He Challenged me to a Lucio 1v1...

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the Lucio Mafia is a group of Lucio players that set out to become the real third DPS of their team being the leader of it we do have a code we all need to follow number one hunt down Widow and number two never harm another member of the Lucio Mafia but today that rule was broken this is going to be the most awkward thing ever without music going on let's have a good interesting creative game of OverWatch ranked there goes to me to FPS fell what's this guy think he's doing no get him get him what are he doing get Happ you bro oh this Lucio wants a One V one that's what he wants to do oh the thing is about Lucio one v1s is that if you kind of just ignore the Lucio he doesn't really like do anything in the team fight and it's really funny like I definitely should be fighting him right now but it's kind of just funny to just like go do other things while Lucio chases you around the entire time like he might get me here he might not you know I just kind of ignore him the entire time he's like a little fly but like still like you know he's kind of just like you know just doing his thing but I just continue I don't look at him no worries and see just like that we lose the team fight what are you doing man go away what the [Music] hell sh see you what on Earth am I watching right now oh my God he exploded like what what is he doing bro wait watch this watch this Chasing You Chasing You they're all chasing you one [Laughter] one there no [Music] I got him I got him I got him I got him you guys are good you're up one no not it is this kid spawn camping me are you serious I'm dying bro this Luci was so funny he killed him fine I'll have a proper fight with the Lucio because you guys make oh here we go where is he going wait let's go punch on punch on punch on let's go yeah come here oh you swapping the heels oh you're aing they went cast come here now where you going you're going to grab the help pack no no no that's [Music] crazy I got to a I got to a wait give me this help P you cheated I cheated got Bean yeah Genji low oh no I'm missing oh no wait I got a my my arm hurts nah nah it ain't going to work what the F's happening in there what I can't do this anymore I can't I can't no we're done we're done way good fight my arm is so sore from that oh my god that actually hurt I was that was stressful come on bro off you go come on bro fall no don't boot me back on the land you meant to boot me off the map you know what your job is right oh god oh okay I'm alive wait make him chase me out here got him he's alive oh there's a dog how are you still all around Tracer all right rough start of the day that's fine nothing can get worse at this point though right you got to be kidding me no he's already dead bro he's feeding harder than me already already he's oh he's gone junk oh that's scary that's how you know things are about to get real wait boom are you kidding me bro not even my boot works against jackro that guy's too powerful man hey guys what are we up to over there oh easy another one for me oh it's so over man it's so over it's so over already how do you know jacko's a dude by the way okay are we discussing jacko's gender in my chat what is going on he thinks jacko's going to come on the mic me hi my name's Jacina this is almost ranked man Yep this is our watch ranks bro we're playing what the hell what is she doing how did she just not but this is where things started to get really weird one of the craziest plot twists in history okay Jack oh no it's all over it's all over fellas it's all over I have to put him down I've got to put him down I have to put him down I'm sorry I got to put him down fellas I'm sorry I can't see what is my echo doing bro going in what the hell whoa whoa I was just trying to be a little bit silly I'm going in hot bringing the Heat I'm sorry Jacko but you know I had to do it to him you know I can't work with the Enemy you know I just can't was that one beem of like uh Jesse from Breaking Bad with like the gun and he's like crying that's kind of how I feel right now where is junk at I hear him I hear that stupid little Australian bro get out of that room going in okay we're good I thing just get know one of his Al nice Al buddy going in my arms oh I got him midair woo perance taada Le young Tower this is the most educational what the hell are you cooking where does she think she is wait look at this look at this out here boom off the map oh he jump in the air one help Bar B never mind all right let's go ready let's actually get the fire for real now all right where's that fire at oh my God there we go see we did it don't ask why the clip ends right now okay she's doing it again fell she's doing it again she's doing it again yeah maybe I should stop trying to go for the fire and go for the S cuz she's a little bit silly I have to identify the situation and take advantage of these things nice what the hell nice they didn't have speed boost so they won't get to the bridge bang on time so we got to take our time in the roll out okay 1 2 3 4 now go all the way around they made it bom okay it turns out they had a Lucio and I'm stupid okay watch this all right I'm going to climb all the way up here okay watch this boom we did it this guy's calling me out what the hell's your problem right look at this Soldier ready he's going for the h pack never mind look at this look at this silly little Goose ready [Laughter] hello this guy's mic man all right ready we're doing it again ready we're doing oh my God look at her over there though look at her over there go damn it all right go go go go go go go we're doing it wait no way she does it again there's no way Frank wake up it's Frank versus Steve who wins I'll be serious now then no more being silly t t hello my friend would you H to have a Lucio battle oh God that's a weird looking Lucio what the hell that's an American oh no wait we're good go we're good baby oh no we locked in and we won what's your next upload Le it to me hey hey guys welcome to Nepal you know the thing we do we go up here we do this no worries three two wait that Widow I don't care I'm done with this game I'm actually so done come here boy come here my child I'm interfering I yes heroic o thank you I'm ready 3 2 1 let's see a swap my name is Agent Steve and I'm on a mission to hunt down Widow players they've already swapped are you are you kidding me bro I had my whole thing I had my whole thing going bro all we're going to get boot kills still we're going to get boot kills ready wait look at this Sim look at this Sim ready yeah wait let's get the SIM again let's get the SIM again one back one all right TP out you not going anyway what about you miss this one nice I want to try and bait the doomfist you know or like Tracer or something like that I want to try and like bait him to the edge oh she's here yeah you scared of me I'm the Burger King Lucio okay right what we're going to do is I'm going to stand over this Edge and the Doom is going to like run at me oh there's like something stuck in my keyboard real quick wait what are you doing why are you standing in the edge on purpose oh we got a paid actor we got a paid actor guys we have a paid actor window what what is going on oh my God oh my God she's doing it are you kidding me don't do it I that was such a close Dodge bro that was way too close wait can I get the Lucio Gap though Boom the war on Lucio no no no no I only got my back with that but that's the most important I'm going revenge on you I'm tired of sim bro got her now where's that Widow I need to get Widow before the game ends got it heroic you know you can still win yeah yeah I don't have a dance emote oh wait I do woo what is going on how did your mother survive nine hey GG's fellas GG's great game great game wow we're four and0 damn 73 oh my god wow thanks what is we people today bro they have a widow you know what that means um yeah I got it team I got it got her got her fellas got her fellas Merry Christmas we can all live together all right super super jumping in the Widow ready 3 2 1 now Widow nice and they keep in the Widow you know what I respect that I respect stop all right you ready to go in the Widow three three three two one go go go there's no way they're keeping Moira I mean wow Moira why do they say Moira oh my God actually wait hold on a second I'm The Man Behind the slaughter I see I told you let go wiow and you know what I respect that because let's be real fellas this is why you watch this is why hello hello oh what the all righty fellas we're doing the thing a widow the Widow they get her of course not what the hell is going on why is Anna still over here bro go help your team oh wait I'm actually getting furious this Widow is way too good they've been stomping me for the past couple of days what the hell are you up to thank you thank you thank you what what right now got it oh my boot didn't even has no has no got her that's one that's one to one keep the Widow you need to you need to respect the duel good let's have a real battle let's have a real battle I'm furious going on wait is that it yes what what what one one one Lu one one L one one let's not play it's kind of hard let's see one the gaap arino no we win there wait what the hell they haven't put CS right hereit I can get I can get get her I'm a failure yes I'm like panicking I'm like panicking I'm like panicking all right let's go find the the suzu ability not have oh he he's smart he knows he knows the method he knows the crabby patty secret formula off we go wa Widow ooh new Widow player a new Challenger approaches hey man going to leave now we can go back up 100 let's check around the corner oh okay what are we going to do about that hope pray everyone spread so good there's no way there's no way there's no way they didn't notice oh my God what is that it's me all right I am coming back yeah yeah go get him what the hell what the what the hell okay I need help parkour over the side over here ready wait there's no way no my toes touch the water and I die this is dance bro it's just so awkward there no music oh my God guys you know what that means watch this watch this oh like oh my God bro Fly Don't gri her your godamn Griers out of me bro yes fellas get the hell back on Widow bro we had a good fight going we had a good thing you and I let's get in there Ash I need you to go back on Widow now I'm tired of it we had a good thing you and I and you ruined it you ruined it check this out heroic oh they've G on Widow thank you I'm glad they I'm glad they here listening to me talk all right anyone who the Widow is watch this watch this watch this no you guys notice how everything was going really good so far in this video yeah uh a couple of hours lat everything went bad but as the indomitable human Spirit himself I need to tell you guys the secret on how to win games okay we have lost so many games today the game's been so un fun the only way to fix this I have to turn off my brain I have to turn it off I just have to go in this is good this is fine we're just going to be the most annoying version of ourselves ever we are not going to mess up we are going to play perfectly you go into the enemy team and explode yes perfect if I time this right I'll chase you to the end of the Earth I told you guys I'm furious I'm sick of having the most boring games of overwat ever I want to have fun let's go fellas Let's Do It come on maybe they might have a widow they have basion Tor okay we're out we're out no next game let's go next game fellas get out of here oh whatever I'll stay here go go that's one oh my warning whoa whoa oh you want to fight me my friend I'll fight you I'll fight you my friend unless I just go crazy never mind no Boop City I'm sorry guys what is on my screen bro this guy said give me a low opinion on Australians why well looks like we're going to have to Clank out the trash going in oh my God I'm just that guy yes keep the Widow keep the Widow build an ego think you're more powerful than me okay they went cats never mind it's all over I spoke too soon sorry guys is my zarya playing on a dancing Revolution pad or something like that wait she's one Z come here come here stay alive I'm coming Rick I got you Rick got him boom boom heroic we finally got a fun game over is my team good we finally after so long we turned off our brain and the game was fun I figured it out maybe it's also cuz I've lost like 10 games and the game starting to feel bad for me this is why you didn't win the the overwat World Cup froger my friend Alex is a big we love Alex big shout out to Alex guys I'll see you later thinking back on it maybe the reason those games went so badly is cuz the Lucio one was unfinished so we're going to meet again someday and we're going to do it again but for now I'll see you guys later thanks for watching bye thank you so much I appreciate it bye Breon on the mo won break any bones focus on the motion won't break any bones focus on the motion I won't break any bones
Channel: Frogger
Views: 248,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frogger overwatch 2, frogger overwatch, overwatch, overwatch 2 frogger, lifeweaver overwatch 2, overwatch streamer, lifeweaver, lifeweaver frogger, froggerow, frogger_Ow, frogger, lucio gameplay, lifeweaver gameplay, dps lucio, dps lucio meta, overwatch 2 ranked, PRO OVERWATCH 2, overwatch league, best lucio, frogger vs eskay, frogger rank 1 lucio, rank 1 lucio
Id: AxTLxttlWKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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