the bottom row. - Right. Lon, you follow me. In front of you are 10 levers. Each are numbered. - Yeah, 1 to 10. OK. - As I count them down now, you pull a lever... and confirm the number by repeating it aloud, got it? - Pull each one as you make the countdown. Check. OK. Here we go. - 10! - 10! - 9! - 9! - 8! - 8! - 7! - 7! - Six. - Six. - When I give you the word, put on your mask and brace yourself. - Will we be killed? - We've got a chance. Quickly, there go the ignitors! - Two. - Two. - One. - One. - Zero! You two fellas all right? - Oh! My aching back! Feels like it's been nailed down forever. - I, I'm almost afraid to try and move. - It was a lot rougher than I expected... but apparently everything's all right, though. The counterbalance indicator! Are we OK? - Something's out of place in the lower chamber. The control system is stabilizing to correct it. Lon, release yourself and check the lower compartment. - Hey, there's somebody down here! They're dead! - Dirk... What happened? What's that sound? Where are we? Good Lord, we're moving! - Now take it easy, everything's all right. You've been out a long time. - You crazy fool! What have you done? - We're thousands of miles in space! Everything is working as we designed it! We're on course and everything's under control! - June, where's June?! - June's all right, June's right here. - Are you all right, darling? - I'm fine. - Who are they? - The two escaped convicts. - I needed a crew! - I still can't believe it... - Lie back and rest, darling. Everything Dirk has said is true. It's going to be all right! - Boy, it's just turned into quite a party! - Mm-hmm. I think I'm gonna like this... Except I don't approve of the company she keeps. - 224 over 10. - Minus 25. - Minus 25. - Well, I guess that does it. - We can calibrate the left bank tomorrow. How does it look? - Matches the static telemetering charts perfectly. - Good. Well I think I'll lie down for a little while. Why don't you do the same, Steve? - I will in a while... but I think I'll check the neutral calculators topside. Gary, you wanna give me a hand? - I'm just along for the ride. - Gary... - I'll help. - While you're up there, check the CR indicators, will you? We may be passing a field of meteorites soon, and we'll need the warning panels. - We'll do it. Meteorite fields? Yes, they're our more serious hazard. If we should intercept a floating field, there's always a chance that they may penetrate our hull. However, this indicator will warn us of the approach of such a field. If you like, why don't you watch the screen 'till Steve finishes? - Thanks, I'd like to. - Gary, would you please go down to the lower compartment for--- Look Dad, I've been watching that panel for hours. Can't you see I'm resting? I'm no messenger boy. If you want something, you get it! - Everything seems to be working properly. - Just relax now. No-no-no-no, don't be that way. We haven't got all day! - Please, don't--!- Oh, I watched you with that Steve guy. You don't fool me. Come on. Let's you and I have a little fun, huh? - That's quite enough! Get away from me! If Steve could-- - Why don't you call him? He's right up there. Oh but you won't... 'cause you like it! - Gary! Stop it! You keep away from her. - Ah, we're just havin' a friendly little conversation. What's wrong with that? - You've been asking for it. - What's the beef? You got a little interest here too? - You rotten little punk! - No Dirk, please, no trouble! - This is no trouble, this is a pleasure! - Stop it you two, please! - What's that? - Meteorites! - What's wrong? - We're in the middle of a meteorite field! How long will this keep up? It's hard to say. - Isn't there something you can do? - Hey, that battery broke loose! - I'll get it. - Stay where you are! - Can't we help him? - The warning light has stopped! - I think we're clear, let's go. Gary, grab it! Grab it! - There now... - Listen to me...there isn't much time. Listen to me closely... The controls are preset so the ship will land in a specified area designated by me. Now don't change it...don't change it. You must land there. - Lie still, don't talk! We'll take care of you. - Here...take this. Don't lose it, you'll need it where you're going. - What for? Why Dirk? Why will I need this? - It's all up to you, Steve... It's all up to you now... Lido... My Lido! Forgive me! - Forgive... - Dirk! Dirk... - He's dead. - That jewelry's still buggin' you, huh? - That and some other things. Dirk, for instance, had allowed for every obstacle we'd run into in space. He was right every time. - But, uh, that babe that he was talkin' about, what was her name? Uh...Lita, Laita... - Lido...that's another thing... and finally, why was he insistent about landing in a particular place on the moon? - Eh, the moon's the moon. One place is as good as another to me. - Like he expected something to be there... - That, uh...that sparkler in that medallion, what do you think that's worth, huh? Couple of grand? Huh? Three? Four? - Don't get any ideas. There's nothing you can do with diamonds on the moon. What we need now is some good old-fashioned luck. Hey, June? Steve, come here quickly! - Something's happening. - Turn on the forward scanner, I think this is it! It's a dream come true. - I'm so happy, I don't know what to say! - If everything goes well, we'll be seeing a lot of the moon. Right now there's work to be done. Break out the spacesuits, Lon. Gary, you know where the helmets are stored. The automatic reverse thrust mechanism should take over now. We won't be able to feel the sensation of slowing down. We'll just have to cross our fingers and wait. That's it! Make it snappy fellas, we're coming in! Brake one! Brake two! Brake three! Power off! You look like you just saw a ghost. If I look like you, I do. - This is the end of the line, everybody up! My head feels like it's in jail. Hey how do you breathe in here, anyway? It'll feel stuffy for a while, but you'll get used to it. Check your oxygen regulator until it feels comfortable. These gravitational shoes work like a charm! Hope these outfits are in style. - Getting acclimated? - Feels better than when I first put it on. - If we're all set, let's take a look around. Hey, what's the hardware for? - The what?- The hardware; the gats, the guns! You expect to run across a rabbit? - Just precautionary. I'll lead, you follow. Keep together in single file. How long do we keep this up? If we don't get back soon, the sun will be up. I hope not. The heat from it would roast us alive. Hey hey hey, listen! There's someone following us! Ha, no chance of that! Your hearing is more sensitive through your receiving set. Just some loose rocks sliding. Look out! Hey, over there! Look! Another one up there! They're trying to surround us! Up this way! Lon! Hey, look! - Oh, Steve... - we've got to stop him! The guns won't stop him, we're trapped! There's a cave, let's head for it! For some reason, they don't seem to want to come in here! Yeah, well that's OK by me! Can we rest a little while, please? Let's move out back a way. I wanna put a lot of space between those creatures and us. That cramped cabin on the ship would look awfully good to me now. Boy, they'll never believe us back home! Hey, watch it...I almost broke my neck on this stick. There might be more around here. - Let's see that. - What is it? I can't believe it! - What is it? - It's an old torch. Yeah, a burnt-out torch. Does that mean someone's living in here? Those things on the outside, this is probably where they live. Oh, great... Some higher form of life... Steve...there's a light behind that rock. Of course, why didn't I think of this before? Fire can't burn without oxygen. Believe it or not, there's oxygen in this cave. Go ahead and take your masks off, it's OK. - Nothin' like good old, stale, musty air. Anything could smell better after breathing out of a bottle all day. - First thing to do is get out of these suits. - You found something? - No, nothing. It's nothing. - You're a liar, Dayton! - Hey, take it easy Gary. Come on. - Whaddya mean? He's holding out on us! He's found something he doesn't want us to know about! - He's right...there's nothing to be alarmed about. There's some tracks that were made recently. - You see, what'd I tell ya? - It only confirms what we already know, that some higher form of life exists in this cave. - Yeah, well I'm not stayin' around this place. Pretty soon, we'll all be killed. I'm goin' back to the ship. Now who's going with me? - There's no sense in panicking. We've got weapons and plenty of ammunition. - A lot of good it did against those things out there! Oh no, I'm leavin'! There's something else in this tunnel...I can feel it! I can feel their eyes watching us...and I'm leavin'! - Hey, Gary! - Come back here! You're going the wrong way! - I better get him, Steve. - No...we've gotta stick together, it's the only chance we've got. Gary's footsteps, they've stopped! Gary, come back! - Huh? Wha-- - what are you doing? Who are you? No no! Keep away from me! - They've got him Steve, they got him! - What's that I smell? - It's some kind of gas! - I can't breathe, Steve. I can't breathe! - It's OK June, how do you feel? - Oh no, this can't be where I think it is! - No such luck... we're still alive. All I can remember is somebody walked up in front of me smokin' a cigar and boom! Sure knocked me for a loop! - I wonder where we are? - Uh-oh! - Hey, Dayton, we got company! - I bid you welcome to Orlanda. I am Lido...high ruler of our humble domain. I am told you are intruders from an unknown origin. I look forward to hearing of your journey... but there will be time for that. Now, you must rest...and partake of our hospitality. - Don't worry, it's not poisoned. If they wanted us to die, they could have finished us off back in the tunnel. - Why, it's delicious! - I'm pleased to see that you find our offering satisfying. It may interest you to know that the food in front of you was produced long before I was born. - Good, something to drink. What's the deal? - I don't know, maybe she doesn't like my face? - That's not it. These girls may be a little strange, but I don't think they're crazy. - The medallion... get it for me! - No! I will do it. - is Dirk! He has returned! - Dirk! - Your time will come, Alpha... but now you will see that the others are made comfortable. will follow me. - Steve? - You'll be all right, honey. I'll be back in a minute. - I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about you! - Will you come with me, please? We had long ago given you up for lost. It is good that you have returned to us. You must tell me about the earth... its climate, atmospheric conditions... everything you've learned. - Well, that's a pretty big order. I'll need a little time. - You ask for the one thing I cannot give you. You see Dirk...much has happened since you left us. The ship that took you to earth never returned... nor did the scientists who were aboard it. As a result, those few of us left are in grave peril. Our oxygen is fast disappearing. Our food supply is dwindling. Soon, this satellite will be barren...devoid of life. - Are there others like you, like us, who live here? - You seem to have forgotten much during your stay on Earth, Dirk. You have not even commented on my blindness. - I was very sorry to see it. - You need not be. The affliction of my eyes has been accompanied by a heightening of my other senses. You remember, of course, by what right I acquired my power to rule here. - Of course. - Come closer to me, Dirk. I wish to see how much you've changed while you were away from us. You are different... but perhaps the change is for the better. Alpha was pleased. - Alpha? - I suppose it is only natural that you did not recognize her. She was a very little girl when you left us. However, your betrothal still stands. Your marriage ceremony will take place as soon as you've made known to me the scientific details of your trip. Shall we begin? - Yes... - And I used to think those scientists who wanted to reach the moon were kooky! Man, this is it. This is fantastic! - I can't believe it, it seems like a dream! - Well honey, if there wasn't better material around, I'd volunteer to pinch you. Hello there sweetie, how are you? Say, um... hey whaddya say you and I get some earthlight, huh? You speak so strangely. - Oh I do, huh? Well I may speak strangely, but I'll make myself understood. C'mon, let's, uh, let's get away from the crowd, huh? C'mon! - He's as subtle as a sledgehammer. - Oh, Gary's all right I guess. A little hard-headed, but... he doesn't mean any harm. - Deliver me from people who don't mean any harm. They're the ones who cause it all! - Heh, this is like being on top of the Empire State Building. - I do not understand. - That's all right. C'mere. C'mere, I'm not gonna bite ya! That's better. Now...what is the setup, huh? Again you puzzle me! - What gives, what gives? Where are all the men around here? Don't you even have a boyfriend? - You are the first man I've ever seen... but I'm told we used to have many. - Well honey, we gotta catch up for lost time! Hey...are these real? Again, you puzzle me! - These diamonds...these rocks, are they real? - These? They are worn only for adornment. Do you like them? - I sure do! They are real... who gave you these? - No one. I found them myself. - You found them? - Yes. They are of no special value. - Honey, show me where you found these! - But there are thousands like these in the lower end of the caves! - Well, take me there, fast! - But what of the others? - Don't worry about the others. We'll surprise them. I'll tell them about it later. - If that is your wish. - No thank you. - I wonder what's keeping Steve. - Oh, I can't imagine, uh... they probably have a lot to talk about. - Oohh, he better be talking! - Oh, that reminds me. I better find Gary. He's got a bad habit of getting lost... especially with pretty girls. - Hey, hurry back, they're giving me a complex! Ooooh, if I knew there was gonna be this kind of competition, I would have "undressed" for the occasion. - From what you tell me, Dirk... the planet earth would not satisfy our needs. Fortunately, I have another destination in mind. Tell the earth people they are not to consider themselves prisoners. They may move about as they wish... provided they do not try to escape. You will rejoin them now. - Yes... Thank you Lido. I'll tell them. - What did she say? What's going to happen? - Shhhh...over here. The Lido is blind. She thinks I'm Dirk Green. - Dirk? So that's the reason he wanted to be sure we'd land here! Well what about the others? Surely they know you're not... - They were all very young when Dirk was sent to Earth. That ship never returned. - Well, what's going to happen if they find out you're not Dirk? - Well, the oxygen here is disappearing rapidly. They exterminate everybody who doesn't perform a useful function. That means us. - Steve...! What can we do? - We're not in any immediate danger. They want our rocket ship. It's their only hope of salvation. She told me an amazing story of how their civilization has dwindled to its present state of survivors. It seems their troubles began about 20 years ago... - Hello... - I saw you in the hall... perhaps I can help you? - Oh, no I was just looking for my friend. It isn't important, he'll be back. - Oh... - Oh, don't leave! I'd like to talk to you. - Yes? - Uh...I was, uh... I was just noticing it, uh... seems lighter out there now. It was dark when we landed. - Well, the sun is approaching. - Well, do you have days and nights like, like we do on Earth? I mean, how often does the sun shine? - Not too often. It comes around every 17 nemnohs. We fear the sunlight because our surface has no atmosphere and the heat is intense. Only the rock creatures can survive it. - Yeah, we had a run-in with 'em when we landed. It's a good thing they didn't follow us into the caves. We would've been goners. - Well, there's oxygen in the caves. The rock creatures thrive on the sun, but the slightest exposure to oxygen is fatal to them. Do you not have rock creatures on Earth? -, no we don't. You know, if I was out with a pretty girl on Earth... I probably wouldn't be talking about 'em either. - You would not be talking? - No, I... - Hmm, that was nice! - Uh-huh. - Consequently, this is the last pocket of atmosphere. When this goes, that's the end. - Is there any way we can help? - Not a chance. By the way...there's one more thing. That girl, Alpha...she's supposed to be my bride. - Your bride? - Dirk's bride. It was arranged a long time ago before Dirk left for Earth. - Well now, look here Romeo; if you think for one instant that you and that... - Now June, it'll be all right. I'll simply explain the circumstances. Dirk? - You'd better start explaining. - Come, Dirk! It is time. - Time? - For our marriage ceremony! The Lido is ready. - We shouldn't rush into this too fast... We oughta discuss it, talk about it. - I've waited a long time, Dirk. - Just a minute! - What's the meaning of this?! - Well I'll tell you the meaning of this! That happens to be my fella you've got your arms around, and his name isn't Dirk Green, it's Steve Dayton! So you just better be careful before I forget I'm a lady! - She will die! - Well I guess that did it. - Oh Steve, I'm sorry, but I just saw red! - It's all right, honey. They'd all know about the masquerade in a minute anyway. We'll have to get a move on. - I don't get it? What's it all about? - We're gonna have to round Gary up and get out of here. - Leave? I was just beginning to like it! - Where is Gary? - Oh, Zema saw him heading for the caves. I think they're this way. Come on! - They're imposters! The name of the man who calls himself Dirk is really Dayton! He must've stolen the medallion. - Fool! Do you think your Lido did not know this? That she could be so easily deceived? I wished to keep my knowledge secret from the earth people until I had learned more about them. Their hopes, their fears, their reasons for coming here... but now, because of your blundering-- - They must all die! All except Dayton. I will accept him as my husband. - What you ask is impossible! We need the others to help in piloting the strange craft in which they arrived. - I say they die! The one called Dayton can give us all the information we need for running the ship! - You overstep your bounds, Alpha. I am the Lido! You will obey my orders! - You grow old... old and weak! You have outlived your usefulness. Orlanda must have a new leader! Even the medallion, which is a symbol of your leadership, is too heavy for you to hold. Your hand grows weary. My will is stronger than yours, oh Lido. I, Alpha, tell you to drop the medallion! - You have exercised your right to challenge for the throne, and you have lost... but someday, you will win. Now, orders must be obeyed. - Yes, my Lido. - Real diamonds! A fortune right before me! - Your ways are strange. - My ways are rich, baby! gotta help me find the way back! I gotta get something to put all this stuff in. Oh, one more thing... Don't tell the others about this, you understand? - I understand, but I do not think the secret-- - Don't think honey, just be beautiful. Come on! - Where is the Lido? The prisoners are in the passages. They seek to escape. - There is no time to tell the Lido! We must act now to prevent them from reaching their ship! - Shall we prepare the gas? - No...they have violated our Lido's trust. This time they must be taught a stronger lesson. - The dark creatures? But it is decreed that only the Lido-- - Silence! There's no time to waste! - Hey, Steve... I don't like it. I've seen enough of these people to respect their intelligence. They're not gonna sit by and just let us walk out of here. - You might be right, but we've got no choice. We've got to take that chance. This looks like the turnoff. - Yeah, that's it. - Now all we have to do is find Gary and-- - Hey... They're gone! The spacesuits are gone! - I knew it was too easy! - Steve, there's something about this place... - Yeah, I know what you mean. Let's get outta here! - There's something moving in there... That's Dayton and the others! - No no, you mustn't go in there! - They're tryin' to get away without me! They're gonna leave me here! All right, what's the big idea, huh? Tryin' to cut out on me, huh? - Hey, take it easy! - We were just going to look for you. - Oh, sure, I bet! - Please listen to me! You must leave this section of the tunnel at once! Hurry! It's too late... They know! - Hey, Lambda! - You have defied the Lido! - You will die! - You were fortunate to have eluded the dark ones. I hope you have learned... that escape is hopeless. - I admit it was a foolish move. Now if you please, I'd like to have an audience with the Lido. - You continually avoid me. Do you not find me attractive? - I have admiration for you and for the others, but you must understand-- - The earth woman... You will soon forget her. - It's no use, Alpha. You can't bend me to your will. Perhaps you've forgotten that without our spaceship, you and the others cannot leave this dying city. - You're less wise than I thought. I find you...amusing. We shall get off...but we will not go to Earth. We will go to another planet... where I will be the Lido... and you will be my husband. - I could never consent to a thing like that. - But you will consent! You see, Dayton... my will is stronger than yours. You have no choice but to do my bidding! - No! Do not avoid me. My thoughts will become your thoughts. You will feel only hatred and distrust towards your friends. Your allegiance will be to me...and me alone. - No! - My will is stronger than yours. You must obey me. You will...obey! I will obey. - The earth people...the girl... they're your enemies. They must die. Do you understand? - I understand. - Alpha! I wish to speak to you alone. - Yes, my Lido. - Again you defy me, Alpha. You know the law here. The will of the Lido must be obeyed! - I, uh... I beg your indulgence, my Lido. I was, uh... merely trying to obtain certain information from the man called Dayton. Information which would, us in our plans. - You add lying to your other crimes? You desired Dayton for yourself. Well, that is not to be. I, the Lido, decree it. - What do you decree now, my Lido? The Lido has, uh...has met with an unfortunate accident... but, uh, before her death... she appointed me... as the new Lido. - The Lido is dead, but it is no accident! - Do you defy my will? Do you wish to challenge my right to be the new Lido? - What is your wish, my Lido? - Remove the body...and anounce my ascension to the throne to the others. - Yes, my Lido. - And uh, oh yes... Tell the others to prepare for a wedding. A wedding that will follow an event in the extermination chamber. - There isn't much time...listen carefully. You and your friends are in grave danger. Even now, the extermination chamber is being made ready for you. - Well that's sweet of you to worry about us, but... Dayton's in there now talking to the Lido. - The Lido is dead. Alpha is the new Lido. If you wish to live, you must... - Go on, go on! - No, it's too late! They're coming for you, trust me! The prisoners are ready. - You're just in time for the ceremonies. Unfortunately, the earth girl will miss them completely. She has been sentenced to die. But first, your earth man has something to say. To whom do you give your heart and your mind? - To you, my Lido. Steve! Steve, don't let her do this! Can't you hear me? - Stop! - I can't move! - What are you doing? - You cannot move because I do not wish you to move. My will is supreme, it must be obeyed! give the order. - No! Steve, no! I love you! Tell me you love me! - Take the woman to the extermination chamber. - Let the ceremonies begin. Let go! No! Don't! Oh! Please stop! - the end of this corridor is a door. This key will open it. Inside you will find the strange clothes you wore when you arrived here. - Come on, you're coming with us. - No, I'll stay and help your friend. - But how? - must hurry before the dance is over. Take these. You will need them for protection against the rock people. You will find the girl at the bottom of the stairs. Now go quickly! I'll join you later, I promise. Now please go before it's too late! - I'll be waiting for you. - Goodbye Lon. I'll always be with you. - This must be it. Come on! - Everything's OK now, June. - Where's Steve? - Zema promised she'd help him. We'll wait for them here. - Look, I gotta go. I'll meet ya back at the entrance of the caves. - Where you going? - To pick up a ticket to a swimming pool, five-block-long cars, and a house with 50 rooms! - Stop the dancing! Where are the two earth men? Whoever's responsible will die for this! All of the area! Why are you not searching for the earth men? Do you dare defy me? Do you wish to die with the others? I command you to leave! - At this moment, the earth men are releasing the girl. Now you will release him! Release him! - cannot defy me, Zema! You're too weak! Even if you succeeded momentarily... it would drain you of all your strength. Look...even now you grow weak! And... and uncertain... - is you who are powerless. You cannot move nor speak! Dayton, you are free. - Curse you! - Where am I? What am I doing in these clothes? - You are free of her spell. The others are waiting in the tunnel. Run! Come to Papa! - You cannot leave, Zema! Your strength is gone...forever! - Oh, Steve!- Thank heavens, you're all right! We gotta keep moving. We gotta find our suits! - Oh yeah, we got 'em back in the tunnel. - Good! Where's Gary? - He said he'd meet us later. - Now, my will release the gas in the caves... and it will be your hand that destroys the earth people! I command you...release the gas! Now...pull the lever! I said pull the lever! Don't Zema...all of our atmosphere will be released! You'll kill us all! - It's no use. This is the only way. - What was that? - Lon! Now I can join you forever! - Zema! Something's happened to her, I know it! I gotta go back! - No, wait a minute Lon! Put your mask on quickly, the oxygen is escaping! - What about Gary? - He'll have to find his own way. - Help! Someone hear me! Your Lido commands you! Dayton...wherever you are... you shall not live! This heat is unbearable! Our only chance is to make our way in the shadowed area near the cliffs. The heat of the sun would roast us alive! Dayton... I command you to return! Return at once! - Steve! - What's the matter? I've got to go back! He's under the spell of that woman, we've got to get him away! Lon, help me! - Look out! - The rock men! - must obey me! You will obey! My Lido! He'll be killed! We've got to stop him somehow! I command you, Dayton, to... Everything's all right now. That's what you think...they're after us! C'mon, we gotta get outta here! Hey, wait for me! - It's Gary... - they're after him! Look out! The rock men! They're in front of you! Put down those bags! Make a run for it, but keep in the shade! - Not on your life! - These diamonds are mine! Nobody's gonna get 'em! Gary, drop those bags! You'll never make it! Gary, stay out of the sun! Let's get to the ship. Generators seem to be working. Get ready to start the countdown. - You think we'll make it? - Well, I'd say we've got a good chance. - Steve, before we start this, just one thing... - Yes June? - Do you... do you think I'm prettier than that girl, the one called Alpha? - Honey, there's only one thing I ever expect to see that's prettier than you... and that's old Mother Earth looming up in the view plate.
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 270,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old movies, public domain, films, B movies, classic film, cult film, yt:cc=on, पूरी फिल्म, filme completo, película completa, فيلم كامل, science fiction, sci fi, sci fi movies, science fiction movie, Missile to the Moon, subtitled, subtítulos en español, legendas em português, Deutsche Untertitel, legendas, sous-titres, film noir, full movie, missile to the moon, action movie, old sci fi, sci fi films, full movies english, cine scifi, cine clásico scifi, cine clásico color
Id: 1u_7O6Nzo_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 7sec (4627 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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