LRU Cache - Twitch Interview Question - Leetcode 146

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hey everyone welcome back and let's write some more neat code today let's take a look at a really popular interview question lru cash it's even asked by twitch tv it's one of their most popular interview questions and also don't forget to like the video it supports the channel a lot so this is definitely more of a design problem than an actual algorithms problem so we have some kind of cache that's going to store values it has a capacity so it's fixed size and we want to be able to get values from this cache based on a key value if that key value exists then we'll return the value that it corresponds to if it doesn't exist the default value we want to return is negative one and if we're getting values we also need to be able to put values into the cache we're putting them in based on key value pairs and there's a lot of edge cases and they explain a bit of them to us if the key already exists in the cache then we just want to update the value if it doesn't already exist then we're inserting it for the first time so we can put that key value pair into the cache and remember this does have a fixed size capacity so if we ever exceed the capacity then we have to evict the least recently used so that's why this is called the lru cash problem and it also makes sense right if there's a key that we're not really using then that's the one that we're going to take out of the cache and this is actually pretty similar to how browsers work so for example if you're using chrome and you know web browsers have caches if there are values that we're not really using in those in that cache then of course we can remove them let's also try to solve this the most efficient way which is each of these operations get and put are going to be constant time operations and it's going to be kind of tricky but it's definitely possible so let's just look at the first example so the input is two so that's something that we need to kind of remember right the capacity is two in this case and the next operation is put so we're putting a pair of one one key one value one and we're going to keep these kind of in order right because we want to remove the least recently used so we got to kind of remember in what order are we adding these values in the next one is another put operation and we're putting 2 2. of course for these first three operations we're not really returning anything so the output is going to be null so next we're actually doing a get operation and we want to get the value that has a key of one and remember we're trying to do this as fast as possible we're trying to do each operation in constant time so how can we know instantly what the value is when the key is one well the easiest way to do that would be with a hashmap right so we're going to use a hashmap to instantly look up the value of every key we can of course do this in constant time and we know that we the size of this hash map doesn't need to exceed our capacity so we can have only two values here right so for the key value we can use the same value that we use for each of our nodes and we could and for the value we could also do the same thing we could use the same value that we use in our nodes but i'm going to show you why it's going to be a little bit better for us instead to have the value be a pointer to the node itself and we can do the same thing with the second node that we inserted as well so for key value 2 we're going to point at this node so now finally when we call this get and we ask for the key 1 we're going to return the value 1 that's over here which is exactly what the output tells us is correct so since we just used the get operation to get this one we went to our key then we found this value and then we returned that value that makes this the most recently used value and this is the least recently used value now so i'm going to keep track of the most recent and least recent by having a left and right pointers right so this left side is going to be the least recently used and the right over here is going to be the most recent so therefore we're basically going to be swapping these two nodes right and so this part this portion of the problem is starting to to keep the ordering of these it looks like we're going to need a linked list and not only a linked list but a double linked list because remember we can easily look up where these values are but if we want to also reorder them quickly by by for example every time we use a get operation we want to take this value and then move it over here because it was the most recent and so now we're going to reorder the two nodes so now this is the least recently used and this is the most recently used and since this is a doubly linked list we need the pointers to be connected of course the the hashmap won't really need to be updated because these are pointers they're already going to be pointing to the correct ones and i'm not going to show that and now we can get to the most interesting operation the third put so we're putting a third value key value 3 3 and since 3 is greater than our capacity of 2 then we're going to have to remove the least recently used value and convenient for us we know exactly what that value is so first we're going to end up updating these pointers to make the least recently used 1 1 and get rid of this and of course we want to replace that too since we know it's the least recently used we want to replace it with the new key 3 and now we also want to update that pointer we want it to point at the new node and since the new node 3 3 is the most recent we're going to put it over here 3 3 and the pointer is going to point here this pointer is going to point here and there's going to be a double link between them so this is basically the main idea we're going to keep track of a capacity we're going to have a double linked list we're going to have a hash map where the key of the hashmap is going to be the same key that we get from the input and the value is going to be a pointer to the nodes and each node is going to look something like this and it's going to have two pointers remember so it's going to have a previous pointer and a next pointer and don't forget about this right and this left these are also going to be nodes because we want to have pointers we want to be able to instantly know what's the least recently used and what's the most recently used so these are going to be dummy nodes pretty much so getting into the code remember we're going to need a node so before we even write this lru cache class let's make another class for that node that we're going to use and remember each node is going to have a key value pair so we're going to get those we're going to initialize those and we're also going to have two pointers one for the previous node and one for the next node and they're both going to initially be set to null now when we actually get into the lru class we know that the capacity needs to be stored because we want to know if we ever go over that capacity we also need a hashmap and i'm going to call that our cache and remember this is going to map map the key to nodes and before we even have any values in our cache we want to have a couple dummy pointers a couple dummy nodes which tell us what are the most recent and least recent uh values that we added so we can just initialize these to zero for the default values so zero zero and initially we want these nodes to be connected to each other because if we're inserting a if we're putting a new node we want to put it in the middle between left and right and we can do that with some pointer stuff so left dot next is going to be right and right dot previous is going to be left and remember left is going to help us find the least recently used and right is going to be most recent so now let's start with our get function because it's mostly straightforward if the key exists so if the key is in our cache then we can return that value right so we can return self dot cash of key now this tells us the node remember because each key is mapped to a node so to get the value we can just do dot val and of course if it doesn't exist they wanted us to just return negative one now the only thing we're forgetting with this get is that every time we get a a value we want to update it to the most recent so to help us with this part i'm actually going to write a couple helper functions so i'm going to write i'm going to write a remove and insert helper function and these helper functions are going to be applied to our linked list so we're going to pass in the node that we want to remove from our our doubly linked list and i'm also going to write a function to insert into our linked list and when we insert we're going to insert at right and the remove is just going to remove from the list so these are basically going to be pointer functions we're going to be manipulating some pointers from our left from our right and doing some stuff so i'm not even going to worry about that i'd all i know is that we have a helper function that can remove any node from our list and a helper function that can insert any node at the rightmost position of our linked list so since we're getting what we want to do to our list is take this node self dot cache of key and remove it from our list and after we remove it then we want to reinsert it at the right most position so we can just do self and looking at this get isn't so bad as long as we fill out these two helper functions for us so now when we actually look at our put function let's remember that if we have a key that's already in our cache that means that a node already exists in our list with that same key value so before we can insert this new key value pair we want to remove from our list so we can get that node by getting our cache and using the key value so these helper functions are definitely coming in handy for us so now we can create a new node with this key value pair so node key value and we can put that in our hashmap so now our hashmap has a pointer to this node but remember that's not enough we also have a doubly linked list so we need to take this node and insert it into our list so insert and just pass in the node which is cache of the key value so the node is stored here and we pass that node into our insert function okay so we just inserted a new value but remember we have a capacity to worry about so every time we insert a value we gotta check did does the length of our cache now exceed the capacity if it does this is the part where we're gonna we're gonna remove and delete or evict the mo the least recently used so we're going to remove it from the list the linked list and delete the lru from the cache or the hashmap so how do we actually find the node for the lru well this is why we have our left and right pointers remember the left pointer is all the way at the left and it's going to tell us what the least recently used was so left left dot next is always going to be the least recently used and so first we're going to remove it from our linked list by just passing in the node and we're also going to delete it from our hashmap so self.cache and we want the key of this node which is actually stored in the node itself this is why we didn't only store the the value we also store the key in our node class so we don't have to return anything input but we do now have to fill out these two helper functions remove and insert so if you have three nodes and you want to remove the middle node what do you do well you take this pointer and move it over here and you take this pointer and move it over here so this stuff is no longer relevant and we have removed the middle node this is going to be referred to as our previous node this is referred to as our next node so when we're writing this function node is going to be the middle node so we want to get the previous and next nodes of node so we can just get the pointer so node.previous all we want to do is say that previous dot next should be updated and next dot previous should be updated these are the two pointers of the next and previous nodes so should be next next stop previous should be previous so now node is no longer in between previous and next the last thing we need to do is fill out our insert function which what we want it to do is insert a node at the rightmost position right before our right pointer so let's say this is our right pointer we want to insert right here and this is going to be our previous pointer so when we have our new node that we're trying to insert what we want to do is take this pointer and reassign it to that this pointer and reassign it over here and we also want this node to be connected to its neighbors so we're going to have the next pointer over here and the previous pointer to be here so in this case our previous and next pointers we can get by using our rightmost pointer so self.write.previous and self.write now we want both previous and next to point to node so we can do that like this previous dot next is going to be equal to next dot previous which is going to be equal to node they're both pointing at node node has been inserted in the middle of them and and node.previous also need to be assigned to next and previous so this is quite a lot of code about 44 lines with some space and comments in between but this is how you get the most optimal solution for this problem and of course i had a bug so i misspelled something i'm really hoping that's the only bug here because i do not want to search for a bug in these lines of code okay so we got it to pass so i hope this was helpful if you enjoyed please like and subscribe and i'll hopefully see you pretty soon
Channel: NeetCode
Views: 203,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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