Low Poly Floating Island Tutorial | Cinema 4D / Photoshop

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hey what's going on you beautiful people on my name's tie-dye I hope you guys at a pretty awesome date today my day's been pretty awesome so far so today what we're gonna be doing is making this a low poly scene that you're looking at right in front of you so I sort of title this one day and night it really is more of a concept than anything else you can really use this in many many different ways it's sort of like a floating island with Sun Moon mountains trees all of that but you can really put anything you want on top of this it's more the concept than anything else but I'm walking through exactly how I made this both cinema 4d and Photoshop technique so I'm going over absolutely everything I did to make this and yeah hopefully you guys can learn something cool from this and turn into something that you can call your own creation and show off to the people that you like and post on social media all that good stuff so let's dive right into it with cinema 4d it is actually a fairly easy one fairly quick really shouldn't take too too long there isn't too much to it but I'm the first thing that we're gonna do is just go in here and drop in a spear and that's kind of small so I'm just gonna bring it up to probably size like 250 and for the first time in any my low poly tutorials I'm actually gonna tell you to increase the segments let's go at about a hundred segments which is quite a bit for low poly but you'll see why we do this in a bit and then I changed the type here to octahedron which I believe is the correct pronunciation I'm getting better at the pronunciations of those they are just just so hard to say anyways um so now that we have that done what I want to do is delete the Phong tag which is the little tag right here with the two dots click that backspace and this is where we sort of get to the the shaping of the actual floating island here so the first thing I want to do is go into this little Bend tool grab a polygon reduction slap it onto the sphere and right away you see this sort of makes the polygons a little bit less and as since we already have so many polygons on there it really isn't that much low poly but it gets the job done it's definitely enough we're also going to the same tool again and get a displacer and make sure we put that above the polygon reduction that's to be the bottom of everything is very important and nothing only needs to be in a position except for the polygon reduction that has to be on the bottom so we're gonna go into the displacer go to the shader change the shader to noise go back to object and just increase the height a bit so we get something a little bit more crazy and unnatural low poly looking and one more thing that we've to do is go to mograph effector and random and drop it in right above the displacer and in the random what we're going to do is with a parameter or started to former and change it to polygon and then just sort of mess around in the parameter settings with the x y&z sizes so we get something that we like and obviously can go through mess around with all the settings make sure you find something you like that's what it looks like without polygon reduction so it is very important to have that on relatively high I'm going to keep mine at about 92% looks pretty good and next thing I want to do is go to my sphere press C on it so it becomes editable and as you can see it sort of turns back to a normal sphere but if you click off of it it goes back to the low poly it's just so when we're editing the points it looks like this just was easier to get a better understanding and it's also going to help us a lot in what we're about to do so with the sphere selected I'm gonna click on this little cursor icon and then make sure surface selection is enabled on the left side here and I want to right click go to brush and now what we can do is sort of play around and model this a little bit so obviously that's not what we want I'm gonna go and make sure that our fall-off option is on constant and our mode on surface and mess around with the strength a bit I'm going to put it on negative 25 and the radius you can mess around with right here which is just the size of the brush itself or you can use the square bracket keys which is pretty easy as well on so I prefer to do and what I want to do is pretty much just get the basic shape here to sort of go in like that as you can see in the image so to do that I'm just going to drag out since it's negative and it's going to go in and the first time I did this it was so weird to me because I'm trying to learn ZBrush which is sort of like a character modeling tool I'm still used to everything being symmetrical but yeah you do have to do both sides it's not going to happen on its own here unless you have the symmetry but I really don't like the symmetry tool that much in cinema 4d I feel can be a little bit more easier if you ask me but I'm pretty much trying to get this into a point then if I click off you can see that's what it's turned into but um I don't want that yet I just want to get this a little bit more into shape and mess around it a little bit more so just go around do your thing and obviously like I said you can do whatever you want this is your creation so make it however you think looks good I'm thinking let me just click off that's pretty good for right now plus we can also go back and mess around with this sort of stuff right so it is very cool because you can always go back and adjust things and change it and the next thing I'm going to do is sort of flatten off the top here as you can see it is very flat there and the way that I'm going to do that is very very easily just going to go drop in a cube increase the cube size quite a bit actually maybe not that big just big enough big enough so that it can cut off the top and what I'm going to do is go over to this tool here the array tool go over to bool drop both of these in bool making sure that the sphere is on top of the cube in the bool and what that does is it makes it so that the tube cuts off everything that's overlapping the sphere because it's underneath and then you can pretty much bring it up and down as you can see it deletes what is overlapping so whatever I have the cube over top of gets deleted and it's a flat surface so I think it find a spot that I like maybe right around there looks good let's see yeah I like that right there that's pretty good if you ask me I like that and pretty much that is our base island so we can rename that to base island and get some color on there so just new material takeoff specular and with little poly texturing super easy you just take off specular go into a color make a color that you like and plop it on for this I'm going to do like a faded beige and slap that on there as a similar color so that's pretty good maybe even a little bit darker than that it's really his personal preference this is coloring so there's really not much I can teach you with coloring yeah like a little bit better though if I remember correctly the next thing I did do was add in these mountains here which is super easy once again just put some low poly stuff on a mountain or a terrain object so go back into a cube go to landscape bring it up and I just a mess with the sizes a little bit so drop down the size to probably 125 and 125 for the length and width and then for the height um just mess around that a little bit of course we don't want it looking like that because we need to delete this thing here the Phong tag to make it more low poly and then of course the width segments and height segments are way too high so bring those down to about what is it in the appropriate amount 14 maybe let's go with that for now yeah and pretty much just get that in position wherever you want it to be put it into the world a bit if it is sticking out you can just delete that but um one of the things I do want to do actually is make the segments 25 instead so I can put a low poly effect on it with the polygon reduction when that does it sort of it sort of adds like a triangular shaping to it so I'm just gonna put on low poly or a polygon reduction and as you can see it sort of makes it like a triangular shape it's weird it's hard to explain but as you can see the polygons are made up of triangles rather than just straight lines and I like that a lot more I think it looks better plus that's waited for this and it makes it a more similar style so we're gonna have that on there ah maybe you mess with the seed a bit just so we get some different looking uh mountains here I like that one bring up the size a little bit and like I said you can just mess around and like delete the excess but I don't think we're gonna have any excess of this one so if you look in here I actually at the mountains is a different shade just very slightly different shade than the the base island itself I'm just going to holding ctrl drag over the material open it up and just make it a little bit lighter just enough so that you can notice it and slap it right onto there just so it's a little bit different you guys going to actually tell it the mountain is a different texture so I'm going to duplicate it by clicking the landscape holding ctrl and this is Windows by the way so it will be command on a Mac holding ctrl dragging it up and now I have a second one which I'm just going to move a little bit behind like so and mess with the seat a little bit get a different looking thing whatever looks good not even might do it mmm that's good right there I like that one so ever two mountains there I'm just going to sort of adjust the placement of them I like that right there and what I'm going to do now is actually with both of them selected so I clicked one hold shift and click the other one I'm going to hold ctrl I almost like command drag up and duplicate them and with these what I'm going to do is just rotate them slightly move them back a little bit and then I'm going to change the color of these ones to even a little bit lighter just we have different textures different colors even if it is super subtle it is something different so just put the texture on those ones delete the old texture and maybe even just this a little bit more and if you really want to you can even go into it and change the shape of the mountain itself which I think I did in the original it just makes it look better and more you know unique and different so I think I'm going to do that as well so just opening up the landscape changing the seed and it pretty much doesn't work for you with the seat it's just a randomly generated landscape so really not much control you can do over that and there it is I like that that looks pretty cool and obviously we need the big mountain as well which is exactly the same as we made the other mountains so I'm just going to duplicate another one of these move it into place probably make it taller as well because it is a bigger machen okay James's eat up a bit and as you can see it's like a super super simple technique that there's really not a lot that I can show you with unless like you don't know a lot about this a lot of this is like um you understand the basic tools and then it's the creative process well and that's why I always encourage you guys when you watch my tutorials to learn what I'm doing and then add your own special twist to it as well because I like seeing what you guys can make it love seeing you guys like sending me stuff on Facebook and saying like hey I watch a tutorial I made this and I think I'm gonna go with this one actually I hope that it's not what I wanted to do all right move that down a bit that way a bit don't want sticking out all right I like that so pretty much we have the base shape what we had there maybe even open this up and increase the low-poly amount yeah I think that looks a little bit better and what I'm going to do just to keep this a little bit more organized this is definitely not a necessity of this tutorial but I'm going to click the first on scape hold shift click the bottom one and press all to G to put them in a null so now they're all together and just rename that mountains just so it's easier to sort of keep track of everything as you can see now we just have two objects here which is like super easy to keep track of and it's like such a simple technic simple tutorial but um looks pretty cool at the end so the next thing I want to do is just add in these trees here which is once again a super super easy thing to do this whole tutorial is really easy and it's great for specially for beginners or experienced people just to make a nice like simplistic design I was actually thinking of doing a snowy version of this soon so I might do that if you see a speed out of that you know why I'm doing that so what I want to do for the trees and this like the easiest way to make trees you can do in different ways like I know I've taught different ways to do it here on my channel but when I take this cone adjust the size of it so it's like really really small I'm actually going to tone properties and change the bottom radius so it's a little bit more skinny and essentially what I want to do here is make a new texture make a nice little green for the tree something that stands that this is also cooled with the tree so there's just sort of adds color to the whole thing which nothing else does so add some green to that and this is what makes it so easy so I just duplicate it by holding ctrl and dragging up and then go to my move tool bring this down the slightest bit and just drop the size and I pretty much just put a cone under a cone and there's the bottom of the tree all I have to do is make a new texture for that just a darker Brown so it really stands out from the other aspects of the landscape because everything's pretty brown so I wanted a more heavy darker Brown mm sorry more heavy darker Brown more saturated Brown just what sticks out a little bit and there you go that's how easy it is to make a tree um bottom radius maybe that is way too small um something like that there you go so there's our tree easy I'm just going to open up our other little views here and you don't know how to do that it's just this fourth icon here on the side just so I know exactly where my trees are going and get them all in position this part I really don't know how much I can teach you because it's like such a you just got to do it sort of thing but um I'm just going to put my trees in place duplicate them and I just sort of put that Trina null so I know this together with the actual top part in the bottom part so I'm gonna duplicate that move it over a bit duplicate that move it over a bit like I said I can't teach you too much about this this just sort of like you got to do it it's duplicating and moving certainly not the most advanced thing here in a cinema 4d but um we're gonna keep doing that so like I said this is the color Bart so obviously it's nice to have a little bit more than anything else so trees all over the place maybe one or two more and I think that'll do wrong view okay there we go so those are our trees right there I'm just going to put them all together by selecting all the Noles alt G and reading the two trees if you don't know how to rename by the way it's double clicking and then just typing it in and pressing enter so there are trees already looking pretty similar to the scene here the next major thing that we have to do is add in the Sun and the moon which is super super easy to do as well like everything else in this tutorial and the way that we're gonna do that is by adding in a sphere and where is it there it is adding the sphere shrinking it down to the appropriate size put it in wherever we think it needs to be which in this case actually I haven't instead of a camera that's why I should probably do I'm going to find a good angle first of all which is going to be right here by the way and drop in a camera just by clicking the camera tool and now I'm gonna now I'm going to put in my son so I'm gonna put it in right around there cuz it just sort of like rising over the horizon in view now so I'm going to delete the Phong tag on that change it from standard to octahedron segments decrease actually and make it editable by pressing C and also a lot of things but like when you do spheres and low-poly like don't get it you'll just know what to do and the only real thing I want to do is just add polygon reduction to the sphere and that should be good enough now I'm just going to add the texture for the Sun which is once again take off specular color and whatever sunny color you want to put on I think that should be good I think hopefully okay so there's my son and if you really want to what you can do actually is sort of prone like a de former which is what I did with most of my other things but you don't really need to it's never something that I've felt I needed to do with like a Sun or a moon and low-poly because it's just it's like such a massive thing it's not supposed to be very pointy so I think that's good and I'm just gonna name that Sun duplicate it by once again holding ctrl dragging up and I'm going to move it over here to make the moon and I do that I'm just going to put on like a grey texture which should be fairly easy to make more of a dark gray since we have some lighter Gray's and bringing that moon maybe even shrink it down a little bit since the moon is smaller okay got to stay accurate you know maybe not that dark right actually that is pretty heavy the moon was like that I feel scared um so there we go that's the basis of everything the only real thing left that we have to texture is the clouds so we'll do that real fast what I'm going to do is I'm going to sort of cheat and pretty much what what is going on here whoa haha I don't know what's happening I think I'm in my camera mode maybe I should like delete this camera right now and come back to it later yeah that's definitely it why am I still my camera mode okay I think I fixed it that was weird we'll put a camera in later because that obviously didn't work the only thing I should be left is the clouds like I said so I'm just going to take the moon duplicate it bring it up delete the texture on it obviously and put on this sort of lighter grey that we made earlier shrink it down a little bit more and for this I am actually going to put on a displacer so I'm going to do is just go to this little Bend slap on a nice displacer change the shading - noise like we did with the other objects and just sort of increase/decrease is a little bit more unnatural and dragged up make a second one move it over down drag up move it over down sideways whatever direction and then just resize it whatever floats your boat its clouds you do whatever you want and um as far as clouds go I think that's good I'm just gonna put those together in a null by pressing alt G once again rename it cloud and now we get to position our clouds so I think I'll have one I mean I made that so wrong let me resize this there we go it just sort of like dragged out way too far I totally noticed that - I just didn't do anything about it so um I'm going to imagine our camera is going to be like right here when we finish this so I'm just gonna work ahead of time this is totally not the right method that you should be doing but I'm going to do it anyways even though it's a tutorial so I'm at one cloud there duplicate it put another one like all the way back here but then at the same time like rotated a bit so it's a little bit different like if you want to you can actually go into the deform ER and change it but um it's not only necessary and then maybe make another cloud all the way back here really far away which i think is the same sort of setup I have here I have one two three four I made a fourth one let's make a fourth one just so we're like super super super accurate - the main creation here because I have people sometimes in this tell me like my tutorials aren't close enough to the actual speed arts I didn't I totally follow that but at the same time Iowa see that I want you guys to make your own stuff like there's no point in taking a tutorial video literally if you can't learn something and apply it into your own method so I never really trying it you guys to copy 100% but that's pretty much everything that we have to do as far as the modeling goes so good job if you got me a good job if you made it this far so now I'm going to slap in my camera I'm going to do some lighting so I'm going to go right here to this sort of like I guess it sort of looks like a plane it says floor but we're gonna drop in a physical sky which changes a lot of things but the main thing that we have to focus on is the Sun is up here and the moon is down here so the Sun is obviously coming from left to right and we have to recreate that with time and location so we're gonna sort of make it like a sunset a sort of view and then we're going to rotate it so that the Sun is coming from the left to the right sort of like that and I obviously can mess around I'm probably gonna change this a little bit and the other thing I want to do is drop in just a plain light and have it coming in from where the Sun is just so sort of recreates that extra sunny feel it makes like the left side like super bright and the right side like more dark and ignored and then what I want to do is when my render settings go to output I want to make this 1500 by 1500 what else we need to do here save you know choose spot fur to save to tutorial I'm going to make money PNG I would highly recommend doing that as well alpha channel has to be on if you want to follow this tutorial and make it look as good as it can and that should be it I also want to go to effect add an ambulance and global illumination those are very important the effect tab is just right here just like underneath the middle part on the left so we're gonna render it out and see what we have so far in this tutorial alright so there it is and that is it not far off of the image that I showed at the start here let me just open it up again for you and if I can find it oh there it is that is really not that far off and I'm pretty happy with that so what we can do then is open this up into Photoshop change it up a bit add some cool effects and I'll show you what I did to make it end up looking like this so we're going to render it out by clicking this middle button and I'll catch you guys when it's done rendering all right so just finish rendering and turn on desktop I'm just going to drag it into Photoshop so it makes it perfect 15 by 1500 file it's 1500 by 1500 not 15 by 1500 that would be a complete disaster so I have my grid here if you don't have that you can press ctrl or command our to get your ruler and I'm going to find the exact center because it sort of snaps into place for you it's really nice and I wanna make a new layer put this on the bottom and what I'm going to do with this layer is just make the entire background black just it was easier to see everything for now and pressing ctrl T on the model that we made we can resize this reposition it I just want to get it into the center and that looks pretty good to me so the first thing that I want to do after this is I make a new layer make sure it's above the Lea model that we made and holding ctrl or command in front of Mac click on the little picture here on the right side of the model that we made it makes a perfect selection around the model that we just made but on the new layer what you want to do is add some the lighting effects what I did here was I have this selected I'm on a new layer and with the brush tool I'm using just a blank white make sure my hardness is on 0 with my brush and just sort of go over the mountains with like a nice sort of like white tint on we're supposed to be brighter and this is only affecting the the model picture itself and then on the side we're suppose we dark with a black so it's like a darker side in a lighter side and if I put this on like overlay or something as you can see it's already like a little bit more lighter on one side darker on one side now what I am going to do though is actually just sort of erase what happened to the Sun because the Sun is like super white right now not a big family and there we go I'm just going to do a little bit to the Sun though maybe just make it a little bit brighter anyways what I did in the picture to sort of make the background follow the image is what I did was I took my background layer which I guess I shouldn't even have made black I made it the color that I wanted it to sort of beat which was orange at the time I guess we'll do that again so we'll make a nice orange background maybe that clouds pretty cool okay I'm going to make a new layer on top of the orange layer and with this what we're going to do is to make this entire layer black and I'll make sense in a second you'll understand so we have a black layer over top of our orange layer and I want to change your brush color to white and what we're going to do is sort of make like a nice big beam of light coming out of the Sun like that so this is over top of our orange layer so if we change the opacity it sort of makes like a brightness coming out of the Sun like so and we can just sort of like mess with that so it sort of looks like the Sun is a lighting up the whole thing the lighting is looking good on the model is getting darker around everything else and so that's the basics of that and obviously mess with the opacity how harsh do you want it to be sort of thing and you can even like go to your model and once again go back to the adjustment layer above it and make it darker and lighter maybe add like a yellowish tint to it that'd be pretty cool okay once again this is your creation you do ever you want with it so I'm just here to sort of guide you along what are some other cool things we can do I guess we can go into the curves and the hue and saturation flow with hue and saturation and just sort of mess around the colors to pick something a little bit different that you like maybe like turn it down a bit like that so it's a little bit more red saturation you can turn up so it's like crazy turn down so super like unsaturated Coolio Instagram style I've always heard like that a little bit more and then of course go to your curves and restaurants whatever you want I personally have to go to blue and bring the edges up and down a little bit so it adds a nice little Instagram tint like that I love that look right there and the last real thing that I honestly did to this was I just added like a little text there and I guess I can walk you through that before we end this tutorial just in case you guys don't know how to do that um pretty much just made a rectangle I'm sure you guys want to do this I just I want to make sure I cover everything and my videos from now on rasterize that layer go to my text tool what font today using that um I believe it was such with an M ends in tilting there we go mix allied in tilting is the name of the font and I never like to make anything completely black so a dark gray go over there day and night and I want Diane to be like a thinner version so we're going to make it extra light and the night is bolded out because the night is scary so it has to be big and bold okay so reposition that maybe the rectangles opacity goes down a little bit and then we had a drop shadow to it strop shadows are badass they need to be in everything and yeah that's the image there's really nothing else I can really give over that's the exact image right there really didn't take too long to make hopefully guys did learn something put your own watermark on it show it off to whoever you want to show it off to but I really do hope you guys learn something cool and I'd love to see your creations maybe add like a twist like it's like a winter theme or a volcano or something cool - so many cool ideas you can do a floating island so I'd love to see what you guys made with it anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video if you could drop by like comment and subscribe if you're new here guys that would be amazing but once again my name is bent and I hopefully enjoyed the video and I'll catch you the next one see ya
Channel: Tiedie
Views: 106,293
Rating: 4.9681115 out of 5
Keywords: low poly tutorial, low poly, tutorial, cinema 4d low poly tutorial, cinema 4d low poly, cinema 4d, photoshop low poly tutorial, photoshop low poly, photoshop, how to make low poly, make, make low poly, adobe, maxon, illustrator low poly, create, Adobe Illustrator (Software), Adobe Photoshop (Software)
Id: 0VHMUnGcQ34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2015
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