LTTPR | Hard Standard Tournament - Game 2 vs asazas

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[Music] of uh myself versus azazes i am currently losing zero to one uh unfortunate ganon death cost me game one along with you know a million billion other things that i did poorly um [Music] at least in my own eyes so looking to rectify that in this game and if i don't i'm eliminated so we got crystal green pendant [Music] i'm not muted this time that sound good uh yeah we're good microphone audio coming through all right hammer starts pretty nice okay [Music] guards in the bomb pack as well is also very nice we'll be able to farm okay i was gonna farm that guy hopefully i use two bushes but doesn't really matter that much i also definitely forgot to update all of my stuff that i was going to update yesterday that's good okay who needs bombs it'll be easier to handle those guys on the way back anyways yeah um you missed game one um [Music] oh it's pretty uh pretty boring no boots the whole time um we finished within 14 seconds of each other like an idiot i also like i was just not super focusing in game one i guess [Music] oh i made a lot of very very silly mental mistakes like weird decisions that i wouldn't normally make so here's hoping game two is a little [Music] different that's fine don't really care about that one bomb it's gonna be gone by the time we get back there most likely um but that does progress the drop order so that just means you know we're one less drop or one drop closer to getting the four which is what really matters [Music] um i think the snakes are also in the same pack as the guards yeah so we have a lot of opportunities to get bombs [Music] pretty much we just want bombs so we like guaranteed don't have to buy them in kakariko [Music] just hammer's weapon i also don't really want to like i want as many bombs as possible like even with six you know we're leaving escape with five uh maximum maybe four if i want to try to bomb the top door as well and kakariko assuming there's none there you know we don't have many and i'd ideally still use bombs for some of mini mulder and cave so i do want to try and maximize the bombs wow i got one drop out of five snakes [Music] wow early bow as well crazy especially with eastern crystal it's a very good escape [Music] yeah seven bombs is fine i suppose [Music] [Music] i dropped that super early uh all right well that's fine [Music] okay [Music] um this might be the map yeah good that's whatever i lose like two seconds of checking that chest um even if i'm like actively paying attention to all the chests in escape i like am always really nervous about skipping sanctuary chests [Music] well okay what's the what's the progression for the prize pack um you want money here ideally okay thanks game um [Music] 20 rupees not worth it [Music] okay next drop is an eight so i am going to kill the guards on the way out [Music] oh [Music] and way more money shovel okay [Music] i could just walk from maze to shovel um if we get a glove there i could even walk from shovel to the damn it wouldn't be that terrible looking pretty good on money so far um probably won't need to buy bombs [Music] it could be as well i can use that many mold arm cave instead of gassing my [Music] bombs [Music] [Music] okay that was our go mode item from game one the first ten minutes upon [Music] depending on how the seed plays out i might have to play like you know by virtue of being down zero to one um i might have to play a little more aggressively mid game [Music] but who knows depends on what the seed ends up doing [Music] game one of zazzles had to play very aggressively due to dying in palestine darkness dark turtle room um which is fair ooh i made up a lot of time by skipping things that i did [Music] really just depends on how the seat ends up going [Music] no glove which is a little unfortunate i don't know i don't know if it's faster here just save and quit or to just walk out to link's house probably save and quit [Music] already doing like better health-wise than we did early game last time so that's also good uh if there's something at the damn dream spot i'll probably opt to go to aegina early [Music] i could also choose to do eastern now instead of south shore um and lamp it's relatively easy um okay early ice rods really nice you know turtle rock's gonna be a pendant though because of it you know [Music] okay yeah i'm gonna end up just saving quitting out of uh ice rod cave here [Music] [Music] smidge um yeah overall pretty nice [Music] and five rupees for the stun drop not great but whatever whatever [Music] i don't know how that crowding gets done but whatever lots of good items [Music] okay [Music] okay glove from dark world access [Music] man i don't know why my throat's so dry [Music] probably i'll just open a little protein bar i haven't eaten breakfast or anything um just open that when i uh kill the boss all right three items in eastern everything's in logic 100 [Music] that's one [Music] so uh [Music] oh the god eastern let's go dude [Music] i think it's a little too early to make aggressive plays like uh like skip big key chest uh it's a little too early uh i also just hate that play in general like no matter when it is uh unless you're in go mode i guess do okay [Music] um uh no okay [Music] um [Music] okay so options are actually super limited right now it's pretty much just desert [Music] so not doing agina early a plus [Music] [Music] so we can't get a glow i mean if we get a glove in desert i can beat dungeon right that ends up being the next progression item it could be like a flute um i probably do again first here because i can't beat the dungeon i don't want to go in and come back like get a glove specifically but it's not like you know it's not super low okay so there's the glove [Music] no big deal [Music] real question here is if i'm gonna beat the dungeon or not well if i even can [Music] okay so let's bake these on the torch we'd be the dungeon and like boots could also still be over here anyways okay well we can beat the dungeon that was a little slightly too far away the only issue is if i we have already beaten eastern so the main issue is um when do i do sahaja if i beat desert okay there's one we also have ice rods and the fight's not super slow either also an item on the boss so i think we beat the boss and like you know i don't know you could very easily opt to skip this we have a lot of good items already we can be pawn i'll skip it [Music] i don't know how i feel about the early skip but we're doing it i maybe could have gone to check ped here it actually would have made sense [Music] yeah let's go check pad [Music] [Music] wouldn't necessarily make my desert skip worse if something's here [Music] oh yeah this early you know knowing that that's dead or like like it being dead doesn't really matter too much please let me through uh but if something was there that would significantly alter my route um [Music] you know like if thieves town was a was a was a pendant you know we're going in [Music] okay so we need two pendants and a crystal uh we got odd meyer thieves can't believe that these are turtle rocks of crystals [Music] okay i guess it's fine okay that's less fine but now this one's kind of awkward but it's still fine [Music] i tried [Music] [Music] [Music] alright let's go with zero pop wow [Music] boom [Music] okay all right so let's see we need two swords [Music] that's it okay think about i guess really threw me off and mirror [Music] no thieves down [Music] i have to come back for skull woods later anyways so oh primer's just gonna go here straight to pod [Music] but [Music] ah we are isolating a k-45 here which is why i went to the village of outcast first compared to hype cave just because that gives me a couple more checks especially with the uh wood bias [Music] okay mountain access [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay okay we definitely don't need any [Music] medallions okay we're gonna skip pyramid for now as well just because we have the ability to beat hera and pod right now so no reason to go to pyramid when i can very easily just do pyramid fairy with it uh in the very near future that's not good all right [Music] obs disconnected for like five seconds [Music] weird [Music] i could death warp here okay too late i'll death elsewhere [Music] woof [Music] uh i guess that's fine it's not ideal that's fine we'll get another heart in the room below this anyways [Music] [Music] my health is fine actually just because i have a lamp pod is a no worry zone right now i want hammer after this we have a blue potion just in case as well okay um [Music] [Music] uh let's do that do it that way for safety [Music] turtles are scary [Music] uh one heart is a little spooky in here [Music] that made it much less supposed to be a hook shot i could have blown up in my face pretty bad okay there's my zoro [Music] wow hmm [Music] [Music] what [Laughter] [Music] went the very wrong direction in that [Music] menu [Music] uh [Music] dude i forget the menu here every single time every single time i don't think we're gonna make it to that one in time it was tough with uh those two side turtles on the bottom going left and right makes it very hard to get all those turtles with the one cycle [Music] [Music] any hammer hits without a sword and without the ability to hook speed is very hard okay so nothing in pod we got powder i guess um i could do that with the flute [Music] okay [Music] just counting my health [Music] okay so one two three i have nine health i have six right now if i get up death mountain to unscathed that's enough actually my current health [Music] [Music] oh okay uh pond led to something good we did it we did it family i feel pretty good about that actually all right well now we're dead i was thinking about not doing old man we're definitely doing old man now no mushroom early uh means no fake powder for boots early so you have to do the pot early and then also choose to do um to do paths uh if you end up doing hype cave to pod instead you don't want the flute so you have less reason to just go straight to bat that's good [Music] we never even found these last even though they were logically required [Music] [Music] okay [Music] uh we're gonna do a spike cave here [Music] this is why i was counting my health earlier i did lose one heart we're gonna try to get preparing now we got we have so much leniency here [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] okay [Music] and nothing up here so far [Music] oh we still haven't found any of our potential go mode but we have found the boots so that's good [Music] okay double triple [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] so even though big he's in the basement since we got one item in here it's very light like the only reason we'd need the basement is if the item is in the big chest so we just have a you know a decent chance that we just don't need the big key anyways oh wow i was expecting to get boosted by the fire i was just expecting to have iframes for the kadango [Music] okay 360 circle doesn't normally happen [Music] zero all right so we got spiral cave [Music] i guess we're just uh [Music] i could not to do zoro stuff here since we have early boots it's not super slow let's just let me what i want to do here yeah let's use let's do flipper stuff real quick [Music] [Music] [Music] eh we're missing enough stuff but like doing this out of sequence probably won't matter much anything it like yields an important item and it helps tell me where flippers are uh gives me information like you know [Music] or ledge or highly alleged i can actually get sort of edge uh most likely i don't mess up um and it's very unlikely at this point that flippers will be my go mode okay you get a health refill from heart pieces you get put back in the water you're in the water walk states our first sword so even if i'm water walking when i get this all right and it'll put me back in the water that i don't want oh so um okay let's explode [Music] [Music] i think at this point i got a i gotta go into thievestown [Music] hot play paying off some more [Music] ugh [Music] all right well those bits are guaranteed required as well so [Music] all right so here um we're gonna i'm not gonna skip thieves town but i'm gonna do mirror stuff first [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm what okay all right so this point we have thieves town our only sword is out of logic at the moment i'm not gonna check lumberjack just i really should probably uh it's very isolated now we have thieves town and i have k-45 [Music] um [Music] eh two items hmm the very least uh if we get both items we can just leave because i know heads nothing i think that's like the one big reason to do this right now i'm k-45 into pyramid and pyramid fairy [Music] whoops yeah we need it uh i guess item guaranteed on boss i don't have a small key yet [Music] that's fine you can meet your own boss [Music] ugh [Music] if myths are on the boss huh [Music] oh i thought you could mirror if you you come here before the item or something it's gonna sworn you come here i guess i mean you can save him quit but okay it's fine nothing there i guess i'm a little worried about desert still but i'm okay with that skip [Music] okay actual sword and logic [Music] and fire rod mix flippers here do i don't actually know [Music] oh eh [Music] all right then from here i guess we go to catfish [Music] and it's not here then we're going back to the desert which is kind of what feels bad hmm i guess i'd probably do tablet i don't know because one of my swords is not a logic it could be the answer but that would just tell me that like a sword for flippers or something is in desert you know um we get another sword against also in logic but once we get another sword or flippers agonising logic [Music] um [Music] i have green pendant as well actually let's go do that no i don't have a green pen i'm stupid i never got it we um yeah this is all we have left this in the desert [Music] [Music] uh kind of unfortunate to be honest not for what i'm really hoping to be here i guess trying to think of like what what benefits me the most being here that i skipped like maybe put my opponent away from the boots or the mirror my rod wouldn't do anything for me so i think it has to be mits or flippers it doesn't have to be here necessarily it can be on as well but i like my wrath been pretty good so far like i have doubled back to a lot of stuff that i skipped already but i've had the boots for a pretty long time so i don't think the double backs have hurt that much i think we've routed relatively efficiently um okay so it's on sahaja i mean if it's flippers we go straight to swamp um it's mitts there's smith chain uh dark dead mountain [Music] like i said byron doesn't actually open anything for me [Music] cannot be fire on [Music] [Applause] ah not the worst thing in the world it's like you know it's a hush like the fact that it's on sahaja yoga it makes me feel better than if it was on because you also have to figure out when you're going back to some hospital okay that cape also puts lumberjack in logic so that's a little scary [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] now the big thing locking me is flippers we don't have access to two of our crystal dungeons without [Music] them [Music] hmm uh [Music] nothing on sky island so we do i probably do hook cave into a turtle rock dip [Music] i was expecting to use hook shot there realized i didn't have [Music] okay so we're fire on from gomo this is very interesting um [Music] i don't remember where any of those were i just know that we got all of them [Music] [Music] um ether was the last one i got that's all i know that's all i got all right so nice thing about this is if it's um it's not a small key in this first chest we're out of here nothing else we can do um this is a small key we can keep going which uh it's more of a time waste at any point if we don't get a small keyword okay [Music] okay another question is [Music] all right so right now [Music] let's change hammer pegs is three things uh two things admire like really we don't have that much [Music] swamp [Music] [Music] swamp has six things ice has three rips worst possible location is probably meyer here [Music] one item guaranteed left side here oh [Music] okay all right so there's slightly less than a 50 chance fire rods in here uh six things in here compared to three nice three in smith chain sequence [Music] okay [Music] ugh guaranteed three items after this [Music] okay uh okay i'm feeling decent it sucks that we you know didn't skip very much but i feel good about efficiency i feel good about how early we got boots [Music] possible fights [Music] um i guess i don't know what's faster here there's nothing in skull wood so guaranteed doing so what's now won't help me in the slightest um yeah i don't really know what the best way to do this was [Music] all right what stuff do i check in this dungeon for a sword [Music] i think we probably do like not most of it i mean i guess kind of most of it a lot of these checks are very fast [Music] also helps for cold stare a little bit [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh oh i do this chest since we have to lift it up anyways [Music] sure [Music] two items in the big [Music] okay that was a waste [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay see we're at 115 right now this is gonna be what like uh 135 maybe we need to get one small key in here i also want to take damage at some point let's open it right there honestly let's do that don't want sword beams like the easiest way for me to take damage like mitigate the most potential time loss i guess from trying to take damage somewhere else i guess like maybe right here would have been the best place yeah like that probably the best place to take damage [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] dude [Music] uh [Music] one too many [Music] [Music] okay [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] woof [Music] hmm [Music] so they don't need to do any of this stuff which is nice it's next i want fire on ugh dang it i'm gonna skip big chest here [Music] uh [Music] [Music] the only way that this actually owns us is if big chest and lava chest have small keys which is relatively unlikely since we uh since we stole that pokey we have bombs just in case because then we open door and then go back and get a big chat oh i guess going back really [Music] so opening a door literally wouldn't matter that's close that would have made turtle rock a little scary or not turtle off trainings [Music] um oh i wasn't expecting here we have that up hammers really really tight instead we do that i just remember to mend you to hookshot here for the first time basically ever the brief like 30 seconds of the hidden village theme [Music] do [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] didn't really want that fairy oh we're gonna drop them home i don't want sword beams [Music] earrings are good for like these two rooms basically and that's it because those like to run away [Music] yeah we've got that top [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] foreign uh okay do it hmm oh my god [Music] it's okay we lost barely any time we would have finished it one shot sooner so getting that one really didn't matter [Music] things [Music] um uh okay one more six i used that blue potion i forgot uh three six everything's fine stop shooting firebats that was a very slow ganon my current magic is very recent i'm not risky i've missed towards which will be really bad [Music] oh [Music] uh oh [Music] well we didn't win [Music] we lost by a couple minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] ugh yeah the desert escape ended up being my my downfall most likely well hard last location emits is bad [Music] yeah when i got gt big zazus was like approaching agatu basically so [Music] yeah this is the uh second straight main tournament where i go 0 and 2 in [Music] brackets [Music] [Music] ah disappointing that's the way rando goes there's enough good players now that like it sucks but like it's not entirely you know inconceivable that i lose super early you know everybody's good now um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well ggs um yeah i mean we race pretty well not much we can do like even even without an a one game deficit you know skipping desert there uh you know isn't the worst thing to do with dark world access so that's how it goes uh yeah i'll see you guys in a little while
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 7,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alttp, games, hard, lttp, lttpr, rando, randomizer, standard, tournament, tourney, twitch, zelda
Id: Z3-lNq75LeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 4sec (6124 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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