Scariest Crosswind Landings Caught on Camera

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from a 500 person Airbus in Germany that nearly lost control and an Ethiopian cargo plane that got caught in a strong Miami crosswind to a stormy Day in the UK that put dozens of Pilots to the ultimate test and much more here are some of the scariest crosswind Landings caught on Camp with roughly 16 million passengers in 2022 du dorf airport in Northern Germany is the fourth busiest airport in the country IT services flights from all around the world with trips to and from the UAE being the ninth busiest route on October 5th of 2017 an Emirates operated Airbus A380 came in for a landing at dorf meanwhile powerful Crosswinds brought on by Cyclone Xavier smashed into the plane our Pilots had to lean on every second of their training to land safely but things didn't go so smoothly once they finally touched [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] down look at how heavily the wind affects the wings and tail fin imagine being in the cockpit knowing more than 500 people are relying on you to land safely thankfully these are some of the most skilled pilots in the world the Airbus A380 is the world's largest passenger plane it features two fulllength seating Decks that can fit between 525 and 853 people comfortably as of today Emirates Airlines has the largest Fleet of a380s with 123 ready to fly the next largest is Singapore Airlines and they only have 14 Ethiopian Airlines is the largest airline group and cargo operator in Africa from humble beginnings in 1945 they'd eventually be named the best airline in Africa in 2017 they made further history in 2018 after agreeing to twice weekly freighter flights between Ethiopia and Miami it marked the first ever cargo route between Miami and the African continent things ran pretty smoothly over the next few years then in April of 2021 an Ethiopian cargo flight caught everyone's eye when it made an extremely Rocky Landing to their credit the pilots did their best after getting caught in a strong crosswind there was a scary moment when it looked like the front gear wouldn't touch down had they gone any further on the rear wheels the pilot would have had to abort and circle back thankfully the front gear touched and the plane stopped safely since this was a cargo flight the only people on board were the pilots and crew hopefully whatever they were carrying didn't suffer any damage if you're flying into North Somerset in the UK you'll likely land at Bristol International Airport in 2019 they were ranked the eighth busiest airport in the UK servicing over 8.9 million people according to their website the numbers have kept going going up and up and up Bristol International was dealt a lousy hand in August of 2020 the pandemic had already limited the number of flights they could service now storm Francis was coming to make those flights harder than they already were plane after plane battled 43 mph Crosswinds as they tried to land at Bristol International thankfully these Pilots were highly skilled in the art of crosswind Landings it may look a little silly but these crab style Landings are the safest way to land in stormy conditions first up was an EasyJet Airbus A320 from iness Scotland let's see how this pilot weathered the storm km or more overcast 1,800 ft towering cumulus detected temperature plus 18 Q Point plus4 Q7 Thresh oh my goodness we'd call that perfect execution but what's harder Landing during a crosswind or taking [Music] off the general consensus is crosswind takeoffs are easier than crosswind Landings that said it still requires skill and finesse to keep the plane from veering off course next up we have a Ryan airflight ei- ekn from Bucharest Romania watch how this pilot executes a perfect crab Landing ensuring the nose of the plane hits straight on the runway Max [Music] the crab method is how Pilots land during a crosswind if they kept their nose pointed straight ahead the wind would push them away from the runway and into the grass by turning into the wind the pilot counters the force and can keep the plane online then they turn away at the last second ensuring the front gear touches down on the center line as you can see the plane looks like it's flying sideways hence the crab method the next EasyJet pilot from the Canary Islands pulled off their crab Landing perfectly watch how the plane looks like a puppet on strings as it comes down for even small private planes have difficulty Landing during a crosswind let's see how this cesna 525b from big and Hill handles the rough conditions for thankfully every plane flying into Bristol that day landed safely still some passengers were in for rockier Landings than others take this Tui Airways flight from Greece for example according to our resident plan spotter Mr Aviation guy none of the planes had to abort any Landings despite 43 mph Crosswinds now things weren't as peachy in other parts of the UK storm Francis brought record-breaking winds and heavy rainfall to different parts of the country thankfully things weren't too bad in Bristol and now Pilots could stick to their scheduled flights if you enjoyed this video and want to see another just like it be sure to click the link on screen now with that thanks for watching and be sure to tune in next time
Channel: Most Dangerous
Views: 286,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most dangerous, top 5, top 15, aviation, viral, trending, moments, scariest crosswind landings, crosswind landing, airplane landing, emergency landing, scariest plane landings, caught on camera
Id: cvcHVcQ8sPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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