Lumion 11.3 Pro Exterior Render Tutorial - Lighting

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hey guys in this video i'm going to show you how to add some lighting to your renderings so here i have a rendering that i did kind of a daytime shot and then here we have it with some lighting inside and just maybe uh kind of a dusk view so if you're interested in seeing how to do this in just a few quick steps take a look at this video and check it out [Music] okay guys so how do we add some lighting to this model to make it pop instead of just looking uh plain like this daytime shot and for those of you who are interested in knowing this is a model that i built from a autocad file and i i have another video where i show you how i how i can build these models in more or less about an hour or a couple hours depending on the type of model it is so i build them in sketchup and then i import them into lumion where i create these renderings so this is a rendering it's a daytime shot i can show you here in the photo section you know kind of the finished product that i had but now i want to kind of do um kind of a somewhat of an evening shot where we can see some of the lighting coming through the windows so i need to add some real lights to make that happen so this is what i do and hopefully you'll get some tips out of this quick uh lesson on how you can possibly create some nice looking renderings and lighting so first thing i do is go over here to lights and we're going to pop in some omni lights and we're going to use this is lumion 11.3 and they have this new omni lights where it has shadows now so we're going to go ahead and try this in this model right so this is kind of what i like to do is i like to place it right on the window and then i'm going to increase the brightness and we're going to push it in right i'm going to push it in by holding down shift and i'm into select and move free so i'm holding down shift so it moves it along this um kind of this horizontal plane so i'm going to shift it to where i can see it reflecting on the wall and now one thing that's happening is i'm not really seeing it the way i want so i need to change my weather setting so i'm gonna go here to weather and we're gonna pick a real sky and let's do an overcast and i'm just gonna pick this middle one here and now we can really see some some difference in our settings here and now let's go back to selecting the light and if you want it's a good idea or a good habit to kind of put your lights on their own layer so i'm going to see what layers i have available here let's go ahead and add a layer six and we'll put our lights on that layer six let's not make it hidden okay so here we have our light and we can change the color of the light if we want it to be a little bit more of a orange kind of a warmer feel change the brightness could adjust the fall off so i like to play with these a little and so i want to get that i want to get that look where it's really lighting up looks like the lights are on and i'm going to make a copy of this by holding down control and i'm also going to hold down shift so i copy it oops let's see if i grab that i'm sorry i'm holding down alt and shift and again i'm going to just copy it over laterally to this other room here and i'm going to show you some other things too to kind of make this thing look more realistic and there i just created another copy so now i have two different lights there and again if you if you don't like the colors which i'm not sure if i'm settled on the the color the the warmth of it so you can kind of play with this to get the exact hue of you know yellow that you like okay so let's grab some more i'm going to deselect all so i just want to select one i'm just going to call i'm copying over the same lights that i'm using let's drag this over i'm holding down alt to create that copy and this i'm probably gonna have to move it so let's move this beneath the the window or beneath i have my stairs right there and kind of see where it starts reflecting and we don't want it to reflect too much so i might have to move this down all right now let's move over here so we're kind of illuminating this whole area we have to think about the view that we're going to get so i'm going to shift this hold it down to where it again where it's hitting that wall beyond and i'm just going to copy some more lights up here i'm going to hold down shift up sorry hold down shift here and hold down shift and move it back here again we can play with the falloff amount so that fills more of the area you can also bring it higher up all right so i'm just gonna kind of try i'm trying to fill that whole area with light and let's keep going and we could always adjust these but this is just getting some lights in here all right let's use the move tool i'm holding down alt and shifts and i'm going to make another copy okay let's move one down here holding down shift and just pushing it inside the room and let's get some here in our lobby or our foyer i really like that cast shadows there really nice it's that new lumion 11.3 feature there's a large room back there so you got to add sufficient lighting and then we have some in our garage so we're going to go ahead and light that up as well and i may have an issue here i think uh i need to um delete a uh delete a surface there so to do that and this may you may find this helpful so i'm gonna go ahead to my sketchup model let's go ahead and hide this door there's a service there we need to delete i'm gonna unhide that i'm gonna go ahead and save my model again i usually save it down to 2015 uh just a habit that i have from using some different sketchups and we're going to go back to lumion i'm going to go to imported models select my model and just click over here to re-import and then you gotta give it a couple seconds to update your model and there it is it's thinking hopefully not too long and boom there we go okay so now let's move our light inside let's go back to our lights hold down shift and just push it further inside of that garage okay very good we have some light action going on let's put some in our foyer here as well so i'm gonna grab this just gonna kind of put it in actually let's hold down uh shift and alt so we're kind of dragging it and actually let's grab it make sure it gets on the surface there and i'm gonna push it down and let's see what that's that's looking like there all right that's not too bad and let's go ahead and grab this and copy it above all right and i'm not really liking that uh color that it has on it so we have to look at that what it looks like when we actually render it we have to play with some of the uh the tones of yellow that it has there okay so i also have these sconce lights here so to do that i'm going to use a different type of light first i'm going to create the surface into an emitter surface so i'm going to go here to standard and go to emissive right here and i'll change the colors this looks more just normal more white okay as you can see the emitters surfaces they do not emit any shadows or any uh lighting at all it's just it just looks on a surface like it's on but that's as far as the lighting effect goes so to get the lighting effect we have to place a different type of light which i like to use the spot lights um and we'll go ahead and use this lamp one and place it right there it's going to make sure we have it selected and change the cone angle we'll change the brightness and we'll go ahead and probably change the tone of it make it a little warmer and it might be a little bit too bright so maybe about there and i'm going to go ahead and copy this over to the other side and then i'm going to copy it above here use the rotate tool yep let's make sure we rotate it correctly there we go and i'll leave it the same intensity as the one below it and then i have one more of those lights over here so i'm just going to copy both of these hold down control to select more than one and we're going to hold down alt oops let's try that again and it's not liking i'll be grabbing more than one here all right we'll do one at a time let's see where it went here it is there we go and place it right on the surface and we'll go ahead and grab our top one over here as well there we go and another thing i just realized is we don't have any lights in our garage area here so let's go ahead and grab this porch light that we placed here and let's see if we have this brightened up a little bit actually let's bring this down there we go and for this we can actually show the light source since i haven't placed a light there we could go ahead and just make that the light source place it on the top let's do the shadow exclusion zone so that it kind of fills that area nicely all right all right there we go so it's casting a nice shadow on that vehicle and let's see where else can we pop some lights that's probably good for now but let me show you something else that i like to do so right now i can go ahead and try to make my shot my rendering image shot but it still looks a little plain so what you want to do is you want to add some furniture inside here so where you're looking you you're not just looking at empty walls inside you want your rendering to have some life to it so i went ahead and popped in some furniture so go ahead and turn on this layer five and there we go so now we have some art you know some tables some lamps just little things that you would see from the outside that make it look like uh there's some depth to your rendering to your model so it doesn't have to be anything real specific you know i just kind of pop stuff randomly in there nothing real detailed but from the distance it looks like it might be a fully furnished house so that's kind of what you want to obtain so now let's go to our render settings and we'll start a new one so i'm just click here and it looks like there was already something going on here let's go ahead and clear it out clear effects and we'll start with an overcast effect and there's looking good so far that's not a bad start and if you haven't used these uh these select styles uh lumion gives you some really good um settings to start with for creating your rendering so i highly recommend using those instead of just starting from scratch makes your job a whole lot easier okay so one thing i want to change is i want to go to my camera i want to change this to a two-point perspective so that we our verticals are nice and straight um we can change our horizontal eye level kind of bring it down and if you click on it it'll kind of give you a brief uh preview of what your rendering is going to look like but i think i still think it's too dark so let's go ahead and play with some of these settings let's go to real skies let's choose a different sky and we go to cloudy um let's try one of these so that's a little bit too bright let's see if we can find something about middle ground okay this might work let's see if we can adjust some of these other settings so i like to adjust the shadow so maybe not make it so dark so that you can actually see a little bit more of the details of the model and we can also play with the heading of our sky maybe show a little peak of blue in there and also the color correction so here you can change the temperature of your model so if you want to adjust something that doesn't quite look right and let's go to exposure okay so now we're getting somewhere i don't like it to make it too dark because i want i want the client to be able to see the details of the model so i'm not trying to make it too artistic i want them to be able to see what's going on so that's not too bad let's see what other settings we can adjust sharpen it up a bit and go back to color correction change the vibrance saturation the brightness and contrast so really it's just kind of a playing with your settings and you know it depends on the color of your model as well see what makes a little bit more sense to uh show some of the features of your model and i do have my window settings here so i have a very little reflection on it and fully transparent so you can play with that as well if you want to your windows to be a little bit more reflective so let's see if i crank up that reflectiveness and let's go back to our model and let's see what that does to our model i'm going to go to reflective and we're going to the active planes i'm going to select all these windows and let's see what that does if it adds anything to our rendering at all and it is on preview mode and i see i don't really see too much actually um so i'm not sure if it's uh if it's helpful to do that um if i really wanted to show nice and clear i could remove that reflectivity so that it's just very transparent so that's just a matter of preference what you think might look better for your model and so this is not bad so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and render this and go to the current shot so i'm just going to render this on the desktop size and i'll just call it the evening render and i still like to do a couple little edits even after i render my shot and i just use the windows photo editor um you could get more fancy with it and use photoshop and spend a great deal of time on it um you know just your preference whatever you think is better for you so i like to go to edit and even adjust some of the lighting even more so you can just crank it up here um i like to play with some of these settings you adjust some of the highlights okay and you can even uh change some of the warmth here so some of this stuff you could have done in lumion but um you know sometimes it's just better to get it fully rendered and then just make some final tweaks so there you have it a quick uh tutorial on just how to add some life to your rendering i hope you like this video if you like content like this want to see more videos like this maybe something with a little more detail just comment below let me know what type of video you would like to see and i'll see you next time thanks [Music] you
Channel: sketchup architect
Views: 11,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion 11.3 tutorial, lumion render tutorial
Id: iPhgdfI09bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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