Luigi is CAPPY? A Very DARK Mario Odyssey Theory! (Game Theory Parody)

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today I'd like to talk about Luigi's strange absence from Super Mario Odyssey strange because of the many references to him throughout the game yet the Green Man himself is nowhere to be seen and what about his sudden unexplained return in Nintendo's recently announced update well here's the short answer to all your questions Luigi is dead and dead and now for the long answer let's start by visiting the shops of the world where you can just casually purchase Luigi's clothes being bartered off wait what why Luigi's clothes being traded away in some random store along with some other familiar costumes you might say these as simply replicas but that's not the case let's take a look at the descriptions of two particular costumes belonging to Diddy Kong and Wario a red cap with a strikingly long brim smells unusual presumably the Hat is dirty from being worn on Diddy Kong's head and it smells like monkey so this already seems like the real deal the kind of outfit that you want to wash at least once before you wear it hold up if these are real does that mean Diddy Kong was skinned doesn't that mean the owners of the other costumes were likely also killed so they could be stolen oh dear what kind of ill fate is befallen our poor Tim and Luigi in fact that would mean the shops in Mario Odyssey are making deals on the black market that explains why they inexplicably owned so many rare and classic items this also explains why only one of each item is in stock since they're all stolen items but then what about Mario all his clothes are being sold too well Mario did die and have his clothes stolen which is why the shops are selling so many items Mario should already own we can be sure that he even died from falling off the ship in the Mario onc intro or survived the fall and died somewhere in between there and the next scene the only difference to Luigi is that Mario had a spare one up this is why he went to purgatory otherwise known as and he was able to leave freely therefore it stands to reason that when mario and possibly luigi die off screen mario would have been wearing one of the costumes which are original to mario and see if the costume were from an earlier mario game we already know he would have no reason to be wearing it following these deductions we can figure out what the brothers might have done and that got them killed if they were together at the time we have a few options the captain's hat caveman outfit snow suit resort outfit happy outfit employer uniform black suit clown suit Mario's tuxedo and lastly the king that bit although we can rule out the captain's hat Mario's tuxedo and Kings outfit since they are given to you instead of being purchased the snow suit makes sense which could suggest Mario and Luigi froze to death somewhere also the resort outfit might suggest some kind of accident at the ocean and the black suit might have involved mafia ties which explains the stolen clothes you know seeing the red and green chairs in the Odyssey only left me with an empty hole in my heart where Luigi should have been but something occurred to me what if Luigi has actually been with you all along it could well be that Luigi and Cappy are one and the same you see considering the leads we already have that Luigi has passed away it's only natural that he would turn into some kind of boo mushroom kingdoms equivalent of a ghost considering the cap Kingdom contains a more civilized subspecies of boo otherwise known as Boniface he would have likely turned into one of these it stands to reason that bond eaters were peaceful people like toads and humans and the boos that attacked you were Bowser's minions before they died all of which are stuck in limbo due to unfinished business in the world of the living whether it be attacking Mario or helping him this explains why Cappy was the first to rush to Mario's side upon seeing him fall from the sky and even why he ran away at first the way she didn't want to upset his brother by seeing that he's dead and decided to instead lie to Mario that his name was Cappy and be able to travel together also did you notice how Cappy knew the shape of Mario's hat to transform into despite apparently only just meeting him Mario might not have even known that Luigi ran out of lives for one reason or another anyway all of this fits perfectly together remember how Luigi is traditionally player2 in mario games while it's the same in mario odyssey at the very end of the game in dhaka side when copy is saying his final goodbyes this could be because luigi fulfilled his purpose of protecting his brother and has to passed on from limbo into the over there as seen in Super Paper Mario I might know what you're thinking there Nintendo recently announced an update to Mario Odyssey where we'd you would make an appearance as the host of a new minigame at first is through my theory into shambles but then I thought about it some more and realized something there are three main factors we need to look at here the function of one ups the facts Luigi's real clothes were stolen and Super Mario Galaxy you might wonder why Mario Galaxy well this game contains something very odd there are two Luigi's okay so which luigi is the real one most likely the one you get two players since human-controlled Luigi has been the real one since his early days on the Ness NPC Luigi can be assumed as the fake in both Mario Galaxy and Mario Odyssey alike then again what if both of them are real we find a possible solution by looking at once or specifically how they work assuming Mario and Luigi don't get hauled out of every pit they fall down back to the start of the level one answer to this could be that they create clones it is possible that whoever uses the one ops to create the clones believed Luigi was dead and created the clone but then after collecting all 120 stars in mario galaxy luigi is discovered to be alive and you're stuck with both of them if we know for a fact that there are at least two Luigi's alive regardless of whether one is a clone why is there only one in Mario Odyssey it's simple the Luigi who Nintendo is now presenting to us is not the real Luigi he has to be the clone because Luigi's real clothes are sold to Mario at the shop then again maybe Luigi just ate a clone cherry and forgot about it or something ok so what if the clone theory is wrong what is the true identity of Luigi's doppelganger can we ever know for sure surprisingly the answer is still yes the man you see before you could be someone most of us are quite familiar with someone who has been around for many years long enough to have grown the same fear and facial hair as Luigi and the person who I am referring to is balloon fighter i'll start by stating the obvious Luigi's uncharacteristic fondness of balloons which has never been a defining feature of Mario's brother before now if anything that the real Luigi would be too scared of heights to fly around with them if that wasn't enough to convince you look at the release date of the original balloon fight for the nests 1986 that makes balloon kid 31 years older than he was at his debut more than old enough to be sporting a fine display of facial hair also since when tis the weed you wear a bowtie pop even if all my other theories are wrong it's still possible that this Luigi we're seeing is just Luigi's dead body being controlled by another bonnet er however there are clearly no eyes on Luigi's cap so we can't really say for sure regardless of his identity it's clear that the fake Luigi is wearing fake luigi clothes to match then again one other possibility exists the fake Luigi could have killed the real Luigi himself in which case he would be wearing the real clothes and Mario would have bought the fake ones by the way in case you were thinking maybe Luigi owns multiple sets of clothes let's refer for a moment to the opening of Mario and Luigi on the Game Boy Advance in the intro we can clearly see that the brothers aren't inclined to keep spares Luigi is shown hanging up Mario's clothes on the clothesline before a half mood Mario rushes out the door and puts them on Mario would have simply put clothes on inside the house if he had another pair why else would you put on wet clothes before they dry that's just gross and with that my lengthy theory of Luigi's death is complete have I blown your mind or maybe you have something else you'd like to add be sure to let me know down in the comments and please subscribe thanks for listening and good night
Channel: SKELUX
Views: 1,400,821
Rating: 4.2089376 out of 5
Keywords: mario odyssey, odyssey, switch, sm64, sunshine, galaxy, paper mario, wii, wii u, hack, mod, asm, trick, easter egg, secret, update, star road, star world, sm64ds, luigi, l is real, luigi theories, theory
Id: HB5vw4IEAkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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