Luminous, Ageless Makeup Look

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hi everyone today i thought i would do an ageless timeless makeup look so something that anyone could wear and everyone can wear because it's this time of year as well i think if we're either trying to extend our summer glow or if you're in the southern hemisphere you're starting to get in the mood for summer so i am also going to focus a little bit on on that on on bringing the glow back to the skin or maintaining it i have a beautiful model today her name is verge and she's a model and actress so let's get started so i'm going to start with some moisturizer and this is the m release the sensitive skin version and this has been an old favorite of mine for many years i'm just going to do a light layer of this because i've got some spf and a little bit of primer to use as well just going to do a light facial massage i remember doing something for the sanctuary where they showed you how to put it on using this prayer motion when you're supposed to say yes like yeah i think whatever feels good honestly it's really um i mean it's good to kind of really work that jawline and yeah all around the sides of the nose and around the eyes but i think if it feels good and what's your feeling about neck dragging the skin always moisturize and put everything on there yes any treatments that you use whether it be a night treatment just keep going down just keep going down um yeah it's i think it's essential so do you think neck cream is something that is not really i would just use the same yeah i wouldn't bother to buy anything separate i think it's you know i use the same products all over i'm going to use this spf as well this is my favorite kind of everyday spf which i discovered when i was in japan one time and i just love this because it smells nice it's moisturizing but it's it never interferes with makeup which is why i love it so much it works really well underneath makeup not all of them do and it's not too shiny but it's also not too matte it's something in the middle and you do need to put plenty of this on it is spf 50 but you need to get a really good layer on there and i use it across my eyelids as well do you yeah not too close the lash line but i always once there's just a little bit left on my fingers and then i just take it across and i've not had a problem with rather than a separate eye cream yeah because i want it to be um protective and i want that spf protection on the eyelids because obviously eyelids are very thin and they're susceptible to the sun particularly i remember years ago being on a job at the top of a mountain but in may so the sun was very strong and i burnt my parting of my hair and what can you do about that thing you can't put sun cream no on your party it was the most shocking thing you think why have i done this and it's just you know being in the sun all day so i'm just blending the spf right down onto your chest area lovely neck and chest now we don't want many more layers but i'm just going to put a tiny bit of primer which is the um the liquid silk canvas and i'm just going to put this here and there just as an extra smooth before i use any makeup so particularly around eyes just to hold any makeup in place in this crazy heat we're having and you can use this one on eyelids as well do you find you would adjust what you would do makeup wise because of the heat yeah what is it to do with the preparation and then yeah you get that bit right it should stay yeah i think that um when making when it's as humid as it is now and hot i think that uh anything you can do just to help the makeup stay on i think a lot of its application though as well really just applying those thin layers and really blending well yeah and i feel like if i get the right layers on and everything's very well blended then makeup should stay on a little bit round mouth area anywhere where makeup traditionally kind of moves around so around the corners of the nose corners of mouth chin area i'm going to start with a touch of highlighter just underneath foundation i don't think i've ever used highlighter oh it's nice i think it's nice when it's not too glittery right and it's just a little bit more glowy i'd say rather than blinging highlights it's just um yeah just brings light into the face in the areas that you want it to be oh i see so i'm not even being too prescriptive or fussy just getting it on over the cheekbones really i can always add a touch here and there afterwards but i like to just start with a thin amount just on the cheeks there and then the next product i'm going to use is the double wear sheer so this is more almost like a tinted moisturizer but it is also long wearing so this should be great actually for this hot weather and use quite a big buffing brush this is slightly deeper than your face but it'll be a nice bridge between face and body i'm also going to just take it down onto your neck as well and this does say that it's spf 20 but i wouldn't rely on that in its own right it's good that we did the spf 50 first because you can never quite get enough makeup on really to to do the job of spf so i always think kind of ignore it if it says it's in a tinted moisturizer or it's in foundation because you're not likely to be able to get firstly enough on or you might not put it on evenly whereas if you really focus on using that spf first before you do your makeup you know that it's it's covering everything and it's the right level i would never have thought to go down to the neck yeah i'm doing it really for camera because i'm trying just to show that trying to match me yeah we've got a kind of because you've got such a good tan on your body which is beautiful and you've obviously been very good with your spf because your face is a lot a lot lighter so you're doing the right thing but then sometimes it's good to warm up a little bit absolutely i mean not we'd have to do it too much at the moment because i'm going to use some bronzer as well but i'm just almost creating a link between face and body does it go on better with a brush it this kind of texture when it's really thin like this i quite like this sort of a brush it's almost like kind of what shall we say like smoothing it on but fingers work just as well honestly if you um prefer but i do quite like a a big brush with this sort of texture so next we use some cream bronzer this is quite golden so this will again just bring together face and body i'm going to use this just to shape a little bit round so forehead coming around onto cheeks you can dust a little bit over eyelids and just blend this is just a really nice way of bringing the warmth into the face without still looking as if you've got quite natural makeup on so hold any makeup a little bit onto the jawline again this is great especially if you have the little bit of the front of your neck that's often very very light compared to everywhere else the bit that never catches the sun you know under the chin yes it's really so easy to forget yeah then just build up slowly you can take it off on the back of your hand from the brush so that when you go in you haven't got as much it's easier to add more and the other thing you can do is just keep a brush handy which maybe is completely clean doesn't have anything on at all and use that as your main blending brush quite extravagant to have all these extra brushes but i love a clean brush for going in and buffing over you just can't beat it so a little bit more again would you say that bronzer is more of a summary thing does it look odd in the winter or is that too simplistic yeah i think it depends on the the shade that you're using because a little bit of warmth obviously can also can look great in the winter as well if it's not orangey and it's it fits with your skin tone really well um and i just think it's it can work all year round as long as you get the tones right you almost want something that is adding a touch of warmth rather than tan in the winter yes yeah and that would be something that just wouldn't have that depending on your skin tone obviously it has to blend in something that you put on and you feel like it doesn't it sort of melts into your skin you're usually on the right track yeah and then just even on the eyelids there it's almost like enough eye makeup sometimes if you don't want to do anything else we are going to do other things today just because we want to have fun but if i was just doing a quick look on you i'd probably just use the bronzer and then use a little bit of eyeliner mascara and you'd be set to go yeah i wouldn't have thought of putting it on eyes it's interesting but then why not yeah what earrings little lipsticks yeah just notice they're brilliant thank you i actually make them right no i don't personally make them but um yeah they're made in cornwall and this guy makes them for me uh and i make all different colors to match like pink lipstick and my velvet ribbon i forget which one i've got in now i think it's the velvet morning one is it an orangey red yeah do you know what it's become like when i'm trying to think of things because the lipstick goes up and down oh that's brilliant you can fiddle yeah i'm really i really fiddle with it yeah it's like a worry bead that's funny so i'm also going to add some pink blush and this is a cream as well so you can see it's just quite a fresh pink and i think this is just really nice when you've used bronzer just to lift the skin so do you use much makeup yourself on a do you know if you're not working i mean no i i don't and it sounds awful but in lockdown i just stopped wearing makeup completely [Music] and then it's the strangest thing you get used to your face without it whereas in the past you'd go oh look at my face so i do and obviously i have to belong for work and um you know that sort of thing and so you do but um and i think i never got past that thing when i first started out when you go to work and have a lot of makeup on and then you couldn't wait to get home and take it all off oh yeah so there's something about being at home and not having makeup on yeah i think that's the connection and then obviously because we were all at home weren't we and now we're all coming out and you think yes i must remember to put something for a tiny bit yeah yeah so i suppose i sort of do no makeup makeup yeah yeah yeah and i sort of don't really use foundation anymore yeah i really like the the tinted moisturizer yeah thing foundation can suddenly feel like a lot more yeah perhaps i'm just not using the right foundation yeah no i think it's it's application definitely but if you're not this time of year i mean i think that kind of lighter feeling on this yeah just going to go on to under eyes and i'm using this concealer slash corrector this is quite a nice moisturizing one so i'm just going to use it just where we need it really just a thin layer just to lift shadow but without giving you that um heavy under eye look cut my tongue just gonna pat that into place do you find it's easier with a brush i do actually i like using under eyes if brush and fingers like this if it's sort of creamy and then some of the ones that set yeah i like to use um a mini sponge with those ones because you can feel like you sort of pick up some of the product so you're not putting too much on so this has a little bit of a peachy pink color in it so it just picks up any shadow there so you did a play recently how was that it was wonderful it was very nice um it was uh ladies and lavender it was a movie i remember that maggie smith and judy dench yeah so if you like i was playing maggie smith and overall lovely actress emily was playing my sister it's two sisters in a house in cornwall and this in 1936 and there's a shipwreck and this polish boy sort of washes up on their shore and they take him in and discover that he's a violinist and it's it's really it's a really charming story i haven't seen now i'd like to see that so i'm just using a tiny bit of powder here i haven't used too much product so i don't need to go crazy with the powder i'm just setting underneath the eyes but in a quite a natural way i'm going to use a touch as well just across your eyelids just close your eyes for me because i'm going to do a wash of shadow there in a second and tiny bit chin and just around your brows we use a pencil there as well so i'm going to just do a tiny bit of sculpting on eyes now i'm using a matte shadow um and it's this one if you can see it there it's a bit of a sort of almost like a camel a light camel color it's close for me just for a little bit of shape but without going too much it's more of a sculpting thing than an eyeshadow thing if that makes sense so i don't want any harsh edges there so again i'm just feathering those edges and it is really just giving a little bit of depth there so this sort of makeup would be good if you were going to be photographed so if you're going somewhere or a party or an event or just want to look good in pictures really actually leaving the house if you're leaving the house and you want to take a picture so now i'm just adding a little bit of just close memory brush a little bit of eyeliner i'm just doing it really through the lash line this is just not necessary to look like an eyeliner but more to give some density to lashes and i'm using a chocolate brown eyeshadow just with a small brush just to blend that in and almost push it in a little bit more into the roots of the lashes just open your eyes virtually look that way for me look down a little bit and then just using the powder take that into the inner corner on both sides as well look that way so i'm just gonna give you lashes a little curl now it just strikes me that what's interesting the difference between modeling and when you're doing film and television is that for film intelligent or playing a part so obviously the makeup might not necessarily be you might be thinking oh they haven't put any this on or that one and that's not the point yeah you're playing a part so you the makeup is right for vanity goes out the window vanity goes completely well and that's fine completely used to that but it's just an odd it's a difference yeah what i mean whereas generally if you're booked to model they want you to look as good as you can possibly look yeah and they wouldn't think that you were playing a character it's just different yeah and kind of fun you know yeah definitely i guess that's why in film they call i guess the makeup that i do is beauty makeup because it's prettifying or beautifying me yes yeah as character makeups obviously completely different yeah and sometimes i laugh because my um clients will tell me oh my god my makeup you know it was great for the character but god i felt awful you know exactly it's bags painted on under the eyes and it's just a different brief yes and i've been in a situation where playing a part when i was dying of cancer and i had no makeup on at all apart from this is it called airfix where they just put very pale foundation almost spray it on oh yeah like um airbrushed brush that's what it's called yeah obviously you just had this sort of yeah that's all i had on yeah but it was right for what i was doing and and it kind of helps actually yeah if you look you know they show you and you think oh dear but that was the point yeah now absolutely i think it's it's so interesting that connection between makeup and character yeah absolutely only in the last sort of few years i've i've done films but i've never had before then and just creating characters and how it's just so important to get that character right the makeup the hair the clothes yes because without that the actor has nothing to kind of base it you know nothing to kind of hold on to and they need to be able to walk in a certain way and look at themselves in a certain way and and i just find that really fascinating and you almost see the transformation and personality happening yeah it's just when you're doing the makeup it is it's really interesting so i'm going to go back to this palette which is the dark browns the one i used from this palette for the lash line now i'm gonna use this shade similar to the one we use first which is the camel color cut my darling and i'm just gonna do a little smudge through the lash line very softly on both sides it's just a little sweep and then at the outer outer corner i'm using the same shade that i smudged the top with so it's a little deeper that color there just ever so slightly if you can see that and same on this eye just at the outer corner and then just blending that in so it's not really a line as such i think it's good to keep all these lines soft it just works better so it's more of a suggestion really i'm gonna bring that deeper mid-toned brown again just close for me a little bit of the outer corner so i've just started using some under eye mascara on verges left eye and this is the dhc quite like this one for lower lashes because it's very tiny the brush so you're able to really coat and it hasn't got too much pay off which if you're trying to really get the lashes to look quite separate or if your lashes are a little finer on on the lower line it's quite good because it doesn't really weigh them down plus it is a smudge proof one just look the other way there we go and i'm just using a lighter slightly shimmery shadow in the inner corner there so i'm going to move on to brows but before we do that i'm just going to put a little bit of lip balm on just let that sink in i have dry lips a lot what's what's the magic answer to that i like using a flannel with a cleansing balm or your cleanser every single night and really just exfoliating with that and then just making sure that you're you're using a lip treatment so because some things you put on your lips and make them look shiny they feel really glossy but they're just just sits on the top yeah yeah um it's more of a barrier cream so you need to find a good lip balm or lip treatment so lip masks and things like that that are quite oily and buttery hmm and just put a thick layer of that at night because that way it will really hits at night you'll take all of the dead skin off with the flannel yeah and then just slather them up with treatment right feet yes you know pedicures always say put something on at night because then it's got like eight hours to be sitting there without being disturbed without you moving around yeah well actually hopefully i actually believe in that i do tend to put stuff on my feet when i go to bed yeah it does work yeah so lips are the same next to the bed lash serum brow serum so i'm just i think that's the answer though isn't it okay so i'm gonna put that into play yeah just give them a really good exfoliation just using quite an ashy tone pencil here and work it into your brow so i'm just filling them in without making it look like it's there's pencil going on there just keeping it really natural you can brush them down as well which is always scary although you've actually got a really good high point of your brows it's quite defined but interesting if it isn't then you can brush them down there and then brush them back up i never used to have to do anything to eyebrows and then they started to sort of slightly go their own way um they're still good though they're in good they're pretty tame they're not going off in any different directions or anything and they're even you're lucky it's just one little gap there so i'm just going to fill that gap in and then if you have a pencil just make sure it's the right shade yes anything that's too warm or too deep will just look odd odd yeah and keep a brush as well an old mascara brush or a lash spoolie and keep brushing keep brushing it just softens the pencil yes it works brilliantly so i'm just putting on some individual lashes these are the swede lashes by nikki makeup and they're really nice and light i just put a few on so you can see the effect i'm going for just very kind of feathery just gonna add a couple more they're really really lightweight just closed for me and just popping them at the and then another one on this side i've got about five i think one two three four five or six on each eye now just open just gonna wait for that glue to dry and then i'll touch up the glue with a little bit of black liquid liner just so we don't see the glue i'm just gonna leave that for a moment so i'm gonna do a touch of lip pencil and i'm going to use this defining pencil by my mate vicki b victoria beckham um so this is a slightly it's almost like a brownie pink color it's gonna look a little bit dark in the beginning but it's gonna really work i think just for getting a kind of natural shadow almost around the lip just blending as i go yeah this is going to be great then just smile slightly that's great thank you take this over your lips as well just so it doesn't look like a solid line i think that's the definitely the trick with lip liner kind of almost teasing this edge just ever so slightly over but not to look like a big overdrawn lip and then just part your lips lightly just get into the inner corner great she's a little bit of concealer just to blend those edges it's going to go back in with the cream bronzer at the outer edges really of a kind of top of the cheekbones there and a final swell of pink blush sounds like a recipe yeah it is a recipe makeup is a recipe that's what it feels like sometimes so i never really have a plan when i'm doing makeup even when i'm supposed to have a plan if you're doing a kind of job and they say what's the makeup gonna be like roughly like this but then until you're kind of in the flow and you're working on a face and exactly it all the magic happens in the last five minutes of makeup when all of the elements start to come together and you make all the adjustments so that one thing fits with something else and you know you're all those little things that you don't really do as you're going along like we're going to add a little bit of brow gel now and then might put a touch more mascara on and finish with a touch of lip gloss all those things are what kind of makes the makeup like the garnish the garnish yeah we're seasoning adding the seasoning now just look down for me just gonna put tiny bit of score through those lashes and i just need to touch on the roots of the lashes just where we had our glue so down for me this just really helps to blend them in and you should always use a matte uh product when you're doing this because it just takes the shine off tiny bit of powder and then we'll do some gloss on your lips let your hair down actually before i gloss you up yes i'm going to try a little let me see do i want a pale gloss pink i think maybe a pale one trying to try songbird this is more of a kind of peachy pinky brown color yeah like that okay i found a mirror there you go have a look oh wonderful sorry you hold it thank you that looks wonderful like it i love the lip color and i love the eyes that's amazing yeah nice and defined but ready for your night out you're going out you're watching everything yeah then we have to amazing yeah that's good thank you yeah i mean you're gorgeous so oh really it was nothing because uh just bringing out your natural beauty because you're stunning little water eye there there we go sorry tortured your eyes it's all right but yes that's the finished look and very much yeah it's kind of glam but hopefully doesn't feel like you're wearing too much makeup no beautiful no you've done a wonderful job
Channel: Lisa Eldridge
Views: 345,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Eldridge, Lisa Elridge, Lisa Eldrige, Makeup, Make-up, Make up, Tutorial, How To, Look, Professional, Pro, Makeup artist, Makeup course, Beauty, cosmetics, best, top, makeupbylisaeldridge, lisa eldridge foundation, foundation, seamless skin, ageless, timeless, over 50, natural, beauty, enhance
Id: MSpRlKoppFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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