LUMION RENDER TUTORIAL: 3D EXTERIOR RENDER of a Modern House and Surroundings

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hey what's up guys, Nuno here. In this video I'll show you a step-by-step tutorial of an exterior render and surrounding environment in Lumion. if you want to get more videos like this for me subscribe and hit the bell button to get notified when I publish my new videos so start by importing the model and then here I'm just trying to get the best position for the scene now I'll go to the render settings and here I'll choose the realistic style effect as a starting point I'll disable the chromatic aberrations in depth of field because I don't want those to get in a way from now and I'll add the effect called two-point perspective so this effect was straighten out your lines then I'll adjust the camera the focal length and between 20 to 24 it's okay so I don't have too much Distortion when I start moving a little bit to the back you can see that the wall is started to block menu to fix this I will actually put near clip plane effect and this will change the minimum distance at which object objects are drawn I don't have the wall anymore blocking I'll just do a quick render to test how the scene is working all right now I'm starting to add some materials to the scene all these materials that I'd included mostly on the Illumina library and here I'll just adjust the edge property because all the surfers that you find in the world none of them has super sharp edges so this effect in the shader is quite quite useful so you don't have to model all of this geometry so we can just adjust a little bit to to your taste and it will look much better and also I'll add a little bit of weathering as well now I'll just fast forward a little bit because I'll be adjusting most of the materials on the scene as you can see here I don't have anything model inside so to hide this I'll just head from my library some curtains and it will still look visually appealing and it will also hi that I don't have any interiors I'll make another test render and now to make this scene more interesting I'll start adding some trees and vegetation all of these elements to start making the sim come together I'll continue to add some elements that I'll think that will fit this soon I will add some tricks to the background I'll use this cluster ones because they are very fast to render and from far you'll notice that there are some image projection of these trees now I'll add some trees to the background so they can mix up a little bit to the sky and make the image visually more appealing so I'll add a couple of those in front of the house as well because I want to have some nice shadows okay let's just test this okay it's looking good but I don't like some of the vegetation position that I got here so I'll start moving around some things I'll add some decoration pieces to the front of the window I'll also add the reflection probes so I'll be able to cast properly fractions on the side this is the side I am going to render this scene all I had a couple of lights as well I will adjust a little bit the rightness and the cone angle and I'll start by adding a little bit of sharpen and I'll add the real skies and this real skies allows to have HDR I said loom Ian so I'll just select the one that fits best for me in the scene I'll try to have something that can cast some shadows in front of the house I'm still trying here to figure out which one is best okay this one looks looks great let's render it and I'm going to switch this to the grass material because initially I had this one like like this to be faster to render when I'm still testing but now the time sure I'll just add a 3d grass which looks much better now I'm going to replace some of the vegetation and trees that I have because I didn't like them so much so I'll just fast forward this part okay I'm happy with these settings of these 3d grass now I'll keep adjusting some of the elements in my scene I'll keep adjusting some of the effects and I'll add some fog fog is great for this type of scenes because it creates some depth between your subject and the background so I'll play around with the settings of the fog with the density when with a fall-off I'll add some greenish tint to it because we have a lot of forest here so you can see here it creates already some separation between the background and the foreground I also had here a volumetric sunlight effect this effect is basically God rays and it allows you to have a beam of light shining for the environment and this can give a really nice effect of three-dimensional when it's especially when it passes through fog the smoke etc now adjust parameters for example skylight I'll put the first slider to the maximum and everything to ultra I will just decrease a little bit the upper light effect change a little bit on the color correction the limit low because it will give me a little bit darker shadows okay as for the reflection effect I'll start editing all the reflection planes and this reflection planes basically are telling the the render which surfaces you want to be the highest quality in terms of reflections so just here usually just have to take your time and select what do you think it's best and where do you want the device to quality of reflections in the shadow parameter I will just some settings especially the coloring are reduce a little bit coloring and in terms of Omni shadow Omni shell is basically ambient occlusion effect so I will increase a little bit as well and I'll leave all the other settings as it is further chromatic aberrations I usually just put all to the maximum the first slider and then I decreased the effected area just so it affects a little bit around the edges because I noticed that many renders in aluminum come with effect all over the scene which looks really unnatural now I'll just be sure that I have on my reflection said hi and then I'll render with output of specular lighting and material ID as well and I rendered this in 4k now let's wait okay now let's start the post-processing of our scene in photoshop so now in Photoshop I add all the maps and I duplicate with ctrl J this layer and I'll go to Camera Raw filter I like to go to camera filter because it gives me more options in terms of exposure saturation highlights and I always look into the Instagram because I don't want to go overexposed or underexposed so it's always good to keep a look on this so here I'm just trying to get the best settings from my scene I just play around with a clarity with a saturation with temperature to try to get to colors the way I want I also add a little bit of vignetting to the scene and it's good to go now let a specular output and on this layer I will change the screen and now put it at about 40% to fill so it pushes a little bit the reflections I also get the ambient occlusion which is called lining in a lumen and I was changed to multiply and I will create a new layer mask and I'll start masking just the areas that I want this mask to be affected so basically I'm just adding a little bit more contrast in this grass in the vegetation also get the material ID because I want just to select the the sky and I'll just add it a little bit now start adding some color correcting the filters for example color balance to get some tint to my shadows to my highlight I'll add the typical s-curve and also play around a little bit with the saturation I want to increase a little bit more the volumetric light effect so to do this have either a new gradient and on this gradient operate from left to right and I'll change the color to a yellowish orange tones and I will just create a mask so it doesn't affect so much on the scene and I'll change the opacity a little bit as well I want to have some contrast on the other side so I'll create the same effect but from right to left and here I'll put a little bit of bluish tint if you liked this video give me a thumbs up subscribe and hit the bell button to get notified when I publish my new videos and by the way if you'd like to get this seen with a preset file I'll share a link in the description below this video see you in the next one
Channel: Nuno Silva
Views: 96,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion Tutorial, 3D Rendering, Lumion walkthrough tutorial, architectural visualization, architectural visualization tutorials, architectural visualization artist, lumion visualization, lumion architectural visualization, rendering, 3d, 3d rendering, video tutorial, architectural rendering, design, 3d animation, 3d software, 3d visualization, landscape architecture, urban planning, lumion, lumion 8, 3d render, lumion 3d, render 3D software, exterior render, lumion 9
Id: qEdrF-fq0bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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