Lucas Oil Drag Boat Racing Diamond Nationals 2012

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they've been referred to as Daredevils but it's really man and machine with a common goal to go absolutely as fast as possible but when you push the extremes things can go wrong the conversations are universal and it's always about winning if you're going to win a championship Lucas Oil Speedway is where you better step up the fastest boats in the world have been prepared it's time to go racing [Music] [Music] the skies have finally cleared here in Wheatland Missouri at beautiful Lucas Oil Speedway for the candidate all-natural pet foods second annual diamond drag bone Nationals presented by Lucas Oil hello everybody ken stout and Alan Reinhart here to call the action for you from the Lucas Oil drag boat racing series this complex is a huge part of the story one year ago is our maiden voyage here on this Lake and it proved to be very exciting it is certainly state-of-the-art it's one of only two facilities where we run the lucas oil track boat racing series that were built specifically to race boats most of the weeks well we're on it's quite part of the river or a quiet side of Lake de Bay in San Diego but this place you don't have to worry about rough water you usually don't have to worry about wind issues it's just let's see how fast your boats are going 260 miles an hour let's talk about Top Fuel hydro 8,000 horsepower twin prop monsters the big dogs are in the house and they're ready to throw down but the big story in Top Fuel is no qualifying because of the rain the last couple of days they set the field by points so qualifying runs from practice runs nobody's had a shot at the lake so three or eight thousand horsepower boat and let's race with no practice well I will tell you it goes back to the crew chiefs hands right to put the right setup inside of the boat and then the pilots or test pilots as we call them they have absolutely no fear so they will stab it and steer I have fear that onboard camera shots sometimes that's closer than even I want to get to those things speaking of an onboard camera shot that is an awesome view of what we're about to see here at this facility and speaking of this racetrack let's talk about it Alan when Forrest Lucas got involved in drag boats he wanted to build the ultimate Race Course and that's exactly what he did here at Wheatland the boats come out on the holding road they face a Christmas tree that floats out into the center of the lake some of the classes run the quarter mile or 1320 feet but just like in asphalt drag raising the top fuel boats alcohol boats are very fast classes one just a thousand feet gives it basically an extra football field of shutdown area the sequence works like this the drivers are on a holding rope that is stretched across the lake behind to the starting line when that light starts flashing that's the drivers signal start the boat up check the gauges get ready to go you have to anticipate the starting line a countdown will come up on the Christmas tree you pick your number and it counts down from nine stand on the gas and if you do it perfectly just as a clock hits zero the green light comes on and you hit the starting line of course if you hit it early you'll get a red light that's a disqualification great overhead shot of this facility and part of the pit area here's we're set to go racing top fuel style there's some of the craziest people on the property our rescue team but we love them we absolutely need them here's our Lucas marine products for one one these boats have five hundred against power plants in them burn nitromethane weigh in at about 3,500 pounds with a driver and full of fuel produce some 8,000 horsepower let's take a look at the ladders courtesy of General Tire six top fuel boats on the property to remember no qualifying this was sent by points Daryl Ehrlich the point leader gets the number one spot and that's going to be a huge round with six boats the winner of that one six matchup will have a fire run straight to the final Jeff gregory behind the wheel of the Whiskey River owned by Jay Hartunian that's the cackle of nitro inside a big old Hemi and this was that matchup I was telling me about because that's Daryl Ehrlich the problem child owned the tooth by Eddie Knox that is one bad fast boat but no qualifying no practice normally at this point you've already got a couple of runs under your belt your comfort level I think would be a little more it is the baddest boat in the land and the defending champ and hiked up and it's charging hard to the other end to doing what Fast Eddie Knox and Daryl Ehrlich do 359 246 miles per hour and a thousand foot that is getting it on Ken that thing I thought was on fire even after the parachutes were out normally you see the fire coming out of the headers but that thing looks like yeah that's still burnin absolutely good idea Daryl get out the last thing you want to be is strapped into a cockpit with nitromethane burnin under you there's a look at Jeff Gregory as well in the e3 spark plug sponsored machine looks like he is okay but it's the Eddie Knox tune machine they're driven by Darrell earlier that's in a bit of a trouble it looks like it's listening to the left a bit as well the safety guys right on top that thing is still burning it's sinking is what it's doing you know what happened Ken I think the Nitro somehow got up underneath the capsule there's not going to be any way for the rescue guys to get to that and put the fire out oh yeah it's burning big-time up under there the bad deal for sure a rescue and we talking about them before having a little fun how crazy they are but without these guys I'll tell you right now nobody would go racing and that's how quickly it can go down and under now the good news about where we're at is it isn't really deep so the rescue can do their job and do it quickly I believe they sank that thing on purpose the only way to get the water up under the capsule is gonna be to put the boat on the bottom let's go on board with the problem child and see if we can figure out just where the problem developed oh yeah the butterflies closed you can still see the fire on the back of the boat great onboard shot there courtesy of General Tire CP Pistons korilla rods inside of that one remember when I told you that that onboard camera was as close as I wanted to get this is what I was talking about that is burning right underneath the capsule no wonder he wanted out of that thing and we should say as well so he goes side by side here with GEICO that those nitro methane fumes are stifling to say the least they make your eyes water your nose burn it can be tough if it's inside the helmet let's get it down to Terry Boyd he's with Darrell early I gotta tell you Darryl Erlich pumped obviously first race first round gets the win but look at the boat man you guys were on fire for quite a while yeah that was kind of ugly I don't know exactly what went on but I knew it was not happy she hauled the mail though I mean it was fast to the end and then just something went anywhere I think maybe the fuel tank ruptured I was breathing some pretty good feelings a little fire inside the capsule while it was going on unfortunately we had to sink the boat to put the fire out there was so much underneath the capsule and in the front but hey my guys love a challenge I just gave him a good one he just went 250 miles an hour was on fire he's laughing about it and you said the rescue guys were crazy and he was sniffing nitromethane all along the way well here comes another crazy pilot we spoke with Scottie lumbered earlier we said hey take us for a ride one of these things moment I launch oh that and they're Top Fuel hydras like being shot out of the camp you go out there sinking the rattling out there and you let go of the rope and ready soon we'll and hang out and just slide you back in the seat hang on baby when you go out there when you come in going back down the track she shakes and vibrates a little bit throw that first you know second reach up section and she's kind of bumping in sliding you for an ENIAC then you can sit back you know it's just one of them deals and keep in mind we just watched him launch inside with that onboard shot and his entire body did move up the seat belt that they use our ratchet style belt they literally ratchet themselves in there it's tight as they can possibly do it that's what 8,000 horsepower will do and these things absolutely leave harder than their asphalt brethren do at the racetrack it is amazing the g-forces these things pull the props are fighting into the water and well there's not a whole lot of slippage their capsules down it's time to go oh and look at lumbered launch unfortunately he launched too early turns on the red light the will go to the other side - Kevin kenzley no that is not a typo it is Kevin and Kenzi picks up a wind goes to the second round he also had a negative reaction time remember one of the other things that happens in qualifying is the drivers find their comfort level on the starting line let's go up above as Lucas green products takes us on the helicopter you see both of them left the Rope just a little bit early its first forward they both committed the same foul it was a bitter foul for Scotty lumbered Kevin kenzley is declared the winner what a great overhead shot all right up next Brian Sanders fresh out of the Pro Mod category in the speed coke tequila sunrise and he's a champion inside of the Pro Mod category that's an index category where they cover the quarter mile in seven seconds Darrin Sylvie behind the wheel the Lucas Oil Speed sports special a name that is synonymous with drag boat racing one of the best teams of all time sylveon's second place at the points right now now he knows Darryl Erlich has already won his round but he also knows Darryl had the big fire the project may not be able even come back for the final white both guys sitting there waiting at the starting line for a while but Jarrett Shelby's gonna win this one easily as he drives away a very impressive 359 235 the speed not as fast as Erlich but the et right there with him within a hundredth of a second by a couple of thousand as Geico once again takes his side by side from the far end of the leg watch that Lucas Oil boat on your right side of your screen that is a pretty close to picture-perfect hydro run check in with a fourth member of our team here's Kenny Sargent guys needless to say Jarrett's still be happy about moving on so happy he was saying things off-camera that we will not repeat but that was a sweet run Sylvie absolutely you know Amos is starting to get a handle on our tune-up and manage trucked right down through there that's the quickest we've been so far this year and I think we got more in store it was the quickest was that a surprise we expecting something to come up now you don't believe it or not when I was trucking down through there I was a little afraid that Brian was ahead of me when we got to the other end they turned around said it went a 59 I said there we go but you know it's kind of weird the faster you go the smoother it is so I should know better by now speech bort moving on and guess what Brian was ahead of me all you have to do is take a look at the reaction time that's why he felt that way stay with us alcohol hide throw the platies we're coming up [Music] during e3 spark plugs born the burns and by Geico saving people money on mortgages car insurance welcome back to the candidate all-natural pet food second annual diamond drag boat nationals presented by Lucas Oil time now from the alcohol categories we have two different ones alcohol flat bottoms and alcohol hydro both are drastically different Allen alcohol flat bottom has been called the funny cars of the water they literally are these toughest machines to drive in drag boat racing you've got to get the boat to set on the starting line then you better get it to fly at the finish line otherwise you're just rubbing off speed yo hydros look like Top Fuel for the different title with that said let's go race it before we do that let's take a look at 401 won courtesy of Lucas marine products methanol for fuel for car about 3,000 or so that these boats aren't as heavy as the top fuels they still run the thousand foot force and one of the other big differences single propeller where the top fuel guys all have the twins there's four four boats that are gonna Duke it out of course Weber and heaps of those are team mates flat alert and has dyrdek will live alongside those two guys and try to take the tomato boats out of competition thanks to General Tire from giving us the lineup there is one of the tomato boats Joel Weber and what a tomato to the hired gun of that Bob Pizza team yeah he's a heck of a driver no doubt about it although I've got to tell you man Bob Pizza has deadly stepped-up after a solid year one season ago so we'll find out how things shake down here it looks like that boats rolling forward just a little bit as they fire them up it's not uncommon for the exhaust to push those things forward now the alcohol boats unlike the Top Fuel boats did get one shot at the water in qualifying but really nobody has shown they've got a handle on this place yet sounded like somebody really burnt the problem in and far side that is bladder who got in a lot of trouble finally had to pull the plug on that one that was an ugly launch to say the least Wow whoever certainly not gonna get in the reaction-time Hall of Fame but somehow he got the win 536 only 146 miles an hour blättler when he stood on that thing looked like it tried to bury the right spots and really peeled up on the side let's go on board first with told Weber courtesy of e3 spark plugs honest sound like Weber's boat might have stumbled a bit might not have been running on all eight cylinders that could be the reason for the tardy reaction time and the lab that is a second off the base nonetheless you'll pick up the round wind here let's go to our next merit Robert PES dyrdek final notice and they'll line up next to the boss and Bob pizza Bob pizza did not make a run and qualifying and we just saw with his tipo did Bob's got to be sitting there wondering it is is gonna be it not all eight I would be because those boats normally for the performance standpoint are pretty close when Bob waylaid here two and the reaction-time department just sitting there for a bit it's almost like they want to make sure everything's okay before they take off like a qualifying round unfortunately for the Bob this is a random eliminations and as dyrdek is gonna pick up the round win here with a 508 182 miles an hour pizza with a quicker the two laps but he gave up a half second the starting line yeah that goes down is what they call a hole shot when you've got the quicker boat but still come up on the losing end now as you take a look at fuel and horsepower looks about the same they don't make quite as much horsepower but the drastic difference here in this category is the whole Allen they're so difficult to drive these things are always just right on the edge of control general Tyrell give us a look at how the four flat bottoms align up is the semifinals as we get set to pick up the action alright and picking up the action here we'll do it the semi final round here with the final four there's a look at Dan Rogers in the Speed Freaks flat black Russian and of course black Russian certainly brings back great memories of the arm jars to race for years with us out here in the flat bottom category see a number of sponsors on the side of that one including Pat heads which is eyewear that's available at Walmart there's a look at George Pataki spirit of America that's a different combination there Allen it's a top Fuel jet if the driver team that's brand new to the category still kind of getting their feet wet so to speak the fact that qualifying was rained out really had to hurt them when you're trying to sort out a new combination Wow doing a great job right now without any fuel inside of that one me no nitromethane they are burning all alcohol right now but he comes out there runs a nice pass 585 136 miles per hour not bad at all especially considering two mile per hours down there a little bit yeah that's clipping right along in a jet boat so he will advance to the final round toe nice Carlotta that's the Lucas Oil Shazam he has been the all-conquering flat bottom for the last what century pretty close he is a racers racer for sure Tommy Thompson behind that one lucas oil also helps them out and then we have the boat and refrigerator white Jeff Stewart flat hammered love the name of it but as you can see he would love to have a sponsor on the side of that one to get a little help the one qualifying run we had steward was actually quicker than Tony's Carlotta and how about this he flipped a light on him big time I mean he drives away from him and then runs a better eet as well we might have to go back into the record books to find out the last time scar Lana got left on and out run that is not the normal modus operandi for that Lucas Oil boat but oh nice Carlotta gone early that doesn't happen often another look at it here from speed co drunk lube and tires capsule it's data look like Tony's boat boot first but the better hook up it's the far side white but definitely let that one wire-to-wire in Stewart and George Pataki at the final round I don't know if you were filling out a ladder sheet but that's not the way I had mine done let's check in with Kenny well guys when you walk over to a witty driver should be a little excited but you're not that excited because you thought you had a better tune up in there and you run a slower time yeah it's our first time out here so my brother's just starting to try and figure this thing out told me he's given me a hot rod I guess we got lucky Tony their team is so great that just really it was nice to beat them Jeff don't ever apologize for winning hey when we come back first look at Pro mods those seven second shooters gonna Duke it out here in Lake Lucas don't go away welcome back to the key today all natural pet food second annual diamond drag boat Nationals presented by Lucas Oil as you can see the families are having a lot of fun out here yes a man-made Beach to go swimming in as well let's talk about the index class this is called Pro Mod and the goal is to run the quarter mile in seven seconds flat sounds pretty simple the interesting thing about this is because of the rain the last couple of days a lot of these competitors have only had one run they normally get three or four to get dialed in also it's the biggest class will recover in this weekend 14 boats showed up the tribe that makes it very tough to get out here with rope and we say sound simple trust me it's anything fun these guys are as good as they come and they can split hairs yes they run on methanol and they do have a supercharger for the most part what's a while we see a turbocharged machine out of here of course the indexes we talk about seven seconds and they run the full quarter mile top speeds 165 175 miles an hour right in that area somewhere they also get a little help from the shore if they're doing it right yes they will have crew members on a radio to tell them if they're way out front slow down a little bit because as you miss it before if you break up you go too quick you can lose you go to the Box hit all we pick up the action here in round number two the seven boats that survived to this point there's Marty Logan protect the harvest that's them living the dream bug he and the twins always have a good time when they come out here protect the harvest certainly cause that is near and dear at the forest Lucas's harrowing party Logan saved one right there I don't know how he wasn't living the dream right then and there but he was living I promise you well that is something that these boats just very rarely do probably picks up the win in a 708 good reaction time Anna probably as well but that was quite a move out of that boat far light let's go back on the helicopter and watch courtesy of Lucas marine products everything's fine thereafter Marty put it in second gear boy a denim shortage smiles and walk and he said lose the round but he saved the boat in my mind that's a victory look like you might have clipped a buoy right there at the finish line as well as we go on board of the Shannon Beale the split decision to Shannon and that a free ride in the opening round which gave him another test and tune run that a lot of the guys didn't get of course Sean read one of the best in the business yeah a champion inside of the category not a guy you want to draw in round number one but they're all tougher to get out here they'll miss the bullfight Vinny's new tits backhand shot read with Niki yeah you don't give Shawn read that big a head-start he is just flat too good heads broom he's out of the throttles the only 168 miles an hour 7:10 the elapsed time takes care of Shannon Beale and if that boat looks familiar it should yeah absolutely Kevin Kinsley can't paint that one and top alcohol hydro for ED Basilio let's go on board with Geico on Sean Reed's boat beautiful pass here that's what a Hydra is supposed to look like you said it before he's one of the best in round one his reaction time to point one six zero so he got after here and round two consequently he goes to the semi-finals and gets to talk to Kenny I walked up to Sean Reed I said well you about to make this a habit aren't you Reed's got his swagger back don't you yeah you know when it wasn't a you know perfect run by all means I lifted a little bit in the traps and probably scrubbed a few hundreds off but that point would have put me on a no seven maybe but it's kind of not my style but you know we don't have a lot of you know no testing back here no you know one qualifying pass I don't want to make too big a step to where I regret it and you run a 99 then you're going home anyway I'd rather stay on the right side and you know make people beat us so that's what we're trying to do today we should say in round one he won a 706 so the performance is inside of the boat as we take a look at Mike lamb from behind just one more by clamp we've got around Jimmy brewer in the opening round of competition at that point Travis Tuttle put a 718 on the board so from a performance standpoint boats look pretty close short fuse of the big Lucas Oil sponsorship on the side of that red white blue machine and he squeezed it too tight Travis Tuttle lights the red light a hundred and a half that's how important reaction time is squeezing it so close but that's a foul start a Mike lamp credit where credit's due he's almost perfect on the tree and not too bad on the track yeah he got a great job no doubt about a double Oh 1/8 line that is Nate thousands of a second for perfect then puts a seven Oh up on the board into the O's you're running a decent number there's a look at the speed squirt special day that means fuel that's coming up max he ate now the horsepower monsters are ready to go [Music] the fans have packed the house here at Lake Lucas for the kanima all natural pet foods Diamond drag boat Nationals presented by Lucas Oil marine products and they have been treated to a lot of different things including smoke fire nitro and this one that's safe let's check in with Eddie Knox and get an update Eddie Knox let me ask you real quick I know you're buried out back here what's your preliminary you know prognosis well it didn't appear that the engine blew up it looks like we broke a fuel line somehow the Nitro got lit by the headers and it came back up and explode the fuel tank as you can see the problem with putting it out as they just had a boat full of 10 or 15 gallons of nitro and a little bit of oil I think we'll be all right we're just gonna take out all the electronics just make it start that's it I think we'll be all right as you look at the fuel cell is completely ripped at the top you gotta love the optimism as General Tire shows us the semi-final ladder one thing you need to keep in mind on the Lucas Oil drag boat racing series you do not have to run a buy if you don't want to so Darryl Ehrlich is gonna sit this round out that basically is gonna buy him an extra hour and a half to fix the boat there's no way they could have turned it around this fast Travis romp ler and the general tire gang have gotten behind Kevin Tinsley here in this Top Fuel hydro effort and he'll pair up with Jared Sylvie Sylvie again with a speed sport special team that is Lou and Mary Ann Osmond owned and they have been around kentley's bug goes silent just past the starting line and Silvie goes to the final 362 235 miles an hour the speed basically an instant replay of their first pass that boat as he said starting to get some consistency back then the back consent for the final round where they'll face Darrel or like assuming they could fix the problem town I believe those guys were happy with the run wouldn't you say absolutely Famous Amos saddling part of that group right there a legendary Hall of Famer we go on more than Jared Silvie and the Lucas Oil Speed sport special just a nice clean solid run down Lake Lucas there looking like championship contenders right now well we know they're in the final round where they are slated to go up against the problem child and Darryl Erlich of course after all the problems they had in the first round I'm not sure they're gonna be able to return I am sure that Darryl sat down earlier and chatted with Kenny sergeant Darryl how did you get involved with drag boat racing well it was a machinist there's a young man and built engines for some of the guys that race these things and had hot dog Lake boats we used to go do it and one of my friends talked me into getting on the holding rope points for his boat man I was so look first time down the track was just that was the hook line and sinker you ever walk by mirror for a window of a department store look in there and go I am the fastest man on the planet in the boat you know it's kind of funny because I don't feel like that I'm just another guy out here doing what I love to do and I don't think of it as being the fastest guy out there I just think of how lucky I am to be in a boat that that runs like that every time it goes to the water and that's the truth something really is we've talked about this a number of times too many Darryl but you've been involved in some really rad violent accidents how's it how does that affect you we hop on the boat now when I crawl in that capsule it is the most peaceful place on the planet to me if something bad has to happen to me that's going to be the place I would use for it to be it's just one of those things you know we all know the risk of this crashing is part of the thrill of all of this I suppose you know if it was safe and it really wouldn't be what it is these outriggers nowadays transmits the gym gun bullet that we drive a hundred times more stable than anything we ever had before part of that too is made everybody try a little harder to make them go faster there used to be a thing where people reach the point of this is enough I don't want any more than that right there but none of us have that feeling anymore I mean Eddie knows and he can do anything you want with that boat and I'll love every second of it give me more Darryl I've known you for several years here and I've seen you end-over-end before it was actually San Angelo so it's nice to say that I could still sit across from you and you can still shoot the ball with me and be a part of this thanks for hanging out hey absolutely but he's a tough competitor to say the least and it's very good at what he does we come back what with the robots back in the water stay with us we're here at the candidate all-natural pet foods Diamond drag boat Nationals presented by Lucas Oil marine products there's a look at the stands just in front of the dirt track here at Lucas Oil Speedway and yeah the go kart track has been wide open from the time they opened the gates there's something here for everybody it's a multi-use facility here at Lucas Oil Speedway of course we're focusing on the lake right now but over the course of the year there show me 100 the diamond Nationals for dirt cars the Lucas Oil Pro pulling series comes in here for thier season closer and let me tell you something if you've never watched tractor pullers well they could be a little unpredictable as well but today it's all about boats let's head back over the Lake Lucas a lot of these guys aren't afraid to stick their necks out much like that little guy right there who's living the dream here's a look at the pro modified semi-finals leaves and reed will pair up along with lamb and brawling I believe this is one of three days a year that that little guy doesn't like living here you get a little sporty there in the front yard Mike lamb trying to make his way into the final round if he can just sneak by Kyle Brawley now remember this is the seven second index class you can't go quicker than seven seconds and it was the biggest category we had down to the final four the blue boat out of Fort Worth Texas trying to make the final round a tweet with Missouri [Music] another big wheel stand there out of the yellow bug o45 reaction time side-by-side charts into the other end what a great battle that's what Pro Mod is all about how about a 7:05 beating a 704 on a whole shot you said it before but both reaction times solid Brawley stated on the throat 176 miles an hour but just could not get there quick enough that's the race of the day so far as Lucas green products takes us back on the helicopter can watch these babies side-by-side tell me if you think you can pick out a winner without electronic guys at the finish line kanaday all-natural pet food shows you a margin of victory six thousandths of a second at 176 miles an hour my clam six thousands of a second that's about a foot did you have any idea that you won the race no not till we got down and then got out of the cockpit and talked on the radio a little bit you had to pull a decent line yeah we had a no 37 light our last light with a double O eight light so I needed to back off a little and I did and it everything worked like it should that was a no 34 but today what street does between friends you know and he brings something up I mean it's so difficult to do we try our best to explain to you how close that is a double O eight or eight thousand or thirty eight thousands but to adjust physically is extremely difficult because we aren't talking about the amount of time it takes to blink your eye so to do that physically is very very hard we're also talking about a race course that moves it's not like a car that you park it sits we're talking us true game adventures alright the other half the semi-final Sean Reid farside Robert Lee's in the white boat and this baby is gonna be all Sean Reid that's not exactly a stunner is it reaction times almost identical and 7:01 zeroing in on that seven double oh please didn't have a bad run at all of 705 yeah I wonder if Reid did step it up after that interview and the previous round he said that he wasn't gonna mess with it felt like he might have had a no seven in the boat well needless to say he has an O one in the boat and that is getting close to six seconds own flat hammered means the flatty's are coming up next stay with us we'll bring both out the whole category is back and find out who's gonna win this thing the fans are having a great time out here in a beautiful day of the candidate all-natural pet foods Diamond drag boat Nationals presented by Lucas Oil marine products they've been treated to some great racing action here in all of our categories certainly in the pro modified category we also have the sportsman out here the open boats and they're always a lot of fun to watch and they race so hard here's a look at the final and top alcohol hydro it's time to start crown and champions Joel Weber was probably expected to be here Robert piss dyrdek maybe not when you're going up against Bob Dietz in the first round that's not usually a way to guarantee longevity in your day but hey that's why we dragged him to the holding rope and race him pizza' was very late on the light Roberts gonna run in the final and see if he can take care of Bob partner that's tomato to keep in mind Joel Weber went a 536 in round one it was miss dyrdek who went a 508 so he might have said the quarry button he leaves too early this one's over Robert was going 14 ooh he's gonna have to pick up the pace to hang with Webber if they put one together and they did so even if he hadn't nailed that light perfectly probably didn't have enough to hang with Webber here today 201 miles an hour that is low et that is top speed in the beat and that's a winner he saved the best for last III spark plugs to take us on board he always wanted to ride on an alcohol hydro at 200 plus it's pretty easy from there he even I'm not scared now he'd hiked up them left front spots and set it down perfectly after that he charged hard good what does Joe ever done all year qualified number one and won every race so what does he do here at Lucas Lake he wins it top alcohol hydro winter here Wheaton congratulations thank you very much we're happy to be that here at Weiland turned out to be a good day little wet a couple last couple of days but turned out to be a great Sunday laid down some wonderful numbers a boat ran good I have some good competition allowed to see the boat show up hydro winter from Lucas all Speedway going on for the championship Joe Weber yeah that's what you deal with with Joel lever and Bob heaps and when those heads get a couple of looks in the water they stupid throwing numbers down like that alright let's go to top alcohol flat bottom general tire shows us the ladder how we got here to the final round George Pataki now remember that is not an alcohol flat bottom that is that fuel jet that they are experimenting with they came out here this weekend basically just to test and tune it hey if the brake falls their way they could be leaving here with the trophy and as we all know the diamond Nationals trophy is one of the most coveted and drag boat racing even though this facility has only been open a couple of years tacky alna hauled rope there and trying to line the boat if he seems actually aimed the boat right there to get it as straight as possible so when he lets go of that rope as he does pull the capsule lid down they're sitting there for a moment with absolutely no control over that seems a little bit later there will it pay off boy he gets a good reaction done a much better one charge is hard at the other end but he's not gonna have enough to hang with Stuart Stuart with a 561 will take home the hardware here today the tacky Spode almost looked like the pop off on the jet had opened up before it got to the finish line where art spray not water up behind the boat that's a little safety item that they've got flat bottom Jeff Stewart you're on board to the winner you know we kept talking about how tough these things are described it's nice today made it look easy looks easy from out here that's for sure excellent job for Jeff Stewart let's talk to him I don't know if there's anyone more surprised with this championship win here at Lucas Oil Speedway than the guy behind me Jeff Stewart you looked a little stunned coming up here to victory circle really am I don't think it's sunk in yet but holding this thing is just fantastic this place is fantastic Lucas Oil have just done a wonderful job we love having you guys here great let up Jeff you just won yourself a championship here look this on speedy if this thing I'd be surprised too because most guys that run Tony scar Lada in the first round don't end up hold the hardware at the end of the day and carries with number one and number two and the points at Pro Mod as they get ready to square off guys big stories going on right here Pro Mod Mike lamb current series points leader Sean Reed second place in points I'm gonna go to you first Mike what's it gonna take to beat this guy oh I'm gonna stomping at the light how about you Sean what's it gonna take to be my clam I'm gonna letting him stomp me just a little bit too much and turn on the red light let the head games begin that's a heck of a strategy if you can pull it off all right we'll find out who can hold true to the words and ProModel we come back we'll also have top neo hydro Bibles this telecast has been brought to you by Optima batteries the ultimate power source candidate natural pet food company and by Lukas marine products it's time for the final round of bro mod and the fuel boats here at the Canada all natural pet food Diamond drag boat Nationals presented by Lucas Oil marine products let's get it down to Terry Boyd with more on Top Fuel okay Jared Silvie ready to get in the water we just got done talking to Darryl you guys are arch enemies but best friends away from the water it's the way you want it to go down absolutely I'd love to see him in a final you ought to be it ought to be a great fun it really should because I know they struggle a little bit today but they got a great team they got their deal together but I really believe that Famous Amos to my team we we humped up we got it done and we're running pretty consistent today if I can get out of the gate we might give him a run for the money they've been sneaking up on it for sure ever since the building of the new boat before we get to that race let's tackle this category here Sean read my clam number one number two and the points lamb would have loved to win his first team it's hip inside of this category Sean Reed would love to win another you heard the trash-talking at the launch ramp well the time for talking is over it's time to pull down that canopy and get it on it'll be interesting to see who has the last word had to take out ramp about a quarter of a mile from now seven seconds is the magic number Mike lamb Sean read through the best of the business lamb said he's going to cut a light on him Reed said he was gonna let it go see what happens ho-jon we predicted it it slam it goes red trying to kill at the starting line your winner Sean Reed check it out 704 Lam was even better at 7.02 but as Nostradamus predicted the red light for the Yellow Boat and that's the end of the day here in Wheatland here's a replay from speed coach truck wood and tires here in the near Lane through the nose unfortunately just a little few a gallon 18,000 a second is less time but it was enough time to make my clam a runner-up and Shawn read the winner hey to the victor goes Kenny Shawn Reed chasing Mike lamb well he chased him all the way to the finish that of course grabs the championship here at Lucas Lake with the Lucas Oil drag boat racing series more importantly he got a round up on him and you a little bit closer to getting that point's lead yeah you know Mike's been tough from the get-go this year and we kind of struggled a little early but you know we got to keep winning and he was on the opposite side of the ladder and you know I got to take care of my business I was hoping he was gonna go out earlier but he did not so you know I just get them when I get them and then we gotta round up and steal three rounds out with two races to go and then we'll see what happens and you want yourself your first race of 2012 baby Shawn read a little bit closer to get that points leader that's a championship that's gonna go all the way down to the wire Aaron Sylvane through the biggest boats in the land for sure are you talking about speed sports special when you talk about the problem child names that are synonymous with Top Fuel hydro you can see the burn marks on the side of that one keep in mind they sunk it earlier today after that one caught on fire they sunk it to put it out put the fire out these guys work hard it's back on the hold rope these guys would love to be on Lucas Oil Speed sport special it has been all sunshine and rainbows for those guys today as well man thrash in between rounds they never had a chance to warm the boat up couple of unknown quantities here in the final last run of the day oh this piece weren't special completely underwater it dumped the nose and it look like problem child was on fire through the lights look at the mud on the right front spots and where he dove it's so hard it was down at the bottom and now Daryl Ehrlich and he drives it up on the beach in the rocks what a crazy final round well that's one way to keep from sinking it man parallel park that thing right there look at the mud dude your champion is on the beach your runner-up is climbing out of the capsule after trying to turn that baby into a submarine as you mention all the mud on the front of it it stuck right into the bottom of Lake Lucas you could see him moving around in a capsule he's fine Daryl Ehrlich Daryl wasn't mad when he was on fire and sank he's certainly not gonna be upset about being a winner on the beach ya know he thinks he did a good job I mean I parked it right here for you guys there's a look at Jared sylvie great job thumbs up for him he is okay I always see first and foremost for all the drivers to make sure they're okay once again props off to our rescue crew the skies are always right there on it let's watch this one more time talk about had the red boat farside that thing has never got up on you buried the sponsons and the prof just drove it straight to the bottom oh this ought to be a good shot remember at the beginning of the show when I said I don't want to ride one of these this is why I know this shot from Optima batteries just instantly all the way underwater that's how much horsepower these things make for starters but let's watch the process here keep in mind he his breathing apparatus on that completely sealed off helmet and an air bottle there so he knows he's gonna be okay fortunately for him he's not in a deep lake or river there's the thumbs-up he's basically saying I'm okay to rescue rescue pulls up right there and now the belts are loose he'll pop the canopy which is typically something they don't want to do but with water coming in rescue there he knows he's okay he'll pull the lever here on the canopy and get out all is good except for our camera yeah I tell you what man everybody down he had tears in her eyes for a moment except for you until you saw your son he was he was crying pretty hard yeah you know I don't I know he doesn't like to see that but we're good it's all good it was just a weird deal not sure what happened but you know I've been I've done the exact same thing a couple of times before fortunately it's not very deep here pop right back up no big deal everything's 100% you're okay now we're fine we're fine no big deal good to see you man glad you're safe I wonder what he would call a big deal to me that would be a big deal well while that was going on this is what was going on - your winner is speed code truck bloomin tire center show us the instant replay wait let me guess all is good there's a beach coming up because he was going off to the right towards the beach just didn't get it stopped quite quick enough these hydros really don't have a whole lot of steering at that point well you can never accuse the Lucas Oil drag boat racing series for having a lack of drama and you can never accuse this team for having monster drama on a final day how did you pull that one off buddy there is a simple reason for all of this these guys standing here and the other eight back in the pits the most amazing individuals on the planet I mean I gave them this big ugly barbecue pit it's a crispy critter step in it and they give me a hot rod in all the mail what can I say man this is it these guys are wide expanding that points need for your 2012 Lucas a dragon boat racing series championship doc I don't know that we ever mentioned it 3.6 seconds 246 miles an hour in the final it was all in the mail now and we've seen a lot first time I've ever seen one dig up mud from the bottom after two perfect runs it didn't even get off the starting line it has been a crazy race here at Lucas Oil Speedway hope you enjoyed all the action this telecast has been produced by Lucas Oil productions for Kenny starred in an Alan Reinhart I've kids down thanks for watching the Lucas Oil drag boat racing series [Music]
Channel: Lucas Oil
Views: 3,484,903
Rating: 4.6410589 out of 5
Keywords: Lucas Oil, Drag Boat, Racing, Diamond Nationals, Jarret Silvey, Daryl Ehrlich, Problem Child, Scotty Lumbert, Spirit of Texas, Tony Scarlata, Crash, Submarine, wreck, lake, Speedway, Top Fuel, Top Alcohol, Pro Mod, Hydro, Drag Racing (Sport), Race, Fire, Explosion, sink, Nitromethane, Methanol, Horsepower, extreme, geico, general tire, E3 Sparkplugs, Canidae, Wheatland, Missouri, Protect the harvest, explosion, Boat, Ken Stout, Alan Reinhart, Terry Boyd, Kenny Sargent, racing, epic, fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2013
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