Lufthansa Business vs. First Class | Worth the Upgrade?

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I've been looking forward to this moment wow  not quite the same as the first class champagne   I don't think my journey to the gate could be any  more opposite of what Nate is experiencing right now good very early morning from the Lanza first  class Lounge here in Frankford if you play the   miles and points game and you want to lay flat  flying across the Atlantic Lanza usually has   pretty good award availability and you may be  faced with the choice is it worth paying 70,000   for business class or 100,000 for first class  to answer that question today Cara is going to   review lonza business class today and I will be  reviewing the first class experience because you   know somebody has to do it and we'll be comparing  the two experiences also if I or we look a little   tired today this journey actually started at  1:50 a.m. in Tunisia so we haven't slept very   much but we're going to do our best to stay up  and enjoy as much of the experience as possible   share it with you also I uh I ran a marathon 2  days ago so I'm a pretty rough shape struggling   way more than I thought it [Music] would so  are you going to say thank you thank you for   letting me come with you to the first class  Lounge this is one thing that Cara definitely   wouldn't be experiencing if she was in the  business class Lounge which is this dining   room with the allart menu I'm sure they have a  buffet with a lot of nice food options this is definitely we didn't ask for these the uh  bartender just made us a custom surprise   cocktail at uh a ridiculous time before we go  any further I just wanted to let you know that   what is arguably the best travel credit card on  the market has just increased its sign up bonus   from 60 to 75,000 points historically this card  only raises its signup bonus once per year so   if you have room in your wallet for a new card  now is the time to sign up we will leave a link   in the description below and it massively helps  us out if you're going to sign up for the card   if you click that link first because we'll get a  commission and that's how we support the team here   at Daily drop also at the beginning of the year  we surveyed all of the daily drop readers 14,000   people responded to that survey and this was the  most popular card in Daily drop readers wallets   because it's amazing okay let's go fly with tza  link in the description QR code on the screen if   you want to give us credit if you sign up for  the card thank you so much okay this is where   the experience starts to differ if you're flying  first out of Frankfurt on luk tanza you get picked   up in a Porche and taken to your plane instead  of having to walk to your gate meanwhile I don't   know why I do this to myself as usual I spent way  too long in the lounge and I'm on the opposite   side of the airport yet I started boarding 1  minute ago hopefully the shuttle gets me there quickly honestly feels so weird and  uncomfortable doing this without Cara I   usually have somebody to point the camera  out and now I just have to point it out myself made it the plane is still here I  don't think my journey to the gate could   be any more opposite of what Nate  is experiencing right now gosh I'm sweating oh it's real cheers Cara cheers  it's going to be a good flight I'm going   to see my sister who just had a baby yesterday  congratulations yes he's so cute I'm so excited   I was immediately greeted with a glass of  champagne which was very lovely and yes I'm   coming to you from the toilet they've handed  out the menu so I've gotten an idea of how   much the champagne [Music] costs not quite  the same as the first class champagne Nate   is drinking much better than I am today the  quality of champagne is one of the really big   differences between first and business class and  the fact that I can say that means I've ended up   in a very different place in my life than I ever  thought I was going to I can't believe this is my life food wine this might be the largest menu  that I've ever received on a plane they're not one   though all right let's check out the first class  amenity kit clear bag I think that's a first we've   got a shoe horn that car doesn't have that ey  mask velvety soft inside headphone cover nice long long oh mg it's body cream oh I'm definitely  stealing this I have a quick disclaimer before   we go any further I just need to make it know any  day in business class is light yours better than a   day in economy especially when your flight is 11  hours I am so excited that being said I have had   the opportunity to fly lons first before so just  know that this is a comparison video this is not   me complaining about anything that I experienced  in first that I'm not experiencing in business   obviously first is going to be better every  single time please just don't think I'm a spoil   BR [Music] okay a hand lotion and comforting  cream socks oh and a wooden toothbrush and   toothpaste meant to be pretty simple not much  to it I kid you not when carefully first class   she got one of these and I stole it and it's  the brush that I've been traveling with for   almost 2 years now earplug a mint last but not  least a wooden toothbrush they're promoting   reusing in the bag when you get home which  I appreciate because I have quite a few of   these that just sit in the drawer got a set  a pajamas and also a free Wi-Fi voucher the   fact that you pay thousands of dollars for a  business class or for first class ticket and   this isn't guaranteed is crazy to me but I'm  very grateful that Li Tazza provides [Music] it all right now that we're up above the cloud  so let me give you a quick tour around the seat   down in my right armrest we have all of the  seat controls in my left armrest we have the   remote for the TV which is good because there's  no way you're reaching it like a touch screen and   over by the windows there are two compartments  for storage and then up in front you got your   TV which I would say is a very normal siiz TV  for first or business class however it's so far   away that it almost Stills small also this has  to be one of the roomiest seats flying in the   sky super open Super spacious but with that comes  the drawback of a lack of privacy with that said   I have not tried out my privacy about it yet so if  I lean back I'm kind of in my own cocoon but like   if I lean up like I'm eating or something I can  still see everybody I feel very exposed in lons   at first you have like a privacy wall and you're  basically in your own little cocoon that's not the   case here there is very little privacy they gave  us these really nice blankets very thick and a   mattress this pillow is pretty squishy too however  there are no PJs days at least not yet there   really isn't a ton of storage for just personal  items that are easy to access under the armrest   there's a teeny tiny slot for the headphones then  there's a remote for the TV and that's about it   even though I don't love this seat configuration  compared to first class because I feel just a   little exposed and quite awkward filming so I  really hope you enjoy this video I like being   in the middle aisle because I don't have to go  over anyone to get to the restroom and nobody   has to squeeze over me however there is tons of  space heaps of like room you're just really cozy   with your neighbor and if you don't know your  neighbor it's a little awkward meal service has   begun they are serving a 2016 Bordeaux which is  one of my personal favorites when I got to fly   first class my flight attendant literally poured  me a red wine tasting not sure I'll be doing that   on this flight but I am going to enjoy this class  good stuff the meal service started out with a hot   towel and an appetizer of tomato zucchini and  hummus with another glass of champagne you feel that starter of fancy cavar is definitely  something that sets the first class experience   apart from business but honestly I think I'm  equally excited about my first pretzel ever on   an airplane I could use the mustard but that  is a good pretzel I ordered the special asan   vegetarian meal y looks like I'm starting with  a little Mesi plate of hummus some kind of yummy   grain salad maybe babaan and those delicious  grape leaf wrapped rice things got some peer   bread on the side a bowl of fruit some kind  of spicy like kingi kind of smelling stuff   and warm bread very happy about this it's  just fun because I only eat this on super   special occasions it's not even that I love  cavy it's just the memories that it brings   back I do miss you car and I wish that you were  here to enjoy this with me so I pre-ordered the   vegetarian meal and this is an Asian inspired  NZ we have cooked eggplant Bob and I believe   pickle radish cooked pineapple and Pila got to  go for the bobos first oh God the Boba good is   definitely the star of the show and last  but not least for my main I got the roast   cauliflower with quinoa and potato puree AKA  mashed potatoes these uh toasted basil leaves   on top really take it to the next level for my M  I have a beautiful plate of lots of rice Curry and veggies so good definitely eating this whole thing  K and I have been texting and she sent me a bottle   of the Bordeaux that she's drinking I just looked  both of them up this bottle cost $150 and her   cost 25 the budget backpack G me does love  knowing that I'm drinking the most expensive   wine on the wine list and getting the most  value possible out of this flight I think   these are sweet potato chips on top and it's  just kind of weird to have it on top of like   what I would expect to be a fancy meal kind of a  weird combo of things going on here if for being honest ending my meal with a little  cheese plate I'm sorry for the acccident a very large mirror a normal sink have a  body cream mouthwash deodorant spray facial mest how for you car I was wrong look they have  earplugs and eye mask plus hand disinfection wipes   mouth wash and this super yummy lotion I'm really  digging the lighting in here as well we have these   mood lights pretty typical sink typical toilet  always appreciate buing Mir and then we've got a   couple drawers with a few other amenities towels  ooh free collaps cone some more facial Mist Cas   in a shave it really like that the toilet turns  into a bench have a nice view from the bathroom   wow love that par first class and then if you  need to change clothes or maybe change a baby   you have this little table that PS down on the  wall all right and those are the Lanza first class   pajamas little small I can't put my arms down I  remember car's being like blue and white pretty   unique I'm never going to complain about all black  those are the team colors these are like the best   favor towels I've ever felt they literally feel  like a tow solid toothpaste as well I'm going to   attempt to set alarm and only sleep for a couple  hours usually n's the one that wakes me up I just   sleep all the way to Dallas while I was changing  into my PJs the flight attendant made my bed she   put a mattress topper on it I've got this huge  stupid a and if I'm being honest I've been looking   forward to this moment oh ever since I got onto  the [Applause] plane morning 4 and 1/2 hours left   on the flight pretty proud of myself for waking  up woke up to a breakfast sandwich and a hot cup   of coffee life is good in business class okay I  have a confession I'm usually pretty easy to pleas   but that was the worst sandwich I've ever had the  bottom of the sandwich was soggy and the Tomato in   the middle was frozen I tried to eat it I really  did just going to finish my coffee and the office   meanwhile only 2 hours left in the flight and  I think I smell food I'm so excited I've been   feeling really guilty for what I said about the  sandwich I mean it was really bad this is just a review this bed is amazing I think I could have  slept for 24 hours straight there's so much space   Oh and the mattress pad was everything there's  no way I can eat anything else wow I'm getting   a whole new meal not going to lie it looks  exactly like my first meal which I love so   I'm not complaining it was delicious wow Curry and  my fifth episode of The Office what an amazing day perfect I was wrong it's not the same looks  like the other Curry might be the same from   lunch no what potato Curry on the other side  this is amazing one other really nice thing   about flying in first is that there's only  eight seats and two bathrooms so they're never crowded thank you so much you very much was  amazing nine very short hours later we have landed   in Chicago and I would happily get back on that  plane turn around and do it all again if given a   chance so is it worth an extra 30,000 points to  upgrade I think that totally depends on what you   want out of your flight if you just want to get  somewhere comfortably and well rested for your   trip save the points fly business class business  class is exceptional I've had the best day you   have so much like space the wine is delicious the  food is delicious the service is great obviously a   thousand times better than economy every single  time but if you look forward to the flight   experience almost as much as the trip like I do I  think it is totally worth an extra 30,000 points   to upgrade to first class because it is a true  experience that first class Lounge is just nuts   especially if you go to the first class terminal  where you have your own security not to mention   the ride to the plane not quite the same as a  private Porche ride then there's all the little   details like a better Infinity kit the pajamas  the comy bed Center wine options are so much   more expensive you just get so much more attention  in first class they're always checking in filling   your drinks um I feel ridiculous to even saying  this but this is a comparison to Y it's hard   research somebody's got to do it also this never  happens but my bag was actually the first one on   the carousel I really appreciate that Lanza so  hopefully this helped if you're trying to make   that decision or at least you were entertained  we'll be in Dallas soon where now I get to go   meet my brand new de yay hope you enjoyed this  video we will see you on this channel again soon not tempted actually slightly sented maybe I  would say looks are 7 out of 10 tastes is 10 out 10 don't put that in there haed thought oh
Channel: Daily Drop
Views: 259,625
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Keywords: Lufthansa Business vs. First Class, Lufthansa Business Class, Lufthansa First Class, Lufthansa, lufthansa first class review, flight review, Kara and Nate, How to book Lufthansa business class using points, how to book Lufthansa First Class Using Points, Miles and Points, Daily Drop, kara and nate vlog, lufthansa first class seat review, business class, first class lounge, kara and nate first class, business class seat, lufthansa star alliance, points and miles
Id: bME6hxXzuvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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