Thrills and Kills! Apex Legends™: The Board Game!

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[Music] foreign [Music] s seek to find fame and fortune in the Apex games welcome everyone to the outlands we are here to play Apex Legends the board game this is going to be super fun here in this Arena the Legends Bangalore Gibraltar Bloodhound and wraith compete in a battle royale where the reward is Glory cash and perhaps something more precious today's game is a Team Battle where Jesse and myself are going to be Bangalore and Bloodhound against mubin and Michael who are Gibraltar and wraith I'm your host JT and today we're bringing you something pretty awesome Apex Legends the board game brings to life the video game of the same name the team at glass Cannon unplug have created an exciting adaptation of the video game and brings the same Stakes Thrills and kills to the tabletop when we were approached and asked to play a prototype at this board game adaptation we jump to the chance because one of our editors Ben is an avid player of Apex Legends and was incredibly excited to try it out this one's for you Ben my name is Ben and I'm an editor at play on tabletop and I am here to play Apex Legends the board game I've been playing Apex Legends with my friends for a few years now we play usually once a week I've got a couple hundred hours in I'm going to be playing as Bangalore she is absolutely fantastic at running away from engagements and then throwing a massive artillery Barrage at you what if I don't want to run away from engagements that's great because that's my job I'm going to run away from engagements and then throw a massive bomb at you that's fine I'm just going to teleport and get up close and personal hey everyone move in one of the editors at play on I know nothing about Apex I didn't even know there was going to be a board game and I'm excited to see what's gonna happen I'm playing Bloodhound the main character that I play when I play Apex Legends on Xbox because I'm a filthy casual my name is Jesse I'm Nick's brother me my roommates all we did was play Apex Legends together like three TV side by side hey everyone this is Michael buckthorne coming in today to play a game of Apex Legends the board game I've never played it before I've heard it's pretty good Apex Legends the board game is very quick to pick up while also providing a ton of replay value we've played a few games now with the same map and same legends that every game has had its own unique challenges and moments I'm gonna rip through some very basic and Core Concepts and then we can watch the Players give it a go we received an early prototype and got four Legends Bangalore Gibraltar Bloodhound and wraith the game is played in squads and in this case Bangalore and Bloodhound are red Squad played by Ben and Jesse and Gibraltar and wraith are blue Squad played by Michael and movement we are playing unique elimination where the victory condition is killing each of your opponents Legends at least once if Bloodhound and Bangalore are killed once each the victory goes to Blue Squad and vice versa this game will be playable completely out of the starter box with all the components you need it's easy to set up and strike down the map and terrain and it evokes the feel of battling in the outlands the game is played in three major stages stage one is Legend Loadout where you will draw at random the gun's gear and items your Legend will start the game with each Legend will take two guns to the arena and depending on what attachments you may have randomly drawn you can already begin to customize their effectiveness each Legend has 40 health and starts with a body Shield providing another 20 Shield health there are better Shields you could get for added protection you'll get some loot to start like meta packs ammo and grenades and loot crates on the map will provide you with more once each Legend is loaded we go to map drop in the demo game the red squad has initiative and will choose a legend to enter a side of the map this final Zone entrance board shows you the sides your Legend can come in on and each side has Rewards players alternate dropping their Legends until all of them are on the map then you reveal your first ring movement card this is a really cool mechanic in which the Battle Zone will shrink in a future phase of the game if your Legend is caught outside the ring they'll take damage stage three is the final encounter this is where all the action is the squads compete to fulfill the victory conditions and win the game The Legends all have common and unique abilities and have two action points to utilize for Activation squads activate together so in this game both red Squad Legends will go before blue Squad can Legends could do things like move use consumables pickup Loot and attack the enemy Legends move on this grid and what they can do depends on the range of their abilities in this death match the Legends have to take out their enemies and this means using the cool guns they picked at the start all guns have an effective range there are no dikes in this game and to determine if you hit you will use aim cards that are going to be randomly drawn and placed on the aim board you draw a number of cards equal to the fire rate of the weapon then depending on the stability of your weapon you start placing and cards on the aim board to determine if you hit your target add up the number on the card and the modifier on the aim board if the number equals or exceeds the hit threshold on your weapon you've scored a hit each weapon will list the damage you can do per successful hit and the added damage from a headshot the aim cards do a few more things but we'll get into that in the game if you're inspired to play Apex Legends the board game remember there's a Kickstarter out now Link in the description alright players here we go stage one Legend loadout so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to hand out five weapons to each player you can choose two weapons but you can trade weapons between you and your teammate oh this is both ammo types I might take this Jesse is taking a triple take and devotion for bloodhound Ben is choosing a sentinel and Flatline for Bangalore mubin's choosing a peacekeeper and devotion for wraith and Michael is taking an alternator SMG and r301 carbine for Gibraltar so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to take six white tokens and eight blue tokens each now because we haven't actually left the drop ship yet we can share and trade um all of these attachments with the uh with your teammate in the white tokens you're going to get some pretty basic upgrade you're going to find syringes which help you heal you're going to find Shield cells which help you restore your Shields and you might find some weapon attachments and grenades in the rare loot you're gonna find better weapon attachments you're going to find Shield batteries and Med kits which are going to be much more effective at healing you and another thing to keep in mind with the item tokens that we're getting you'll notice that some like the shield cells will have an icon with a two next to it which means you can stack them move and got some pretty good loot and his wraith has some protection with that rare knockdown shield and rare helmet his weapons have some good upgrades to them too Michael's loaded up Gibraltar with a lot of grenades in his backpack and that blue ultimate accelerant will mean an instant cooldown of his ultimate ability there's probably a lot of explosions gonna be happening in this game I'm sure Nick would be excited explosions explosions everywhere you get one you get one everybody gets one Jesse got a lot of healing items for Bloodhound but is very excited about the upgrades he applied to the devotion but I like to play Bloodhound when I play the game is I like to use my alts use my abilities move fast and get up close um before they even know I'm there and I have the devotion lmg which can be perfect for that and it is fully kitted out I have a stabilizer I have an extended mag I have a hollow sight and I have a standard stock that thing is terrifying and has Bangalore ready to go with an upgraded body shield and a good mix in his backup he's got a good set of rare gear upgrades for the Flatline so look for him to do some work with that gun my flat line has been absolutely upgraded it has an extended heavy mag it has a sight and a stock it is doing more damage and it is better at most ranges and I am firing more with it I think we are now about ready to start dropping in now the Legends are set up they get into the map what happens when we drop in we can choose to land on any edge of the board you also get a little bit of a bonus as you see we've got some epic gear as well as some really nice additional bonuses like you can move an extra two spaces at the beginning or you can grab some rare loot why don't you drop first let Bloodhound not exactly but I'm going to enter this side of the table Bloodhound goes first with red squad's initiative and grabs a sniper stock and a move to token which allows him to dive deeper into the map immediately put it on my triple take boom boom priority damage increase on that beautiful gun did you want to go first I came here with two things in mind I came here to kick ass and I came here to chew bubble gum oh I'm all out of bubble gum because you have a move too come in there and then go there there so you can move that afterwards and then you're gonna pick up those two pick up these two here Gibraltar goes for an epic Shield that tank just got tankier I know what my job is going on coming in from that side I'm coming in from that side I'm going to grab the first initiative and I'm taking that initiative away yeah and I'm gonna have this beautiful epic helmet so now I ignore two headshots as long as the value is not greater than 60. I've only got one place to go this is where I'm choosing to go in wraith also grabs a helmet and a rare item which ends up being a rare scope which moon puts on the Peacekeeper let's just make that Peacekeeper a little spicier one of the cool things about Apex Legends the board game is that this is not the table it's going to get smaller with time we're going to draw one of the cards from the top of the Ring stack and we're gonna show it here this is how the ring is going to move in three turns if you are stuck outside the ring when it closes you're going to start taking damage all legends are in let the Bloodsport begin let's start round one the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna start and put red on the first turn we're going to draw three ability cards so feel free to do that now those are all the cards turn the first well red goes first can I go first you may oh I seem like you have a good plan I know I'm going to shoot Gibraltar in the face what's the plan Stan shoot your Balter in the face my Sentinel has a range of five plus which means I can just hit anything I don't like it but my first action is going to be interacting with the supply band I'm going to flip it over to show that I've used it and I'm going to grab a supply card I'm gonna get two epics I picked up a epic standard stock and I picked up a epic knockdown Shield but I have this leftover standard stock here and I'm just gonna place it here on the ground beside the supply bin and anyone that is in the area can now come pick it up I also get to move one so I'm going to move diagonally here to behind this cover I'm going to use my second action to shoot Gibraltar and I'm going to use a reaction gun and shield which is ignoring your criticals and preventing pen damage I'm going to use my enhance shoot it's called precision each hit deals two additional damage I get one shot at this and I can only hit on a 55 or higher but I really hope that I get a good hit because I'm gonna do 22 plus my two damage from my card plus the two damage from my sniper stock I'm gonna be taking up to 26 damage on you I got a 65 26 damage and I'm preventing 10 of it so I only take 16 16. so you take 16 off your shield 24. and that is my turn I'm going to shuffle the shooting carts go Jesse go for my first of two actions I'm gonna as well open this item box here I got two blues and a purple gun or ammo I'll take some ammo what do we got here one purple and then a blue two Blues switch that out that devotion now that devotion is scary stabilizer the stabilizer puts him here he's got a permanent plus five to his accuracy for the first three shots and then no no no no no negative so it's just gonna like yeah this gun is pretty gross now what you could do an interact and it moves well I'll Pro I'll move and I'm gonna go B to the hunt so I'm gonna use my ultimate okay so you're using a free action to use your beast of the hunt ability I've activated my ultimate um which allows me to have an extra movement for each action so you get two movements with one action and that has a duration correct infinite unless I use an item or interact with something so I might just go over here where it's safe for now and that concludes red teams the better teams turn is going to start off by using the interact and move so we're going to draw two epics and an ammo it's gonna be fantastic it's gonna be real good are you ready for it maybe to claim it body Shield 40. uh uh that sucks you're just gonna have to leave that there body Shield 40. I'm gonna need that all right Excellence perfect was it both yeah oh my God that's perfect no problem so second half of that is a plus one move so I was going from here I'm gonna go up Dome of protection and I'm going to put that Gibraltar won't be targetable from outside that Dome with Wraith so I'm gonna move one before I interact and I'm going to get oh all right you know what that's not too bad I got three rares and a common nothing wrong with Shield cells I get a barrel stabilizer that is gonna go on my devotion lmg for my second action I'm going to use Blink which uses an action point but I get to place my Legend wraith within one to three of where I am right now and then I get to move an additional one afterwards movement moves wraith into the Dome now both blue Squad Legends can't be hit so that is the end of turn one turn the two turn of the two turn of the two we are in a place where we can't really shoot and do damage to our enemies they are hiding in there they're a little they're being little rats I'm going to first start by throwing down my rolling thunder rolling thunder is my ultimate ability I'm going to place it within five of me so that's one two three four five this creates a five by four explosion radius what I'm trying to do now is push you out this has a delay of two which means it's going off the same time your Shield goes off beta's trying to time his Rolling Thunder to limit blue squad's movement and possibly do some damage clever girl once uh the first explosion hits it moves three spaces forward and does that again in two turns now I'm just gonna drop down oh one two and then I'm gonna use my second action to open up this Supply bin and I get three rares and a common sniper scope I got a sniper scope let's go I'm going to drop this Barrel stabilizer and sight here and then I'm going to outrange you so I'm going to take a step back and that is the end of my turn for my turn I'm still gonna go for the box I'm okay with losing my ALT for a bit because it's only two turns to get it back and I'm still behind the wall so there's no way they can even get at me and I can easily jump over the wall and still shoot that's one action then Diagon will be one and then I get a interact as well so that's my full full turn oh oh purple two blues uh that's all I can do filthy Blues I'm gonna go first this time so my first free action with wraith is going to be to use her dimensional Rift which is a duration three and I'm gonna drop the first portal right back here and then I'm going to use a rush action and discard behind your back to get a free move one and then for my second activation I'm going to move two I'm going to drop one there drop one here and now that I've moved two I'm going to drop the other portal right back there I am done over to you Michael got you a nice little setup here sir I was just about to say I think I see a plan I am going to start off with my defensive bombardment nice where is that going to go I'm gonna go like that another delay two two My First action is the use and move so I move into the portal that was so conveniently dropped and then I'm going to take one of my frag grenades and throw it right at your face ah here's how grenades work on the other side of the grenade the middle is critical so that does 20 damage and this does 10. so what happens is you're gonna draw two of these cards if any of them have an arrow that moves one space oh here's what happened when the grenade moved one space this way why is that grenade coming at me landing on me and you just dealt 20 damage to your teammate that does mean that race takes 20 damage that was my shield down race teleports in out of nowhere okay and now there's one and then Gibraltar teleports right in as well chucked a grenade at my face bounces off my face right back at them blows up in their face which is awesome wait this is a free throw right well now we know there's friendly fire in this game I'm going to for my second activation I'm going to shoot you in your face and using this this card for the first shot apply plus 20 penalty in Apex Legends there are enhanced shoot cards shoot reactions and after shoot reactions that can be played during a shoot action this Dynamic back and forth keeps players in the game and trying to outsmart each other with what card to use when and where I do have stability plus one which means you get to start on a plus five and then you're basically looking for a total of 40 or higher 55 there we go yep okay there's a 45. the third one I'm looking for a 45. how about an 80. 18 damage that's not too bad you got 12 Shields I believe that's it for this round so we move to go to turn three no one's outside the circle then any uh refreshes we all draw an ability card [Music] the third turn the third some stuff happens the first thing is my explosion goes off which does no damage which does nothing and then moves three and your Dome shield now goes away Dome goes away your token goes down too and your goes on cooldown you're like way out here yeah I am going to immediately start with using an action card Adrenaline Rush one two three oh I love it damaged so I'm gonna go just to here and that's where I'm gonna stay so that ends my turn is now your turn Jesse so I've been riddled with bullets I'm in a bit of a precarious position but I'm also in a pretty good position because I have this devotion lmg and it is so kitted out right now so I shall use I have the all father so it's a duration of three yeah and then you almost get birds bird you get a bird and so when you have Birds attached to you anytime we do a shoot action we ignore any cover or if you're high up or any hit threshold penalties so now I'm going to show you a lot of times I have a special ability with the devotion I can spend an additional ammo token and I can shoot with an extra three shots so I can blast you and then back up a bit Yeah seven times this is about as good as this gun can be 50 plus nope that counts as a hit we've got two half hits that counts as one oh oh no so close so close so four hits and one headshot twenty four twenty four plus three is plus seven 27 27 damage Shield is gone and I take three damage that is excellent you absolutely melted him good enough and then I get one movement for my special ability at the end so I'm just gonna move a little bit further so this goes off but nothing really happens because it goes boom boom it goes on cooldown I think I'm gonna go first if you're okay with that Michael for my first action I'm going to spend a move to hop this wall guess what Bloodhound guess what you're nice and up close and personal for my Peacekeeper I played prophecy if you use a reaction I ignore the effect of the reaction and no other reactions can be played for the shoot action so you are within range one to three for my scope so I'm gonna get a minus five so I'm actually looking for 40s and it's just a single shot with two cards bring it on 75 and a 60 with a head shot 32 damage holy his paper goes slam you're down to 20 Health yeah so Shields are depleted that hurt more than my my devotion did to you but that's my turn my turn it's your turn my turn I'm gonna use charge I'm going to move three one two three so you're basically charging you knocking you into the wall that Gibraltar slam does 12 damage to Bloodhound and then I'm gonna take my SMG and I'm gonna riddle you like no you're not not gonna do anything I activate my trap cardigan and I jump the wall Jesse tries to escape as bloodhound's pretty close to being killed your shoot is canceled so you still have one actually do something okay grenade why not I'll do a thermite so my move one is going to be just to get closer to the wall and then I'm gonna hug the grenade and he thinks he's so clever he's gonna Dash away from me I've got to trick up my sleeve Perry This filthy casual you got this die yes he's down wow and he's down if he runs away he's like and he goes over the wall and then I just take the grenade now that is an alley-oop grenade over the wall and boom see what just happened Jesse yeah we did the the worst thing that you could do in a team game split up that's one Victory point for Squad blue and now if they manage to kill Bangalore they'll win the game and I believe that is the turn the fun begins we go into the movement of the ring so it's going to move in one that one's gonna come up too and then these two are gonna come in three so one this is the like the coolest part of the game yeah that makes it like the video game really really cool and then the next one is going to be oh three and three in okay so you guys are getting pushed in hard yup we also have to do ring damage which no one is taking cooldown's refresh by one I got my ALT back everyone draws more fate cards laughs and we move on moving on to round four first thing we do is my artillery blows up and does nothing and then my portals disappear those are on cooldown now when asked why do I like land on it no you land at Jason you reset your health back to uh 30 and 40. because in Apex Legends the board game you don't drop everything when you die so I can die as much as I want now yeah so we should use that as to our advantage so I'm altering and I'm going beast mode because I can and that's all I can do so you should just stay safe just pure defensive and I'll just run around being annoying and doing damage we have one job hunt him down first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to drop a smoke launcher it has a duration of three I'm going to drop it here the second thing I'm going to do is Puck grenade at you and it's going to land right here we're going to draw two shooting cards this way hey that goes right on right onto me right on the race and does 20 damage to wraith my guy he seems to be taking a lot of damage I want it to be damaged I'm going to dip up here using my last move action into the smoke and that is both our turns okay so now it goes to your turn and the birds leave Birds go away take your birds back number okay so I'm gonna start on my turn I'm going to use the use and move so I'm going to move one into the corner here and then I'm going to use my ultimate accelerant to reset my ultimate then I'm going to use said ultimate and I'm going to put it down right so two from now two yeah so next Blue next Blue yep and then I'm also going to use my second activation for another item I'm going to use Shield battery to go up to 25 and that's it maybe that's it for my turn and for my turn wraith is going to start with interacting with the loot pile that she's standing on top of and she's going to pick up this nice little Barrel stabilizer oh yeah really nice item that I couldn't use yup and for her second action she's going to use a item and move and she's going to also use a shield battery full Shields oh I can only go to 20 though and then I still get to move again so I'm just gonna move right up to the wall and that is it for me cool so then we move to the middle there's no one outside the ring so no one does damage our cooldowns all go down one whoops and it is now red turn I can die as many times I want so that's my first move that's my strategy I'm gonna just run in there be a meat Shield do as much damage be as annoying as possible while we just keep that safe so you're gonna shoot Grace yep cool I'm gonna actually play her into the void which means after your first shot I get to move two immediately and if I'm out of line of sight the rest of your shots automatically miss one shot that's all I need though boom I ignore the headshot because I've got a fancy helmet so you'll do six damage to my shield but because of my into the void I'm gonna hop over all right and now it is my turn Bangalore has choices to make first thing she's gonna do is move two to here and then just shoot right in with this soldiers Instinct all aim cards with the half hit count as full hit it is going to be four shots on 35 that's a hit that is a hit that is not a hit that is a Miss nope that is a hit 30 damage to you let's go smack him I'm gonna play an after shoot card and I'm gonna use Whispers so I can move two let's turn into the blue activation the smoke smoke goes away the explosion happens no one takes damage first action I am going to use grenade let's see if the sucker scatters oh it does and it scatters away from me use the move to get nice and close in Point Blank Range for the shotgun okay I'm going to use an enhancing Chute and I'm going to use Vengeance Seeker as long as I'm under 30 or less Health aim cards with the half hit count as hits and I deal an additional two damage per hit and I am going to play the card take cover I may play The Smoke launcher ability if available so I immediately shroud myself and I am ignoring all half hits and headshots let's go so I'm looking for 55s instead of 45s but I still hurt because I do 14 for every hit shot doesn't matter that doesn't matter both hand so it's 28. okay so I'm down to two Shields all right okay my turn I'm going to move for my first action cool I'm going to play smoke screen if the enemy applies smoke hits threshold penalty which you do because I'm in Smoke you shoot with a 65 plus so you ignore all modifiers but you only hit on 65s I'm shooting the carbine r301 plus oh there's one two three and four nothing complete whiff complete with complete with all that smoke all those movement Shenanigans why is Bangalore such a pain to bring down Bangalore is going to get out of that round alive we go to round six and he is still blue Squad in the lead but that could turn around pretty quick as wraith is a bit beat up some people I have all father I would love to go first oh a very special reason right oh I want to throw a grenade but I don't want to hit you so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use and move one so I'm going to throw my frag grenade and I'm gonna Bonk you hopefully right there hopefully it doesn't scatter no yes oh crap still hits but it hits both of us hits me for 10. I am going to use my knock down Shield to negate that 10 damage I'm going to take Bangalore and I'm gonna shoot race with my Flatline I would like to play my shield card I will negate your Shield card because I can stop it before shoot action so I'm gonna put this back into my inventory then I'm in smoke so I have a plus 10 penalty to my shooting but I have my uh site I've got four shots and I'm hitting on 45. it's a mess that is a hit yeah that's a hit and that is a hit with a head shot so she's down and wraith is down game tied 1-1 now blue squad has to keep Gibraltar alive and for red Squad they gotta keep Bangalore relatively safe got one got one you got one as well well I should use are the old father one two three and then put the bird on YouTube play this card hit and run which is move two and shoot a nice little flat upon you with my devotion gun Shield so ignore your crits and I prevent pandemic and you're within one or two that's why you get a minus five so I need 45. dang it nope yes yeah yeah so three three goes through so you only take eight Shield damage because you prevent ten it is now blue team blue team I'm going to spend my first action to respawn I'm going to discard voidwalker and use the rush ability to move one so I can go Boop I'm just gonna make a move to go up to there my Activision I am going to start by using a grenade and moving so I'm going to move one I think right here I'll go it's dry it's a direct yeah 15 damage for you sir okay I'm down to 17. perfect and last thing I'm gonna do is shoot I shall use my before shoot card the target may use an any item immediately consume my Med kit giving me 25 Health ooh clutch reaction from Bangalore from 17 Health life to full item so I have four shots I'm hitting it on 45 but minus 10 because of smoke your smoke so I'm looking for 55. so first one is it 20 and then it is a 55. 20 and a 20. so only one hit I'm down to 33. so now that we're done and the circle moves and the circle moves the map has shrunk again and what's this we're both outside the circle how did that happen so the ring starts to shrink but it's okay because Pro players play outside the ring anyway the two veteran Apex Legend players both have their Legends outside the ring each Legend will be taking 15 damage you'd think the two guys that have been playing Apex for a while would be inside the ring but they're on the outside you'd think that me playing this game as long as I have I think I'd figure that out by now but uh round seven uh all your cooldowns go down one turn this Smoke Clears All I'm gonna do is stand there and use my special action and unload on Gibraltar okay so I'm gonna use another card here I know where you hide so I choose a space within my line of sight so I'm gonna just choose next to you and then a Target adjacent to that space you cannot use it before shoot action okay so I get seven shots so it's 45 let's go 45 so let's mess it's a mess that's a hit that is a Miss oh my God that's one hit and that is a hit all right so I go down to 27. huge I have 27 health and zero Shields I'm gonna use an after shoot called Whispers which allows Gibraltar to move two oh hiding I have one job right now I have to survive now it's my turn so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move two and I'd place a smoke on my body that so I'm now harder to hit I think I'm gonna pop a shield cell get 15 Shield back so now I'm a little bit tankier and I've moved one into the different part of the smoke my turn is done it is now blue turn so The Burbs go away no more bird for you first one I'm gonna do is the heel up and I'm going to elect to do the use and move I'm going to move one I'm going to seal a total of 25 to my shield that's 15 that's plus 10. what so I go to 25 use and move again we're going to move one over and I'm going to use my second Shield so to go back up to 40. because you're done activating yes I'm gonna go with wraith okay I'm just going to both our action points okay and I'm unloading that devotion I'm also going to use my last card which is an enhance and shoot called Vision so I can look at the first three aim cards and put them in any order I want and put whatever I choose at the bottom one two three [Music] four five six and seven four hits and a headshot so I'm down to 10 Health I have a double time effect it lets me move three and use one consumable so I'm going to immediately just get my shield back I believe that's our turn foreign to eight you take 15 damage to yourself you just decide to stay put I did more damage than I'm taking here so it's a trade-off it's uh some bold strategy there cotton standing outside of the circle must be some Pro strats I'm not aware of but it's okay because Pro players play outside the ring anyway only two more rounds left and two legends that need to be killed I'm not looking great you know what that's okay is it I think I know what I'm going to do so I'm going to move one to there and I'm going to take my flat line and I'm just going to unload into you so you can still play The Shield you can't get shot by Bloodhound which is what I'm gonna do okay I'm gonna use the enhanced skull splitter and I double the value of my headshots and after revealing all aim cards I can discard up the two of them and draw new ones in their place I'm close range I'm actually hitting on 55. third one's a miss and the fourth one is a miss so two go through Wednesday so two go through but I can take these and I can discard them and we can draw two new ones so I love it that is a miss and that is a waste of my time 32 damage okay I have eight Shield left so that is my turn it is your go so I just go all the way to here that's my whole move okay okay my turn so first thing I want to do is I want to call down my ultimate yeah that's bombardment it's not going to go off I'm not gonna do it anymore just do it anyways that's cool just for the cool just looks cool cool Factor because you're in the bubble with me and you're one space away I'm gonna fire the alternator SMG in your face so you start with the plus five there's one there's two there's three so all three hit one two head shots I know both headshots so no headshots but you get three hits through 18 damage 18. okay I am down to Seven health and I'm going to play double time again and I'm gonna chill there and I'm gonna use my syringe and restore 15 health my last one I'm gonna move wraith is going to use a free action for into the void which means I may get to move three so I get to go two three so I'm in the shield with all of you and the only thing I've got left to do Peacekeeper yeah has to be the Peacekeeper it's only two and I'm shooting at a 40 right now one nope and two it's only one hit but it's 14 damage not dead I'm down to eight you're not dead yet great plays by both teams here and we're down to the last round one final chance to claim victory for their squads we are completely down to the wire both of us need to completely take down Gibraltar or else it's game over he has two options he can either Run for the shield and try and survive because if he dies we lose I'm gonna go for that shield and I'm just gonna suit up and I'm just gonna Park but if we can kill Gibraltar we win I don't feel like pushing for a win I'm gonna go for the tie come on man if we're not first we're last I'm very easily swayed gamble we need to go for it or we lose first things first this gets me two away I love his one two so I'm gonna use my final Flatline shot we're gonna use the um the instant Shot Caller that hits yup that hits wow that hits wow that hits let's go how much is it 40. 40 damage you've got 35 and you've got a knock down Shield so you can live with five HP the shooting that just happened to felt like the luckiest shots I've ever had so I better not blow it no you you cannot blow it I move here and then I shoot I get four shots at 35 and I start from here boom that's I miss you that's a hit it's one hit that's a hit yeah it is Boom good game and there it is with Gibraltar going down that is both blue Squad Legends being killed once this game and that gives two victory points to Red Squad and that's the win let's go who wants to tie I cannot believe we squeaked out a win like this it was easily in their pocket if we had messed up any of that shooting well it was hard fought we tried but they got lucky and the cards were in their favor congratulations guys it was a hello thought game I had a great time playing Apex Legend the board game it was really really fun it was super action-packed it wasn't boring at all it was super back and forth which I really really like there wasn't a lot of waiting even if it wasn't your turn you could still you know make plays to defend yourself or defend your teammate it was a lot of strategy even though it didn't pan out the way I thought it would I still had a ton of fun playing this game customization with the guns is super cool I think that there's a lot of tactical Nuance to the positioning of the game and the effective ranges of the guns and all the customization that can make your guns better at different ranges love that I'd like to see more stealing I'd like to steal his gun he had a better gun than me I want to steal that why can't I steal his gun I should be able to I've been thinking this the entire time I've been playing this game this feels like the video game it feels fast it doesn't feel like the amount of time I've been playing this game has passed thank you for watching and remember to like or comment of this video of Apex Legends the board game if you're inspired to play it yourself check out their Kickstarter that starts on May 17th we have two more games of Apex Legends the board game so watch out for those in our next video we're gonna try 1v1 with both players controlling both Legends in their squad from all of us here at play on this is JT McDowell saying until we see you next time play on blue team wins yeah I fell for it official it's official damn it
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 22,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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