Lucky Block Race vs. CHAT GPT... (Minecraft)

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today I'm opening chat TPT lucky blocks in Minecraft and whatever items we get we are gonna battle with at the end please be kind to me AI jelly should I come jelly chat GPT chose that I don't like it I don't like it but I am gonna break it whoa that's friendly uh I'm not sure no they're not nope they're hurting me it's chat in uh monitors okay I went off with a bang I'm up next all right break it break it break it what's Chad gonna give me wait something about biological things wait what it's some type of Golem and it's talk sounds rough you probably deserve it your face is strange all right maybe just yeah just throw it off there you go there you go wait wait saying mean things just hit it okay all right I'm just gonna keep it then apparently oh I wish you would hit it all right next one oh I thought nothing would happen but we got a chest with inside oh no way no way Josh did you get good things this is the Elon Musk boring company flamethrower whoa oh how did gbt know that oh my God jelly jelly stop it remember these things I wish I bought one back in the day man back here supposed to be attacking me yeah that's not fair yeah okay I'm actually gonna keep this in the chest because otherwise if I die I'll lose it gave me a bunch of nft tokens I think I'll be able to use those yeah nfts did all right here we've got spot he's a motor no he's a robot dog okay you got a you got a dog from church yeah yeah robot dog a robot dog oh oh guess who got a chest I think it's you please tell me it's not okay throw it at your boy oh poop Josh I think you might have just lost that item I did wait I think your goal might be ahead oh that's kind of useful yeah yeah I think if I hurt you it's gonna kill me Josh so I gotta get some armor but what's this oh drones you can just punch him Jenny that they break Jesus Jesus what's your dog not doing anything I don't know maybe I'm gonna open another one while you deal with those drones all right thank you Josh thank you oh you got the little uh zombified monitors hell is he helping him don't do anything is he helping you Josh you just died Jenny we're not doing very well maybe you should give your boy a name just like my dog's called spot he has a name it's called mean PT oh talking about mean things this right here is a Super Lucky VR Blaster don't don't don't worry oh my God hey Jenny he's not doing arrows ah he's mean dude what just happened all your items fell off as well are you kidding me wait your dogs your dog shoots lasers yes kill him kill him kill him spot all right you know what Josh we should save that fight until the end yeah open the next Lucky Block chat TPT is requesting you to do so golden apples and I've got that in my VR Googles Googles yeah they're actually called Googles Josh I can't take them off and they're really annoying oh I've been put in prison I've been playing prison what are you gonna do about it I'm I'm not really your friend's helping you your friend's helping you well now I've only got one heart and I'm stuck and I've got VR goggles and I can't see anything Josh about you yeah what am I supposed to do come on let's go all right you know what I'm actually gonna die as well I hate the VR goggles they're really you don't take them off no I can't all right well while I wait I'm gonna open another one jelly because you're being slow what have you got for me a Quantum saw oh that one looks kind of long Josh it does and that's a good thing and I've got a power helmet that's more powerful than normal I think I'm gonna put it in the chest Josh did you just put your sword in the chest as well yeah and I got seven lucky blocks from mine so I'm going to watch Regular Lucky Blocks not even chat GPT Ones Josh that one might have TNT inside you know oh it's one of those yeah oh my God you're getting good things I don't like this I guess I'll open the next one no uh my evil jelly what how do I you got an email kill him spot spot oh oh rip okay let's put this stuff in here this is all gonna be quite useful for why don't you open that big Lucky Block that you got well I will but I'm just going to use some of these lucky potions real quick all right I guess I'll open my next one oh and I've got oh I got something cool Josh something that will test in the end battle it's called the possibility bomb what are you wearing I don't really know I got it from this chest all right let's keep going I can already see the finish line but we're about halfway there Josh so a whole lot of opportunities some items that I've got Josh you're taking too long I'm just gonna open the next one ah digital Pirates Josh digital Pirates here spot killed him talking about they dropped an nft all right jelly uh oh jelly is turning into uh GPT one oh you got diamonds whoa I got I got more nft thingy Josh you're getting lucky mate you're getting lucky I got one selection over here I don't really need any of the other things though all right let's keep opening them Josh oh drones good luck with those Josh I've got oh wait what did he kill me oh I got a little pet as well Josh I got a mean pd2 you got a mean pd2 yeah and spot so I have two things that follow me you see them they're really nice okay I mean I keep having to go back to drop like valuables off why do I keep getting far away is he just continuously killing me uh why is your dog eating your because apparently he's bad there you go thank you spot oh I just accidentally through it okay all right I threw good stuff out my bad all right Josh the Finish Line's up ahead let's open some more Lucky Blocks oh my God oh my God what's happening what the jelly uh Josh hey jelly is this good or bad oh I think that's bad good thing I put my uh valuables away then yeah I'm doing the same man you gotta store the valuables I think you might have lost your uh your mean PD I yeah he died oh my God I'm annoying I'm not gonna lie well I still have my spot okay all right some block of nft token let's keep going Josh oh I got some nft tokens all right what's next oh I got another chest me too I've got a gravity hammer in mine I got a flame bro no remember that spot remember that one time you throwed me Josh I'm gonna throw this Hammer at you okay right click to throw it no no no no no no no no no you just right click the pro remember no no no I'm too scared I'm too scared I'm too scared no no no no it works really well if you just right click no no no no spot stay up there spot I'm gonna go back up okay next up more tokens I'm not sure what they do Josh what do they do silicon power helmet I think we'll see at the end right we can buy stuff with him at the end what was that what did you just throw possibility bomb hey a possibility bomb I don't like the sound next Lucky Block no no ah doc you know what I'm just kidding Chase I'm just gonna die oh yeah and I died watch out for the the police officer it's yeah spot will kill him spot will kill him Josh what just happened I got a power helmet that made me go too fast oh thanks for letting me know because I got one of those Dosh Dosh talk for quite a while I have chat GPT creepers over here it's super creepers right and I need that doesn't say I need my dog to kill them yes oh my God oh no he was mine Josh come on Jelly all right all right next Lucky Block here we go oh more tokens next one what is that what happened there Josh you might want to bank your tokens real quick uh you know if I stand here I won't die I'm sorry I'm sorry Judy sorry my dog man I don't want two of these my stupid dog died it wasn't stupid it feels very sweet my sweet dog died oh whoa Josh I got what you got oh Dragon ah Dragonite can't believe you now have spot and I don't yeah we basically traded all right all right all right one two three that will win oh I gotta kill a rabbit I think it's a base game thing oh okay oh you gotta open all those as well yep yep I'm sure this will go fine all right here are a sword oh my God yes we got a chest come on Jelly keep going oh oh my God then I have a chance wait what does it say on the sign nothing that says nothing on the sign well I think usually it says one's good and one's bad okay um oh wow I opened both oh this one is actually bad Josh how many this one is bad this one is bad all right Josh um just before we move on I'm just gonna quickly put some of this stuff away we have two more chat GPT Lucky Blocks oh the last one is here are you ready yeah yeah all right got some blocks it was interesting yeah is basically we can now trade these tokens for items oh my God kind of crazy wait Jenny should we just head back and go and get all of the stuff from our chest real quick yes let's go ahead and do that one all right we've got all of our gears oh my god well you've got so much stuff man yeah I mean I've got a few different things so I think we can now we can break this last block right and then trade in our nfts yeah we can convert those to tokens I have 28 nft tokens Josh what about you okay I've got yeah about the same okay so we can use those to buy things bomb Arrow what what is good I don't know man I don't know I'm just spending it all on one thing there you go cool to know what Josh just so you know this is gonna be an interesting battle and I think it'll go quickly okay I am ready for this battle mate I am ready for this battle have you seen the end um Arena oh my God what is this wait [Music] okay uh Josh uh I'm ready okay uh three two one let's go uh what's that doing okay I think you're out of range oh that does a lot of damage okay geez that does a lot of damage okay so I basically bought every single item available wait what how did you afford that uh no I just saw just did it um I had quite a few years Josh look at my lightning buddy you like my lightning you like my lightning yeah I don't I don't mind it you don't mind it yeah I've got a poison throwing knife oh my God oh my God ah yep take that did I hit you oh my God yeah big time take this losers Jenny where are you running ah are you burning yourself I don't know okay I'm dead um I didn't really have great things did I well I guess I won so you lose all right thanks for watching click and watch another video
Channel: Jelly
Views: 354,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Lucky Block Race vs. CHAT GPT..., minecraft, chat gpt, ai, lucky block race, funny, jelly, slogo
Id: x17ZDiVnBtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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