Luke ~ 15:1 to 15:32

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our last couple of chapters we've learned that our Heavenly Father he not there are accidents that happen but if you want to make the eternity all you do is repent and that there's always room in Our Fathers Kingdom for whomsoever will simply to repent excuse me and be a part of that family and then in the last the close of the last chapter chapter 14 he said I want you to not lose your savour by that I want you to be a little salty what does that mean when you go into a a meeting or a place season it a little bit spice it up make it interesting to the people if you just lost your salt you don't you're not really representing God and you don't have the presence of the Holy Spirit so in naturally something that is not salted is so bland that it's not edible hardly so this is what the Holy Spirit does for you when you are when you are gifted and it is a gift to have him dwell within you whereby that spirit lightens the room and Saul said whereby it does change the season and the savor otherwise what is salt good for don't miss this point either all it's good for is changing the state of the flavor if it loses that it's worthless and you know something so is one of God's elect that loses their savor they're just not really too good for anything they have no purpose do I think that's possible well I really think that one of God's elect it could not happen too but it could to some that think they are God's elect chapter 15 verse 1 different subject let's go with it then drew near into him all the publicans and sinners 40 and these are sinners and this is who needs the word don't forget that verse 2 and the Pharisees and scribes murmured saying this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them their muttering and they're threatening you know if you missed the point but you don't believe that God sent his election and those that have the truth those that have the salt to change those that have no hope that is to say sinners that need God's word that's who he sends us to so therefore never be one of these so self-righteous hypocrites that's just too good to go around somebody that needs a little help okay that's the point the verse three and he spake this parable unto them saying for what man of you having an hundred sheep if he lose one of them does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost until he find it now what does 100 stand for it stands for God's election of grace and it stands for the children of promise so even if you got the children of promise he's not going to let one be lost on their own without going and what verse five and when he has founded he left it on his shoulders rejoicing he carries you when you lost and when you can go no further he carries you verse six and when he cometh home he called us together his friends and neighbors saying unto them rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which was lost and you know this is something I want you to really get hold of so many people said well I was just a little hard for me to find somebody that will hear the word and finally you find that one do you understand that what he's saying here even the angels in heaven rejoice when you find one that will listen I'm talking about you when you find one soul that will listen to you and will hear that truth and grab on to it even the angels in heaven rejoice that's what he's talking about here the children of promises they take that word among the sinners to hear verse 7 I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth more than over ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance if we've got this just can also be self justification if you would some people they get a little bit too much that way you've said this to the Pharisees you get this too much self justification until really you're too good to realize people need help out there but again I want to emphasize again you may think I've gone years and haven't have just found one that's enough because even then the angels in heaven rejoice when you find that one and bring them to repentance it's worth it verse eight either what woman having ten pieces of silver if she loses one piece does not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till she find it in other words she's going to clean that house and she's going to look for it and that this is this represents the Holy Spirit and and finding those that are of value those that are of value to Almighty God she's going to seek she's going to the testimony itself 10 being the number of testimony ten pieces of silver and that testimony with the the woman representing that holy spirit and and what is it that lights a candle let that light shine proves it by light finds it by light and that light is Jesus Christ verse 9 and when she had found dead she called her friends and her neighbors together saying rejoice with me for I have found the peace which I had lost and and and soit is when the Holy Spirit finds one soul through the through the efforts of God's elect that's you God's children verse 10 likewise I say unto you there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth this is an awesome thing and you've got to remember that many people saw God I don't know that God pays any attention not only God but the angels themselves when you put out the food and when you're talking to a group of sinners or one sinner and any one of those repent and come to the truth it makes you feel joyful you are excited about it you feel good that you were able to share but the reason you're feeling good is there's rejoicing also in heaven through the Holy Spirit God in those angels so you see this is not a small thing and that's why it's not a small thing serving God and that's what you that's why you must always keep your saltiness you must always be ready you must not destroy your credibility but at the same time you should be ready and a willing servant of the Living God when when one lamb is lost you're going to hunt for it you know people in agriculture have a little advantage on this we've had it happen to us at one time the other and it is it's you you love those creatures you love them well so does God love his people and and when he goes after them he carries you when you can go no further he's gonna pick you up and he's going to carry you back into the kingdom and there will be rejoicing now we go to another parable it is deep because it not only covers this earth age but it even goes back into the earth age that was it has to do with God's election and those that do repent and come into the kingdom in this generation this is this dispensation of time so having said that let's get right into it and we'll explain as we go verse 11 and he said a certain man had two sons verse 12 and the younger of them said to his father and father represents our heavenly father father give me the portion of goods that falleth to me and he divided unto him he and he divided into them his living and so it is usually the firt and he's not firstborn so he only gets one-third where the firstborn gets a double portion which is two thirds but we're not talking about real estate here the the his the portion is the movable portion it's what today we would call the quiddity like your money in the bank okay said let me have that I want to go on my own and father gave it to him he didn't send understand God didn't send him God didn't order it it's all this lads idea okay in other words he's doing it to himself verse 13 and not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living I mean he had money he could buy friends I mean friends were plentiful the party was grand and he was having a ball he thought verse 14 and when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine in that land and he began to be in want I mean big time now I mean with the money gone he found out those people he called his friends weren't friends at all they were pretending to take advantage of his liquidity his money and when it was gone Zippo they're gone he's all alone he has no family and no support there's a famine a shortage of everything and he is in big need big time and so and so it is verse 15 then to continue and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine lowest carnal flesh there is I mean he's sent out here to be a pig boy you just I mean you just live out there with the Hogs verse 16 and he would feign or he longed for have to have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat and no man gave unto him he didn't have anything not even the citizen that was allowing him this this is the pods of a curb tree and that's all he had to eat then this is the time of remembrance let's see what it is that he begins to remember here he is in the hog pen he's eaten what the Hogs are eaten and the core pod is not all that enticing verse 17 and when he came to himself he finally got his common little common sense back he said how many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger my father's servants have it better than I do Here I am out here in a strange place and when you're in the world today and you're in a strange place my friend when it comes to family and God's blessings Satan is the Prince of Darkness and the ruler of this world and you don't have to look very far to come to that realization verse 18 I will arise now that he can think straight I will arise and go to my father and will say unto him father I have sinned against heaven and before thee and I mean what he's really done he's worship Satan and Satan's away with with harlotry spinning living fast life riotous Roy and and so it is he was in bad shape and unfortunately many are going worship the false messiah if they're not careful because they don't understand the tribulations verse 19 and I'm no more worthy to be called thy son make me as one of the hired servants I want to come home no I'm just decided I'm gonna go back and tell him that his servants have it better than I do out here and and I'm not worthy because the left and no take me back and just let me be an employee verse 20 and he arose and he came to his father but when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him knew he had had a change of heart and a change of mind and was back in the right way of thinking and and how he was he had humble himself he was no longer that one that was ready to be riotous in the world big money boy lots of friends for his money and but he had humbled himself and recognized who our Father was and this father represents our Heavenly Father okay he will never leave you nor forsake you but you can sure forsake him be careful verse 21 and the son said unto him father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and him no more worthy to be called thy son 22 but the father said to his servants bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet now this lets you know what dire straits he was in he didn't even have shoes on his feet and there's something else you need to know he's kind of preparing him with the gospel armor the ring is a signet means I'm giving you back family power in other words the rings the Kings ring and Cygnet was the seal that allowed purchases and in various other things so he's being reinstated verse 23 and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us seize and be merry and here you have in this parable playing out what was before when the lamb was found brought home even the angels in heaven rejoice and so it is that our Father is making merry our father's rejoicing because this one who was lost this one who came to his senses in the hog pen wallowing what the sows woke up to what was happening and realized what shape he was truly in and your father's I mean he's bringing him right in all the way 24 and this my son was dead he was mortally dead going to hell if you hadn't changed and is alive again he was lost and is found and they began to be merry and and what what you have here is you have the older son who was chosen if you would in the first Earth Age as it is written in clear in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 I chose you before the foundations of this earth always God's elect have always been with the father always doing his work they did it in the first Earth Age and they're gonna do it here they have no choice and other than to do that and here he's still out in the field working doing God's work but here he's about to come home and there's a big party going on verse 25 and his elder son was in the field doing God's work and as he came and drew nigh to the house he heard music and dancing I mean there there's a party going on people are happy that's good 26 and he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant what's going on up there verse 27 he said unto Him my brother has come and I Father have killed the fatted calf because he had received him safe and sound and this is something you are you safe and sound you want to remember that's what repentance does for you this lad had repented and he was pleasing in our father's eyes he was reinstated my own repentance he humble himself but here we still have this one this is a good lesson for God's elect and those that there's a great payday coming and some receive won't rewards hear and others have received them long ago and will always continue to and they they have a precious reward fathers their portion our God himself our Heavenly Father is their portion verse 28 them and he was angry got away from him for a minute he was angry and would not go in therefore came his father out and entreated him father's always got time for you brothers always got time for that one you see the one that stays in the field working is the one that pleases God that's why you don't want to be take the first one taken from the field by the false messiah and that's what this lad symbolically has happened to him but here God's election has always been right there study on and has God's work means more to him than anything else in the world and he continues straight on keeps plowing but he was angry when he saw this for a moment that's only natural verse 29 and he answered and said to his father lo these many years do I serve thee neither transgress die at any time thy commandment and yet they'll never give us me a kid but I might make merry with my friends not yet but there's a wedding coming and how precious it's going to be how our father does love his children you see it's difficult for one to understand about the election that our celebration comes even if you would on the Lord's Day that's when that's when we can rejoice and in the Millennium everything father has is ours you know you're not going to have it I'm going to go back to Ezekiel chapter 44 and verse 28 I want you to know who God threw that tab why he's 44 chapter of Ezekiel you're already in the Millennium and father is giving allotments of and and so forth as inheritance to the people but what about God's elect and that's what this one is symbolic of working in the field I'm going to read this 28 verse Ezekiel 44 and it shall be unto them for an inheritance I am their inheritance that's God speaking I am their inheritance and you shall give them no possession in Israel I am their possession meaning everything that God owns you do it doesn't get any better than that my friend that is well worth it and one that is one of God's elect recognizes that has patience and maturity in it knows they must stay the course there there'll be some rough knocks that's all right God chooses only the strongest they'll cut it they'll make it and and God will strengthen them they will always make it through why they're God's election they know from God's Word what it is that we're to do to keep that plumb-bob straight on that line and to see that the children are fed the truth in God's Word whereby they're not deviated off course by things of this world that are so easily - they're to be set one and catch them off guard and make what they might think as enjoyment when it'll kill you it'll ultimately take you down the enjoyment of the so-called world when in Christianity is true pleasure is to love him to serve him and as a true Christian to know each other and to be in his service doing his work and waiting for that time knowing God is never going to cut you out and knowing and trusting him that he knows everything that you have need of but at the same time he knows when he must move in his will he may have to do things sometimes they'll seem a little tough to you but you can cut it why well you cloudy why because God chose you and you proud deep in the first Earth Age that Satan's rebellion and you're going to do it again that's why this elder son why his father would go out and whine would talk to him let's see what he says to him here verse 13 after he told his dad you've never done any of that for me thirty but as soon as this thy son was come this one that wanted his liquidity which has devoured thy living with harlots thou has killed for him the fatted calf and and and here you have it again I want to re-emphasize that even the angels in heaven when one does return rejoice so be able to appreciate that yourself don't show any jealousy in God's favor of blessing that one and walking whelping welcoming them home why because it is a time of merriment that's what we're all about is planting seeds converting people and bringing them back into the kingdom of God this is why especially the prior the last verse of the prior chapter is so important you got to be a little salty being a little salty gives you the courage the knowledge and the wisdom and the wherewith to understand the deeper things in God's Word and to know that God loves especially those that he chose as his election and he is their inheritance he is their portion and finally he will show this 1:31 to continue and he said unto Him son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine do you understand that now better all that I have is thine why because God's his inheritance not just the liquidity here not just a few shekels down here that it can go party with but everything in this world is owned by our Heavenly Father in your part your inheritance as one of the firstfruits as one of God's elect is God himself everything that God owns is yours you have a part in it that's why it's well worth working for that's why it's well worth putting out the effort to know and to understand even this parallel parable especially because it is of the prodigal son it is those people that go astray and actually why we were sinned there's two the sinner to bring them back into the fold to teach them and to let them know that God does love them and and again well it doesn't seem like that much to me it does to the angels and God in heaven because they rejoice when you accomplish that one little thing of planting a seed and that person grabs it and sees it and hangs on to it for dear life it can change lives it's salty and it seasons life it gives life and it causes people to understand so study on and study the course it's a slow go sometimes but that one that very one is worth it all just to see that one come into the kingdom and God and the angels to embrace that one in their arms to take him back home and especially God's the doc the elect having a part in everything that is God's own verse 32 to complete the chapter it was meat that we should make it was necessary and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found that's what makes it all worthwhile you know for someone to be spiritually dead I mean that one I mean that took him clear that to the lowest level of actually living with carnal flesh the lowest carnal flesh there is a bunch of hogs in a hog pen I mean sloppy muddy mess they saw what he sunk to before he had the courage to wake up and understand the love of our Heavenly Father and the fact of the wickedness and a trickery deception that Satan will work in the minds of people if you're not careful in the ways of the world oh but it's so nice out there all no it isn't it is a dangerous sick diseased mixed-up world you don't need the disease Christians don't have to worry about that disease but those that get out into the world do and as long as God sees fit to correct you it means he loves you because when He loves you he will chastise you and when he stops chastising you and he just about had this old boy there he was in the hog pen all the way at the bottom and who's singing there I want you to think about that who sent them or whose fault was it it was his own fault people must recognize a responsibility on themselves it was his idea it was against his own father's wishes his idea that put him in that position but praise be to God it was his own thought and conscious and memory of what was good within his father's house that brought him back home willing to only be a slave just like you've heard many people say if I could just make it to heaven and just just be a doorkeeper or something that'll be good enough what anxious to get to make that cut well to be a part of the family of God is a wonderful thing but this young lad put himself there but he brought himself with his own cognate back to the Father back home and back in good standing and the thing is God's election many times that have stayed and worked in that garden straight through it's real easy to be disappointed and kind of jealous sometimes don't be even the angels in heaven rejoice when one of these new ones that's dead God loves all of his children and when one of them sees fit to come back to life a spiritual life making the eternity that's why they rejoice in heaven why because that's our home that's our eternal home and it will be right here on earth when all is said and done that's why that always be responsible for your actions don't always point fingers at other people and try to lay the blame and don't ever blame the acts of a criminal or a bad person on your regular citizens it's not their fault it's his fault and know that God is on the throne and when you accomplish that one thing even the angels in heaven rejoice that's really something friend did you know you had that kind of contact with our Heavenly Father would you do when you serve Him don't ever forget it you don't want to end up in the hog pen you want to be a servant of the living God alright don't miss the next lecture bless your hearts miss in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 34 6 4 5 that number is good for importantto rico throughout the u.s. alaska hawaii all over canada spirit mooch got a question share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we do not judge people not our job our father does that we want to be pleasing to the Father but you do have the right to spiritually discern that's a gift from God to discern what is right and your responsibilities don't ever forget it that helps you find the correct path whereby you have that way that is always pleasing to God and in heaven alright those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking God God is very aware of everything that happens in this world and and he is so pleased with his election when they do what is right think about it alright let him know that you love him he wants your love and he does love you may not love what you do all the time but he sure loves you return that love and be blessed once you do that father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch in your shoes precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time and we got a pretty here this would be I am my name is hope I'm age 11 from Michigan is it bad to say Xmas instead of Christmas my grandma listens to you every day faith is my cousin and she sent a question too and I and your other cousins sit one too it's good your grandmother keeps you all crack in there that's good I'm proud of you you know the the letter X in the Greek alphabet is kind and and when we are doing documentaries and we see an X and then you have a reverse P placed on it as that's a row in the Greek that's that's Chi R C R in other words it's symbolic of Christ but it is not we do not want to cut Christ out of the mass that we have at his conception so it's better to he likes to be good you like to be you like to hope you like to be called by your full name and so does Christ Herman from Missouri since we were created in the first Earth Age how was our spirits or Souls assigned to our parents in the Second Earth Age the flesh earth age well our Father has a reason and a purpose for everything but the beauty is I always feel and teach that you are born into what you deserve but the beauty of Christianity is wherever you are you always have the privilege of working out of it even the tears themselves even the canines have the privilege and the opportunity in God's love to repent and find life eternal if they so choose that's how precious our Father is and he I I never questioned his fairness because he's always fair and quite frankly it's really a dangerous thing to wonder otherwise so we we get what we deserve but we can always do better all right that's that's the thing that Christianity always brings us up not down hardly from Ohio I heard you say several times that Jacob and Esau had two separate fathers I have to disagree with you I don't think you've ever heard me say that okay would you please explain Romans nine ten that says they both had the same father I think what you're here what you've heard is to be to say that Cain and Abel had separate fathers you've never heard me say that that Jacob and Esau had separate fathers because they didn't you're you're confusing Cain and Abel with those two okay John from Florida why does God have to have bodyguards like Michael the Archangel that is what is he afraid of he's not afraid of anything but he is careful he's wise and the Saint said there were a group Michael and Gabriel I'll take those too but they're so precious to Almighty God that they didn't even have to be born a woman as we are God's elect never had to be born a woman they serve God straight through and they still do and so so actually they that is one reason he would not but at the same time we have satan to deal with and satan is wicked crooked a thief he will kill as many of God's children as he has an opportunity to by that I mean lead them into death because of his pride in himself and that's why that we have to be on guard how father I mean you know look at Heyman Gog and how he ends in Ezekiel chapter 39 we have a beautiful army but in that final battle of Haman GOG i'm not talking about Armageddon but in Haman GOG a whole army comes against us God does not ask us to lift a hand he destroys them yes and you don't ever think he's afraid of anybody but he does have order and to have order there must be discipline and to have discipline there must be discipline Aryans Michael and Gabriel or disciplinarians they're going to see that God's Word comes to pass as it's written they're servants of the Living God Michael from Washington are we physically going to hear the seven trumpets sound especially the six than the seventh Trump have to hear them you will by the actions that transpire when each of them sound why well what does a trumpet do it it it executes the command that means it starts well what is it at the sixth the Antichrist appears don't think you're not going to know it it's going to be advertised around the world and the news and headlines won't be that Antichrist has returned the headlines will be Christ has returned and the whole world will after him that is that are deceived that do not know that he comes at the sixth trunk and then of course your you know the seventh Trump in more ways than one you're not going to have to hear it but physically a change will happen to you you will change from your flesh body and transfer into your spiritual body and and there we go into the Lord's Day for the true Christ will return at that time there will be no difficulty in recognizing the sixth or the seventh Trump the fifth Trump is going now it is to teach what happens at the sixth and seventh so that God's children that will study and listen or not deceived Stan from Vermont last time you taught Hosea three you said that Israel was all 12 tribes but unless I missed it you teach only the ten northern tribes also in Hosea 4:1 you teach the ten northern tribes I agree with Bullinger that all twelve tribes are included here which are what where are we wrong thank you well I think you're maybe a little confused by health of Israel and the nation Israel the house of Israel is twelve tribes the nation of Israel I'm sorry the house of Israel is ten tribes I'll say that again the house of Israel signifies ten tribes the nation Israel twelve because why there is a split the house of Judah is two tribes and the house of Israel is ten tribes but the nation Israel this is why that you hear me say many times when the word Jacob is used it signifies all twelve tribes for he the father there okay Loretta from Indiana thank you you're welcome question what is a heretic can you explain Titus 3:10 I would like to know what this means as I don't understand this well it's real simple it's what it says is there is if if you have a heretic two times then it's time for them to go because of what a heretic does check it out in your Greek is they split churches they're always going north when everybody else is going south okay they they are never with the program and they always teach something opposite of what the belief of the the founding fathers are therefore they are a destroyer a splitter of churches a schism and practice schism and are a danger and that's why Titus 3:10 simply says get rid of them there there are there are trouble they never pulled together ray from Canada how do we know if the good Lord is punishing us or not well as long as he loves you he will but many times you have to realize we bring things on ourself also and I believe that if a person always take response responsibility for their own actions and you pray in the morning when you start out and if God thumps your gourd a little bit say thank you and go on for change to the other plan and and keep piling but make sure don't don't think that everything that goes wrong is God's correction but God is going to move his elect where he wants them because they're already judged from the first Earth Age he can interfere in their lives to bring scripture to pass as it's written and he makes it well worth their while surely from Arkansas please explain Ezekiel 23 verse 1 well 23 verse 1 simply introduces a whole and a whole about which are 2 would be names for the house of Israel in the house of Judah today Ahola is the house of Israel and a holy bar is the house of Judah God expected a little more out of a hole above than he did a hole and they both turned out to be harlots why because idolatry they kind of broke off and kind of began chasing other gods and so forth and this is why that in Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 God divorced the house of Israel ma'am I mean he gave her a written divorce Nancy from California why do you say that there are different races in the world I agree that there are different ethnicities and nationalities but only one race the human race please explain thank you I don't think I could explain anything to you Nancy and if you don't if you don't understand there are different races in the world then there wouldn't be much I could help you with and there's there do you think that sounds like a bad saying no God created the races on the sixth day and he looked and he was proud of every one of them and yes they are called ethnos in the Greek tongue if that's what you're confusing yourself with but it is true that all beings are human all beings have souls but there are different races and and unless you are blind all you have to do is walk down the street and you'll be acquainted with several of them and they are different races that's the definition the proper they you know political correctness has got our vocabulary so messed around that common sense can hardly prevail and people like to confuse themselves but saying we are all one we're not you know this is this causes racial problems by not respecting each race with dignity or its own ethnicities its own customs and treat them with dignity and respect them and there's no problem Joan from Georgia when I watch TV I see people putting their hands on a Bible and swearing to God to tell the truth is this okay to do I agree with promising to God but I don't like swearing to God what is your opinion of this how does God view this situation well it's his word it's his letter to us and thank God it's probably the only time a lot of people ever touch the Word of God and maybe maybe that's a good sign maybe it brings some of the best out a time to tell the truth I don't see anything wrong with it to me the Word of God is a letter that God wrote to his people and and he expects us to take that letter to hold it to use it to have it every day in our lives to draw from it to take advice from it to plan from it it should be a part of our lives for Christ is the Living Word the logos and so it is I see nothing wrong with it now if God puts a conviction on you that's fine no no problem we're still Betty's Louise from Alabama when I was about 14 years old I made fun of the Holy Spirit when I went to my brother's church I was told that I would never be forgiven I know my father and the Holy Spirit I don't want to go to hell will I absolutely not you know Louise the man can't tell you whether you're going to heaven or hell God does and and God knew that at 14 you were innocent and probably I'm going to assume it was the way they were acting and what they called the Holy Spirit maybe wasn't even the Holy Spirit okay so don't cut yourself too short there's only one unpardonable sin you did not commit it it could only be committed by God's elect after listen to me after the Antichrist appears on earth that hasn't even happened yet so you're home free God has forgiven you God loves you you return that love and be blessed your heaven bound Jason from Iowa as long as you continue following him Jason from Iowa my question is I heard and is it true that man will bring up arms against God well naturally you could read I quoted it earlier Ezekiel chapter 39 that Haman God will come and GOG will come against God's children were the walled cities which is the United States of America along with Canada I'm gonna come right against us into the land of Russia and and as it is written in Ezekiel 39 not our army going to knock them down God is going to destroy them in their tracks before they ever reach one city and why but he wants them to know you know communism says there's no god but he wants to show them that he is very real that he is God and he is going to clean their plow big time but the time they see him and recognize that there is a God it'll be too late for some of them unless they can saddle up and ride right in the Millennium okay but it's going to be a bad day at Black Rock for Haman GOG that army will come against God it will not it won't last five minutes why he's gonna rain hail storms waiting 180 pounds down on him big time Cathy from North Carolina please tell me the definition of Messiah Messiah is a Hebrew word and it means The Anointed One and you've heard me say that even the prime of it is as rubbing with oil of our people that's what Christ is he's the anointed one with all of our people that's why Christians should anoint when they pray for healing that's why Christians should anoint it with you all of our people well what does do all of our people it's do you know what the name of the olive tree is in the Hebrew tongue Ella yeah which is the sacred name God in his sacred name and the oil from that tree it isn't the oil that does it but it your obedience to use it and do it God's Way that causes God's blessings to come upon whether it's healing driving away something wicked from your home or sealing your home against any evil influence in the name of Jesus Christ the Messiah David from Minnesota fester Murray you had stated that the course of Abia is a date my standard King James Bible states there are 24 courses of abaya I'm sorry I don't believe your King James Bible would state there are 24 cases of courses of abaya for a bi there are 24 courses but abaya is only one of them do me a favor make a note of the abaya is the eighth course to make it simple out of the twenty-four it is known as the eighth course now I want you to go to first chronicles chapter 24 and I want you to read verse 10 when you read first chronicles chapter 24 verse 10 it will say the eighth course is the course of Abia okay it will also tell you what all the other 24 courses are there all have a different name it is a date because when that course the eighth came to be Gloria from Michigan please explain Luke chapter 10 verse 19 that's one of the most beautiful verses in God's Word it's where God gives you in his name power and authority over all your enemies but not only over them but to tread on them I mean make mincemeat out of them in the power in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ so many might say well isn't that hate speech no that's not hate speech at all that's what needs to happen to Satan's little spirits and anything that he might send against the Christian nation okay that's that's just the way it is that's why it says to tread upon that means to stomp okay that means to walk on that means to put under just like it's written Christ is at the right hand of God until his enemies are made his footstool under his feet treading upon them okay going to happen and it happens all the time when one of God's elect puts down Satan's little practitioners all right hey I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse but most of all God loves you for it he makes his day and when you make God's day boy is he gonna make yours I mean big time why he loves you return that love to him and be blessed once you do that we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that again pressing God he always will bless you but there's one thing that's more important than than anything else in your life and that's this and you listen good listen good now you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study our pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series grab it Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study of God's Word [Music] now here is pastor Marie all right good they tell you god bless you welcome again to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study praise God we're glad you could make it we're ready to get into our father's word do you know what we're just going to visit again today I've just got a few verses that I want to discuss with you to pick up on our discussion and then I'm
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,102
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold, Bible, Book of, Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Chapel, Shepherds, Arnold Murray, KJV, Shepherds Chapel, Book of Luke, Pastor, Luke, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Holy Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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