Google system design interview: Design Spotify (with ex-Google EM)

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[Music] hello there and welcome to this system  design mock interview today we want to show you a   really high quality best-in-class system design  answer so that you can use it to prepare for   your interviews and use it to know exactly what  standard you should be aiming for with us they   give us the answers the candidate today I have  a former engineering manager at Google it's Mark   Mark how are you doing. I'm doing great Tom thanks  for having me I'm looking forward to doing this   oh thanks for thanks for coming on it's  great to have you before we get started   just want to quickly give people an idea of  your background as a as an engineering manager   yeah I was an engineering manager at Google for  13 years and worked on several large-scale systems   with lots of great engineers and so I I hope  I've learned a little bit from them and it'll   be interesting to see me on the other side of the  fence of uh of uh doing the being the interview   candidate here so I'm looking forward to it I'm  sure you do a great job yeah and Mark also is a   coach on our platform so if you need some expert  feedback ahead of your interviewer Google Facebook   anywhere any tech company then do check him out  on our platform okay uh if you're ready Mark   let's crack straight into it the question I want  to ask you today is how would you design Spotify okay uh so yeah so uh Spotify the probably one  of the most popular music streaming services   out there I guess uh so let's let me let me  think about that just for a moment [Music] um because there's lots there's a lot of aspects  of Spotify here let me see if I can actually maybe   I'll just take some notes here so that I can kind  of I think I think through this if that's okay and   and can I get some uh make some assumptions so  I have my notes I'll just put this right in here   and then if it's okay I'll just use this for  notes as well as sort of the design diagrams   and things like that later on yeah sounds good  so yeah so let's yeah so let's talk about just   some different sort of Spotify okay so I for  Spotify I can I can think of things I mean   obviously there's songs music that's the main  thing uh there's you know you have playlists   I mean there's users there's uh artists uh I  guess Spotify even has things like podcasts   that you know you can listen to and things like  that so there's a lot to it and so in terms of the   system design for today uh is there is there like  can we can we constrain this a little bit just   so that we can actually get through a design what  would you what would we would be good to focus on   here yeah let's constrain it let's limit ourselves  to let's look at finding and playing music   okay okay so let me uh so use cases finding uh  and playing music I'm just gonna write it down   like verbatim here great yeah I think enough  to talk about I think so yeah okay good so uh   if I if I think about that let me let me try  and ask a little bit or think a little bit about   the use cases a little bit more so my typical use  case then as a user if I'm signed up to Spotify   and I have an app on a phone uh I am going to  browse some music maybe I'll find a particular   search for a particular song but but then the  most core thing is that I play a song and it's   you know coming back through my phone maybe my  car or whatever wherever I might be headphones uh   to listen to it with big broad questions like this  you need to constrain the problem make it solvable   in the space of an hour and Mark did this well  establishing the use cases we wanted to focus on   if you're asked to design an already existing  system in this case Spotify share what you   know about it with the interviewer they can  correct you or fill you in if you have any   knowledge gaps so if I think about other  if I think about metrics here let's think   about size let's let's do some quick quick  drilling down into into some numbers here   and pardon me while I get this going here so  in numbers so tell me about how many users   you're thinking about here for for this  design yeah let's save a billion users okay one billion users okay what about number  of songs yeah I think I saw I think I saw it   somewhere that Spotify has about 80 million  songs but let's say we need to have capacity   for 100 million on there okay all right so 100  million songs a billion users and you know we're   we're going to focus on the song piece of it so  but let me do a little bit of uh of math here   or a little bit of thinking and you can I can  I'll just you know double check with you to   make sure that this makes sense but for from what  I know think about a typical mp3 audio is going   to be about for a typical song is is about five  megabytes and I mean I think that depends on oh   the encoding of the song how long the song is and  things like that but uh if that if that if that's   okay we can just kind of make that assumption  is that fair yeah that sounds good to me [Music] yeah I mean I think you can encode  these things and you know really low   quality like 96 kilobits per second all  the way up to 320 kilobits but right in   the middle 12860 is about maybe about  that so all right so let's assume that   and so then let's do let me just extrapolate from  this so if you've got five megabytes per song   you've got 100 million songs so I think uh that  translates to I'm trying to do my math here so   100 million would be uh going to a thousand times  that would be a 100 billion and then 100 trillion   would be a million times times five would be  500 trillion so we're talking about uh total   audio is something like 500 terabytes which is I  guess it's the same thing is half a petabyte of   data and so that's I'm making that assumption and  so then depending on how you replicate this data   because you typically want to have these songs in  multiple you know have multiple copies of these   things so they don't get lost Etc and if some  replica is down so you know maybe you do let's   say oops sorry my keyboard here 3x replication so  that would mean like one and a half petabytes of   of raw audio data and then and then each song  in terms of the metadata meaning the you know   the the song title and things like that and  and artists and all these things the metadata   is probably not very big it might be I don't know  you know 100 bytes per song or something like that   per song of metadata and so you might wind up with  okay so let me do the you have it and that's uh uh   billion 10 billion so that's only 10 gigabytes  of of song metadata it's not really very much   and even if you say it's it's a kilobyte then  that's 100 gigabytes so it's not very much and   let me just double check my math here 100  million times 100 really 100 bytes yeah I   think that would be 10 gigabytes so even if we  said if we round it up dramatically and said   100 gigabytes that's just not a ton of data  now in terms of users uh user data you might   have you know again like a maybe you have a  kilobyte oops kilobyte per user metadata I   guess it's all metadata and so uh that might be  [Music] times a billion users so that would be a   terabyte of data approximately so just to kind  of so this is just me doing some quick metrics   quick calculations to get a rough back of  the envelope of how big these things are   uh so does that make sense so far does  that seem yeah that will make sense so far   before starting your high level design as marketed  get some metrics to help you identify any higher   level decisions that might be influenced by the  scale of the system Mark asked the right questions   about the number of users and number of songs  I made some rough calculations without getting   bogged down in the numbers what Mark didn't  calculate was the traffic how many songs are   streamed per day or per second even that would  have helped him figure out the scaling of the   web servers how many he'd need and how much  bandwidth he'd need however since this didn't   impact his high level design it was okay not  to go into the details of scaling at this point   okay so let me let me maybe think about  some basic components here and I'm going   to draw them but I I'll get into them  maybe a little bit more in detail later okay so some basic components that I would see so let  me let me start with something that is my my best   attempt at a mobile phone here so you cut your  Spotify app and make this smaller so it fits into   the thing so you've got your app which is on your  phone typically and I'm gonna assume here that   we're talking about the phone app because that's  very common uh and so you've got your your phone   the phone is going to be talking to uh an  application server a Spotify application   server somewhere or web server I  guess and so let's draw some let   me just put a like over here just say  there's a Spotify web server uh and uh   and there's not going to just be one there's going  to be lots of them and assume that that's a lot   and then of course just because this is a standard  thing that you do when you have applications uh   you know in the cloud here this is I guess part of  the cloud you've got a load balancer and so let me   draw let's assume that we've got an arrow here  that's talking so Spotify app's talking through   the load balancer ultimately to these to these web  servers and so those are the those are some some   sort of key components here let me think about  this a little bit further yeah I think that's   good so far okay and then of course the most  important thing or one of the most important   things here let me see if I can find a I know that  there's a shape here here we go that's a that's a   good shape I'm just going to say call this uh the  database and let me make this a little bit more   uh let's see that's what I wanted okay so there's  database and so the web servers are going to be   talking to the database and getting stuff from  basically reading information writing information   to and from the data reading and writing  information to and from the database   so those are kind of the very high level  components in system design interviews good dual   bandwidth communication is important that's to say  you need to communicate well via both drawing and   speaking you should practice this thoroughly  before your interview Mark did this well he   started drawing the components quite early on in  his answer and this allowed the interviewer to   follow along easily it's okay to have simpler and  fewer components at this point in the interview   you can then break it out later in your answer as  Mark did when he splits his database in two and   I probably am thinking about this I think this  is obviously oversimplified and I'm not going to   redesign Spotify uh you know the existing full  application as exists but I do think I can get   a little bit more detailed here by I think I'm  thinking about the data again because it's it's   the data is important so I'm thinking about the  metadata and the user data and the audio data and they're different very different types of data  so I'm going to actually I'm going to split this   database here into two things and I'll explain  that or I'll try to explain them just a little   bit come on there we go make this just a little  bit more uh so I'm going to split this up and say   that I'm gonna there's a  like a song audio database and then there's going to be like a  metadata database so this is users uh songs   uh what else I mean are ultimately they're  probably be artists and Etc things like that   but we're focusing on the songs I think in the  in the music and so on this is also a database   of course song audio database and metadata and  so I think let me make this a little bit more   uh this Spotify web server is actually going to  talk to this to The Meta oops the metadata and   uh and the audio database it's actually going  to be talking to two databases here yeah that's   interesting can you can you can you go into a bit  more detail about why you'd split them into two yeah yeah I'm kind of making that uh just assuming  that or making that yeah so okay let me let me   to try and I wanted I want to  answer let me try and think of   this in terms of the technologies that  I might use I might use something like   Amazon S3 here and I might use Amazon RDS and  so now let me explain what I mean by that so   the type of data that the actual MP3 files those  I think of as immutable data they're just Blobs of   data they're files they're five megabyte roughly  on you know on average files and they're not going   to change they're just being streamed they're  being you know stored and streamed essentially   and so a blob database which is what S3 is lends  itself really well towards that and it could be   something like Google drive or there's other  you know technologies that are sort of just   document like blob storage uh systems but Amazon  S3 lends itself really well to that and it scales   uh greatly you can just add more and more and more  and more and it scales uh linearly which is great   and and so and then you can connect it up to to  be able to stream the data and things like that so   that type of data and the access patterns for that  which is really mostly read you're just streaming   this data you're never going back and forth and  writing to it that would be why I would want to   put the songs in that kind of a database now S3  is great for that works really well but the data   the metadata which is the the users and their  information and the songs and their information   and uh maybe they get updated maybe you're  searching across them and having to do queries   to find songs for a particular genre or artists or  things like that or you're trying to update your   users like if I'm playing us playing a song and  I want to remember where I left off so that when   I continue playing it it remembers that I'm going  to be modifying the data quite a bit or going back   and forth between that database and doing these  queries and you can't really do queries over S3   but you can over like a relational database so  MySQL would be another option uh I just chose   RDS here really Amazon's relational database as  a as a because I'm going with the AWS family here   but yeah so uh let me let me try and try and just  write something here a little bit more in terms of   in terms of songs you would have things  like a song ID you would have a song Maybe   maybe a URL like that you'd use for sharing  uh you would have an artist a genre maybe   there's a link to album cover and maybe  there's the link to the to the audio I   guess so this is too too big to fit so this  is the type of data that would be stored in   uh let me draw this in here again like in  that in that database and then just the Raw I mean I almost don't need to  write this here so song MP3 would be stored in this database down here so yeah  so I think that the access patterns the types of   things that you want to do the size of the data  because the size of the data here I think we said   was going to be well half a petabyte in one in  one for one replica so S3 lends itself well to   that the data here is going to be you know in  the you know maybe terabyte range uh something   like that and and it's going to have lots of  queries over it maybe some updates and things   like that so that's why I would separate these  out is because I think the access patterns the   size of the data and the type of uh the type  of queries that you need to be able to do over   would be very different does that make sense yes  does that answer yeah yeah it does thank you yeah   I think that makes sense at this point of your  answer when you've laid out the main components   it's good to start identifying some technologies  as Mark did here starting with the database his   design made sense breaking up the databases  into audio data and metadata but he could have   explained why he was doing this up front rather  than waiting for the interviewer to ask why in   general try to be upfront about your decision  making yeah feel free to feel free to continue   so okay so let's say we have these two databases  and I'm just trying to think about now the actual   the two the use case sorry the use cases we  talked about so finding and playing music [Music] so for finding music I think uh the  the Spotify app you know would need   to uh request a do it do a fine music and so  the user probably you know either is typing   in like an artist's name or maybe they're  selecting a bunch of filters I actually I'm   not that familiar with that's how possible that  is but but let's say I'm searching for music uh   for an artist with a particular genre and so  ultimately somehow I'm filling in this query   in my app either by clicking on some things or  typing some things or a combination and then that   request to find music is going to be sent to this  web server going through the load balancer to pick   up web server it's going to go there and then that  web server is going to do a query issue a query uh   translated query to to the relational database to  find a bunch of songs and return a list of songs   and return that back up to the app with whatever  metadata there there is and let's say that I found   it it finds I don't know 100  songs that match my uh request for   uh uh Korean pop music or something like that  and so I I now get back 100 songs and I can look   at those and now once I've gotten that list of  songs and by the way for for that query where I'm   searching for music I don't touch the mp3s at all  I don't need to go to that database at all I just   need to go to uh to the metadata database and do  this query and because it's a relational database   that that query can happen pretty efficiently  Etc so now I'm I return that information back   and that and then I display that to the  user does that does that seem does that   make sense in terms of a finding music  yeah yeah that makes sense that's good um okay and so now I have a list of songs and  maybe I maybe there's like the one of the ones   in that list is like oh yeah that's what I was  looking for and so I click on that uh song to   play it I want to I want to hear that hear the  song so that's that second sort of part of the   use case that we talked about which is playing  music so now to play music now this gets a little   interesting and this is I think I'm going to wind  up maybe changing what I'm thinking about here a   little bit but but let me let me just talk through  it so I I click on the play button or I click on   the song to play it and that translates into a  request from the app to the web server to start   playing a song playing the song and it has an ID  like I mentioned as like an ID in it and so now   the the web server based on that song  information ID maybe has to go to this   database here to look up the link uh what did  I call it oh an audio link maybe that's an Mp3   link I don't know something like that that's a  better term for it I don't know so the Mp3 link   and so that Mp3 link or audio link would be  returned and now the Spotify web server has to   go to the database where the actual audio is  stored in Fetch that fetch that database now   you could imagine streaming that five  megabytes from this database so chunk by   chunk it comes back and chunk by chunk it goes  up to the Spotify app in order to do this you   need like a websocket connection so you need a  kind of a long-standing connection between the   application and this web server so that you can  chunk that you can send the data back in chunks   but I'm not sure whether I would need to do that  or whether because it's only five megabytes that's   possibly small enough to just fit in memory you  know read from the uh from S3 and fill fit into   memory and then have that particular web server  chunk it back from there I think that might be   better because it would eliminate the possible lag  between the database so you don't start streaming   the audio until you have it in memory that that  might be something that I I would consider doing   so now let me think about so that that would  be does that make sense in terms of like the   the playing like you're you start playing and  obviously you can control it you can pause playing   and so on but does that make sense so you you you  start playing the web server gets the request to   play it maybe gets the information about where  to go over here to get the the S oops the S3 uh   storage audio storage reads that back it's only  five megabytes that should be should not take   it should be almost instantaneous and then it  starts streaming that back to the application   does that make sense yeah that makes sense uh  please please carry on yeah so all good so far   Okay so this almost sounds too good to be  true or sounds too easy I I think it's got   to be more complicated than that okay so  one thing I'm just realizing here is uh   probably out of these what did  we say we said 100 million songs   there's there's probably a lot of stuff that is  uh I'm going to use the term Indie artists or   something like that stuff that few people uh not  very many people listen to or isn't very popular   and on the flip side of that I'm thinking  about like what could go wrong here well if   uh like BTS which is a again a Korean pop pop band  uh if they let's say they release a new song and   it's like hey everybody wants to listen to this  is super oh have you heard the latest song Etc if   you've got all of these web servers all fetching  that same thing uh that same song and let's say   you've got you know requests like it's released  and in the next minute you've got I don't know   uh how do we you said a billion users okay let's  say that uh 10 million users all request the song   all at the same time or something like that  because it's just been released and they're   following you know social media is something you  could easily overload in terms of bottlenecks you   could Pro you could overload possibly uh that  bucket or that bucket excuse me that particular   uh song uh that file or whatever however it's  stored in AWS and it could be stored different   ways I'm using it S3 here you could overload uh  AWS or S3 there and you could also possibly be   you know like streaming like loading up all these  these web servers with the same song streaming the   same thing back so it's a lot of bandwidth Etc so  a better thing to do and a common thing to do for   stuff like this is to to use what's called a CDN  content delivery Network which is like a it's a   cache so this this helps reduce the amount of load  on on back ends so let me draw something here let   me just I am going to pick uh what shape am I  going to pick I'll just pick randomly something   like this so maybe over here so I'm going to say  here this is a CDN which is an song audio cache   this is typing in and so what would happen so and  by the way the Technologies here just to this this   this CDN a Content delivery network is usually  very very close in terms of number of hops and   network connections to users so what would happen  is let me draw another arrow here and let me draw   uh an arrow down to here so what what would happen  here is that the first time that this song is this   new BTS newly released single is is requested the  web server would read it and stream it like normal   but probably we need to make sure that  these Spotify web servers are somewhat uh   they're keeping track of things and they're  keeping track of you know which songs are being   requested which ones are hot they probably have a  heat map the most recently requested songs and so   in that heat map as they see oh this song  is now ever I've seen this requested the   fifth third time in you know in  a minute or something like that   at that point in time what it might do is it  might actually uh instead of just streaming   it back to itself or copying it back to itself  excuse me it might actually load that into the   CDN and so I am trying to I'm going to have to  draw another arrow I think in order to do that   because these things probably have to talk to the  CDN and by the way I'm not a super expert on this   area in terms of how this works but there's some  connection between this Edge caching this content   delivery Network which is just there for caching  and these Spotify web servers so these web servers   are going to somehow notify the CDN hey you  should be pulling this song this BTS latest song   pull that from uh the the MP3 the audio storage so  the CDN you know would load that up and this now   has to work in conjunction with the application  so that means that the application when it when   the person decides when I request the song I want  to play this latest BTS song and I haven't had it   on my phone yet it's just been released before  I go and I talk to the web server I might even   go and check in this in the application might  actually go and check in this content delivery   Network to see is it there it might also be so  and if it is there then I just read it from there   the other option of the possibility and again this  is technology that I'm sort of not super familiar   with is that it goes and asks the web server  just like it normally would and the web server   sends back a redirect saying hey I don't have  it but you should go over here to this content   delivery Network this this Edge cache to to to  fetch the song it's much closer to you you'll   get better performance and you won't be loading  me up so much so I've got a lot of arrows here   but uh the the the standard flow for a song  first time around is you know coming around   getting the metadata going around to reading the  audio data the web server is now keeping track   and realizing oh you know what this is getting  I'm getting multiple requests for this same song   now I'm going to tell the CDN go and fetch  this song it's going to fetch it and so now   the application can I can it can be redirected for  example to read that audio from there so that's a   lot of talking but I was realizing that caching  here seems like it's a very important Point   in in this in this design and would help with  the bottleneck of of hot songs if you will   does that is that absolutely yeah by  the way that's a really good answer   okay and there's again in the AWS family here I'm  going to use the family uh you know obviously if I   were a googlers you know I might be not be using  this but there's a technology called cloudfront   and cloudfront is uh basically a Content  delivery Network there's a bunch of other ones   uh gosh flask is that what it is I can't remember  what the names of these of these Technologies are   but there's a bunch of other technologies that are  very similar in nature that allow you to do this   so that would help with the bottlenecks and uh in  terms of the the the caching here you could also   and this is part of the reason by the way I just  stepping backwards here a little bit part of the   reason why I think it would be better initially  when the when the web server is getting the song   for the first time for it to read the the entire  MP3 into its memory because then if it's if if it   is getting multiple requests for a particular song  uh then it doesn't have to go to the database it   can actually just feed it from from its memory and  that's also a form of caching of course so it's   got a local cache essentially of of uh of these  songs and you could imagine having a shared cache   that's shared across these web servers so we that  could be another optimization but my point is that   if we have a cache in memory in these web servers  that stores the songs then we're offloading the   the database a little bit if we then have the  cache here at this the edge of the network so   this is that's what it's called Edge Network Edge  caching then we're offloading the web servers   to to a large extent because the streaming this  is optimized for streaming and so on and I think   if we go one step further actually I'm I'm sure  and if I were designing it I would design the   application because these are on smartphones uh to  to store this the songs that are played frequently   by the specific user locally in the local storage  so it's another form of caching so then if it   finds the song in the local in its local cache  essentially local store here on the phone uh then   you know you you wouldn't even need to go to the  to the network at all right so you could actually   I'll even draw like this so it's like a little  little cash a little local storage here of songs   so there's multi-layer caching I guess what I'm  saying multiple levels of caching ultimately with   the goal to provide the best user experience  make sure it's super fast and to then offload   obviously the system to to allow it to sort of  scale and limit costs Etc so that's probably   enough on caching and I think I've gone  gone you know gone deep a little bit there   be ready for the interviewer to ask you about  particular components or different aspects of your   system and to talk in detail about them it's also  good to talk through the flow of a particular use   case this helps make sure the interview is clear  on it but also helps you test your design as you   talk through it as well as helping you identify  any potential bottlenecks as it did with Mark here   Mark explained the purpose of the caching and also  where caches might exist in the system caching   wasn't limited to the CDN and the app but also  the web server he could have talked about caching   the metadata as well as the song data we've done  caching uh that's all good uh now I wanted to ask   you about load dancing uh yeah how would you think  about load balancing for for this particular app yeah magic load balancing it's uh yeah a little  a little bit of hand wavy here I think of load   balancing I mean so load balancing uh uh commonly  is used to the load balancer's job here really   is to make sure that these web servers are don't  are not overloaded so that they're providing   good service to the end users and they're  not overloaded and overloaded can can mean   many things often it's in terms of CPU so you know  you're getting requests in lots of requests coming   in uh and if if you're getting lots of requests  coming in then just load balancing these requests   across the server so that there's roughly the same  number of requests on each one if assuming they're   all equal would probably also result in the CPU  utilization being about equal I think for this   application I would think about load balancing  I might think about it a little bit differently   because we're streaming data and so I might be  not instead of using CPU as my load balancing   uh metric to figure out how to distribute the load  I might be looking at possibly Network bandwidth   like is is because if if a particular web server  is not doing a lot from a CPU perspective but   if it is uh i o bound or network bound meaning  it's it's hitting its limit of its if it of its   a network connection then uh I wouldn't want the  load balancer to send it more traffic because   it's just going to bog down and you're going to  get skips and things like that so I might make   this load balancer aware of multiple metrics one  of them being Network maybe memory for caching   although you could probably you can kind of limit  that possibly but maybe not CPU for this purpose   it might be requests out outstanding or current  streams or something like that there might be   some other metrics but I'd want to I would want to  make this load balancer maybe a little bit smarter   than just a typical request uh round robin load  balancing scheme so I'm not sure if that's getting   it what you're asking yeah yeah I think that  answers my question load balancing is not a one   size fits all Mark mentioned looking at different  metrics as a way to load balance across different   servers which was a clever approach Mark was very  open about the fact that load balancing isn't an   error he's an expert on and this is okay it's fine  to be honest when you ask about things that are   at the limits of your knowledge okay cool yeah  all right are you are you done with your design   or is there anything else that you want to add  yeah let me think about that and give me give me   just a moment I I mean it again it you know I've  way oversimplified this but ah I guess I think if   I were to also think about this at a global  scale I mean Spotify is a global app and so it's it's possible so uh replication I didn't  really talk about replication other than to do the   math to say hey maybe three three x replication  and replication right why do we do this well we do   do it to make sure that we have uh data available  when there's an outage so if so you know if I if   I were to you know I mean like do this right to  indicate three replicas but that's that's a little   naive and the same thing for the metadata  of course but the replicating the data is   not just for availability and downtime it's  also you would want to place those replicas   closer to where the users are and so from a  Global Perspective you might have music that   is more local like maybe European punk rock is  you know more listened to more in Europe and   maybe maybe BTS is you know because it's Korean  pop is maybe it's more popular actually in Korea   or in Asia and so you might want to have the  replicas of those songs uh and and maybe even   the metadata be more locally uh represented more  locally so that you can get to it faster you don't   have to cross an ocean to get to the to the data  and uh you know to reach it so kind of a Geo aware   strategy of data placement and possibly  replication strategy that might be a a   refinement I think that I would might make to  this design to make it just a little bit more   uh performant effective etc etc so yeah does that  does that make sense yeah yeah I think nothing is   just interesting point to add it's a good idea  to wrap up your answer by referring back to the   requirements laid out at the beginning of the  interview and confirming that your design meets   them if you have time it's always nice to think  big and take a quick look at the problem from a   different dimension that could make it more  complex Mark did this with his geolocation   idea he didn't go into detail but another interior  might have explored this further and it could have   opened up a whole new aspect of the design overall  an excellent answer from Mark yeah great job Mark   I think that was a a really good approach and  yeah how did you feel now now looking back now   the interview is over let's say you've  uh you've walked out the interview room   and read the big sigh of relief how  how are you feeling that it's gone I feel pretty good about it it's uh yeah it's  definitely different being on the other side of   things and uh I I know that I'm sure I miss things  and I'm I'm you know people are watching this and   and uh wind up scheduling some a session with me  I'm you know happy to take the the feedback on   some things that I missed I'm sure I've missed  things but uh but yeah it's fun fun to do this   though cool good stuff well uh yeah thanks very  much and uh yeah thanks everyone for watching   hello I really hope you found that useful if you  did you can like And subscribe and why not come   visit us at there you can find  more videos useful Frameworks and question guides   all completely free and you can also book expert  feedback one-to-one with our coaches from Google,   meta, Amazon Etc thank you and good luck  with your interview [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: IGotAnOffer: Engineering
Views: 1,025,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: system design, sd mocks, systems design, engineer mocks, meta, faang
Id: _K-eupuDVEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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