Lufthansa Boeing 747-8i's Dramatic Touch and Go at LAX | Airline Videos Live Capture

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of course we got the lensa queen just running about 5 minutes behind here today not too bad E1 now rolling down as the L Queen on short final for two4 right this is the we in the 1500 747 sticker just a small little sticker in the back of the plane 545 just continue straight ahead and hold short of Charlie contact round7 good traffic w w we getting that go around holy moly wow going around what a that is the roughest Landing I think we've ever caught on our broadcast holy moly wow we thought the 4 turn right heading 21 for [Music] traffic 46 traffic at your 12:00 in 1 mile the EMB 1, n00 46 maintain 2000 2000 46 contact departure on 125.2 Wow a wor smelling that now so the lansa queen will get another chance up next once again Lans flight 456 coming in from frankfur the 7478 Intercontinental having a rough extremely rough Landing first time around going around after slamming it down on right proceeded by heavy 7471 24012 Runway 24 landan 061 heavy contact soal departure 01y Skyway 3242 traffic will hold in position prior to arrival reduce the finaly 29 traic Runway right right9 butter butter this time around kind of looked like they were going to slam it down again there for a second then they pulled back up a little bit and brought it down complete butter this time around boy oh boy we found the 456 heavy turn left at alpha alpha cross Runway 24 left and back to be the brid
Views: 3,239,154
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Keywords: los angeles, boeing 747, plane spotting, plane spotting lax, airline videos, plane spotter, lax plane spotting, lax airport, boeing 747-8, heavy aircraft, jumbo jet, lax spotting, los angeles plane spotting, big airplanes, boeing 747 landing, plane spotters, airline videos lax, plane spotting lax live, plane spotting live lax, plane spotting live stream, plane spotting live, plane spotting lax landing, lax plane spotting live, boeing 747-8i, boeing 747-8 lufthansa
Id: yUHsWr-K3Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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