Lt. Col. Oliver North & Lt. Gen. Gerald Boykin | Allen Jackson Ministries Podcast

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i'm going to introduce you in a rather formal way the people in the church know you but everybody listening may not know you as well uh lieutenant colonel oliver north welcome back to middle tennessee thank you brother it's great to be back with you if you don't know colonel north he is a combat decorated u.s marine he's the number one best-selling author 17 best-selling books it's not nice to come in and outright the preacher he's the founder of a small business he's a holder of three u.s patents for 17 years he was a syndicated columnist and host of war stories on the fox news channel he's a graduate of the u.s naval academy he served 22 years as a u.s marine for which general boykin will forgive him right well i don't know that was not fair to ask me that especially not while we're recording that's right colonel north has been awarded many medals for combat silver star bronze star for valor two purple hearts for wounds in action from 83 to 86 he served as the counter-terrorism coordinator on the national security council staff and he helped plan the rescue of the u.s students in granada the liberation of american hostages the capture of the achilles laurel hijackers and the raids on muammar gaddafi's terror bases after which he was targeted for assassination by abu nadal's islamic jihad president reagan this is a pretty good endorsement president reagan said ollie north was an american hero welcome back to tennessee sir it's great to be back with you you know he called me up that night in fact the last time i actually talked to him and he said i know your kids i know your kids have gone to bed and i just want you you to tell them it was about 10 30 at night and it was the first night of the hearings i just want you to tell them that i said you are an american hero and i got choked up then i'm getting choked up now but it was a great blessing to my kids because they'd been going through hell itself with reporters lined up in the front steps now for at that point six months that went on for several more and uh of course the front page of the washington compost would have things like ollie north stole nancy reagan's shoes to help the coaches and that kind of pictures well actually i've got shots of of them we didn't have these things in 1986 and 87 but uh one of the one of the things that they would do is they'd line up across the front of the gate the now infamous gate and they would line up so i couldn't get out and my lawyer god bless him brendan sullivan said don't run over any of them because you're in enough trouble now and then one morning you held up one of those headlines and said something like and i'm sitting in the car and and they said did you do this i can't remember i stole the white house china or something and uh i said well you know i read two things every morning i read the holy bible and that newspaper so i know what both sides are up to can i get out yeah brendan let me get away with that one but yeah well our other guest is lieutenant general jerry boykin i hope you know him he's been in the news a bit lately good job general but he was one of the original members of the u.s army's delta force he was privileged to ultimately command those elite warriors in combat operations general boykin commanded all of the army's green berets as well as the special warfare center in school in his 36 years in the army general boykin served a tour with the c.i.a i want to hear more about that he's participated in clandestine operations around the world and served his last four years in the army as the deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence he's an ordained minister with a passion for jesus and that leaks out of him in any conversation you have since june of 2012 he's been serving as the executive vice president of the washington dc-based family research council and you occupy the wheat chair for leadership studies to hampton sydney college in virginia i am way out class gentlemen i'd have studied more big words if i'd have known i was going to be in this hall but but welcome general it's an honor to have you back in tennessee as well pastor it is such an honor to be here and uh and i want to uh thank you for what you're doing here in in this community and the way you've uh been a beacon of light in this uh very dark period that we've been through we're going to come through this hey we've taken our masks off this week hallelujah yeah finally apparently gas lines and bombs in the middle east eliminate covet apparently so i thought it was jimmy carter's term again what we're waiting for is 14 interest rates on mortgages yeah that may be coming we better pray i want to start with a couple of faith questions but not so much like your testimony stuff um my observation is life is a little difficult more difficult than we would like most times and faith means we make difficult decisions and from your vantage point you spent your lives leading into conflict i'm curious how your faith how you how we put that with faith because i think most people think faith is passive or faith is just saying please and then waiting for something to happen and you model something else and i've i've heard you tell enough stories from putting the bodies of young men you have led into ambulances and other things can you can you talk to me just a minute about how your faith impacted leading into those difficult places because we're in a difficult season and the church has got to understand that we've got to be more than polite we don't be violent or angry but we can't just be polite or we're going to lose what we have yeah you know pastor uh when i was a young lieutenant i was stationed right here at uh fort campbell just up the road from us and how the anointing came from yeah i guess so it's a tennessee thing isn't it it is and i was conflicted because i came to christ after i came in the army even though i grew up in the church and i knew a lot about uh what i had to do i came to christ after i came in the army and i was conflicted over this being in the army and and being a christian and being able to live my faith and and serve my country at the same time so i went to my pastor and here's what we we came out with and he was so helpful to me he said first of all the bible does not say thou shalt not kill it says murder but secondly if you believe it says killed then you have to believe that by the time the israelites reached the jordan river god changed his mind because he said when you cross that river kill them all or they'll corrupt you when jesus was about to ascend go to calvary and then ascend into heaven he said to his disciples when i've sent you out without purse or script have you wanted for anything they said no and he said but now but now what now i'm going to be with the father and you're going to be left here to build a church now if you don't have a sword sell your cloak and buy one he wasn't saying that you'll build my kingdom with the sword but i think he was saying that in doing what i've called you to do you're going to be challenged and you're going to have to defend yourself so that put me at ease over this now let me simply say that the horrors of war are beyond what you can understand until you've been there particularly when you're there with men that you love you love in a in a in a a very biblical kind of way you love them you have love in your heart for them and you see them injured you see them lose limbs or you see them dead and you end up putting them in you know a helicopter to be metabacked out or something it shakes your faith and i i you you i've read i've written a book called uh never surrender that i actually tell about how i sat down after watching [Music] that plane take off with the dead bodies of my soldiers in it i sat down and and i i was so angry with god and i began to say god where were you and the answer to came to me there is no god because i was so angry with god so anybody that says i've never had a moment where i didn't believe in god or i've or i've been you know on a steep upward climb i don't believe you because we all are human and we our faith is challenged but the moment i said that in my heart i said that i heard the voice of the lord say if there's no god there's no hope and i immediately repented and said god forgive me i was forgiveness and it was in my heart not on my lips but in my heart i was forgiven for e denying that god even existed so i have uh i've had moments where i really questioned where god was or whether god even existed excuse me that's not unique to you i mean i've had those moments and i stood in the field tonight and shook my fist at the sky and said this is how you treat your friends i'm going to pray for your enemies and i'm sure there's people listening to us that have that struggle particularly this last year locked up and shut down and isolated and so i think a part of learning to to walk with the lord is overcoming those low moments so excuse me for interruption no no that you you tell i didn't grow up in the military interrupted no but you no you please no but look i am i am one that also questions god i question god a lot yeah and uh and that's part of my nature that i'm really trying to get through and get get behind me but so far i haven't been successful i heard that line that god can withstand our rage about his poor job performance yeah it's helped me because yeah he waits for me to get out of my system and then i get back on the road again and here we go and that's me and i suspect that most of the people that are hearing us today uh if they'll admit it they've been through the same thing so the the idea that once we come to christ that we're on a steep spiral going up up up up and getting more faithful every day has not been my experience but i will say this when i finally reach the point where i know that i can't do it by myself he's always there he's always faithful to forgive me of my sins to cleanse me of unrighteousness and to set my feet back on solid ground amen amen colonel i know you're walking through a particularly difficult season now but and that involves uh the health of my wife i i want to just come back to something my dear friend here just talked about because i was older than he was i'm i'm no you still are [Music] but i don't look it is it true that when marine gets saved they joined the army is that right he told you that he did i'm just taking so i actually left the army i grew up in the army my daddy was a soldier a world war ii hero the first hero i ever got to know i i know exactly what you're saying because i came to know jesus christ as my lord and savior in 19 i was 35 years old wow in 1978 79 as as the consequence of being in the hands of a godly man who is a servant leader who actually said to me straight up right he i'd been hurt on a field exercise getting ready to deploy to the mediterranean for seven long months we're preparing a final big field exercise there's all these big generals and pubas from washington to come down with their clipboards in those days now they've got these things right but and and they would be marking us off as how we did and i because i was superman first of all i was pretty much gonna be the guy who saved the marine corps from god knows everything and and full of myself and so instead of climbing down from the top of the armored vehicle which is probably eight or nine feet in the air underneath the camouflage net i jumped because i'm so tough flak jacket helmet and i landed all the wrong ways i'd broken my back in a terrible automobile accident 64. re-injured in a parachute accident 73 and i knew what i'd done because i lost the feeling of my legs and my battalion commander who was a graduate of west point not the naval academy but very near the top of his class a rhodes scholar a white house fellow an mba from harvard and a war hero was also known as a bible thumper and now i up until that point in my life i probably believed in coincidence and maybe luck i don't anymore because the good lord put him next to me at headquarters marine corps in 1975 and for two years we were right next to each other and i could look over the partition and i could catch him reading periodically on government time from this book right the holy bible and that's no no and so john grenell knelt down over top of me in front of the sergeant major and all my communicators i was the number three officer in the hierarchy of this battalion landing team of 1800 marines and he knelt down over top and he put his hands on me and said dear lord jesus you are the great physician heal this man came on my legs and i got back up something i could not have done and it was gone wow you would think at this point that he would say i would have said to jesus you're my lord and savior not me as we're getting on the ships to go to the mediterranean he hands me a copy of this book and he says to me in front of all these generals and all these admirals and all the publis because this is a big mission this is a battalion landing team 1800 marines five amphibious ships in moorhead city north carolina and we're going to be gone all behind big chain link fences all the families and the kids and the sweethearts and the girlfriends all crying it's oh dark 30 in the morning because the marine corps never goes anywhere in daylight and so instead of saying carry out your orders and embark the troops the operations officer is supposed to then turn around and tell the troops embark your units on the respective ships he hands me a copy of this book and he says on the way across the atlantic read this book you have got to come to know your lord and savior jesus christ i'm a good marine i can follow orders and i started right after we dropped you know dropped the lines off and hadn't had not to say heading across the atlantic ocean i started genesis right and i'm reading almost quit at leviticus yeah we almost quit spain in the atlantic coast of spain going into the mediterranean i get to matthew's gospel first gospel and i get to matthew eight chapter chapter 8 verses 5 through 13 if i remember right and there is something i can really understand there's a roman army infantry officer who comes down and i've been to capernaum a whole bunch of times since here he's coming down the hill and he comes to jesus who's teaching on the front steps of the synagogue he's a rabbi he's a teacher right all this i know now i didn't know that and i read how he walks up to jesus and said i got a sick servant at home would you heal him now by that time in my life i was fairly well educated in spite of the fact that it was the naval academy and i'd read josephus i'd read the history of the punic wars and the in the history of the war against the jews which is josephus i read all those kinds of things because we had to and i knew what the law was the law says if you can sort with a traitor a treasonous a seditionist your subject this is josephus subject to the same sanction as that traitor he walks up to jesus and says i got a sixth servant and one of the translations that i've now read over the years in luke i believe the same story he actually says it's a slave but no matter what he's the subordinate and he's now risked his life talking to jesus who jesus knows why he's going to be tried sentenced tortured to death for the crime of treason in fact they're going to post it above him right it's going to say jesus of nazareth thinks he's the king of the jews but only caesar is the king of the jews that's treason and jesus said yeah let's go i'm this is the miv version marine infantry version okay of that and this is this is where i came to know jesus christ right she says let's go and he says no lord i'm not worthy you should come into my house all you have to do is say the word my servant will be healed and jesus says okay you're right go ahead on home it's fine then he turns to the 12 guys that have worn out their sandals walking all over galilee with him he's recruited him one by one right into being a follower of him and they still don't get it he also knows what's about to happen when he gets to jerusalem and so matthew's describing what jesus then says jesus turns to the 12 guys and says greater faith than this and all israel i have not seen what what do you suppose goes through their mind at that point hey wait a minute pete says i gave up my fishing business you're eating mom's pizza every night at my house you know what that that came out of magdala she's hanging around you get this tax collector who's walking around with us what what about me and jesus says greater faith than this i have not seen in all israel because he knows the roman army infantry officer has just committed an act that could get him executed and it suddenly dawned on me what john grinnell's lieutenant colonel united states marine corps war hero believer in jesus bible thumper right was all about he was a servant leader who set an example of what jesus christ did for us now he wasn't going to be executed for it but he could have been court-martialed you know it's okay for the sergeant to tell the lieutenant about jesus but you can't go the other way around at the very least he had to humble himself truly he could have jesus brought to him in chains yeah it's the point of the spear exactly and so that that event changed my life forever now my dear friend here has a new book out and i'm he's not paying me to endorse it but it's all about oh well it's all about battle buddies okay john grinnell's is now my best battle buddy i got a bunch of them from my bible study and from others and what they've done is i've gone back to the only book i've ever read from cover to cover more than once and i do a lot of what i call i open i read i close and pray about it i've learned to pray from the words of this book i've learned that all those times when i said dear jesus help me okay he's answering he's hearing he might not be answering quite the way i i think he should sometimes it's the duck now and i'm still standing right and that happened more than a half dozen times in my life when i was the only guy left unscathed or very lightly wounded and the night of the 28th of july 1969 it's the worst day of my life i lost more marines in that one night than i'd lost in two westpac tours and all the other things that i've done ever since covering guys and so what i've learned is that the best thing i can do is communicate with my lord and savior and and directly so and see and you do that through prayer then you listen and sometimes it's a messenger like john reynolds i mean communications is the big thing you're doing it right now with this in the in the in the days of the prophets what is it 17 prophets depending on who how do you count them both the major prophets the minor prophets and all okay 17 prophets jesus sends his messengers jesus the lord our lord god sends his messengers in almost every case talking about jesus coming right and so sometimes it's a messenger like john grenell sometimes it's a messenger like this man right sometimes it's a messenger like you and a microphone and a podcast you know it's all changed because we've got these things now the means by which we communicate but my encouragement to every one of the folks that you and i you've introduced to me over the times i've been here is to have them know you don't have to go around you don't have to you don't have to beg someone else to do it for you you can communicate directly with your lord and savior amen and i that's that's been my salvation but i think there's a common thread that it's helpful for anybody you you both you didn't grow up buddhist or muslim you grew up with a label christian on your forehead with religious families yeah different you grew up catholic right catholic certain mass and you grew up in holiness i mean you yes you knew the straight and narrow way oh my gosh but both of you came to faith as adults you were 35 you said and you were already in the military and i think far too often people imagine if you don't declare yourself something else you can be kind of a generic christian and that's not really the heart of our faith it's a personal choice and a personal relationship but then we have to keep growing take some humility and a willingness to keep leaning into that for too long we've had i think we've we've wanted like the um the required minimal daily dose of you know our vitamins we kind of wanted the minimal daily dose of our faith you know how often do i have to go to church and how long do i have to sit there and pretend to be interested and you guys have modeled something else so thank you for that for the humility to do that and lead men with that faith yeah so just you were in an environment where the christianity wasn't particularly celebrated you weren't encouraged to put that out front but you maintain your faith so people listening to us that are in a business environment or academic environment where faith is challenged a bit you have any words or encouragement or experience for what that looks like oh in your faith in a less than embracing place yeah first of all uh yeah ollie and i came up in a different military and uh today being able to live your faith in the military has extraordinary risk because of the persecution of people of faith in the military today now uh that said for me personally this is a growth process this is a pro process of growing with setbacks and then coming back determined that you're going to ultimately find victory through jesus christ so for me i say to people the young young people going in the military or they're in the military i say this simply live your faith in front of people let them see it and i promise you you're going to do a whole lot more good than if you're in their face all the time trying to tell them they're going to hell amen and condemning them yeah what they're doing may be wrong but unless you know god's called you to be the one to tell them that live your faith it's only a matter of time until those very people that criticize you to call you bible thumper they call you preacher it's only a matter of time until those are the people that are going to come back to you and want to talk to you privately and when they close the door their tears are going to well up in their eyes and they're going to say i need your prayers but you got to be faithful and live your set an example a christian example do everything you can not to compromise because that hurts the people that are watching you that are really looking for truth when you compromise on issues it really hurts them i couldn't agree more you know i remind people that you don't there's it's not how many times you go to church it's not which church you go to it's not uh whether you fast enough or whether you pray the right way the communication aspect of it is to me what what makes all the difference in the world and so i say to people i know where i'm going and i know why i'm going there and so the people i'm most focused on right now happen to be those 18 grandchildren right 11 boys seven girls two baseball teams two lacrosse team i mean it's i got it pretty well covered when you look at what they're going through and day in and day out you got to show look at tenacity perseverance and you can't just talk about it you got to show it right and so people will say well how do you know where you're going and so one of the things that's helpful as a tool is knowing you don't have that's no way i could possibly memorize it as a roman catholic you grew up you hear a couple of snippets of it on sunday at mass right and so it is the only book i've ever read from cover to cover more than once but there's some words in here that are to me very very important so paul's book to the church in rome chapter 10 verse 9. how do you know where you're going north and why do you know you're going there and i say i just don't know when because what paul wrote to the church in rome if you confess with your lips that jesus is lord and you believe in your heart god's raised him from the dead you will be saved so i know i just don't know when and i need to act that way or behave that way not act but behave and that's important for them to see it is in general when you said the army today is different than it was when you were coming through i think there's a lesson there that's really important for us we imagine history in a like an exponential line that it just it's steady but our bible tells us something very different that there's a cycle to it that there's periods of godliness and there's periods of decline and there's periods of humility and restoration i think we're going to have to have the courage to say let's see a change i'm not giving in or capitulating or yielding the field the army may have changed this direction let's change it back let's change our culture back and our universities back and our schools back i'm not surrendering and i'm tired of the christians that are hiding i agree and i think we've got to plant in their hearts we don't have to condemn the world that we have good news for the world and if you're working in a difficult office it's not punishment it's an assignment you've been sent to difficult places all over the world when when you landed the people weren't happy about your arrival and you had to affect an outcome that's our assignment not to go be violent but there is a sense in which there the bible uses language of warfare and soldiers and i mean you know that better than i do we've got to learn to stand up in a new way does that feel right you're the warriors i'm a preacher you got this it's spot on but the men in the church have got to hear it they've got to care more about the kingdom of god being expanded than their 11 year olds 11 game tournament this weekend and i mean i like sports i grew up playing sports we sponsor them on our campus but at some point men have to become men with a kingdom orientation or we will lose this thing well does that i mean you're out there with family research council and writing a letter with 124 flag officers it is right you're absolutely right and it's important for christians to understand god's never needed a majority he i mean he only 12 built his church they laid the foundations for the christian church 12 men and we cannot think that we've got to build a supermajority before we can go out and take back the land we only need a small number of committed people that have the courage that they should have as christians the courage to go out and do battle against the demonic forces that inhabit our country and our world and and what i'm seeing is a lack of courage and one of the things that [Music] came out of world war ii which was george patton and he said moral courage is the most important and the least abundant quality in mankind moral courage moral courage is the courage that you demonstrate every day when you go every sunday every wednesday or whenever you have church and you talk about the social issues you talk about the political issues that we're dealing with as a nation and the the issues that are destroying our nation from within amen further to that thought you know right now in the midst of all that's going on the turmoil here and you i think summarize it we are out of gas in the east coast we've got coveted mass that we've been wearing now for over a year all these different challenges and the likelihood of some pretty significant inflation right this very minute the people of israel are under the gun okay and so one of my ways of dealing with that problem is to go up on air and say it's it's it's wrong for we have government officials saying that there's some kind of moral parity between people in in gaza and perhaps even now in south lebanon firing rockets made by the iranians into civilian areas in israel and telling this moral parody with israel firing aircraft dropping bombs on bad guys shooting at their civilians there is no moral parity whatsoever and that that's what our government is saying and they need to be called to account by that and so sometimes there's a plat platform for that sometimes it's a podcast sometimes it's an article sometimes this general officer signing that kind of letter telling what you're doing is moral depravity by by forcing the godly principles of leadership away from those who serve in our armed forces and now in this case ignoring what's going on is the plight of the people of israel and i've been over there dozens and dozens of times well you guys are experts in the region and i've just studied there but this is not an accident you know in the last few months we've given hundreds of millions of dollars to the palestinians we have softened our stance in iran and given them hope of some sort of a place again in the global community it's ramadan which creates its own set of just issues every year and with iranian iran controls the gaza strip the politics of the gaza strip so the permissions given for the rockets to fly israel defends themselves and then the world starts pointing their fingers at israel again so now we've got turmoil in the middle east against four months it was more peaceful than it's been since the modern state of israel was born right am i missing that or is i mean we contributed mightily to the confusion there every single one of the more than 2 000 rockets that have been shot into israel against civilians not against military bases against civilians every one of those rockets came from iran i mean it's just one of one of the things that people make a mistake about is the fact that iran is is shia and hamas is sunni and they believe that the sunnis and shias will not cooperate well that's where you have to go back to the enemy of my friend or the enemy of my enemy is my friend and you need to understand they really do live by that hamas has supported been supported by iran for a long long time and by the way if you go back to the obama administration and 150 billion dollars that we gave them so that they would agree to this jcpoa or the grand deal we've helped fund it tragically well let's pray it changes the people have to wake up the american people have to watch and listen and think we can't just turn our brains off and go to disneyland i feel like the romans give them bread and send them to the circus and we've got to care i mean i'm i'm for distractions but we're responsible for the world we live in and we've got to pay attention there's other things happening the open borders i tell you one that bugs but you live you're in dc a lot the fact that the u.s capitol has a fence around it and troops deployed around it and we have major american cities that are on fire almost on a daily basis and they don't even want the police to defend them and we act like this is a normal state of being i'm not in dc very often but i can't imagine having to see that spectacle on a regular basis there's not a group of people waiting to overrun the capital no pastor this is a big con we're living through a big con this is a nancy pelosi orchestrated khan that we're living through and when you have national guard troops on the streets and they don't have a weapon or anything else you ask yourself what are they directing traffic now i'm not advocating that they should be there at all in fact i they shouldn't be there but this is optics that's why i say it's a big con and then you got all this concertina wire that's what you use on the battlefield concertina wire around the white house as well as the capitol and and they keep perpetuating this myth that people like you and me and ollie and and everybody in this church here is a real threat to america because we're christian conservatives where people that believe in the constitution and the flag and the national anthem and mom and apple pie they're trying to convince people that we are a threat that's why they've got it's optics it's all optics it's a con and it is time for us to call their hand on this but if your listeners and your viewers are not registered to vote you're you're wrong as an american you're wrong as a christian get registered to vote because elections have consequences get registered to vote and get to the polls and i'm not just talking about in tennessee i'm talking about wherever you are get registered and go to the polls and vote when the time comes amen well if i may just give you another one we have something neighborhood of 17 000 interpreter translators who have worked for us in the arm for every branch the armed services in both iraq and afghanistan were about to pull out these in the most unusual way the commander-in-chief has now told the enemy the exact moment that everybody will be gone there's nothing being done to encourage them to do the right thing by them and i point out that uh in an article i wrote that was syndicated in the newspaper column that even jimmy carter in 1980 allowed 125 000 cubans to arrive on the shores of the united states in the marielle boat lift and then another 50 000 haitians and he somehow found ways to put them into a security and give them refuge and then decide who can get a special immigration visa this at this administration could do that with nothing more than the signature of the president on one of his so far so-called executive orders directing the state department and the u.s armed forces the dod to cooperate in getting them out of afghanistan on military aircraft if necessary and their family members because they're all going to have targets on their backs the minute the americans are going 500 family members have already been killed this is unconscionable we're you talk about moral responsibility in the part of a government i mean how can we leave these these men and women behind to be butchered by al qaeda isis islamic jihad whatever they're calling themselves i just and so my my strong encouragement is for everybody to call their both their u.s senators write them call their congressmen and demand that they do the right thing just maybe they can get their act together and do it we can pray to me at the end of the day this isn't a political discussion we live in a a representative republic the people in washington are just it's like looking in the mirror and when i see a lack of character in washington dc i think it's because there's a lack of character in the pews of our churches we have to change our hearts and our values and our our priorities if we will do that i believe god will bring a different kind of leaders to us i think most of america whichever side of the discussion they're on has been dissatisfied with the leadership in the last several years somebody's been unhappy with somebody but we need character back in play we need a set of values we can agree upon a judeo-christian worldview formed this nation made us the most prosperous nation on the planet and if we put that in the shredder we will lose the freedom we have and we better have the courage to say that remember back in 2010 when the um i was very young but here we go here we go did you train him i got it i got it and uh the congress was dealing with uh whether they wanted to repeal the don't ask don't tell and john mccain was actually leading the fight to stop that from being repealed but then he just shut down and uh a a very good friend of mine in fact he's my boss today tony perkins family research council went to him and said you got to stay engaged on this issue and he said as i as soon as i see the church start talking about this in the pulpits he said then i'll go talk about it in the congress that's it but he said i have no backing from the church that was the beginning of the end yeah the church has an assignment we've got to be the conscience of the culture well that's not going to come from the politicians and it's not fair to put it on anybody else think back to the what first of all what brought about the revolutionary war well historians don't like to talk about this except people like david barton but that's exactly right the the first great awakening was stimulated by the church that's where this whole black robe regiment came from these the pastors with their black vestments one of which was over right over where ollie lives now over in the shenandoah valley john peter gabriel muhlenberg in woodstock virginia uh but then what brought about the civil war the second great awakening that's it right when the pastor started talking about how you can't believe the words of this document that says we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights they can't believe that and still hold the black man a slave and that ultimately stirred up the passions of america and brought about the civil war which took almost 700 000 lives and an untold number of you know people that were wounded and severely handicapped as a result of it we paid a dear price for it but it was the church it was the pastors it was the pastors that had that kind of courage that we were talking about earlier they had the kind of courage to take the criticism that was hurled at them because they knew that their ultimate accountability was not to the government it was not to man it was to the lord jesus christ and the day would come when they'd stand before him and we need all need to remember that we all need to remind ourselves of that periodically when you start getting a little shaky on what what you should do should i or should i not well bible says we've all got two appointments death and after that judgment right so yeah and you can't send somebody else on your behalf so you know i i have great hope that the words of jesus you know i would that those who are mine be with me where i am for my greater glory right because that's my hope and so when i get there there's going to be a bunch of people lined up pretty i'm pretty sure you're saying throw that sound kind of probably say son of a gun throw them right in the hell jesus is going to say he knows me and i know him he knows me by name and he's going to call me over and he's going to say welcome okay now at that point i've got a couple of questions did you make any mistakes lord in the gender of my kids and my grandkids i mean uh of the guy that live i i know one of these people i was i was at i was i was signing books at the home of the night stalkers mm-hmm nsdq is there you know we've all got these and everyone 60th right over here at fort campbell kentucky and there's a person in the helicopters that says i love me do you love me and it's clearly a person who's had a transgender i mean it's obviously a guy who's now i guess looking like a woman now i'm not trying to be offensive to your audience you're going to edit this part out but and she come or he or whatever comes up to me and says she's got a big pink t-shirt on and clearly just by the appearance of this person who's in the night stalkers 160th do you love me i said well i love jesus and if jesus loves you that's fine but i know that the chromosomes aren't going to change and she walked away right and so what these folks are doing and this shows the lack of faith in people who will confront it there's one of the surgeons that operated on me who put that knee he i've got the right knee he's got the left knee these brand new knees government issue we've got a good pair of knees we do yeah right mine's number 103 this is number 1200 and something he waited a while because he's younger right my doctor said to me i'm gonna get when you come back for your for your post-op i won't be here because i'm gonna be back overseas and i said john you've already done three combat tours he's us army orthopedic surgeon you've already done three combat tours how much time do you left in the army he says i have seven months and they're going to send me the only way i can get out of being part of the transition unit at this hospital is to go back overseas for my last seven months in the army he's got wife and three kids he's a west point graduate terrific doctor i said okay you mean the transition is you naive marines harry wants to become mary and mary wants to have a baby you have to modify the pelvis he was going to be forced to do those kinds of surgeries and the only way he get out of it was to go overseas and he did he's now out my knee's doing great i can't i that kind of more i'm not going to do that because some idiot probably wearing stars some who are sitting in the pentagon has decided they want that particular hospital which used to be terrific to become the center of the universe for this kind of surgery that's nuts you know i'm asked frequently how we got to this place it reminds me the story in the bible when they're remodeling the temple and they found the bible in the wall and nobody knew they'd lost it and how did we get here and i i think it goes back and we've presided over this we watched the 60s and the rebellions that started and everything that happened and i think for decades the church has taken a biblical view of sexual morality and put it on the shelf and acted like it was just a suggestion now i'm certain in the world you guys have lived in you understand the difference between a command and a suggestion that's right and i've got this feeling when god said don't he meant it and i think because we winked at fornication because we treated sex as if it was more about pleasure than it was other things and we just kept running through those stop signs until we got to this place where we have no moral integrity or no moral authority within our own walls let alone to speak to our culture and i think for the church to come back if we will get on our faces and say god forgive me i have been immoral yes i have ignored your boundaries i have ignored my kids well they ignored your boundaries i've accommodated their immorality and so they were sowing their wild oats and i don't want i don't want to be angry or condemning but i want to bring alignment between my life and what god has said to us it's the only way the world you guys lived in work is if everybody understood the chain of authority and what those instructions were and we're we won't flourish in the kingdom of god unless we understand we serve a king and it's it's it's not a democracy the sovereignty of god means he can do what he wants when he wants the way he wants and he doesn't need anybody's approval even including hours which is like unsettling but he wants ours but he doesn't need and i think if the church will do that we'll see changes in our broader culture but we've got to come back and humble ourselves does that feel right it feels right and men especially we've had double standards you know we tell our kids go to college and sow your wild oats how about tell them go to college and go to hell you can't go live like that and imagine there's no consequence i heard you last night talking about encourage your kids to do difficult things i was cheering you know we've got to learn to make difficult choices to stand up for the truth there is right and wrong and it can be known we've got to help them understand let me offer some help for some dads yes so i got those 18 grandkids uh we've got three in college now and we're about to have a fourth one and then and two of the granddaughters and they're both beautiful women thank god they favor their mothers and so excuse me can you imagine coming to the door to pick up one of his granddaughters he opens the door no it was like that for my daughters so what do you do i play the guitar i said which fingers do you use so if those fingers touch anything below next i'll break them and you'll never play the guitar again i'll have a nice day that's perfect okay so and and this is one who's going off to college here in the fall and i said let me let me just say i know something is going to happen you're going to meet a young lady like i once was and a young man is going to try to convince you to either do drugs do booze or do sex okay here's what you tell him my grandfather is a united states marine if you don't take me home right now he will hunt us all down and kill us all take me home starting i can assure you that they'll do it and i just to me i don't mind making it i'd take her home wouldn't you i would i'd take her home right there my grandfather yeah you know one of the things that is a huge problem though today is cohabitation and it's a result of exactly what you talked about because we don't talk about it and i just told ollie today as we were going over to see some of my family there was a survey that came out last week and it's like 68 of the uh millennials in the church in evangelical churches believe that it is acceptable to cohabitate if your intentions are to be married stop and think about that what is wrong with that picture what's wrong is there's been no voice of authority of spiritual authority that has told them no there is adultery there is fornication there is romans 1 tells us about sexual sin and it's wrong it doesn't matter that you intend to get married it is wrong but that's not coming out in the in the pulpits today the way it should be well it's going to i believe we're going to see a change i think covid was a restart i think god started to shake his church to awaken us i agree and i believe we will hear people begin to tell the truth in ways we haven't heard it in decades so the wedding thing to me it again we watch the downward progression i've been doing this a while and weddings used to happen almost exclusively in the church two or three decades ago if i'd said you have to be married in the barn across the street the father of the bride would have been in my office with weapons and now most of the weddings we do are in venues away from the church it's more about a party it's princess for a day i've dreamt about this day for my children since they were born we've lost the notion that it's a covenant between a man and a woman and everything else is just decoration i don't mind a party you have whatever celebration you want to have but understand you're making a covenant in the sight of god and now i see it on the other end of the spectrum at death you know with cremation it's a little more cost effective than traditional burials people are doing cremations and having parties and we're even taking god out of the end of our lives you know if your wedding doesn't have god involved in it and the end of our life doesn't consider god in it and we say we're christian it's not it's not a biblical christianity we've just kind of recrafted uh traditional cultural christianity yes sir one of the things that the communist party usa told us in 1958 when they wrote the book the naked communist which was about how they would take over america is they said they would infiltrate the church and they would turn revealed religion to social religion look at the church today and i think you're absolutely right i think coven there are churches that are not going to reopen and they shouldn't but there is an awakening taking place i am hopeful i'm not discouraged you know you guys spent your life landing on far away places in hostile environments and coming out with a positive outcome thank you america does have heroes in spite of what we hear from our it's not really a media anymore it's kind of a state propaganda institution but america does have heroes men and women who have given their lives so that the rest of us can have freedom thank you for what you've done and thank you for spending this season of your life speaking to the church we need your strength we need to learn how to stand you've learned that you've learned how to face hostility and to maintain a position and to not flinch and we need training on that because we haven't seen that culturally we haven't so i thank you for what you're spending your time and energy to do these days and i can't imagine you write a letter a letter and you have threats upon your life because you had the the audacity to write a letter what a crazy bullying world we're living in we will stand for the truth if you joined us late my guests today are lieutenant general jerry boykin and lieutenant colonel oliver north two american heroes gentlemen i can't thank you enough for what you have done for our nation and what you're doing for our nation please don't stop we're grateful for you [Music] you
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 200,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, Podcast, Video Podcast, Oliver North, Jerry Boykin, Boykin, Military, current events, Israel, current situation, faith shaped, faith shaping your future
Id: ByedBZ5Ra8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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