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hey fellas I'm finally back from her Mastery hell and that's right I didn't get ranked one so let's stop talking about it but the good news is Lucio's boot finally got buffed and that's right don't ask why Steve is in a cage let's move on but now that the Boop has been buffed what the hell is my purpose what is the point of the Lucio Mafia oh there's a new [Music] rank wait let's see let's see that hit box changes oh God oh God hit box Chang is not that bad right on his head I'm hitting his stomach apparently so I have to like aim a Pub's head oh no okay okay but let's try try something let's try something okay oh my God this is the best game of all time they this is the best game of all time I can't believe it they did it they did it look at that wow new season new me guys we should let him cap first points so then oh oh let me going in wait Mr doy my oh does this mean I can call my next video title like DPS Lucio finally got bed again am I allowed to say it wait big boobs this ability still sucks am I cooked wait boom this ability is still terrible oh my God God guys if we get zero boob kills this season they'll buff it again I'll see right here they won't see me all ready maybe they won't see me yeah it counts one what on Earth are you thinking how much health do you have man I got to reload me oh wait that Widow wait oh my God whatever just drive by know where Widow is okay we're going to di the Widow before the game end how oh oh oh oh my God it's so easy to hit shots now [Music] also the 40 damage melee yeah it's kind of bustard all let's see what the predicted rank is oh my God if it's like Masters I'm going to cry oh my God it's Masters Noy after weeks of not getting a single Boop on ilos it's finally happening this is my moment okay so they have Echo and Tracer okay I'm not getting any boo at all wait look at that cop I'm not boing anyone wait I could Bo Zar actually split okay never mind what the hell was that okay AG with it wait wait yes no I'm actually going to one second yes this game is terrible this game suck wait okay I missed come on come on get greedy get greedy oh it actually works oh wait everyone's dead nice it's winable it's winable oh that that was a that was a contender for your best sorry I was dialed in I got I got a tank boob it was really exciting man wait a second oh that's another one that's another one oh my [ __ ] god Echo op yes you know what how many uhal did you get two to be fair guys it's been a while since we've gotten boob kills on ilos so that's actually o Masters one all right let me find out my rank a gm4 predicted rank wonder what it's going to be gm4 that's not bad so far it's looking like a pretty good SE what happened what happened to me can I come out of the cage now yeah man whatever just get out of there W time to get freaky it feels so hard to kill stuff this [Music] patch never mind screw it let's try it let's just go one on a DPS see how it goes I win this now I win n i' Win n I'd win okay this guy's not even hitting shots okay all right confidence is key fellas wait keep the momentum going beautiful okay I'm starting to feel it now I'm starting to feel it let let beat blade right now 3 2 1 oh I messed up the beat wait wait wait wait oh my God wait I can knock him off the I can do that now yes I'm going to to die but whatever I don't care oh my God I can do that now that's so wonderful wait oh my God they're coming this way come on no he rolls and I'm hinded Let's go Team wait wait wait wait oh my God wait yes oh my God I can't even no I'm still alive baby you're not killing me off the map you go yes oh I'm so happy man you guys don't get it you guys don't get it it's it's beautiful let's go fellas it's the big boy time I mean I hope I hope I didn't jinx myself wait commit yes I got a tank Boop no way watch him go like Winston now because I boo him off the map like once what the hell happened all right two environmentals on ilios four environmentals on Nepal can we up it to five or one mind you guys half where's this Ryan at bro got that I believe in you what are you doing man what's your plan here sh pretend he's not here your top right what is he doing man just hit the wall am I really going to get no boobs on this map wait I spoke too soon yeah what the hell is happening I got you bro what the heck am I really bro I didn't get anything all right this is where the Sparks really start to fly guys I promise six seven eight maybe five boot kills hold on you refra wait wait I know the where the Iron's going surely come on yes where is he going he's going to walk way up here and then he's what like what's the plan here bro are you angry are you a friend I mean he's really all that's happened I get ilos finally and this is what happens that's due to our own hus oh my God not again no wait I ass you it doesn't get you out of it no way that's the game I get on ilios no really that was terrible bro why are we running Lucio's end what the hell this is crazy all right it's time to play H bot Luci y Burger King just got him just got him wait off the map oh you so my kill get you one get you one wi wi get you one oh don't let me die St you let me you stole my kill you deserve it I don't care H get out of me 22 2 we need to be more where is where is he where's bro going he yeah he's running he's running I see him he's on me he's on me he dies okay e why do they laugh like that what was that e why do they laugh like a chipmunk all I'm getting revenge on you run from me come on come on no I I don't like Tracer man I hate this like healing ner cuz like I dude I'm self healing eight per second on Lucio eight I need I need to get this Tracer man I'm losing it I got this oh see I got her SLA her in the head wow ow ow ow what the counter yo does anyone here make a lot of money uh a lot I can't order any food oh okay wait this is genius come on yes welcome to McDonald's baby wait big can't aim unfortunately nice good sh no Tracer you're not getting out Al alive oh hello Tracer you're you're my new Widow point no don't run from me not get healed oh my God all I anti them what the hell my God who's going have wiow with me oh they have a wiow oh yeah Widow go for it where is she I haven't seen one in years get out of my goddamn way she's mine a she runs into spawn she's going to swap look at this still die he will still die she immediately swaps I didn't even get to touch her I didn't even get to look at her you're not getting me bro you're not getting me bro go back to wiow no I'm going to get killed no hey good dude no literally the Widow smelled me and was like oh wait I can't play this hero to that guy what I tell you about the Zen Lucio baby Aspen get on Zen yeah yeah we're going Lu all right I'm peeling Asin I'm healing for once just kill I him I him I him come on you don't you don't touch my Z touching my Z he's wait help me help me help okay I didn't get help you still need help oh wait you're dead I hey man whoa I mean it's fine this is fine whoa whoa are you okay yeah I'm fine wa you have orb he's one he's one he's one he's one he he's one that's moose by the way the Widow cartel guy I'm allowed to do that help help I need this real quick hold on we'll get back fine I'm actually being killing oh my God they call me the SI wait get him get him get him he's [ __ ] oh God oh God wait he's in here with me I'm moving him off the map here okay all this whoever is close so you can see Soldier you can get it oh I got two and there's the GG that's why you watch everyone that's why you buy the plushy that's why who just yelling at why is that guy talking about star signs for all right let's go right now 3 two 1 I'm just oh my muscle memory I keep thinking that I I oh my God I keep thinking that I can kill people but like they have more Health now they have Widow oh oh no I haven't seen a widow in ages come on come on we have to get the Widow we have to get the Widow So It Begins wait wait wait let me have this wait it's been so long wait wait wait wait a widow I'm coming for you I'm coming for you oh no yeah yes WID WID WID WID yeah yeah yeah okay they Hanzo oh that's like Widow but we got a one shot so that's exciting I guess oh my God why why MCA I'm not done here bro I think I'm done here no mind I'm not done here get the damn yellow orb off him push oh I'm just better I'm just better Okay [Music] shh thanks so much the Ching what the I'm literally just running in this SP to feed bro Genji won where is the health pack no I'm scared what's Happ oh thank you Aspen he looked like he was in danger I swear wait Zen z z Zen oh my gosh crazy oh my God no you got this I can run I can run I can run no they're still arguing each other let's do it again as let's let's go oh oh oh oh oh wait go run run run drop drop wa Qui go up the stairs go up the stairs okay no no no no wait wait I'm coming I'm going in I haven't reloaded uhoh okay nice on geii back back whoa whoa we can survive yep we lost Aspen wait help meone help meone I got this Zen he's dead yes nice with the double knife kill we just win okay yeah oh who's that who's that who's that who's that who's that pretty princess that's me guys welcome into junker town this is my house it goes in the market for about $600 a week it's pretty good value um yeah it's all right let's go it team it's it it it's in the heart of Melbourne as long as you die for it uh Aspen rotate let's die a lot oh with me you guys sustain the main y wait's so mad can you touch oh you want touch I can touch okay i' been boed up kill this guy kill this guy hello Aspen what is wrong with her oh my God bro she's so weird oh my God so I can hold hasn't every eaten Pizza no I have eaten Pizza I eat pizza at the age of six and when I ate the pizza I threw up and I was like oh my God Pizza is the worst thing ever so I never had pizza again you need to plan my play my house where where in my house PL inside my house shut up about your damn house my house bro I got 600 a week on rental yeah that's cheaping a St oh got one oh careful my king dude whoa what they so high pull me back and I can just try again so Y no way you kill him Frogger yeah I'm just that guy I'm just that guy it's not like it was one HP or anything like that I'm on I'm on what's wrong with me why do they do these things they have four minutes we have 1 minute that's easy as hell she's in my house get out my house in the house in the house my rental get out of me more more more more I care for you tell me about trer why she's trying to go to my house I'm leaving C I can't aim what the hell is she recalling for oh they missed on their oh my God this get out my damn house oh wow they're just inting I'm going in I'm going in don't leave C okay climb the wall man you head this what they get for trying to come near my Housey to no say oh no okay now this is good live live live live defend my house defend my house I'm turning the more oh actually look at Zen three two one turn Z get away from my house everyone one Z One Z one oh my God I got him off is that oh my God oh my God that is crazy geni Bren get away from my house she think she can come near my house and and not get punished for it you think you can come to my house and I get punished for it oh no oh it's one ball it's one ball hey hey he's going in my house in my house man oh one more almost back I'm here I'm here oh I can see you oh my God the oh r one wait one more SP got oh my god dude I have 41 kills well fellas Boop is back which is absolutely wonderful because that means every Lucio everywhere is happy I think frogo is dead in the corner right now but oh well it is what it is he got was like 40 anyway but hey it's time for a song I won't break any bones focus on the motion I won't break any bones focus on the motion motion I won't break it h
Channel: Frogger
Views: 411,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frogger overwatch 2, frogger overwatch, overwatch, overwatch 2 frogger, lifeweaver overwatch 2, overwatch streamer, lifeweaver, lifeweaver frogger, froggerow, frogger_Ow, frogger, lucio gameplay, lifeweaver gameplay, dps lucio, dps lucio meta, overwatch 2 ranked, PRO OVERWATCH 2, overwatch league
Id: ZIpmhyDAafY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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