Trackmania Rewind - All 39+ World Records from 2020 Analyzed!

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okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to trackmania rewind 2020 today we're going to analyze all 39 world records that were set in trach Mania Nations forever during the year 2020 there were 39 of them they're all really good runs crazy to have so many improvements in a 12-year-old game but we're very lucky that we do have that so we're going to take a look and see how they were able to achiev the records how much effort it took what discoveries made the records possible if we go ingame here into trackmania I have set up a folder so the first world record of 2020 was A8 endurance heest set a world record here last year on New Year's Eve just after watching the fireworks he got back home he set a 5587 a bit later that Year Roland was able to beat it with a 5583 and after that heas took it back again with a 5571 which is where the world record stands now so we're going to have a look at both of these runs and let's see the first one so Roland is the first Improvement haest is the fastest time so ao8 endurance if you have not SE seen this this is three laps last lap has a big shortcut and most of the time gain here was actually done in the normal way driving they're driving very very fast almost as fast as the no shortcut world record in terms of pace and then you need to hit this very lucky bounce in the last lap so you can see half there Wheels literally inside the wall and that's going to be a case here for most turns just insane Pace by half on that run which is where he find most of the time over rolling but now we're coming for the shortcut through this turn they jump out to the right here bounce on a water border and fly straight into the Finish very beautiful great runs by both players half of us currently holds the world record the second map which came right after the next day was D12 SP I got the world record here in October of 2019 and I kept it a secret until New Year's and the day after heest beat me and uh set a new world record on the track so we're going to have a look at this from my point of view I lost the record this year but uh it's a very good new record by have f as you can see here he got a bit of a better start then we go for a shortcut where you slide on this Edge and he just got way further to the right bit better speed in the loop from me I catch back up but uh I hesitate a little bit in these turns and uh half beats me out in the final wall right here Stronger by halfast so heas already in the second day of 2020 has two World Records the next record was by link who is a very good upand cominging player from Australia he is 15 or 16 years old and very interestingly he plays with a N64 controller and the record that he beat here is or was at the time actually the oldest world record in the game it was set by me in 2015 it stood for a little over 5 years uh before link was able to do this let's have a [Music] look so already in the start here controller is a little bit faster than keyboard gains a couple hundreds there then you have to turn around here get the checkpoint go up with speed I had this a little bit better I'm going to catch back up and then on the shortcut you have to go to the right here climb the wall and Link with a bit of a better drop down better Landing better speed and an improvement of five 600 of a second 2802 so I've I've lost two records already in in 2020 it was a rough start to the year for me the fourth record C13 old record here was set by demon 4027 and this this track had a sick battle year half Fest on the 21st of January improved it by 300s then Roland came along and got a 4022 bit later that year and uh in October I think it was demon beat it back with a 4020 so I think we're going to have a three-way comparison here between Roland haist and [Music] Demon halfast roling and [Music] Demon demon had a very strong start to his run there's one unique thing about this track and it's that you do a backflip to save time here after this turn you hit the ring intentional back flip to reduce air time and you can see these players all got it really nicely drifting around the turn demon just a little bit more speed than his opponent gains that lead and now it's a very very precise part in the ending here really got to just hold strong get through the turns and demon 4020 is the current world record it is a very cool track and and that's why you see such good players with those records fifth record of 2020 was again halfast he's gotten four of these already or three I think but half has got a lot of Records in the start of 2020 here he took back C15 where he lost his world record last year to Pablo so let's have a look at this Pablo GD had this record and half has Beat It by 900s of a second so better start from ha this Loop is incredibly buggy very hard to get through it and keep all your speed then you have to push through this dirt very tight line by both players line yourself up for this uphill turn half a starting it much wider which gets him more speed here now than Pablo all the way up to the ending and he holds very strong here more inside line and then it's the final release tap here into the Finish very well done by both players the sixth record is D15 endurance and the very interesting thing here is that that going into 2020 I had this record with a 711 we had a very big world record battle between me and flicks to see how far we could take this track and we ended up with flick having a 7313 saving nearly 8 seconds on a track in a in a 12-year-old game which is like unheard of but the main thing here is that there is a shortcut that that you can do every lap it has 10 laps so you can technically do the shortcut 10 laps in a row but doing it 10 laps in a row is incredibly difficult and very unlikely you could do nine shortcuts and fail the last one and then well you have to go all over again so coming into 2020 I had done a run with one shortcut as the world record this run right here this was the world record 7-Eleven um and then flicks came with a 10 shortcut run right after but all the shortcuts were a bit sloppy and so I beat it with like three shortcuts then he came with another 10 shortcut one which was still a bit sloppy I beat it with like five then he came with another one with 10 shortcuts I got it with like seven but finally he got the run you see ah had here which is 10 shortcuts in a row and nearly Flawless there are not many big mistakes in this flick R and so beating it now is going to be very very difficult it is 10 shortcuts in a row pretty much all clean and uh very very hard to go any fast in this you have to do that bug SL saw we can skip over to it this is the shortcut right here instead of taking the turn here you have to set yourself up for this mountain you can't really see it you just have to feel it go sideways land in a bug slide and go through the lap 10 times it's it's a fantastic run but very interestingly uh recently I was digging around a little bit in Discord and I found the screenshot which is from 3 years ago in 2017 where we're talking in the fwo chat in Discord and flick says we should make a list called cuts that no Sayan people would even begin to hunt where we would Place bo4 nose bugs AO3 Yuber eo5 Yuber on the first few laps and I mentioned D15 end cut on the first few laps as one that should belong on this no same person would ever trial list and flick says like yeah I agree we should place that one there and then you know like two two three years later we're both hunting this with like seven shortcuts eight shortcuts he does 10 and it's just like you know how times change right how times change I thought this was kind of cute cuz like three years ago this shortcut wasn't even in our perception like no sane person would try it but at last we did and we beat that world record down by about 8 seconds that year solid this was in February the next record was by me I did this chat a 10395 on D13 beating rayance of all people let's have a look at how I could beat D13 I made a whole video about this but uh I basically hunted this a lot in February because I had lost so many world records I was a bit upset I wanted to get some back and I thought this one was the most likely Ray on a start and his one was very tough to go up against but the shortcut is where I could uh gain some time so after this turn here you have to skip that little chicane and uh I had it nearly perfectly here landed super early good speed and I'm going to catch up to rayons here around the turn and now it's just all about the ending a bug slide through here and then you hold that all the the way I overtook going down the hill I'm slightly ahead last turn is sketch and it was barely enough barely enough to hold a lead against H and I got a 10395 improving this by 7 hund of a second next up though it's a big one c14 this needs some context this was one of the 10 world records or nine actually that went unbeaten in 2019 the year that we tried to beat every record we could not beat this one the reason that we could not beat this is because the world record on this track consists of a absolutely Bonker shortcut right here this run by half as The Story Goes we were playing online after discovering the shortcut and after about two hours he has got this run on the track the track is three laps you do a shortcut in the last lap so for the first two laps here just drive like normal but then in the last one things get crazy let's actually skip into the last lap here it has live reactions it's it's really great if if you have not seen it before so last e e that's what he said if someone beats this I'm quitting track Mania but what we hadn't really considered is that there was actually another shortcut on the track found before this one in June about one month before we found the Yuber buug there at the end uh Yuki had discovered this on the track and he got this here A bounce almost onto the road here and effectively what this shortcut skips is this very slow Road piece here you can see this this road part you have to go so slow to avoid crashing so if you can do this bounce let on this road with full speed we we experimented with it and it saves 4 seconds so what you could do is you could drive one lap normal way do that shortcut in the second lap and do another shortcut in the third lap and you could theoretically beat half us this way but there was one player in April of 2020 who after playing this track for 300 hours 300 think about that number 300 hours all right guys virtual from the future here uh this video and a couple of other ones that were in this full live stream had copyrighted music in them so when we tried to upload this entire thing to YouTube it got blocked in many countries so to substitute that I'm now going to commentate over these parts and provide a little bit of insight about what I was saying so that you don't miss the context of things but this first one here this is of course Dennis on c14 urance his legendary shortcut time where he was able to beat halfast Yuber book so in this first lap he drives it normal way and now he's coming up towards the second lap here passing the multi-lap and this is where things start to get crazy so uh around this time we figured out that you could beat halfast if he did a combination of two other shortcuts so here he's going to go for the first one where he's going to build up a lot of speed here line up sideways for the jump land in a bug slide and then bounce with his back of his car on the road border to land perfectly onto the road keeping all the speed and it is just so beautiful I'm commenting on here saying how fast at this but he's not out of the water yet he still needs to get this last shortcut where he's going to do the old approach for the shortcut where you land out on the grass so let's see how he does this now slipping to the live point of view he's going down the loop just has to try to land this one sideways again land a little bit earlier on the road so he bounces later goes down to the grass and it is just perfect and now there's just one sculpture hit to go and he gets that two goes into the finish and that is a 14057 a new world record by 1 second and 2300 and it took him thousands of attempts and over 300 hours you can see as he saves the replay now his mouth shaken he types it in 300 hours later he finally met managed to get the [Music] shortcut just just look at this look at this he writes it and then look at his Mouse now you can tell like he's really hyped here you can tell how hyped he is he he's like you know he can't believe it it was a very sick run here the next record is A9 race and this was set during the 11th of April 2020 but it needs a little bit of a backstory basically uh the day before on April 10th I did a stream where I played some RPG tracks and near the end of the stream I I decided you know before the new TR minia game comes out which was about 3 months away let's sit down and let's theorize a little bit about um what shortcuts have we still not done in the game there is this video street style Clan the movie from 2012 uh this was found by trabar I think this video but in this video there's a very interesting run by these players in street style clan on a 9 so look at this there's one of these cars you have to pay attention to I'll pause it for you you see that this car is angled differently than the others this little angle change this is a player called prag and we knew his last sector where was insane we thought at first was cheated until this video was discovered because that little bump gives him so much speed look how fast he is like this was a huge time save that we didn't really know existed but tra found this video we were like yo why haven't we tried this so we booted up 9 we all got on the server and tried to replicate this bug and after only a couple of hours Trinity got this one this one this is beautiful this is totally beautiful watch this huge lift goes full speed lands clean it's the fastest check in history and he holds it and we all just started SP because what is that time 2438 a new world record by 800s on an almost Max track it was just insane it was absolutely insane and everyone heard the news and came on the server and just congratulated him like what was that you know it was very fun everyone just as soon as it happened everyone just booted up TM went in and started spamming that that was 9 but if you don't know what happened there I'll try to explain it uh there's a bug the Ramstein bug on the connection point between roadblocks so Trinity goes wide here to try to drive over this blue border exactly where two blocks meet right here this corner and he crashes into the start of the next one so his wheel lifts up and then it dips over the edge here so he has way less Air Time clutch air braake to stop the rotation and it's just it's just so much faster let's see this from Ron's point of view that's that's how much time it saves it's such a sick find and such a well done run it's ridiculous so uh and this old record was very strong too but yeah that was a09 next record was d10 Race by heest who else heest beat Shell's record on the track by 300 of a second let's have a look one interesting thing here is they're going to have the exact same start pretty much that's because you want to steer at a very specific timing there halfa catching up here bit better drift now they jump onto the scenery and they're going to jump to the right here to pick up the checkpoint they skipped earlier jump back on the road have has lower air time better line and that's the overtake now just has to hold it in the last drift very similar lines sh catching up a little bit but half has TK that just barely 300 of a second getting another record next one is going to be B10 speed this is another one of those Maps where you see players like demon heest Roland they're all very good on tracks these race hunts um so going into 2020 world record here was actually a 3452 by halfast demon beat it a bit later with a 3451 I don't have that replay then he beat it with a 3449 and Demon took it back with a 3445 later this year so we're going to watch the final battle Demon versus Heist on B10 this is a classic in track Mania here you [Music] go so they get a small bug in the start there tilt the car demon had a much better start they speed slide then they get this one wheelie to go a little bit faster the skids on one wheel full speed small release here then try to avoid drifting the car now they have to land and cancel slide both players get it half is with more speed but demon with an insane ending takes it home with a 3445 so the very sketchy thing there is that demon in the end here risked a cross here and was able to have just a little bit more room to push for this than halfast half is released and uh so close to not making it very good ending there by demon good runs by both players B10 now the next record d04 race on 420 the 20th of April 420 2020 um something interesting happened here let's first have a look at the old world record by ULU this was uh set in 2019 it's a strong record let's have a look so this is a very close to perfect one uh the hard thing on this track is that it's very technical it's uh a lot of obstacles and drifts you have to nail and a shortcut in the ending so uh Ula here with a very good run no mistakes jumps over this pipe small little shortcut and drift around here and now there's one more shortcut in the ending which he got nearly perfectly this little jump skip here in that tiny Gap and towards the Finish solid one honestly very very good by theu but I mentioned that stream we did where we discussed shortcut ideas and in that same stream not only did we come up with the idea for A9 but there was a very very interesting idea we came up with for C uh D4 so let's have a look here this is jav's video then on this shortcut stream I also looked at this track and saw the rout over there you put this a bit louder well if you skip checkpoint one you go immediately down to two you go two three one or four one and then some lucky bounce over this wall to the Finish just an idea I also gave up on this CU I thought you can't get past that anti- booster this one with the speed we have can we make it from here to here in 3.8 seconds I don't know I I really don't know uh it looks pretty it looks pretty rough boys I don't know all right virtual from the future back again here now we are on Deal 4 with this new shortcut story so it all started here with Rao playing around with the idea he got a very close attempt which spurred our team into action first we created two practice Maps this one was about to turn to see just how much speed you can get up the hill and then after that another practice map was made where we tested with that maximum speed to see what type of Bounce you could get if you did everything perfectly so here you can see the different approaches that you want to go as low as possible to try to hit the sign in a way where you fly as far forwards as possible many of us didn't believe I was even one of them despite figuring out the shortcut discovering it again I didn't think it was possible but after a full day of trying link got the Breakthrough that we'd be hoping for this is that attempt goes across the booster gets some speed and let's see how far he can fly with that onto the sculpture but he crashed into the Finish now it was goal time with these things you didn't really want to do it on the practice map you kind of just want to have to do it once so everyone went onto the original map immediately and that is when heas got this one here let's have a look so pretty good start halfus again he's just too good man and that's that's the problem half is too good [Music] so solid drift it's very hard to get the necessary speed to make it across that booster and have enough speed for the ending but if we look at half here for the ending across the boosters hits the sign flips lands on the sculpture bug slide into the finish and he gets the author Mel believe it or not this is the first time he finished do4 so he got he got an author M with the the fastest time in the world on this track beating the old world record by about 1.6 seconds that was how he got the author medal on do4 of course of course so yeah uh that is fun that was the uh 12th record in 2020 next one the 13th record of 2020 was also heest this time on co6 where he beat dker are you starting to see a pattern here are you starting to see a pattern about about what happened in in 2020 in this game [Music] 300s of a second this is a very optimized track already hard to improve Jer had a very fast start clean line here see how even they are but then right here halfast gets a very good drift in this key uphill drift and he keeps more speed than dker and this just snowballs all the way to the ending so he has a big lead now last turn no hesitation all in and that is enough for a new world record actually barely hit the checkpoint there halfast if you have a look at his point point of view here haest barely hits the checkpoint right there so he gets a better angle downhill uh it's something that's hard to really notice but it it saves so much time like that little touch is the difference 13th record the next one well this is a big one so A1 the very first track in the game coming into 2020 the world record was a 2386 but in May of 2020 there was a big hype around this track to try to beat the record and it all started with dker here he first set a new uh non speeed slide record as we call it it's uh just the fastest time without a certain trick on this track um and then he started going for the real record and he got this r on the track comparing against Aus world record 2386 this is darker versus Ula here so drer had a little bit slower start but then he had a much faster speed slide and coming up to the Finish he is ahead but right before the Finish Line he loses it and at first we thought he might have gotten a bug but the sad truth here is that dker actually barely touched the wall if we go very slowly here you might be able to spot it right there he touched the wall and that cost him two hundreds of a second that little touch we had one of our tool assisted speed runners or task creators uh duno recreate the Run With A better ending without the touch and this resulted in a 2385 so we knew that there was at least one more hundred left to to gain on the track we knew that uh Jer played the track a lot Rolan um also Trabia they all had PBS of 87 but every hund here is is so hard to get it requires like finesse that you haven't seen before um but about 2 weeks into the grind we are all just just stunned when uh we go to uh do I have this here no okay so we are all just stunned because on YouTube Trabia uploads a video about A1 and the video that he uploaded was this video this video right here so he's playing against ders no speed slide start which is the fastest start on the track and he gots a good one this is decent gets a good speed slide has good speed you can hear the breath 2385 100th of a second faster and that's a pretty good paycheck of skill points here's the comparison so UL in this run had a very fast start even faster than turbia it was very close to perfect but Trabia catches it all back up here by canceling the slide earlier and going more straight up the hill this was something that didn't really make sense to us at the time because here you can see the Finish Line just a little bit ahead but this right here was something that didn't make sense to us because we had always thought that the longer you hold this slide which gains you speed uh the faster you go so it us utilized all the space here slides way longer you can see the difference but this actually gave you a very bad approach for the uphill so tabaro discovered that by stopping the slide a little bit earlier going more straight he gets more speed and this is how he was able to to beat the record so after finding this we were just like wow that is crazy you know that's that's as low as we're going to get here now 85 that's insane but Trabia wasn't done on a01 yet a few weeks later I think it was one or two weeks later he uploads this to YouTube [Music] once again playing against the same ghost faster start this time better [Music] turn he's ahead and it's a [Music] 84 2384 now he has just gone 200s of a second faster than anyone else in the world on the very first track in this game and and the gravity of that is hard to explain it's so impressive to have that difference cuz millions of players have played this game so many people have tried this track and he has now point two of lead and here he shows really what goes into it in order to get 84 he had to tie 2385 six times so at this point he's driven seven times on this track faster than anyone else in the world he tied the duus record eight times this is a third place time seven 17 times 4488 4189 like that's what it takes to get this and I think he's maybe I don't know if he shows it he shows Ulus reaction which was just he was stunned everyone was stunned but Trabia wasn't done yet a few weeks later Trabia did this this run right here the run on [Music] ao1 the ultimate [Music] a11 maybe reach the Max on A1 race one of the most popular and 3.83 the en of man [Music] G so at this point he is now 300s of a second faster than anyone else in the world on the first track in the game it is so ridiculously impressive it's an absolutely perfect speed slide very very good one that I I don't even know what more to say there is a toess speed run on the track and he was 100th away from it but what's interesting is that one small Improvement on when tabaria Taps break in the air on the last jump also gives him a 82 so if he to break I think a little bit earlier here he would have equaled the 82 he would have equal the assisted run which I mean maybe puts it into perspective but if we go to TMX and we go to A1 this is how the leaderboard looks like on the track right now tabaria with a 83 ULU with a 86 Roland and roer with 87 and that's the difference this is this is so right here this is so insane huge respect to Trabia for that run for actually pulling it off H ridiculous ridiculous next up we have E2 endurance my world record I set this world record in 2019 and to achieve it I used a shortcut route that was found by job uh took a long lot of mathematical problems to find this shortcut route it's a very efficient route it has six shortcuts and it's very difficult to execute but there is also one faster route on this track which has eight shortcuts and I thought that was just too dumb there's no way anyone was going to do it so in 2019 I grinded this for about a month and I did the the six shortcut route on the track and I got a 334 and the difference is is that at about one minute into the track here there is a crossroad where you can either go to the right or the left if you go to the right that's the six shortcut if you go to the left that's the E shortcut and in the spring of 2020 there was a big hype for hunting this track Rao was hunting it uh crosshairs laoba Fu were hunting it um and we were playing it online usually in rounds mode it's a lot of fun uh everyone starts at the same time and then you see who gets a good run you know so you're just competing having fun with it all righty then virtual from the future back again uh as Razo was driving this run here on E2 to get the live world record he was listening to spinning records some uh Czech Republic rap music here which uh did claim the entire video and block it in several countries so I'll be taking over the commentary here but basically he is doing the E shortcut route this route was discovered last year with jav's computer algorithm and uh he's now doing it to try to get the world record the old world record by me did six shortcuts and this is one of the first runs actually the first run to be faster with the eight shortcut route so he's already done two shortcuts there first one in the start and then that one that we just saw now he's going through the zigzag part but basically this route is all about getting to the fourth shortcut if memory servs right the fourth shortcut is the hardest one so here he's just driving through the turns in the zigzag section going to exit it here to the right and then move onwards towards the third [Music] shortcut but yeah now we're uh going through here 103.5 there is very solid it's a decent pace he's then going to go to the left here climb over the wall with third out of eight shortcuts land down on the road here Rao does this part always so well it's really good gain about half a second there on most people now he goes to the left so this is where you go when you do eight shortcuts if he had done the six shortcuts he would have gone to the right there so the fourth shortcut here really is incredibly hard it's coming up right now on the left so he's going to set up drift to the right and then full left and try to make this Gap over the ru there beautifully done by Rao to land perfectly on the road now he's going through the checkpoint here and this is sort of when the Run begins this is when you know you have an attempt at the record and he still has four more shortcuts to go so it's it's by no means over but if you get past that fourth one you're really talking now we're coming up towards the fifth one where he's going to drift around here and then try to climb from wall to wall here keep enough momentum over that climb that you can make it to the other side and now he's out five out of eight so this is when not only Rao but the spectators on the live server start to notice like he is on fire Pace right now so everyone spectating turns their eyes to Rao he only has three shortcuts to go here and the pace so far is spectacular here comes a six shortcut where he jumps out to the left tries to land on the road here and it's very important that you keep good speed on this Landing he does keep the speed he has 280 just about which is enough to make the subsequent shortcut the seven shortcut to the left here and now he just has one to go and if he lands his final shortcut this is officially a banger of a run it's coming up right after this turn he tries to set it up he sends it over the wall here and he lands it and if you look at the chat now in the bottom left corner as he turns on the interface people are freaking out because this run is just the first a short run that is fast enough it's so sick and they're just telling him please save it Ray so please save the ending you could fail the end here and it could be really bad two turns left to go and you can see he's not taking any risks with these lines just driving as safe as he can final jump here just want to land about middle on the road and that is a 32906 a new world record by 5 Seconds and the first ever eighth shortcut run really well done by Rao to keep calm there after seven clean shortcuts and one of the biggest improvements this year uh 2020 was that run right there 5 Seconds saved in a 13-year-old racing game it's not something we see too often so uh mightily impressive by Raz to do that but the interesting thing here is that this was done I don't know if you guys can see it I might be blocking it with my camera this was done at 3:30 in the afternoon 3:30 but that same day 1 hour later at 430 another player got the world record on the track or so he thought he had also grounded the track for a long time laba Fu here and he uploaded his time before Rao did he got a 333 but he was 1 hour too late from being the first person to do the eight shortcut rout he missed it by one hour and uh yeah people MD him a little bit here oh no no no so that you know that's unfortunate sometimes you're just unlucky with your timing and what more is there to say sometimes you're just unlucky but he still got recruited to fastest way only the shortcut team for actually doing it for grinding it for so long so uh we felt for him it was still deserved and that's the story of EO eo2 today 5 Seconds saved the 16th track here is uh co5 endurance the old short it on the track was a one 4358 by rayons but in May of 2020 IU started grinding this track on stream he grinded it for I think a week or two and uh after all of that he finally got this one he had played for a long time you're going to hear it Chris I don't want to know it's been way too much way too long of a hunt he's very tired of the track at this point been hunting it for a while it's a two laap track and he's playing against the ghost of R On's record here the other car so solid start 300s behind co5 has the sketchy turn coming up drop down into a turn here between the poles and he did it really well here gaining about a tenth on Race Huns 10th ahead now coming into the second lap wallbang on the outside keep good speed and he's going to hold the lead so now all he has to do is that sketchy turn one more time and the record is his but it's very hard to do gets good speed here keeps the lead 1400s now it's shrinking a little bit but this is what it comes down to it looks sketchy but he makes it through cancels the slide yes it's done we got it we got it we got it and he gets a 143 1300s ahead of R try almost 143 4 [ __ ] five oh yes my heartbeat was way too high in lap two oh Jesus G the pain has an end g g to so I'm not really quite sure how to introduce this next I'm not quite sure because this is one of the craziest things that has happened in recent trackmania history I'm going to give it my best shot here but basically in 2019 we had a big hunt for records a lot of players try their best to set as many world records as possible and in that process race hunts ended up losing a lot of World Records he had many old world records in the game and they almost all got beaten he went from like 20 World Records down to about five or six left and in the start of 2020 like late 2019 start of 2020 he never retook any of them and we were finding this kind of sus um so yeah like basically we didn't know where rayon was was he ever going to take back his records was he just going to let it stand and move on to other things well in June of 2020 we got the answer when our NAD bot that updates us about world records uh sent us this that rayon had just uploaded five world records at the same time okay people are like what is going on at Dono finds this video 15 by race hunts and what has actually happened here is that rayon has just un horded 15 world records at the same time we're going to watch this video from about the start of 2020 this is the video and the thing is people were saying like race hunts was dying you know race hun was just getting beaten by everyone leave rayance alone he was tired of these comments so he wanted to prove people [Music] wrong all right so virtual from the future back again this video here by Rons is one of the craziest in trag media but also one of the most filled with cop music so we are just going to commentate over it we're starting with A14 here the first track in the video where he fittingly did a 20.20 in 2020 saving 100th on the old world record BYU but this track is so close to the Limit that there really just isn't more room for improvement than this but he did get 100th to's take it a little bit lower now bo3 which he did a 2545 on ALS saved 100th of a second here just driving cleaner racing lines than his uh his competitors there have been some interesting developments on this track though but I'm not going to spoil it we're going to talk as if we're in the mental state of January 2021 when we did this video on stream b11 race here 2965 by Rance here he saves 200 and this is actually one of the six runs in the video one of the most underrated he's going to drop down here onto the platform now land on the dirt here and then go through the checkpoint between the cacti just drive as smooth of a raising line as he can and then final turn here around the green inflatable block so close to it into the finish and now we're going on to the next map B4 where he beat uh half by 3 hunds of a second so he drops into the house here Lins with the slide releases a little bit then goes as close as he can to the left and now in the uphill here it's all about a speed slide tilting the car speed sliding towards the left he has that almost perfectly and then fully grips the end and goes into the Finish but he was not done in the green tracks cuz he also got B15 saving 200s here on the old world record by ULU really good jump in the start here tight turn tight around here to Tilted drop down to the dirt to land a little bit earlier but yeah I mean there isn't too much to say about these they are just so incredibly impressive close to perfect here you want to tilt the car again full grip on the booster got that really good and uh yeah this is just uh this is just Rons doing what Rons does best C1 race actually one of the sickest improvements that he had this one yeah just watch this for your for yourself and think like this is such a good run and the ending here the last turn is uh is spectacular and now CO2 where he beat one of my records uh in this video I actually lost three world records from rayon's un hord this being the first of them where he beat me by 1100s of a second on se2 he had a really good wall Bang there where he crashed into the turn that saves a lot of time and he had it nearly perfectly now he's going through the middle part where you just drive full speed with with that speed that you have from earlier over the grass part and then this last turn is really where he gained everything just uh super good last turn jump into the Finish 3819 a stunning time now C5 endurance where he beat dulu who uh got the record earlier by 100th of a second and for such a long track that is a very very small Improvement but it is enough to let him rank one and this has not been improved ever since so it just shows how close can be you know 100th across such a long race is incredible I skipped a little bit ahead here since we already watched the track but yeah Ray was able to get this back from ID so crossing the Finish Line there and now D1 which although it is a long track I think we ended up watching this entire thing just because of how mightily impressive this track is for me uh there are a few tracks in trackmania where you'd think anyone can get the world record it's just a luck Fest you know who gets the best yearbook on a12 you know the the most dedicated players usually win out there but it is also just a matter of luck and chance there there is no chance on this track there is no luck there is no God there is only incredibly skilled players battling back and forth here because here you need Precision you need endurance you need game Suns you need to be able to no slide to speed slide to drift this is just a pure skill Fest on do1 and even someone like myself I lose several seconds to the pros on this track and the the the way ra is playing this is just beautiful to watch so uh we watch this one in full and I think he only gained 200s here on demon but uh yeah well no spoilers but uh this is not the current world record anymore it was when he did this unor though can even see demon in chat there bit a bit of a spoiler for what's coming up later but yeah I think he's in the fourth or the fifth lap now two more to go got to keep the Precision the momentum and he's just executing everything here so so [Music] well is that the last turn oh that is the last no it's not toed one more left to go as he drives up the hill now so in the last lap there they intentionally take a wider line because they don't really need to recover it but that last turn is always so risky so let's see how he does it now in the fifth and final lap of deal1 full speed oh here he actually went more middle than I thought he did perhaps saving it a little bit D2 race here 45 56 by race sounds this was a world record by 3 hundreds of a second at the time he said it there's been some developments on this track lately as in future virtual talking lately but at the time this was done and also at the time that this was recorded on stream this was the world record there's been one new strategy Improvement since where on this jump you land not tilted sideways so that you don't slide around this turn and you have a lot more speed but for time this was a beautiful run and this end trick here where you crash into the wall ride land back onto the quarter pipe is just stunning do5 race this was another record that I lost I lost it by 6 hunds of a second here and this track has a lot of shortcuts first one here on the ring where you bounce up to the scenery and go around this turn and drop down on the side and here on the grass Ron did a new line where he slides a lot in the beginning of the turn and then he doesn't slide through this he just gently steers through the turns a no slide as it's called and this new line there ended up gaining about 2.3 of a second on me so he was very far ahead of my world record on this track but then here in the ending you still have to do one more shortcut jump or you have to hit a very specific 380 speed to make a jump so after this turn here when you drop down you want to have 380 speed he is a little bit too fast he has 3 83 and he also jumps sideways which assults in him landing on the fence crashing a little bit and actually losing about point two there in the ending of that run it could have been a lot faster but it was still a world record run but almost went wrong there for R now do8 which he improved by 900s of a second and this run is a beauty really really good start really good turns keeps full grip there sets it up all the way from the side here so you can take a tight turn through the checkpoint now all the way out to the right as much as he can before going fully left around the dirt Mountain as tight as he can he does not air break here to keep full grip with the surface afterwards through the loop a small release in this turn and then full speed drift cancel last turn is the name of the game now D9 obstacle 417 one I think this was an improvement by 500 of a second but memory doesn't serve me right here uh if if memory doesn't turn me right here then I apologize it's hard to keep track of all these numbers at the same time but uh watch very carefully this sculpture turn here cuz this this is one of the most beautiful uh turns in the campaign in my opinion this right [Music] here just so close to the inner Edge there staying as low as possible keeping as much grip as he can and just that that is just fast that is just fast to do and then the third record that I lost in this video D13 where Ray H beat me by 100th of a second I also fell victim to the 01 improvement from Hunts uh on this track I have considered taking it back but I haven't done so yet might do do so in the future you you you never know if I suddenly got the motivation to hunt another record but this is a big grind track especially this shortcut here this bounce onto the dirt is so hard to get right and then after getting it you still have to get a good bug Light to near the ending here so after this dirt part you now have to line it up sideways on this jump hold the drift keys do this bog slide through the turn hope that it sets you up for a good exit down this hill now do a low jump to the right side of this third turn keep speed all the way through and then jump towards the finish and he got me just barely by 100 Here and Now E1 obstacle the final Improvement in this video where he beat the record by what I believe was 400 of a second so overall in the video not the biggest improvements you know just a few 100s here and there but you can't really get much more in 2020 but just the fact of setting 15 World Records not uh uploading any of them until you just post this video drop this bomb and outdate so many records at once just shows your immense skill at this game and these are so varying tracks too like you have drifts you have full speed you have dirt you have shortcuts I think rayon could do it just about anything if he had the time and here he shows that he proves the haters wrong and he uploads 15 World Records in a 12year old game with a rich history of hunting with millions of players with tough competition that's just something that you don't do that's something you do not do all of these records here A14 B3 b11 b14 B15 co1 CO2 co5 do1 do2 do5 do8 do9 D13 and E1 all uploaded in the same day and when people saw this it was just like okay I think that's the last time that we annoy race hunts that that was the last time rayons is pretty good at the game he show that here crazy crazy records the next thing that happened was that on the 6th of June 2020 I think we have my favorite Improvement of this year Pablo GD and a07 race name a more iconic Duo than these two this is Pablo's favorite track in the game uh he plays it every year even though he has the world record by a big margin and to put this into perspective this is his old record here was a 2622 the second fastest time on the track is a 2625 let's just have a look at what this run looks like his old world record inside the wall there inside this wall inside that wall inside that wall inside that wall inside that wall inside that wall and then super close here and 2622 he set this last year now who in their right mind thinks like yeah you know what this run right here that I just drove I mean I could go a little bit closer I could go a little bit faster this was a little unoptimal you know I wasn't quite happy with this this wasn't good enough apparently it wasn't apparently for Pablo this wasn't enough because on the 6th of June 2020 he did improve it and we're going to put the camera on the run that is the new world record enjoy this is the new world record slower start but a much better end here and he's able to get one more hund somehow I I don't know enough about this track to know what exactly happened but he has a different line here he's a little bit more inside and when he goes up the hill here the car jumps and he gets grip earlier this makes him have a sharper line than his old PB and he's able to overtake uh it's the best end we've ever seen I don't know if we'll ever see anything better because this is just like against the old run it might look unoptimal right if you remove that and you just look at this on its own it is mental it is completely mental inside this wall inside this wall inside that wall inside that wall inside that wall and super grip end 21 but this is another one of those tracks where you really got to see the leaderboard to understand it you got to see the leaderboard on a 7 to understand why this is so incredible this is the top 10 at a at a point in time it was a tied world record threeway between demon Ron and Pablo for a 25 and since then he's gone for 24 23 22 and now a 21 that that's the top 10 it yeah he just really loves this track and he he perfects it so it's it's very cool to see Pablo on a07 they're a good dual the next world record that was set was C12 old world record by raso new world record by solution so let's have a look at this from rac's point of view the world record was improved by 400 of second [Music] Sweden might be slow at skiing but they're pretty good at trackmania so equal Starts Here Rao just a little bit ahead this trick is hard to pull off four times but in the end here they do have 180 Rao touched the wall and solution gets ahead has to drift though to get around the corner and he holds it by 400s of a second so just to show that 180 for from Solutions point of view this is where he found the Improvement not touching the wall that's actually such a sick 180 wait look at this look at this he has to touch the line that's so that's that's decent you know that's pretty decent that's a swag 180 to uh get that that was the 19th world record of 2020 the next one is A3 here where in the past we used to have a world record tie between kryka and cinto this was actually the case for I think almost three years where kryka from Germany and cinto here from Italy had the exact same time and the interesting thing about about this track is it uses a bug you have to use a bug to go faster so on this uphill if you get the Ramstein bug where the wheel lifts you can go at full speed land cleaning this downhill and then go to the Finish but both these runs are really optimal cinto had a bit of a slower start went for a wider line here so he has more speed but they even out near the finish and both got a 26 here so it's a very hard track to improve but Trinity here managed to get 100th on the track after playing it for what I think is again some absurd amount of hours I talked about Trinity's dedication in my A2 video where he played a12 for about 600 hours to get the record and he didn't give up and yeah on uh on a12 here A3 sorry on A3 he said I hunted this map for about 180 hours with over 500 Ramstein books all right virtual from the future joining in here to talk about Trinity's AO3 run so one interesting thing about this run that I mentioned is that Trinity uh did this in his first attempt of the day so he literally woke up decided to boat up track Mania do some attempts on A3 and very first attempt that day he got this one so he's loading up here he selects none and then here he starts driving A3 which will be a new record here but look at this turn it's a little bit wide he wasn't quite warmed up but he got this magical bug here perfect air braake timing to land in the downhill and keep full grip with the surface he has more speed than his Ghost and the final time is a 1825 beating the record by 100th of a second and now we're going to tune it back to Virtual from the past as the copyrighted music is over but just to show how precise this is uh you can only do this at connection point between two blocks so you need to hit that in this uphill now this is just something Trinity knows from hours and hours of playing but the point is right here where this roadblock meets that road block but going at 300 speed H this is pretty hard to aim for it's very hard to aim for this is just something you got to feel right there and then the air brake timing to keep the grip on the wheels all the way down the hill also very important and this is a beautiful run by Trinity to now get two bug world records in 2020 next up we have D1 rayon in his 15 movie where he got 15 World Records beat do1 but demon who had the old record took it back and improved it by 700s of a second let's put it at Ray's point of view [Music] here so both of these guys if you don't know race if you don't know demon they both played track Mania since about 2008 I think Rons actually started in [Music] 2009 but um yeah they've been playing for a long time both of them always focusing on campaign world records and it's just been such a long battle between the two demon and rayons they're kind of even they kind of like the same tracks and uh on Deal one here they've pushed the record like 1 second faster than anyone else so after first lap Ron in the lead demon a little bit behind can actually put the camera over at his point of view since it's his new record here gets more speed than rayons up this hill I I don't know too much about what the differences are but he's behind right now so he needs to gain it back somehow let's see where he finds the time oh better uphill there maybe two or 300s he's inching closer good release he's gaining better uphill here closing in now just driving a little bit faster oh that was a sick downhill that was a great downhill by demon so he's now in the lead holds about the same difference to rayons here final lap just the cor length but he again pushes this downhill better I think that's where demon found most of the time that downhill turn he just does it a little better and now rayon is out of sight like it's a really fast R here oh he catches back up though the demon with a better last turn oh my God imagine a 2-minute run driving Almost Perfect the final turn of the run and you do this stop it man stop it people are too good at this game people are too good at this game that's illegal that's pretty wild the next record that was set was also a demon record where he took back D9 from Rance and here demon got a 66 this world record yeah so demon here had a crazy start absolutely ridiculous like the fastest start on the track um in in the normal way he's really far ahead and he increases his lead here with a perfect release there you can see it's such a huge difference but rayon's sculpture was really good rayon gains a little bit back but it's just so much time demon panics a little bit in the end he loses a lot there loses a lot of the last jump but he stays ahead but right here at coming up to the last jump the difference was I think 2 almost 2 okay not quite yeah 15 so 1500s and he ended up 500s ahead demon but that's wild you know being 15 ahead on a track like this that's wild so good job by demon took back two records from Rons and then we have the story of B4 um in 2019 people tried to break all the records and this run here by sativa was a huge mood kill for players when they went for this this is a very optimized record it's hard to beat and it was set on New Year's Eve 2018 so it was barely out of you know range and it's honestly almost a perfect run like it was hard to see how could this be improved further this might look weird here in the start this bug but this is something people have done since 2010 this bug gives you a slide on your front wheel here which gains speed sliding on one front wheel gain speed and sativa had that almost perfectly followed by a almost perfect wall ride and his run was a 49 Z so if you were just a little bit ahead of this then you'd have the 48 but that was very difficult and there was one morning in the summer of 20 20 where hea sat down in the Tre media Discord that we have and he just wrote up like a whole article about you know could 48 be possible and then he decided to make a video and and this is like heest investigation on B all right virtual from the future joining in again as I said there were a lot of copyrighted songs this is basically half investigation that morning in the Discord he decided to make a video about his findings so say while it's short and simple three parts of the map have to be executed really good to get a good time the downhill it's the first part then you have the bug second part and then the wall R [Music] itself all of these parts have been executed almost perfectly by sativa in his world record the 12 12 49 so sativa had a 1250 here but improved himself to a 1249 gets a good downhill good bug and a good wall [Music] ride apart from nailing the three main parts Tas run was extremely fast because of a drift Mark so right here before going up the wall he gets a drift mark this say speed slide resulting from his car being slightly angled after the bug and this gave him a little bit more speed than driving [Music] normally it's also a very low 1249 if you beat it by only a few thousands you could get a 1248 he's been hunting B4 a lot the past days and he'd like to share the results and he did not get the world record but uh he did do some very interesting findings so here are all the bugs that he got that is pretty rare to do so many that well and uh he intentionally tried to get this slide that he saw in sativa 1249 so after the bug here tries to get those skid marks uh but it's very hard to notice because it is in the internal camera perspective so you can actually see your wheels and see the SK [Music] marks so he already managed a 1250 your halfus getting the bug going up the wall and he did get the that slide there to have a little bit more speed so another bug another small slide up to the wall and his 51 had that speed slide but start was rather bad he said and yeah you can see he lost a lot of time here did get the slide though catches up a little bit but then his wall ride wasn't the greatest either and so he lost that speed advantage that he had again but let's see what half us did [Music] here good start this time good bug and here you can see what I meant with the camera you can't see anything on this map when you play it normally but it's a 1249 so he equaled sativo world record here getting closer could it be beaten though was what H was thinking as you can see here he is behind sativa but sativa had a very low 1249 and Heist had a high one they both count as 1249 so it's an equal but the hunt isn't over he says he ends the video with that and you know the video title here it's will a 1248 ever be done on bo4 acrobatic that is the title of the video that is what Heist tried to figure out that morning and the next day the day after this after will at 12 ever be done on B4 acrobatic he uploaded a video called yes it will and that's what we're watching now remember B4 of course I posted a video two days ago two days ago rather but yeah you got the idea he kept hunting it and uh managed to get this run which uh is rather legendary here from Haas so not this one got a very small bug [Music] here I think it's uh it's the next one just has to save this one yeah so 3 2 1 go and now we're watching a rather Legendary Run look at this bug that he gets full back wheel lift into a slide here you cannot see the ghost anymore he knows this is fast and it is just enough for a 1248 so in the last video he mentioned a onewheel speed slide that he actually didn't get you can see it here sativ had a skid mark he didn't but what heest had was instead a full speed slide going up the wall and these skid marks uh if you don't know they do build up more speed than not having them there so if you look at the comparison here well first the render replay and then the comparison when we see the comparison you'll see just how much that advantage and speed is worth so full slide up good speed through good angle through the entire wall ride and it is actually 100th from Perfection this one truly so here you can see just although he is higher up he just has more speed across the straight and that is what makes up that 100th difference in favor of halfast impressive he is breaking the limit on bo4 since then soft has also gotten a48 I think and maybe also link I don't remember exactly yeah so right now it's a three-way world record tie heest soft and Link all have a 48 now after the speed side Discovery but uh it's very unlikely if we'll ever get 1247 here because the track is quite simple and it's very close to the limit at this point so yeah that is B4 how it was broken this year the 23rd record in 2020 well except for the 15 of racons but yeah next track was B7 here where the old world record was from halfast and the new world record is from ins 400 faster but this is an interesting date this was the 1st of July 2020 and what happened on this date was that the new trackmania game was about to be released and uh this is a screenshot from that Discord that we have for hunting records and Kim here says how is this that chat so dead it's only 45 minutes until the new game launches and uh heis and insane decide to go on a server and chill on bo7 before the game launches and in those minutes before the game comes out ins sets a new world record on bo7 by by 400 of second literal minutes before the new game comes out so let's have a look at this comparison between in and half us from ins point of view so this track saw one new Strat last year where in the final part they do a slide and then they go sideways across the grass and then they do another slide you're going to see it ins a little bit behind here they're going to drift go over the water edge bounce slide and now go sideways and then wait and slide and the crazy thing is in's ending was so perfect here like like this is wild to look at this right here is pretty wild to look at but when you're in this state right here the car is just going at full speed you're not losing any speed then you have to correct it back to 90° and slide and in does it really really perfectly he crashes a little bit here and ins catches up and overtakes just before the Finish 400s faster but yeah this ending is so funny to look at this ending is so funny to look at Wild Strat really wild Strat that they used here on bo7 but yeah so new TR Mino is now out uh tro 2020 most people are playing it um really except just one guy there was one guy who stayed behind who didn't get on the new track Mania hype immediately and that was halfast the day after the game was released um half has decided to take on another adventure and go onto D3 acrobatic so the old world record here was from pluster Rex he got a 15.30 and we can look at this run it is quite close to perfect this run by plus two beat the old record by by 100 at the time you know it's very hard to see like where can you improve a run like this until someone actually does it and uh on the 2nd of July F did just that when he uh made this video right here flush Emoji I drove do do3 world record twice flushed Emoji let's have a look so this was the old world record uh he played it a lot we're probably going to skip through a little bit here but uh he was just gradually lowering his personal bust 1531 that's 100 slower he goes for it again 1530 that's a tie and then Paul chimp 1530 again and then the first point two [Music] he was watching spam let's have a [Music] listen who it's good time 15.2 but he wasn't done with a 29 because he did actually end up beating it twice like the title suggests he kept hunting after [Music] [Music] 29 [Music] [Music] [Music] the new game has still just come out everybody's playing it except for Hest um 2 days later on the 4th of July Haas decides to play E1 obstacle where Ray on has the world [Music] record yeah see comparison that's a big Improvement every time I say half us take a sha don't please don't there's a lot more records to go don't do this to yourself no spoilers but yeah there's a lot more records to come so better start than rayons here it's so important to keep the speed here he really pushed that no slides while upside down no slides fall sideways good and then I like your angle here you angled down more than uh rayons so you landed earlier I think that paid off that was really sick 500's faster GG's halfast is fast yes yes he is chat the 26th record uh and after that nothing really happened for a while like this July the next world record that we saw in the game wasn't until the end of August so almost two months there where nobody really grinded for records because at this time he has got into the new game destroyed everyone there so there was a little bit of a buffer before things happened again but when it did happen it happened on D5 here where the old world record was 5820 by race hunt he did this in his 15 on horde but the thing about this one which got people interested is that um at the ending in the final jump rayon made a mistake he jumped a little bit too much left and when going through the Gap here he landed on the fence and kind of got stuck here uh this doesn't look like it cost too much much but it cost like2 of a second so people were like oh this is pretty beatable and in August and September this spawned an insane world record battle between uh three players you had demon actually four players demon heast race hon and Roland all battle for this record now there are so many records here I'm just going to show you the screenshots but it started on the 29th of August where heest Beats rayant by 300 of a second the same day demon Beats seest by 100 of a second the day after that demon beats himself by 500 of a second the next day rayon takes it back 5806 demon goes 5805 demon goes 5801 and then out of nowhere Roland with a 5782 beating the old record here by 20 almost this was a very fast run 2 gain and a certified dab Emoji here by everyone who saw it but a little bit later one week demon gets a 5768 and he dabs himself and that is where the world record on D5 stands right now we're going to find the run and uh show you guys this is comparing against Roland's 82 demon and red Rolland and blue so this track was improved by po 6 this year 6 of a second demon with a very good start and then they set up for this no slide here so stop sliding the car gently steer through the entire grass then this tricky dirt part both had it really good rolling even better than demon here but it's so close demon with really good speed towards the ending crazy checkpoints now the final turn 380 speed is needed absolutely insane Slide by demon there and jump in the middle not on the side and both did it so well we we got to look at that slide wait wait wait that was actually so I didn't even think about this look at this slide right here that is so sick at the end of the map demon so yeah that is the world record 57.68 lines it up in the middle easy clap and around this time uh in August people were kind of getting a bit bored of the new game uh there were only 25 campaign tracks there and after playing 25 tracks for two months you're sort of sort of running out of content you know uh maybe it's a bit boring to play those tracks over and over so people slowly got back into track Mania Nations forever and well actually uh the next record was it in October okay yeah no in October actually but this is a sick one it was in October demon comes back to TMF and he challenges race now this is a record from race that actually didn't um come from this un hord this was an older record by rayons let's have a [Music] look so this is a highly highly highly technical track back with one new trick in the middle that both players used at this drop down coming up now they angle left and go to hit that dirt corner to keep grip on the road demon just full blasting it through that turn gets ahead of Rons really good slides by both players not sliding this turn and then in the last turn drift cancel demon cancels rayons with a little bit more speed but demon holds here2 of a second or .02 4588 versus 4590 so uh demon here found this Improvement really in the trick itself just [Music] this that's an insane risk to take but uh it paid off and he was able to hold it so yeah next track here the 29th here in my folders it's once again demon but this time versus ULU so we are on co8 here we're on co8 at new world record by demon 100 faster than Ura you can see that here demon just uh a little bit behind in the start but this is where he works his magic great turn by demon he loses a little bit to ID but has to speed head up the hill and a great last turn there so close to the inside wall and a little bit more speed Nets him 100th ahead of 257 this is very close to the Limit maybe a couple hundreds but uh once again we can have a look at the last turn here look at this in slow motion this is this is AR right here from demon look at this that's so close to the wall man chill chill demon that is too close very very clean there okay I think we we sold that one quite nicely anyways um the next record here and one of the last records to be set in 2020 is d07 the old world record on this track was from yulu let's have a look at the old world record you drove this run late in 2019 I think like October 2019 and this track has a big shortcut so it's going to look a bit weird but you drive out to the right here across the dirt get to the checkpoint as quick as possible respawn and then at the end you have to do one more shortcut to uh get the world record so he's going to drive there now now try to build up good speed in this part because in the next part here he has to land perfectly keep as much speed as possible and try to skip this red block on this jump you're going to see it skip the freewheeling there and that lets him go at full speed TOS to finish and he got the world record by about2 so this final jump here uh it starts all the way from this platform where you have to drop down perfectly land keep speed and then just when you enter the road you have to stop searing try to avoid sliding as much as possible and keep good speed and if you do this perfectly or close to perfectly you'll barely have enough speed to skip this block barely but there is a little bit of breathing room and what players had thought of ever since 2019 really was that I mean technically if you do that perfectly you have enough space here to line up the car sideways slide bounce on this and maybe fly into the Finish maybe unlikely but maybe um players like drer Roland halfast they all put hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of attempts into this I think dker had something Ser like 200 failed an anms at this where he jumped over the freewheeling landed sideways did the drift tried to bounce didn't reach the Finish skipping this block 200 times I can't even do it once but on the 3rd of December 20120 Roland had been going for it a little bit and uh he got a 4579 here beating the old record by almost 3 seconds on the track and getting the first run with a shortcut time on this track from Roland also watching spam stream this one this one oh this is Big Cheese big smelly cheese right here I already finished it so Roland here has decided that he's going to go for an easier version of the start shortcut to get to the uh ending every time with the other shortcut you don't really get that so he's driving a pretty safe run here just trying to get to the end as every single run Max maximizing his chances and uh it's is a bit unfortunate that it happened on the Run he crashed but look at this and just appreciate it for what it is this is insane 4579 all right let's uh the first shortcut run on D7 and it is it is so precise that like you can you can change one input here by 1 millisec 10 milliseconds and it doesn't work land sideways drift bounce and get enough height to fly in it it's just crazy first get enough speed to skip the freewheeling and then do this but that's one of the final shortcuts in the campaign that's that we know existed that has been pulled off like there aren't many Rec like shortcuts left like this to do so this minus 3.71 or or 3 point I think it's a bit less like 2.7 uh is the Improvement but this shortcut might be one of the last ones that we see done because the the ones that remain now are all very very crazy so uh great job by Rolling there very impressive yeah it's hard to understate or hard to uh to show just how crazy that is if I had the hundreds of attempts to show you from the other players uh maybe you'd understand it a little bit better but yeah uh it really is that hard to do and the final record of 2020 that we got in the campaign was c07 by marmer he did this on the 1st of January 2021 beating his own world record but since you know we're doing this a little bit after New Year we might as well include it here marori destroying his own world record in the Colombian car skin here and the finish car skin actually Colombian is Old World Record Finland is the new one now the interesting thing about this one is marmalady has a new Strat he's still going to do the same shortcut route bouncing here and coming up to the end you can see he's far behind his uh his old world record but let's see what he does here maror goes for a cheeky inside line so he hits the road border late nose down instead of sliding over here like everyone else has done before him he uses this Gap bounces on this BL hits this and somehow just gets a perfect line towards the finish saving about three of a second over his old world record whether or not it was intentional I don't know but a true magician never reveals their tricks and that was the last World Record that was all the world records that we got this year honestly very impressive you know this game has been around for 12 years now and on these campaign tracks over half of the world records were beaten which is a good number but let's look a little bit ahead now you know what do we have in store for 2021 what could we maybe expect what are we hoping to see let's go through some ideas that we we know exist to save time to optimize further and what like notorious records we might hope to see being broken so I'm going to open a few tabs here give me a second so I think the first one on on my wish list if you want to call it that is going to be co5 shortcut co5 is the track we've seen twice now first BYU then by race hunts but this track has a potential shortcut here this was done on a practice map by halfast but watch [Music] this you can get a uber buug on co5 that saves about 2 seconds done [Music] well you can see here these are records on the practice map 1396 1397 he got a 1216 which is about 2 seconds faster and the reason is is that you skip driving this long slow Road here and the uphill you just fly up there half us tried to do this on the real map but it's very long to drive it for two laps and to pull that off but maybe 2021 still has a lot of days in it and if anyone can pull off something like this well it's going to be halfast but we'll see two seconds potential save on co5 confirmed confirmed possible if you can get that bug and drive well then we have this idea which was actually found early in 2020 all right virtual from the future back for the final time in this video uh this one made by jab here he was culprate this time again another n cut he will never do co9 race where jab theorized a potential new shortcut that could maybe be done it hasn't been done yet but let's see what jab had in mind here on co9 Race so um starting with the world record from knock done in 2019 4128 he's going to drop down here and then do a pipe bounce right there onto the checkpoint now he's going to go through the turn so he's essentially taking a different checkpoint order here taking the second checkpoint the final checkpoint here and then he's going to jump back to the first checkpoint he's going to hit the wall right now to reduce his speed so that he can land in this checkpoint keep all the speed keep the gear there even as he's going to the checkpoint and then just drop down into the finish for a 4128 really good time here by knock this is going to be tough to beat for anyone but there is a strat there is a strat that that jab found and that's what he shows in this video so he says the wall bang that knocked it is slow and it's time to go full YOLO so what if you could skip the wall bang and instead do something like this where you just spin out flip out well you have the endine killer the free willing as it's called so your endine is off until you reach the next track Point here so you have to try to reach the next track Point instantly uh even with this bounce if you could do that yes it would save time to do this but uh considering all the moving Parts in this run this is a very very difficult shot to do so let's just see what uh what jav can do here with this attempt this was a decent one but it didn't end up saving time cuz he had so low speed through the checkpoint so here uh we're going to see his best attempt though this one right here if it would have gone through the triangle could have been such a fast Showcase of the strategy because you not only reduce air time but you also fly faster like look at that that would have saved almost a second if you land with speed so it definitely shows that there is potential here on co9 but for someone to do that Strat in addition to everything else will be very very difficult but you know it's 2021 if you want nadio shortcuts that are undone uh they are going to be hard most of the time you can't really have EC unone shortcuts anymore the next track which I'm really really really really really hoping to see done is A4 the world record here is a 579 it's been that since 2017 it has been thought to be maxed for a long time but this right here is CTO CTO has gotten many 79s on this track and uh just a couple of days ago he got this run right here 79 again and this is versus a ghost his ghost you can see he's a head that's also a 79 this this track I it's so simple but it's also so complex you have to do the start boost trick almost perfectly and then this bug on the ramp you go off a bit sideways to get a huge lift barely make it to the platform and go to the finish uh you can do a 78 and if we see a 78 it might be the last Improvement we'll ever see here this might be maxed but the leaderboards currently on this are are only three people have gotten a 79 because it is so hard to hunt a 5-second track over and over again without losing your mind it's so hard but cinto is actually trying here so I really hope to see CTO succeed it would be a huge Improvement would be really fun if he gets it that's something we could see another record which we almost saw this year but didn't happen was e05 endurance demon always hunts the track around New Year it's kind of like a tradition at this point every New Year's Eve or around there he sits down he plays E5 and he had this one right here where coming into the last lap he's two10 ahead of his old record two t0 everybody's freaking out you know it looks like this is it final jump final turn still ahead but then he misses the final jump on the track after 53 minutes after 53 minutes he missed one jump it was the last one and that's the reason we did not see a record on E5 this year very very unfortunate but the has the pace here I'm not sure if he's going to play it again until next New Year's maybe he'll keep it a surprise but uh we can definitely see another world record on this rack from demon and again just to mention a couple of uh fun what went wrong there oh can maybe show you basically the problem for uh demon was that I think he went yeah he got a slide actually so he wants to angle a little bit right while Landing without the car drifting but here the car has less grip than than full grip so he is drifting and he still just has to push this for Speed because he only has a margin of two he has to go full speed but he probably already knows at this point that uh yeah this is looking very dead he tries he tries but but yeah you had to full send it and it's just unfortunate just very unfortunate but to maybe inspire a couple people let's jump into the game and talk about some other ideas that we might see this year some Time Savers wait was there just set a new world record wait wait wait wait wait in the middle of the rewind we get a new world record really surely not no no no no no oh we did all right uh there is a new world record by meh in the chat uh let's download this and have a look I suppose that's interesting interesting timing okay uh yeah why not add another one give me a second here unforeseen events happened okay let's you now this could take a while oh this could take a while let's hope it's fast but yeah we we have a new record now oh here we go folder number 33 that just appeared E4 new world record by 300s of a second from me let's have a look old world record by Joe Halls let's see now better start this is a very intricate shortcut route highly intellectual that they're going to go for Matt actually didn't use it Matt used the other way old shortcut okay uh yeah this is going to look very dumb I'm prefacing this this is going to look very [Music] dumb old shortcut we thought the the new one there by Jo house is faster and I think I still think it is but you need a very good run so pay very close attention to this ending [Music] pay very close attention to this [Music] ending cuz Matt is going to pick up the checkpoints he's missing Joel's going to pick up the ones that Matt has already taken and with this route here there's a final jump to the finish that he has to do right [Music] here so right here M has do this final jump and land on this platform Joe Halls is coming from here with a lot of speed they're both going to this platform over here let's see what [Music] happens oh that is so close Jesus Christ man that is close okay yeah I don't really know which route is faster you can hear him coming closer couldn't meh drift let's see I think he did a really good end bogside wouldn't be faster no he did a good end actually had a very clean end um but the thing thing about this joal Sho is that the start that he did is so difficult joal was one of the only players to go for this last year because it's crazy to pull off look at this you have to do two Ram Cuts keep perfect speed get the ring and also fly into this checkpoint that's what joal did and then he did pretty much the same route as me picked up these two checks over here then you know drove through everything here followed the same route but then now here he ends up where uh he ends up on that final Road and then just has to push for the [Music] Finish that's wild that's actually wild can you compare HS I don't have the H's replay I think but there is actually one run I remember from that very vividly on this track I'm going to see if I can find it just because uh it's something I remember at the time but me actually has a run on this track that he failed due to a Windows popup I'm going to see if I can find it yeah I found it so this was a what would be a world record at the time in 2018 that is me this was the old record at the time from rayon let's just see what happens he's far ahead last turn Windows popup it it's so painful on the final platform and it probably it's looking like it could have been a run around what what they have right now but yeah just right here like uh we're going to update your system tonight okay thanks thanks Windows yeah yeah very nice yeah Windows notification at last second that's yeah yeah congratulations me you made it into rewind now then for ideas for 2021 let's have a look in this folder we have an idea on B1 this is a very old idea actually from 2016 sent to be my sent to me by D nuts I think this is rolling Austrian flag this is rolling um let me what did he do with the timer what let's fix this this is a mass rolling this is a mess all right let's just see here um think it's going to look cleaner this [Music] way yeah okay so watch this yeah this is Roland versus ULU on um B1 we're giving Roland a good start here just to demonstrate the idea he lost about2 here but watch what happens at the [Music] checkpoint a new bug a rambug a cute little rambug and this put Roland about I think it's about 500s ahead of U we can see here if we give the difference right here I think it's 500 uh it looked like ah a bit less probably like four but that was just one run nobody else has actually gotten this this bug I think the start is so hard on this track but uh maybe something to consider on this drop down here bug on this connection point and it gives you less air time you can see he's going lower here than UL so that extra speed just translates and 0.04 or 05 faster B2 now uh this is not so much a new shortcut but it is javs r on BO2 versus um one of the oldest World Records in the game at the moment let me see if I actually have it here uh somewhere in my folders to compare against I forgot to actually download I think but let me see if I have it somewhere one second do I have demon BO2 run to compare against do I have it do I have it do I have it uh no I don't think I do okay I got to download it real quick give me a second this is going to take no time now now though because we we have updated the game already we'll just put it here then go out update here and now oh come on there we go let's compare these two runs jav here had a very good run against I think the second oldest world record in the game quite recently let's see [Music] this getting a lot more speed like a lot a lot the turns weren't that perfect I guess he was kind of nervous no drift no drift in the turn bit unfortunate but this start shows what's possible on the [Music] track this start really shows what is possible like he just has a better angle to push for Speed here and if he goes equally close this is like 10 10 of lead here I think like when they go for the drift oh this more like 006 but yeah 006 but it could have been like10 maybe some potential BO2 Hunters rise up and finally the last idea I'm going to show you is E5 this is also a big one that hasn't been done on the real track this is a one laap version We are watching Riso here uh this is possible to do on the Real Track as [Music] well Yuber buug back to the platform here uh and since this is a 60 laap track on paper you could do this every single lap and save time in theory in reality it's of course impossible even one lap is very difficult but this saves around 4 seconds if you do it [Music] perfectly so then you can think of like what if you just do it one lap what if you just do this one lap save 4 seconds on the first lap and then drive normal to rest the problem is your average lap time over the course of an hour of driving still has to be within 400s of a second of the world records average cuz that's 4 seconds so you're going to need a very good player who's able to keep 400s of a seconds slower average than world record after getting a start like this and it could save time if if they keep the same average then yeah 4 seconds faster but maybe we'll see this done at some point it's a very cool shortcut the Eber bug here you gain a lot of speed when you hit the wall Mis calculation and you go flying and it just happens to line up perfectly it's like 700 oh I'm off then but yeah it's faster but uh that is trackmania rewind that's all the records we had in 2020 it was a good year for tmania records so I think a round of applause in chat for all our heroic Hunters who still go for these world recers after 12 years mightily impressive what they have achieved this year and we'll see what we get next year we'll come back here in 365 days and think wow we you come a long way once again but yeah thank you so much for watching the rewind I hope you enjoyed I hope you had fun and we'll see you all in one year for the next one peace out
Channel: WirtualTV
Views: 970,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trackmania, Trackmania Nations Forever, Trackmania World Record, World Record, Trackmania Rewind, Trackmania 2020, Trackmania History, Analyzed, Wirtual, All World Records, Virtual
Id: zrfqlQtal58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 34sec (8374 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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