Humans Rebel Against 13 Mighty Gods in 1vs1 Death Combat To Decide The Fate of Humanity Anime Today

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this is the story of Ragnarok where all the gods Gather in the Council of Valhalla to hold the most important assembly in history to decide the survival of human beings Zeus the ruler of the Gods and president of the assembly initiates the vote Aphrodite Shiva and many other gods complain about the wickedness and determination of humans to be better people and put Wars aside by unanimous decision of the council humanity is condemned to cease to exist because they endanger the rest of creation however just as Zeus was about to give the order to destroy humans two Valkyries abruptly burst into the meeting and speak out against it several gods are upset by this arguing that the Valkyries are no more than demi-goddesses and have no right to appear in the Assembly of the Gods brunhilda the leader of the Valkyries reminds the gods of Ragnarok a law in the constitution of Valhalla that says that humans have the right to face the Gods in a 13-round death match to avoid their destruction the gods protest against this as they find it ridiculous to think that humans are capable of defeating them brunhild however uses this Pride to provoke them into acceptance biased by pride and ego Zeus approves the Ragnarok and the fate of mankind is left in the hands of 13 Representatives chosen by brunhild on the the day of the battle humans and gods Gather in the arena of Valhalla to witness the first round to decide the future of humans Heimdall the guardian of the Apocalypse announces the beginning of Ragnarok and introduces the candidates of each side who must fight to the death on the side of the Gods with a completely different design from what we westerners are used to Thor the God of Thunder and strength is presented Gaul the youngest of the Valkyries trembles when she sees that the Mighty Thor is the first of the opponents however mankind does not fear for they have exaggerated confidence in the bravery and strength of lubu the first of Mankind's Representatives his generals and soldiers present him with a warm welcome and lubu the general and warlord of three Asian empires of the first century jumps onto the battlefield and fills all his soldiers with enthusiasm as combat is about to begin brunhild tells Gaul that she can't wait to see the faces of the smug Gods filled with shame the fight breaks out but both opponents take it lightly surprising everyone the first to strike a blow is lubu who knocks Thor back and kicks off the spectacular bout viewers are left open-mouthed at how evenly matched and engaging the battle is so Thor decides to stop the banter and show respect to his opponent by using his hammer instead of his fists something he hasn't done in a very long time a flashback shows the last time Thor used his hammer as a voiceover narrates that thousands of years ago Asgard was devastated by a surprise attack of 66 intelligent Giants the gods had become overconfident as the Giants only attacked individually so the city's defenses were unprepared for an attack of that magnitude the Giants completely devastated the city leaving it in Ruins however Thor appeared in front of them without any fear and annihilated them with a single blow leaving the few survivors with their mouths open the gods spoke for centuries of Thor's Devas stating attack and when the time came to witness it again they were perplexed to see that it is even more fearsome than they remembered Gaul despairs and tells bruneild that they should never have defied the gods as his power is completely Beyond human limits but brunhild tells him to prepare to witness the exact moment that will change the way the gods perceive humans Thor's hellish attack leaves the combat arena in Ruins so the gods believe the fight is over but a spear emerges from the dust and Thor is severely wounded in the chest lubu looks at Thor with great respect and congratulates him for this incredible attack as the two looks at each other with complicity a flashback begins to narrate the story of lubu who grew up in the present-day region of Mongolia and wandered all over the Eurasian continent in search of worthy opponents his quest lasted his whole life so he became famous in every corner of China and his followers multiplied in a chilling way forming an army of colossal Dimensions lubu became the warlord of three nations but although Legend has it that he was captured and humiliatingly executed by Emperor Chao Tao the truth is that he only surrendered because he found no meaning in life since there was no one on his face the Earth capable of withstanding even one of his attacks back in the present the battle is so balanced and passionate that it keeps the two opponents excited which catches the attention of Zeus he looks at brunhilden sees that she is smiling knowingly so he understood the reason why lubu is able to put up a fight against Thor a flashback reveals a conversation in which brunhild explained to Gaul that it is impossible for a human to defeat a God because no Human Weapon can withstand combat against the weapons of the Gods for this reason brunhilda gathers the remaining 11 Valkyries and for the first time in history the 13 Valkyrie sisters hold an assembly brunhilda asks ran Gris the fourth of the 13 Valkyries to give up her body to fight Thor's overpowered weapons and the waifu accepts without a second thought revealing that lubu's weapon is actually ran Grizz embodied in a very powerful spear the valkyrie known by the nickname Shield breaker a voiceover explains that Thor's hammer is the most powerful weapon in existence even for the gods but that no one is capable of wielding it since it emanates so much power that whoever the wielder is he would die instantly when trying to use it for this reason Thor uses the most powerful iron gloves in existence otherwise he would not be a able to wield the hammer however lubu manages to shatter one of the gloves with his Spear and shocks the entire Stadium after seeing lubu fire a ferocious flurry of attacks the stadium is shocked when Thor's hammer begins to beat strangely and the steel covering it slowly melts as if it were lava the beating becomes louder and louder and the people in the stadium fear that the hammer is so powerful that it causes a sudden explosion but Zeus reveals that the legend has been misunderstood as the iron gloves were not for Thor to be able to wield the hammer but so that Thor's power would not crush the hammer before it awakens as it is alive inside Thor takes the hammer in his hands and is more excited than ever to face someone so powerful after channeling a very powerful attack Thor throws his hammer at lubu but he manages to dodge it both back and forth like a boomerang he also stops a direct attack leaving the audience and Thor himself open-mouthed however after a few seconds of raising the Stadium's expectations Sky High lubu's bones begin to break and his ankles are completely shattered causing a commotion among the human mainly among his soldiers who cry Rivers for their General since they had never seen him lose a fight before the gods begin to boast about their superiority but their mouths drop open when they see red hair lubu's horse enter the battlefield and encourage his master all the humans cheer lubuon and Against All Odds he gets back on his feet despite having his ankles completely destroyed after a few moments he climbs onto red hair's back and sets everyone's expectations Sky High although some Gods believe that this should be forbidden since the rules state that the fight is one versus one Zeus tells him that this horse is like an extension of lubu's body willing to give everything in a last and devastating attack lubu agrees with his horse to give his life to finish Thor so they both look at each other with complicity and begin to turn around Thor one of lubu's disciples begins to remember the time when he saw his General training for days and nights trying to improve his attack until one day he was able to split the sky in two with his strength but he never saw him perform the same feat again at that moment lubu takes his beer by the tip and throws himself on Thor while Thor also prepares his last and best attack unfortunately for the humans lubu is completely destroyed and loses the fight in the most epic way resting in peace as he finally found a worthy opponent all of lubu's generals and soldiers mourn his loss and honor his memory with the utmost respect and admiration Thor looks at lubu's corpse with great anguish and leaves the place but red hair and lubu's army ask him to give them the honor of leaving together with their General so Thor makes a powerful attack and thanks them for allowing them to send an offering to lubu his friend meanwhile Gaul asks brunhilda the fate of lubu and rangras and she answers that it is obvious their souls have been lost in space forever they no longer exist in any plane or Dimension they are not and will not be anywhere they have ceased to exist and there is no trace of them Gaul cries disconsolately and asks her if this battle is really worth it to which brunhild replies euphorically that the whole of humanity depends on this battle brunhilda informed the other Fighters that lubu has been defeated and prepares the 0.0001 file to fight on the day of the battle Heimdall euphorically announces the representative of men the first man blessed by God and who reveals himself against Divinity to protect men Adam the entire stadium is perplexed to see the beauty of the first man although the gods do not believe he is a match for them except for Aphrodite she is attracted by Adam's Beauty and Perfection Heimdall begins to announce the representation of the Gods with great enthusiasm but a sudden message comes to him and he must change his announcement unexpectedly a beautiful violin begins to play and the entire stadium is shocked by the uncertainty suddenly Scandal and fear take hold of everyone Hermes the messenger of the Gods begins to play a violin concerto and the audience of gods goes wild in a cheer a thousand times louder and louder than the one they gave Thor a decrepit old man appears and disappoints the human audience but the gods do not stop singing to the most powerful God of all the creator of the cosmos and ruler of the Gods Zeus the decrepit old man begins to fill out his musculature as if he were a bakkie character while Heimdall gives him the most epic introduction ever seeing this Gaul and brunhild despair and cannot believe that their plan has been cut short in such a way a flashback reveals that Shiva Was preparing to go out onto the battlefield until Zeus gets in his way and tells him that he will be the second to fight Shiva refuses again and again until he becomes enraged and challenges the old man but the old man brings him to his knees just by resting his arm on top of him Shiva tries to intimidate Zeus but seeing that he doesn't even Flinch he decides to leave his turn Zeus enters the battlefield in a state of ecstasy when he hears the stadium completely crazed so he asks Adam to also merge with a valkyrie at that moment Adam points to the sky and tells him that his Valkyrie is there Regan life a bespectacled lowly flies over the stadium riding a pegasus until she suddenly jumps on Adam and merges with him transforming into a knuckle girl Heimdall starts the fight and Zeus ironically congratulates Adam for showing up to the most important fight of his life with only a pair of knuckle dusters Tim replies calmly but defiantly telling him that he'd better worry about getting a weapon to defend himself Zeus is offended by this and throws himself at Adam at the speed of light so fast that even the gods couldn't see him but Adam Dodges him with no trouble and stuns the audience boosting the morale of mankind Zeus is thrilled to see Adam's capabilities and decides to go all out throwing a flurry of attacks that increases more and more in speed and strength but Adam Dodges it as if he had a Sharingan he then humiliates the old man by using the same techniques and delivering every single blow Gaul cannot believe what he has just seen so he confesses to brunhild that he thought the battle between Adam and Zeus was lost but brunhild explains that Adam was created in his own image and likeness so it is no problem for him to copy Zeus's techniques and replicate them exactly Zeus attacks Adam again with a strange and peculiar technique but Adam repeats the formula he Dodges him and uses his technique to humiliate him completely enraged Zeus stands up and increases his muscle mass again looking more and more like a Bucky character than an old man he begins to channel a devastating attack and that fills everyone with hype even a flashback interrupts the scene and explains that Zeus defeated all the gods in the titanomachy to become the most powerful God of all and that the only one who could deal him a blow was Cronus his father Zeus decided to use that attack against Adam so he stops time to throw himself violently on Adam and finish him off at a speed imperceptible to the gods however Adam literally turns Zeus's head with one punch and leaves him on the ground paralyzing everyone in the stands Ares the god of war admits that he was able to keep up with his father's combat at all times but had no idea what happened in that last second as he saw his dad fall from one moment to the next Hermes explains to him what happened according to his guess which makes Ares admit that he couldn't beat Adam even if he trained for one million years Heimdall loudly announces that Zeus was knocked out on the ground so Gaul confesses to brunhild that he never thought Adam would be capable of such a thing brunhild tells him that Adam has a great grudge against the gods so a flashback interrupts the scene and begins to tell Adam's story Paradise was a peaceful and harmonious place for Adam who lived happily ruling over creation until one day the deceitful serpent tried to possess Eve but she refused and fled enraged and full of resentment the serpent lied to the entire court making them believe that Eve ate the forbidden fruit as Eve's innocence was unprovable the court condemned her to be banished from the garden which caused Eve to cry out in tears as she would never see Adam again however one of the Court guards opens the door and he falls unconscious shockingly in front of everyone after this Adam enters the room with a basket full of apples and causes an uproar in the room unleashing even greater chaos by biting into each of the apples and taking Eve by the hand to leave the orchard with her the serpent becomes enraged and attacks the lovebirds but Adam turns him to mush back in the present the stands go wild at the site of Adam's stunning Triumph who celebrate the first Man's Revenge however when Heimdall begins to announce the end of the battle Zeus rises from the ground and forbids him to do so turning his head and making it clear that he is ready for round two however the deterioration in Zeus's body is evident so he begins to congratulate Adam since he has managed to unite all mankind in a single feeling after this he begins to undergo a heartbreaking transformation and gradually adopts his true form revealing his terrifying and super powerful final form the energy of the world runs through Zeus's body as if it were a bomb causing everyone present to tremble as his insides quiver intuitively on the other hand Adam raised his guard for the first time in the entire combat also intuitively Zeus throws himself on Adam and throws a hellish Flurry of Blows which Adam surprisingly Dodges while using the old man as a punching bag but the latter does not stop hitting at an imperceptible speed brunhild despairs for she knows what this means Adam's nervous system will not be able to withstand such a demanding pace for a prolonged period of time in fact Adam begins to bleed unexpectedly despite not having received any blows from Zeus meanwhile Loki realizes that Zeus's case is similar as his body has reached a limit from overloading it so much so it is only a matter of time before one of the two Falls and the fight comes to an end each side cheers on its representative and every witness cries as they watch the most epic and exciting fight in history unfortunately the most epic and best animated fight in history seems to come to an end as Adam's effort is so great that he loses his sight and is at the mercy of Zeus receiving a flurry of attacks so fast that the animation studio is not even able to draw well actually it is still able to animate him but Adam lets himself be hit on purpose to measure the distance of Zeus's arms and suddenly grabs him by the hair initiating a flurry of attacks so fast that it is not possible to be animated everything comes to an end the fight ends and Zeus falls to his knees while Adam is left standing with the most epic pose in the world receiving a standing ovation from the entire audience however Zeus tells Heimdall that Adam died in the midst of the flurry of attacks while he is still alive everyone notices that Adam is no longer alive so they shed Seas of Tears for him while Zeus acknowledges that the true Victor was Adam the man among men but as the laws state that the winner is the one who survives Zeus takes the Victory and the Ragnarok is two zero in favor of the Gods still mankind feels more encouraged than ever as Adam made it clear that humans can defeat the gods Furious about what happened earlier brunhild overcomes the frustration in the best possible way by eating at that moment she is notified that the next God to face is the Fearsome God who scourges the Seas Poseidon Gall despairs again as he realizes that the gods send the strongest candidates to fight after fight however brunhild begins to shuffle through the candidates until she is interrupted by a mysterious man who offers himself for the Fearsome combat at first they do not recognize the strange old man but quickly realize that he is Sasaki kojiro a famous Japanese Swordsman at first they are surprised not to see him in his more youthful and vital form but he explains that not even death could stop his training so this is his best version on the day of the battle viewers immediately suspect that the next representative of the Gods will be none other than Poseidon as the battlefield is filled with water Heimdall euphorically announces Poseidon just as he did with all the gods but while his introduction is great sasaki's introduction is even better portraying him as the best Underdog ever and the best swordsman of all however even heimdall's presentation fails to convince the humans who are disappointed to see an old man representing them moreover they all agree that the correct representative would be Miyamoto Musashi who managed to defeat kojiro in a duel but when kojiro unsheathes his sword to begin the fight the sound of the blade causes a supersonic sound that leaves all the Swordsmen stunned and causes Musashi to tear up the book in which he described his battle against kojiro as he instantly notices that he is no match for someone who has reached the highest level a swordsman could wish for however the gods are even less afraid than they felt before the fight between Zeus and Adam as Poseidon is the most feared God on Olympus as he is ruthless and extremely powerful neither of them even takes a step as kojiro makes multiple moves in his head and ends up dead in each of them while Poseidon believes that being in such a situation is ridiculous as no human is a match for him meanwhile brunhild explains to Gaul what Poseidon is capable of to give him context as in the case of the Valkyries the gods of Olympus used to number 13 but Poseidon killed one of them atomus the eldest of the sons of Cronus a flashback shows that atomus hated Zeus inordinately because he had become the most important God of all by defeating Cronus his father blinded by hatred and greed atomus gathered an innumerable Army and marched to Poseidon's Palace to ask him to join him in overthrowing Zeus but Poseidon replied in an arrogant and humiliating manner telling him that someone so weak as to form an Army in a plot should not be considered a god this infuriated adamus who was tired of the insolence and contempt of his younger brother who never looked him in the eye and treated him as someone inferior however Poseidon looked atomus in the eyes at that moment but only to end his life with a single blow Hermes witnessed the whole thing and Poseidon ordered him to have history Rewritten forbidding anyone to contradict that version back in the present Hermes tells Poseidon that this is what makes Poseidon the most terrifying God of all as he is the most arrogant and bloodthirsty of all behaving like a truly Superior figure to all as if he didn't care about the moment or the context kojiro sits in front of Poseidon and leaves the humans perplexed not to miss a beat a flashback begins to recount the life of kojiro the best loser ever kajiro literally lost every single one of his matches and was considered a good for nothing one day he arrived late to one of the most prestigious dojos and his instructor decided to punish him with blows but kojiro fought back incredibly well however he gave up at a moment's notice and unleashed the mockery and humiliation of everyone present for having no honor after this kojiro stopped attending the dojo and dedicated himself to thinking hundreds of times about his fights against his instructors evaluating each of the battles as if they had really happened in addition he began to observe that he had much to learn from nature so he began extensive training in nature until he felt ready to return to the dojo and after humiliating his first instructor without even fighting him he challenged Sagan the owner of the dojo to a duel years later Sagan visited kojiro and instantly noticed that kojiro had become too strong due to a mammoth training to surpass himself so he offered him a position as an instructor at a nearby Dojo but kojiro refused as he still had a lot to lose and a lot to learn kajiro traveled thousands and thousands of miles seeking to measure himself against the best Swordsmen to lose against them and learn from his mistakes until he became the strongest of them all back in the present kojiro knows he can't use his usual strategy on the contrary he must beat someone for the first time in his life so he decides to go all out kajiro throws himself on Poseidon and performs a characteristic blow of his which consists of intentionally missing his first blow to perform a second Phantom attack so he manages to cut Poseidon's hair and thrills Musashi who remembers the day when kojiro delivered the same blow to him this hurts Poseidon's ego who starts attacking kojiro at an exaggeratedly fast speed but kojiro manages to dodge each of the blows berlinda explains to Gaul that kojiro cannot see the attacks as Adam did but kajiro has analyzed Poseidon's every move from the first moment he saw him so he assimulated that fight more than one thousand times in less than 10 minutes and knows every possible attack of his opponent however despite the shouts of the crowd Poseidon begins to whistle a tune just as he had done when he finished off adamus and suddenly lunges at kajiro seriously injuring him after this kajiro hurts Poseidon's Pride by telling him that the existence of the Gods is pathetic which angers The Arrogant God and unleashes a new flurry of attacks that ends in the destruction of kujiro's sword the people believe that this is the end of kojiro but he walks to his sword and manages to put it back together due to Christ's dual nature the second of the 13 Valkyries with two swords in his possession kajiro violently Advanced on Poseidon and thrilled all the Swordsmen he fought in his life who can identify each of his signature moves in kojiro's perfect fighting style after a great flurry of attacks Poseidon is hurt all over and the hype in the audience goes through the roof this provokes the fury of Poseidon who makes a new hairstyle with his blood and unleashes an incredible storm of blows against kojiro choking him blow after blow and constantly changing attack patterns still kajiro doesn't succumb and believes that he is capable of winning the fight giving hope to humanity again sensing even the slightest vibration in the cosmos kajiro predicts Poseidon's every move and moves perfectly as if it were a choreography rehearsed a thousand times after attacking Poseidon again and again the Fearsome and seemingly Invincible god of the seas is defeated and the humans win their first Victory the gods are intimidated and ego stroke to know that the most fearsome of them have been offended plus both Thor and Zeus also came close to losing so they decide to go all out from now on with the credits announcing the end of the season Heimdall announces that the next battle will be different the arena will be recreated at the request of the representative of the humans who requested that the whole place be aesthetically set like London in the 19th century at that moment Heimdall introduces the representative of the humans someone who has never been seen in person someone enigmatic and terrifying a serial killer and not just anyone the most famous in history Jack the Ripper on the side of the Gods the chosen one is Hercules the mythical and legendary half-man half-god hero the long-awaited fight between Jack the Ripper and Hercules is about to begin and the humans can't agree on picking a favorite as both gods and humans deeply hate Jack because of his crimes while everyone loves Hercules for his heroic Deeds before the fight begins Hercules is irritated at having to face such a ruthless opponent as he feels that someone so repugnant does not represent humans at all among the stands is even Arthur Conan Doyle himself creator of Sherlock Holmes Hercules tells Jack that he has no desire to fight as he is not a murderer like him furthermore he promises him that if he surrenders he will convince Zeus not to damn his soul since despite having committed so many crimes he had the courage to represent the humans in Ragnarok Jack thanks Hercules for accepting that the battle arena be set in London as well as taking into account the proposal to forgive his sins but he rejects it with great chivalry after this Jack presents his weapon Valkyrie a giant scissors the stadium Falls silent due to the peculiarity of his weapon but the expectation begins to grow Hercules prepares to give his all in combat but is left with his mouth open when he sees Jack running away going after him he discovers him drinking tea and is enraged but a trap set by Jack Springs and he attacks him with hundreds of daggers however no weapon forged by humans can harm the gods so Jack again Escapes in the most aesthetic and cool way but Hercules catches up with him and destroys his scissors disappointing the few humans who believed in Jack as they all think the fight is over however Jack takes a bunch of knives and throws them at Hercules causing him numerous wounds and leaving everyone's mouths a gape shocked Hercules wonders how he could be wounded by human weapons so Jack confesses that he had lied when he said his weapon was that pair of scissors everyone starts insulting Jack and calling him a scoundrel while Jack explains that his real weapon is the bag he brings with him as this is capable of making lethal weapons for the Gods outraged by this Hercules strikes back using the first of his 12 techniques called the 12 labors and The Spectators go crazy as the fight got even more interesting Hercules raises the expectation among the gods as his musculature and Tattoos begin to grow Aries explains to Loki that Hercules managed to master the 12 labors and the 12 calamities but that these techniques can cause his death furthermore he emphasizes that his greatest strength is not the Incredible strength he possesses but his Noble and unbreakable will a flashback takes us back to the childhood of Hercules who was known as Alcides during his days as a human he grew up on the streets of Thebes helping the helpless even though he himself was weak which earned him the taunts and beatings of bullies the desire to serve his fellow man led alcites to constantly strive to become a hero but one day while training the bullies told him a legend about a substance called Ambrosia which was the blood of Zeus and could endow those who drank it with Divine powers however this substance only gave such abilities to those who possessed a heroic Destiny but ended the lives of those who were not sometime later Alcides became a very strong Warrior and was respected by men but the gods had determined that the city of Thebes should be punished because of his wickedness because of this Ares came down from Olympus ready to punish men since he is the God of War but al-sides jumped in front of him ready to fight for men which is why Ares recognized his bravery however al-sides took the Ambrosia and left everyone with their mouths open then he fights against Aries and his army provoking Zeus to intervene in their combat surprised by the hero's strength Zeus invites him to the court of gods to be part of them but Zeus accepts on the condition that they never again attempt Against Humanity sometime later Zeus adopts him as his adopted son back in the present Jack changes his defensive posture and begins to violently attack Hercules but he only did so to provoke him in addition he uses invisible threads to rise up and throw a hail of knives Hercules uses his sixth labor and forces him down breaking Jack monocle Jack reveals that he has heterochromia and sees Hercules in a strange but warm yellow color the story is set in the past to narrate the life of Jack who grew up on the rough Streets of London crawling to get some food in addition he could see the evil feelings that ruled the people who despised him Upon returning to his home he finds his mother being mistreated by a customer as she works selling her own body to feed her son because of this Jack sees his mother in a warm yellow color as she has good feelings for him one of Mary's co-workers explains to Jack that his mother had been pregnant five times in the past but he was the only child she decided to give birth to Anne felt sorry for Jack as he was a very good-natured and cultured child but that he was unfortunate to be born in such a condition however he was extremely happy to be able to live with his mother but everything changed when he found her crying in his room Jack's father a famous playwright named Jack Smith had promised Mary that he would come for him and his son but she saw in the news that the playwright had become very successful and married another woman Jack tries to comfort his mother but she begins to treat him like dirt and regrets giving birth to him so Jack realizes that the warm color Mary had was not out of love for him but out of love for his father suddenly Jack begins to see his mother's bad feelings and goes into a state of Madness murdering her while doing so he notices that his mother has a peculiar violet color which represents fear Jack becomes obsessed with this color and the feelings that provoke it so he begins his long trajectory as a murderer starting with Jack Smith his father back in the present Jack climbs Big Ben to escape Hercules and by time but Hercules knocks the building down with one blow in addition he uses the seventh job to bring it down and put jack in trouble however this was part of the famous assassin's plan as he used the hands of the clock as a Lethal Weapon everyone is left with their mouths open when they see that he managed to take an arm off Hercules with this due to the fact that he did not use his supposed purse given by the Valkyries to create that weapon at that moment a large part of the Gods including Hercules realized that Jack has tricked them again a flashback of brunhild reveals that Jack forced clock one of the Valkyries to merge her spirit with him and transform into his weapon finally it is revealed that Jack's anti-god weapon is nothing more and nothing less than a pair of gloves that anoint everything they touch with power everyone in the stadium believes that this is the end for Hercules as literally the entire city of London can be used at Jack's convenience however Jack notices that Hercules color never changes even in such an unfavorable circumstance Hercules confesses that during his days as a human and throughout his time as a god he has observed all the dark feelings that humans experience but that he does not stop loving them because of it seeing Hercules color Jack remembers his mother but this one activates the last of his 12 jobs and prepares to give his life in combat knowing that he can't use that technique for long Hercules lashes out violently at Jack destroying absolutely everything in his path and perplexing all onlookers as he has probably delivered the strongest blows seen so far although Jack manages to dodge many of them using the various elements of the place a single Blow from Hercules is enough to leave him on the verge of death nearing his limit Jack realizes that Hercules warm color is out of true love unlike his mother's so he becomes obsessed with making Hercules turn red and prepares to deliver his final attack even though he can hardly fight anymore with one hand on his stomach to stop the bleeding and the other holding a spear Jack runs towards Hercules but misses his blow however it was all part of his plan as he used his own blood as a weapon to pierce Hercules and end the fight with an expression of kindness on his face Hercules looks at Jack and asks him if the color of his heart has changed leaving the Assassin in shock also instead of using his last breath to finish jack off he Embraces him and says goodbye to all the humans asking brunoilda to do her best to save them all the entire Stadium Mourns Hercules death but no one feels the same as Jack who has been scarred to the depths of his soul by Hercules the gods of Olympus admire Jack's skill and Ingenuity but Ares is furious and tearfully tells them that instead of remembering Jack keep the memory of Hercules the unbreakable hero alive Zeus interrupts the conversation and reminds the gods that the Ragnarok is now tied and that the third fight should be decisive for them later Loki waits for Buddha to question him suggestively accusing him of being a traitor who helps the Valkyries give their power to humans the tension between the two becomes almost palpable until other gods arrive on the scene and decide to side with Loki whereupon Buddha challenges them all to a fight however kojiro arrives on the scene and joins Buddha then two other human candidates named soji and kondo also join in the tension and talk finally turned to action the sides were just starting to get the fight out of their system when Zeus suddenly arrives and puts an end to the fight saying that this is not the place for them to fight then Loki leaves the place threatening Buddha and everyone goes to the stadium to witness the next fight brunhilden Gaul go in search of the next representative of the humans upon arrival Gaul is surprised to see that brunilda's choice for the match is tamimon Raiden the greatest sumo wrestler in history Raiden shows his perverted personality instantly which intimidates Gaul but brunhild calls through the valkyrie who will merge with him due to their physical qualities the two fall madly in love almost at First Sight merging into one seamless the time for the fight arrives and Raiden is vehemently introduced before the entire Stadium setting expectations Sky High the same happens when Shiva the representative of the Gods enters the combat Arena haranguing that he is capable of creating and destroying planets the fight starts with a lot of intensity as Raiden takes the lead by throwing himself violently with a flying kick and forces Shiva to take the fight seriously then he brings him to his knees with a punch and threatens to finish Shiva off with a single blow but the latter manages to defend himself and the fight gets very interesting as both Fighters share many similar characteristics as well as an enormous brute strength such strength can be expected from the God of destruction but not from a human a flashback reveals that when Raiden was a child his parents died of Despair when they saw that he still couldn't walk even though he was over three years old one day they found him struggling to walk but every bone in his body was broken causing inhuman suffering to the little boy quickly they noticed that Raiden's muscles were not normal and that they were growing bigger and bigger threatening to kill the boy after a while and after suffering incomparable torture Raiden developed muscles in his body that protected him from his own muscles that is he was so strong that he had muscles in his muscles this technique was baptized as the hundred seals and is used so that Raiden's abnormal musculature can be controlled back in the present brunhilda reveals that thread will not give a weapon as the other Valkyries have done so far but will release all the seals in Raiden's body so that Raiden can use 100 of his abilities to fight without losing his life after this Raiden delivers an incredible Flurry of Blows and leaves Shiva dizzy from so much damage but he manages to defend himself with a headbutt Raiden then uses an enormous amount of force to destroy one of shiva's arms revealing that thread can concentrate all his muscles in one place to increase his physical strength the sheer intensity of the fight Thrills Shiva as it reminds him of an old friend thousands and thousands of years ago all the Indian gods competed to become the main and highest ranking God on the other hand two almost unknown Gods lived peacefully in a distant region they had completely different personalities but possessed an unbreakable friendship rudra one of them was known as the god of the storm while Shiva the other God was called the God of destruction one day rudra confessed that he wanted to climb to the top of the mountain so Shiva had no choice but to accompany him everyone tirelessly scoffed at this as it seemed impossible but the friends kept moving towards his dream while defeating everyone who stood in his way in addition they kept the dreams and wishes of each of the opponents they defeated after defeating 11 15 gods and being admired by the whole world rudra and Shiva finally reached their goal Shiva could not stop celebrating this but rudra knew that only one of the two could be in that place so he begged him to agree to fight him the fight was so Fierce that his sweat caused storms in the region and his blows resounded everywhere but after an incredible and long fight Shiva was about to give up to not have to beat his best friend anymore but rudra realized this and admitted his defeat thanking him for helping him to fulfill his dream rudra passed on all his dreams to Shiva and left the place whereupon Shiva was crowned as the king of the Indian gods back in the present Shiva begins to perform his War dance so he obtains an enormous speed and uses Raiden as a punching bag so Raiden must concentrate all his muscles in his forearms to defend himself however shiva's speed is so incredible that his punches begin to cause Burns setting half of Raiden's face on fire so the humans believed that the fight has come to an end a flashback reveals that Raiden was ostracized by his peers because of his enormous strength which made the boy sad however his mother managed to convince him that he should use his strength to protect the weakest sometime later the village fell into extreme poverty so Raiden had to go to another city to get money and send it to his parents he had the brilliant idea of becoming a sumo wrestler so he trained tirelessly to become a great wrestler but his Fame skyrocketed much more than he expected everyone would go to see his fights as he was unbeatable however everything started to go wrong for him as no one wanted to fight against someone so powerful so he let himself lose in a fight and earned the exhortation of his master Raiden explained that he did not want to abuse his strength as his mother had taught him so from that day on he never used his four main techniques again so as not to have such an advantage anyway he never lost a fight and retired without being able to use all his strength in a fight back in the present all of Raiden's friends are happy to finally see what the world's strongest sumo wrestler is really capable of Raiden prepares to use 100 of the potential of his muscles and manages to deliver such a strong blow to shiva's body that he destroys two of the Indian god's arms Zeus sees that the gods were perplexed so he explains to them that this blow was so incredible that it broke the sound barrier and that he would have been able to completely destroy Shiva if he did not raise his guard however this costs raid in dearly as his muscles begin to tear and explode due to the enormous tension this generated knowing that his end is near Raiden asks thread not to hold back his muscles as he wants to feel for the first time what it feels like to fight without holding back this could have been the end of Shiva but rudra appears in the stadium to watch the fight and Shiva becomes highly motivated so he takes his hand to his heart to stimulate it and make it beat faster causing an impressive transformation in his body and pushing it to the Limit just like Raiden with their bodies working at maximum demand each fighter knows that they don't have much time to end the fight so they give their life in each punch the audience does not stop cheering the fighters for the great show they are offering but the limit of each one arrived at the same time so the fight will be defined in the next blow after staring each other in the eyes and channeling their last blow Shiva and Raiden get ready to put an end to everything Raiden is left with a shattered arm and knows he has no more to give so he thanks thrudd for what he has done and uses his last breath to ask her to break the bond and live but she refuses as she has fallen in love with him Raiden and Shiva thank each other for having fought so hard and Say Goodbye the gods score a third Victory and the score is three two in favor of the Gods but Shiva is completely devastated and admits to Zeus that humans are awesome Zeus goes to meet with Buddha to ask him to fight in the next match but without clarifying which of the two sides he should represent the end thanks for watching please like subscribe and click the Bell icon to get new anime Recaps foreign
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Id: 3iRN0cNtYV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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