Special Guest Dr. Ben Carson | Faith, Courage & Bravery

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foreign thank you very much thank you thank you oh candy and I are absolutely delighted to be back in Murfreesboro Tennessee a place where people have common sense and you know when I when I first came to HUD a senior government official came to me and said you're going to have to stop all this God stuff and I basically told them to go jump in the lake because isn't it the god stuff that made us into a great nation you know our our founding document says our rights come from God not from the government and it has been our grasp of that concept and the fact that we trusted in God that led us from a rag tank group of militiamen to the Pinnacle of the world in record time that was no coincidence that was because we had a relationship with God and we had values and principles and I'm going to talk about some very serious things today that God has put on my heart but let's just have a word of Prayer kind Father in heaven we thank you for an opportunity to gather ourselves together in your house of worship and we ask that your spirit would guide us that the words they're spoken be yours and not mine and let our hearts be prepared to receive them in Jesus name amen you know there's so many things that are going on in our society right now that are not pleasing in the sight of God and God has given us directions he's given us his word and it's not because he's dictatorial it's because he loves us he gives us instructions because he made us have you ever gone and bought a complex piece of equipment notice that it comes with instructions you know now some people don't look at them you know laughs they say if all else fails read the instructions but you know the fact of the matter is he has told us how to live our lives because he wants us to get the most out of them not because he's dictatorial and he loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins and a lot of people have an impression of God as an exacting dictatorial judgmental individual who's watching everything that you do and writing it down to make sure that you pay for whatever things that you have done that's not God that's the other guy God wants to save you and I believe that if you would be happy living with God forever that he will find a way to save you if you would not be happy why would he put you in that situation that would be torture so I don't think that we should ever think of God as looking to exclude us we should be looking at him as someone who's trying to include us well one of the troubling things that's going on in our society today is unfairness and I was reading an article a couple of weeks ago about an event I know women's cycling event and the person who came in first was a transgender woman a man who saw himself as a woman the real women who came in second and third refused to stand on the Winner's stage with him because they said this is unfair I don't know and this kind of thing is just going on all over our society when I was at HUD you know I had many contentious hearings because some of the Congressman on the left thought that we should be opening up the federally supported women's shelters to transgender men now many of the women if not most of the women who were in there were in there because men were problems in their lives and were abusing them the last thing they needed to see was a man and their shelter that they had come away from and you know I tried to explain this to some of the Congress people and they just didn't seem to be able to get it or I don't think they wanted to get it they said we think that these people should be able to be in there no matter what they look like because they feel that they're a woman well when did your feelings Trump your biology you know when did that happen and interestingly enough the Bible has plenty to say about some of the sexual perversions that are going on in our society you look at the first chapter of Romans I think you come away with that with no question in your mind about what God thought and you look at Leviticus 18. and see what the Lord said about those things also but I'll tell you what's interesting a lot of people say that this is of recent origin that we were doing just fine until just recently but this has been going on for a long time and if you look at the Congressional Record from January the 10th 1963. read into that record where the 45 goals of the Communist party I'm not going to read all 45 of them but just give you a flavor goal number 15 capture one or both of the political parties in the United States one of them has been captured already number 17. get control of the schools use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda soften the curriculum get control of teachers associations put the party line and textbooks then number 20 and 21 Infiltrate The Press get control of book review assignments editorial writing policy making positions gain control of key positions in radio TV and motion pictures 24 to 26 eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them censorship and a violation of free speech and Free Press break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books magazines Motion Pictures radio and TV present homosexuality degeneracy and promiscuity as normal natural healthy number 35 discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI number 40 and 41 discredit the family as an institution encourage promiscuity and easy divorce emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents a tribute Prejudice mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents does any of that sound like stuff that's going on it's pretty amazing how effective they've been because you know Khrushchev said 60 years ago that your grandchildren's children will live under communism we won't have to fire one shot they won't have to fire a shot because they planted all of these things in our society and they know how to corrupt society and to corrupt people and to break up our relationships and to remove God and they've been doing a very effective job but they haven't completed the job and we have time to stop it but we have to know what's going on and it means that we can't be afraid see their Chief weapon is intimidation and make you afraid to speak up make you just stand in the corner stare at your shoes and hope no one calls you a nasty name that no one tries to cancel you that no one interferes with your family but I gotta tell you no matter what they do to you how long can they do it compared to the backdrop of Eternity and that's what we should be looking at eternity and our life with our savior forever and not the temporary pleasures of this Earth and what's going on here however I will tell you also that it gives you a sense of Peace when you're not afraid you know what did God say what in second Timothy 1 7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love which gives us the ability to face these things without worrying about them you know there's so many things that happen in our lives that make us fearful but we should look at the things that God has done sometimes we don't think about them that protects us I remember when I was a senior in college and uh I had met a young lady who was also from Detroit and uh the school Yale said if you would go home and recruit for them on Thanksgiving they would pay your way well we were both from poor families so this is a great opportunity to be able to go home for Thanksgiving on the school's credit card so this was cool and we got to go out to restaurants and all kinds of things but um the last night before we were supposed to go back to New Haven we were in temperate visiting some of our friends at the University of Michigan and we had to drive all night to get the car back in time the car that had been rented and on Interstate 80 right around Youngstown Ohio we both fell asleep the car was going 90 miles an hour awakened by the rambling of the car as it was going off the road heading toward a ravine I grabbed the will and turned it and instead of the car flipping over and going down into the Ravine it started spinning like a spinning top they say you're light flashes before you and a news real just before you die it did I Saw The Newsroom it was pretty cool and uh and then the car just stopped on the lane next to the shoulder just in time to pull off before an 18-wheeler came barreling through by that time we were both awake and you know we said you know what the Lord spared our lives for a reason he wants us to do something that was the night we started going together and we've now been married for 48 years my wife candy Carson but we don't worry so much anymore we never talk about having Adventures though because because before that trip we talked about the fact that there wasn't a lot of Adventure in life we never mentioned that anymore but uh he's given us a lot of Adventures over the years but the way that God takes care of you should alleviate all fear you know a few years back I was speaking at an event in Alaska and I got there a little early so the sponsor said would you like to see the glaciers in Glacier Valley I said yeah that would be cool so I get in this plane just me and a pilot single engine playing up over the mountains and down into Glacier Valley it was surreal it was like you were on a different planet and then all of a sudden heavy cloud cover came in This Plane only flew by sight it did not fly by instruments so the pilot said we're in trouble well I knew that already and he said I can't see anything but I'm going to climb as fast as possible without going into a stall and hopefully we won't hit the mountain and we're climbing through the clouds and of course I'm praying and finally we break cloud cover and I could see that we missed the top of the mountain by three feet but you know what I'm not supposed to die in an airplane because there was another circumstance where we were in the Bahamas and you know I was speaking and then the people on another part of the Bahamas and NASA heard I was on the island they said oh you got to come and speak to us so they sent us twin engine airplane and you know we're about 10 miles from the shore when one of the engines went out and all of a sudden instead of flying like this the plane was flying like this and the pilot was grappling at things and he turned around he said we're in trouble well once again I knew that already and I had already gone deep into prayer and the pilot could not get the nose of the plane to angle downward and he said as we approached the runway where I could see all the fire engines were out with their lights flashing expecting a crash landing he said I can't get the nose to go down so I'm gonna cut power and the plane will go into a dive and then before we hit ground I'm going to power up and it'll come back up much faster than normal because it's listing upward I said have you ever done that before he said nope but obviously it worked because I'm here and 50 yards onto the runway the other engine went dead so I'm not supposed to die in an airplane and so if you're afraid to fly fly with me but the point being that God takes care of it I could tell you some other horrifying stories too but I'm I'm not going to do it because you wouldn't want to fly but uh but when I was a resident you know we had a two-year period in the laboratory where you could uh accomplish some significant research project and my job was to create an animal brain tumor model that we could experiment on and the only thing that would consistently grow in a rabbit's brain with something we call vx2 carcinoma it grows in virtually anything so unfortunately during one of the experiments I was accidentally injected with the vx2 carcinoma and my finger and you know we totally oncologist and they monitored me and something started growing at the injection site and then something started growing in my throat it was spreading and the oncologist had no idea what to do and uh my wife and I were reading in a book called back to Eden about natural remedies for cancer and red clover tea so she made all this red clover tea and I was drinking gallons of red clover tea every day and the tumors disappeared so the Lord has a way of of taking care of you and then I remember I was going to the hospital and I was one block away from the hospital and somebody ran a red light going 60 miles an hour completely demolished my car I was knocked out for a moment when I awakened you know there were lights all around the ambulance police and um I was saying I got cases to do I got to get to the hospital they said no you need to go to the emergency room I said I don't need to go I'm a doctor I'm okay a few little scrapes and abuses nothing because I had three cases I had to do so the police took me to the hospital my phone had been destroyed in the accident so one of the police officers gave me his cell phone he says we know you you you're worth our trust so just take my phone and use it and I was able to go to the hospital and complete my operations uh never was able to drive that car again it was totaled but this is the way the Lord protects you and you never have to worry so why have a spirit of fear why be worried about anything when you know that he has everything under control what a difference that makes and also in terms of what you do you know when I entered government you know I'd never had government experience but the one thing that was very clear to me at HUD is that the finances were in horrible shape they had not had an audit which is required by law every year for eight years you couldn't do an audit because there were so many material defects the whole place was on shambles that's why I used to always hear all these stories about fiscal mismanagement and billions of dollars disappearing at HUD well of course I was very alarmed about that and we managed to find an individual who was a senior accountant at Ernst young 37 years of experience and with a lot of arm twisting we convinced him to come to HUD he didn't want to come when he looked at the books there you know he was horrified he said Ernst young would have never taken you on as a client but he put together a team and was able to turn that entire agency around in fact in fact he wrote a book called transformation of a federal agency which is used in a lot of colleges now HUD is probably the best run Federal agency in Washington now because of that and once that was done it made it possible for us to be able to do a whole host of other things that you couldn't do when you had books that were so messed up so for instance The Envision centers now that came from Proverbs 29 18 that says without a vision that people perish and there were a lot of people around the country who were perishing and we were very alarmed about that so we put together a program in which 13 federal agencies working with State agencies local agencies non-profits faith-based organizations would all be Under One Roof in the various communities so that that mother who had never finished high school and had three little kids could go to one place and get child care and get registered in a GED program and finishing that could get Advanced Training so that she could become financially independent and begin to teach that to her children because that's the only way you break chronic poverty you have to break it at that level and thank you and then there were programs like FYI Foster youth to Independence some youth from Ohio had come to us to tell us about how horrible their lives were when they aged out of foster care and uh you know many of them ended up in drug trafficking and sexual trafficking and many of them are homeless and their stories were so compelling that our staff at HUD was so impressed that within four months we had put together the Foster youth to Independence program where we would give them vouchers for housing and wrap around Services because an 18 year old even if you have a place to live if you don't have a support system you're probably still going to have a very difficult time you can imagine if you were 18 and didn't have a family and didn't have a support system so that made a tremendous difference and that program continues to grow and then we had the Mustard Seed program you know from Matthew 13 Faith the size of a mustard seed smooth Mountain well remembering who took care of the homeless and the needy and the poor before we had such big invasive government churches that they were already right there in the communities so we said rather than imposing a bunch of government programs why don't we work with the churches and let them create the programs and then support them and what they're doing without putting a whole bunch of strings onto it and some of the churches really grasp that start using some of their excess properties to build homes on that they would put homeless families into and then use the resources of the church to get those people back on their feet because the churches had members who could do almost anything whatever was needed for that family that's the kind of thing that really works and of course you have a lot of opposition from those who want to keep people dependent who want to be able to control people and that's still going on today believe me and we've got a lot of work to do but I do believe that we the people have the ability to fix all of those things particularly with God in charge and then we have the opportunity zones in which all the governors of every state were able to designate the areas of their states that were most needy and we're able to concentrate some of the federal resources in those areas to build those areas up and that was a very effective program as well those are the kinds of things that I think government should be doing and we should be finding ways to unite people this is called the United States of America but look how divided we are right now it's the divided States of America and I'm thinking back to 1967. in Detroit we had incredible riots in Detroit in 1967 you can actually still see the scars of it today more than 50 years later tanks rumbling down the street buildings on fire people being shot it was really a terribly destructive time in the history of our country in the history of Detroit 1967. one year later 1968 there was so much Harmony and Goodwill in Detroit because in 1968 the Detroit Tigers won the World Series they were an amazing team it was the last time a team had a 30-game winner Denny McLean and every night there was a different hero and I remember we were so excited about that but what did it show it shows that when people have something in common that they cheer for it brings them together and that's what we have to start looking for in this country what are the things that that we have in common that will make the difference for us and when it doesn't matter who gets the credit also when you just have goals that you put out without worrying about who's going to get the credit that's what we see that's going on in our society right now all these politicians I I I I I you know what about we what about us with what we have to begin to concentrate on I remember one case of conjoined twins conjoined twins have always fascinated people you know go back to the original siamese twins Chang and ing bunker who were born in Siam which of course is called Thailand now they would join at the chest and at the liver and they came to this country when they were 18 years old made Barnum and Bailey famous traveled all over everybody knew about the Siamese twins and they were very interesting fellows they were quite well educated and they even got married to two different women their wives were twin sisters but their wives couldn't stand each other so they had to live with one wife one week and the other wife the next week and between them they had 21 children no pun intended so it was pretty amazing uh you know the life that they lived and people have always been fascinated with conjoined twins but there was one case we had done a number of them by that time and they were from Europe and I said why should I be the one who does this whole operation when we have the number one neurosurgery department in the country with Incredible experts in all kinds of areas skull base tissue separation vascular we had all these different subspecialties in neurosurgery so I got a whole bunch of my colleagues involved we had 18 neurosurgeons and we would divide them up in teams to do the part of the operation where they were the world expert we were literally 10 hours ahead of schedule of where it would have been if I was the one who was doing the operation and that is the kind of thing that we have to start concentrating on in this country we have a lot of people who are very good at a lot of things and if we allow those people to do those things that they're good at and work together and not spend a lot of time trying to figure out who gets the credit can you imagine what the impact of that will be and that's what good leadership does good leadership is able to get people with different talents working together good leaders don't necessarily know everything but they know what needs to be known and they know what needs to be done and how to coordinate that and that's what we need to be looking for and leaders that we have we also need to recognize that in this country God has blessed us tremendously with diversity diversity is actually a good thing can you imagine how boring things would be if everybody looked exactly like you think about that well you think about some segments of our society which are not thriving you've all heard it said that the black male an American society is an endangered species why did they say that because there are so many who are involved with the penal system homicide is the number one reason for death amongst that group what is going on what can be done about it well what if we took that little black boy who's six years old by the hands and you walk them down the streets of Nashville you could give them a black history lesson that he would never forget you can start out by pointing to his shoes and saying it was John matslinger a black man who invented the automatic shoe lasting machine which revolutionized the shoe industry throughout the world and you step on that clean Street Charles Brooks a black man had been at the street sweeper those machines with the big brushes and down that street comes a big refrigerated tractor-trailer truck it was Frederick Jones who invented the refrigeration system for trucks later adopted for airplanes and boats and trains and it comes to a stop at the red light you can tell it was Garrett Morgan a black man who invented the traffic signal and while you're talking about them how we invented the gas masks saved lots of lives during the war and we're talking about the war Henry or the Bradbury a black woman who invented the underwater Cannon made it possible to launch or petals from submarines and you'll see a beautiful black woman walking down the street a black man did not invent her but you can use that opportunity to talk about madam CJ Walker a black woman who invented cosmetic products for women of dark complexion who became the first female mirror millionaires on her own efforts in this country and then you walk past the hospital Charles Drew his contributions to blood banking understanding the function of the blood plaster Daniel hell Williams the first successful open heart surgery in the world had an operative mortality rate less than 1.5 percent you look up at the surgical light Thomas Edison he didn't know he was black did you well he wasn't but his right hand man Louis Latimer was and you can tell how Lewis Latimer came up with the filament that made the light bulb work for more than two or three days invented the electric lamp diagram the telephone for Alexander Graham Bell was a tremendous inventor and his own right most people never heard of him he walked past the railroad tracks Andrew beard the automatic railroad car coupler spurred on the Industrial Revolution Elijah McCoy automatic lubrication system for locomotive engines in fact Elijah McCoy had so many great inventions and they were so good people always trying to copy them and people would say is that a McCoy is that The Real McCoy you got people like David Duke talking about The Real McCoy don't even know who he's paying homage to and and I'm barely scratching the surface but here's what's really cool about America I could take that same walk down the street for virtually any ethnicity and point out tremendous contributions and that's why I say our diversity is not a problem it is a blessing from God and if we learn how to look at things not as enemies not as one in this corner and one in the other corner imagine how effective we could be you take something like energy you got a whole bunch of people in this corner Green New Deal the world's going to end all this stuff people in this corner we got all this wonderful fossil fuels and we're blessed with that and never the twain should meet well does that make any sense makes no sense at all why did they have to be mutually exclusive why can't we use what we have effectively without creating a lot of hardships for our people by elevating the energy costs so that it Alters the way that they do things we can use what we have to get what we want and that's what smart people do stupid people just get over in their relative corners and shoot hand grenades to each other we need the right kind of leaders to help us to realize that we don't have to be in opposite Corners we can use all these things together for the benefit of everybody and then you look at something like the Border which is a real problem our Southern border no question about it but why don't we act like intelligent people is a wall a good thing is it effective yes walls have been used for thousands of years they've been extremely effective and of course you should have a wall but you should also recognize that we need population and we need certain people to do things so why wouldn't it be smarter to finish the wall you know have a secure border and have a robust guessworker program as long as people were doing things the right way and they were registered they could come they could work they could pay taxes come and go as they please and if they wanted to become an American citizen they have to do the same thing that anybody else does who wants to be American citizen and and you know that would be so much easier I think a lot of our Congress people realize that why won't they do something that makes sense like that it's too juicy a political issue you know they want to milk it for everything it's worth rather than do what's effective for our society it's we the people who are going to have to put the pressure on them to get them to do the kinds of thing but the most important thing is to recognize that we don't have to fret because we have a God who is in charge and we've read the last chapter and we know how things come out here and it doesn't have to affect how we feel I remember there was a case of a family they were trying to have a child they tried for a long time it just was not working out and finally the Lord blessed them with a child but it turns out that child's skull wasn't growing a child was about five months old a pediatrician was very concerned scan showed pressure marks child was having some developmental issues so we decided we had to do an operation to expand the skull and you know these are things that we commonly did so it was no big deal but during the operation the child went into cardiac arrest and the anesthesiologists were doing CPR and after about 10 minutes we still didn't have a complex and they said I think we should call unfortunately we're not going to be able to save this child and I said keep going because I haven't finished praying yet and after about two more minutes patient developed a heartbeat but that's not even close to the end of the story after the operation was completed the child was fixed and dilated no evidence of brain function at all and you know the parents were strong Christians and the father and I challenged each other to see who could pray the hardest but unfortunately in in the ICU things look pretty grim but just before a day had passed the pupils started working and the brain function is started being a parent once again and everybody in the hospital was talking about this kid who had revived and how in the world could this happen but before the joy could be extended the child started having pulmonary problems and the pulmonary specialist said only five percent of the lung was working and that was about to give out to and that the child was going to die from a pulmonary death and we were devastated I was scheduled to go to Ohio the next day to speak at one of the medical schools there and just before I was going to go I was going to go back to the hospital because I figured the child would be dead or closely dead by then I wanted to try to comfort the parents but then my youngest son had a severe asthma attack at that point and the ambulance came to get him and by the time that was done I didn't have time to go to the hospital so I had to go straight to the airport but I called the icus when I got there uh hoping that the parents are still there I could at least talk to them on the phone and the nurse said the lungs are working again they have returned to function it was just an another amazing thing that happened in this child and when I got back I had to go to California because I was involved in a study group with NIH we were doing some reviews and while I was gone the neurologists had come because the child was to be assessed to see if there was a candidate for rehabilitation because of all the injury that the child had suffered and the neurologist said the child would not be a candidate for Rehab because the child would not be able to see would not be able to hear and would be barely functioning above a vegetative level so when I got back from California after a lot of prayer I walked into that child's room and the child clearly looked at me and the child could clearly hear and the child went home perfectly normal so the neurologists were correct the child was not a candidate for Rehab because it's how they need rehab so you know when you're seeing things like that you don't doubt God you know a lot of times we look at the Bible and we say you know he did all these Miracles back in those times but you know the same God is here now and in Malachi 3 6 it says I am God and I change not he doesn't change what he has said in the past still applies today and but I'll tell you something interesting God does have a sense of humor because you'll remember the last time I was here I talked about my temper and it was you know horrendous temper and I started reading from The Book of Proverbs where the Book of Proverbs was written by Solomon and my middle name happens to be Solomon so he knew that I was going to have this affinity for the Book of Solomon and when Solomon became the king of Israel what was the first thing that he did that brought him great Fame two women came to him claiming to be the mother of the same baby what did he advocate divide the babies well that's when I became very well known when I divided babies too so I can tell you he has a sense of humor he really does and you know he is really a nice guy and but I think what he wants us to know is that we must trust him and we must not faint for fear we must be people of Courage and where does courage come from it comes from our faith in him you know when I was a resident I was on call one night and it was a time of a national Neurosurgical meeting so all the attendings were away at this meeting except for the one had been left behind to deal with any emergencies that came up and a young man was brought into the emergency room who had been severely beaten with a baseball bat and he was unconscious his brain was swelling the Cat Skin showed hemorrhagic areas of his brain and the only way to save him was to do a dramatic operation in which you remove part of the frontal lobe and part of the temporal lobe to make room it's an operation I'd seen before but not one I ever done before but I couldn't do it anyway because I was a resident so I called for the attending who had been left behind and couldn't reach him and the nurse's call for him couldn't reach him and the paging operated call form couldn't reach nobody could reach him and this young man was dying and I was by myself and I couldn't do the operation legally I didn't know what to do and I just prayed and I said Lord should I risk my career and take him to the operating room to do an operation I'd never done before or should I do the safe thing intubate them put them in an intensive care unit give them steroids and let nature take its course and after I prayed that prayer I immediately knew what to do I immediately knew that I had to take them to the operating room and a calm came over me and I went into the operating room with them everything came back to me everything that I'd seen before was able to do the operation it was successful today that young man is a child psychologist who's doing very well but but I never got into any trouble in fact I was praised for having done the right thing and God will give us the courage to always do the right thing and we have to be willing to fully trust him you know we live in a country today that is trying to push God out and as we allow that We are Becoming fearful We are Becoming divided and we are heading downward we're spiraling downward very quickly we can reverse that but it's going to require faith in God it's going to require courage and we have to remember when we sing Our National Anthem when we get to the end of that first stanza and it says the land of the free and the home of the brave just remember you cannot be the land of the free if you're not the home of the brave thank you [Applause]
Channel: World Outreach Church
Views: 247,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World Outreach Church, World Outreach Church Murfreesboro, Pastor Allen Jackson, Pastor Allen Jackson Sermons, live church service, christian sermons, Murfreesboro TN, Jesus Christ, Interdenominational Church, Special Guest Dr. Ben Carson Weekend, Faith, Courage & Bravery
Id: 8PhRI6dyjwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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